A/N: Hey guys. Thanks for the awesome response on the first chapter. It's great to know you guys are enjoying reading my stuff. This chapter, we'll see Chuck and Sarah meet. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Disclaimer: Don't own Chuck or the rest of Team B
Chapter 2: The Stanford constellation
If there was one thing Bryce had taught him, it was that there were a lot of hot girls at Stanford. His friend would always remind him of the potential 'talent' that was available. Unfortunately not many of them realized, Chuck Bartowski was available at Stanford as well.
Today he was confronted with that truth again. Sarah, it was the only thing she had divulged about herself, was an incredible beautiful woman. One of the most beautiful he had ever met. What made her more interesting was the mystery. He had loved puzzles as a kid, sure Ellie would be better at them, but that didn't matter. The fact that this woman was not just a beauty, but also a puzzle was enticing, unique, something not often seen at Stanford.
So Chuck had spent the last 10 minutes, not just hooking up equipment, connecting wires, he also threw some quick glances her way. A few times he had even caught her looking at him. Though he figured that could also just mean that she didn't trust him with her stuff. That had to be it.
He looked up from his work again. Once again his brown eyes met her cobalt blue. He felt a little heat surge through him. Dang it, she's beautiful. Focus Chuck, she's out of your league.
"So Sarah" Chuck started as he dove back behind the computer. "where are you from?"
There it was again, silence. Normally people enjoyed him talking to them as he worked. His customer reviews said as much. But this girl, nothing but silence.
Finally she broke the silence. Her voice matched her appearance. "The Midwest." She stated dismissively. Her tone almost cooled the room. But why does she keep looking?
He continued to work for a few min. "What are you majoring in?" He tried again, trying to keep his voice as open and inviting as possible. It was a safe question, surely this could get her to at least talk. This silence was annoying him. He'd never been great at silence, it only fed his insecurities.
Again silence, it was as if she was calculating how much she could tell him. If he was worthy of knowing. He looked from his work, and once again caught her eyes focused on him. Her eyes darted away when he looked up, but he had caught her, he was sure of it.
"Political Science and languages." She finally admitted. Her voice still cold, but somehow less icy than before. Perhaps there was still hope.
"Double major, nice. Good for you." He said, giving her a grin. Not many people he knew were attempting that. But they were two majors that mixed well. One thing though didn't add up. "Then why are you in Flemings class?" He questioned. It really were just a bunch of computer nerds in that class.
A much shorter silence followed. "A… friend suggested it." She said. The way she had said friend caught his attention. Weird, perhaps some boyfriend?
"What do you think, good advice or…? He asked, though he already knew she hadn't seemed into it at all.
She just shrugged. Her face stating she really didn't care all that much. He felt a little deflated, he wasn't sure why. But he'd hoped she would return the favor of asking him some questions. Get something of a conversation going.
Once again he returned his focus to his job. Not that he needed to, he could do an install like this in his sleep. It was why his job was great to combine with his studies. It didn't take much out of him. Especially when working with such great equipment as this. He had never seen a student have such state of the art appliances. He couldn't help that it peaked his interest. It only further solidified the feeling that this girl was something else. He wanted to know more about her. But as dismissive as she had been of his questions, he could hardly ask her how she could afford such great stuff.
"I must say, you have some great stuff." He finally said as he gave her a smile. No harm in giving a compliment.
To his surprise, she rose to her feet. Now what?
"You want a drink?" She questioned.
He was taken a back by her question. "Umm sure. Water would be fine." He replied. Getting a short nod in response. Before they both set out to their tasks.
She was nervous, she was never nervous, she hadn't even been nervous her first day at the farm, but somehow this guy was getting on her nerves. Oh sure, he was nice enough. But where normal people considered that a good thing, for her that was the problem. He just kept on babbling, asking her questions. And because he was so damn nice about it, she had to will herself to not give in. Not for the first time, she asked herself Who is this guy?
He had forced her to take a break, just to steel herself. Somehow she wanted to share her story with him. There was something inviting about him, perhaps it were his eyes that were so open and soft. But she needed to protect her cover. She was just here to get a degree and start her real life. This was just an intermittent period. Nothing more. In two months, this Chuck would have forgotten her. And both would go on to lead the lives they were meant to live.
She opened one of the cupboards and grabbed two glasses. Silently she thanked the Agency for stocking up her apartment with such stuff. She wasn't build to set up a home. As she filled both glasses, she decided it was time to take charge. He wasn't going to stop talking, perhaps it would help if she would lead the conversation. Then at least she could steer him away from asking about her. It was the best agent thing to do she decided, before walking back.
Her eyes met his again as she handed him his glass. His hands momentarily brushed the skin of her finger tips as he thanked her. A combination that somehow only increased the tightness in her gut, and she forced herself to look away. She couldn't let him get in her head. Distance helped, she knew that. So once again she sat down on the sofa on the other side of the room.
She couldn't help but look at the curls sticking out from behind the television he was now working on. The animal shapes his hair made attracted her attention, though she couldn't really tell why.
"You know." She started. "I didn't know people called their kids Chuck." She stated abashedly.
He looked up, and flashed her a grin. The grin seemed like his trademark move. She was just glad it wasn't a smirk. This at least was somewhat endearing. "My parents were sadists. I wonder if they didn't just find me in a dumpster and raise me as one of their own." He said with a smile.
She laughed, only a little, but still she laughed. She didn't laugh. And definitely not because of some nerd. This was bad, it would only entice him to keep pushing with his questions. That was not the plan. She had to come up with something, and do it fast.
"Well I'm glad they did." She stated. His eyes grew darker for a second, as his body tensed just a little. If she hadn't been trained to catch tiny tells, she probably would have missed it. There was a story here. If she was a normal girl, she would have asked him about it. But asking would lead to him asking, and that was unacceptable.
"You seemed to like Fleming's class." She quickly changed topic. Smooth Walker.
She could feel the shift in him. Yup smooth Walker. "Yeah, yeah it's great. He's a great professor, I've loved his classes so far." He babbled. She wasn't sure if he was nervous just being around her, or if he was a natural babbler. But she did know she didn't mind.
They both grew silent for a moment. Chuck's head was once again situated behind one of her objects. His statement about the quality of it had alarmed her. No one had batted an eye at it at Harvard. Then, this was the first real nerd she had come so up and close with.
"What are you majoring in Chuck?" She asked quietly. Determined not to let the silence linger as to invite him to question her again.
"Electrical engineering and computer science." He said without missing a beat.
"Double major. Not bad." She mimicked him as she gave him a small smile. Why did she give him a smile? Don't encourage him!
This time he let out a laugh. "I suppose not." He said.
The both took a drink from their glass. And Chuck worked silently for another minute or two.
"All done." He proclaimed. She had to restrain herself from letting out a sigh of relief. She didn't know what it was about this guy, but he made it hard to remain silent. The sooner she got him out of the door, the better. Now all she had to do was to avoid talking to him on campus. That wa" s a much easier prospect than ignoring him in her own home.
"Wow you geeks are good." She said jokingly. Hoping he wouldn't mind her calling him a geek.
He smiled. "Nerds actually. Not that I mind, but you know nerd herd." He babbled pointing at the pocket protector on his white dress shirt.
"Point taken." She said. "Nerds it is then."
They awkwardly looked at one another for a moment. She could see him wondering if he should ask her another question. She hoped he wouldn't, even if the minority vote in her was screaming at him to do so.
"I guess I'll be going then." He stated halfheartedly. He seemed to be dragging his feet on leaving.
"Okay." She said. "Thanks for the help." She continued as she put out her hand.
He took her hand, his warm skin connecting with hers. Much look earlier she could feel her stomach tighten a little. She liked this.
"You're welcome Sarah." He replied with a warm smile. She couldn't help but to take one last look at his warm brown eyes, before leading him to the door of her apartment.
Ever since he was a kid, he had loved the night. It always allowed him to clear his mind and just focus his thoughts. He figured it had to do with the memories of his dad taking him to watch the constellations when he was just a kid. Now a days, he didn't do much star gazing anymore, even if he was sure he had just met a woman as formidable as any constellation.
Sure, she was still an enigma. But they had talked, even if it was just a little. But the small crumbs here and there were enough to have pleased him more than any conversation with Jill ever had. No Sarah was different. There seemed to be a depth to her that he enjoyed. Even if there was still a long way to go before he could dive into the deep. Her eyes showed there was more to this mysterious woman. And when their skin had touched, it had been amazing.
He picked up his pace a little as he passed a small group of students, who were clearly heading to a party. No boring night at Stanford he mused, as he passed them. They were all dressed as figures from ancient mythology.
He didn't really care. His mind was still focused on Sarah. He was now even more excited than he had been for Fleming's classes. It would be a chance to see her again. Perhaps he could use the opportunity to get to know her a little better. If she'd allow him to that is.
He walked up to the door of his house. Lights were still on. A few of his brothers must still be up. He decided not to tell any one of them about his meeting. Especially Bryce. He loved his friend, but any great girl loved Bryce Larkin. But he'd have to make do without this one. Chuck was determined about that.
Opening the door, he walked inside. Sure enough, Bryce and a few of the guys were still in the common room.
"How was work Chuck?" Bryce called out to him as Chuck planted his first foot on the stairs.
"You know. Just work." Chuck answered dismissively. "Pretty beat though. See you guys tomorrow."
"Night bud." Bryce called out after him as Chuck was already halfway up the stairs.
What he needed now more than anything was a plan. How could a guy like him, get close to a girl like her without it being creepy? That was his new mission. All the rest didn't matter.
She couldn't help but toss and turn in bed tonight. Her mission was simple, don't get noticed. Well that mission had failed. Chuck clearly had noticed her. That was bad enough. But deep down, she had noticed him as well. That was even worse. Nothing good could come of that. Not for her, but definitely not for him either.
Her mission was still the same, and still simple. Be the Stanford ghost. Now she needed to find a way for Chuck Bartowski to ignore her. If not, both of them would have a problem they couldn't face.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed that one. As said on vs the Occupation, I'm out of the country next week. So no update then. I'll see you guys the week after.
Feel free to let me know what you think.