(Opening theme - Don't Question My Heart by Saliva)

The Opening Pyro goes of inside the BC Place in Vancouver.

Mauro: We are live from Vancouver as Chard makes his homecoming to the Canadian countryside! Hello, i am Mauro Ranallo alongside Corey graves and Nigel McGuinness, and look who else is joining us, ROH commentator, Steve Corino!

Steve Corino: Also known as "Mr. Wrestling"! I'm so happy to be here with you guys, and i've brought my Superkick-

He was cut off.

(Whatever by Our Lady Peace starts to play)

Steve: Hey! Who cut me off?!

Out came Lynn and Hanazuki, The Queens Of Strong Style.

Mauro: That would be the Queens Of Strong Style, Steve.

Corey: Last Episode these two got humiliated after Bolt beat them both in a 3 way elimination match for the Cruiserweight Championship, and furthermore, they've been put against each other for tonight!

Nigel: I for one see these two are furious at the noting to even compete against one another.

Hanazuki then grabbed a mic.

Hanazuki: Last episode, we got our butts whooped by Bolt, and now you're telling me we gotta fight each other to get our ticket to the Cruiserweight title? Not to worry. Because A, Bolt didn't win, he survived. B, it doesn't-

The crowd began to chant "YOU TAPPED OUT! YOU TAPPED OUT!"

Corino: Obviously the crowd saying otherwise to these two. I love this!


Lynn: It doesn't even matter, Hana. Because one of us getting that briefcase, and one of us is getting payback on Bolt. And i don't even care if we have to fight each other, there's no way anyones gonna…

(One and Only by CFO$ starts playing)


Steve: Is that who i think it is?!

Sure enough, the spotlight shone down on the stage, and there stood Ricochet!


Ricochet's name pops up on the titantron, and he makes his way to the ring, mic in hand.


Corey: You're pretty excited, steve, you know Ricochet?

Corino: OH HELL YES!


Ricochet: Whats up, ladies?

Lynn: Don't "What's up" us, who the hell do you think you are interrupting THE CO-OP CHAMPIONS?

Ricochet: Well, i'm here because of one thing. Your match for the X-Case. Teddy thought maybe you two wouldn't be able to give it your best, because you're the Co-Op champions. So he told me to tell you that your match just turned into a Battle Royal thats gonna take place TONIGHT! Oh and uh… Im in it. As well as this guy!

*boom!* PANZER ARMY!

Nigel: NO WAY!

(Chris Panzer's theme begins to play)

Out comes Lynn's old rival, The LWF Cruiserweight Champion, Chris Panzer.

Corino: Chris Panzer?!

Mauro: This man has surely done it all! 2 Time PWR Champion, Current LWF Cruiserweight Champion, can you imagine if he gets his hands on the X-Case?

Corey: How can I NOT imagine Panzer with the X-Case? He'd use it to help his team, Michigan's Most Wanted.

Panzer grabs his own mic.

Chris: Hey, Lynn. Been awhile since Thrilla In Manila, and Rise Of The Orient. By the way, Hanazuki, you DID tap out. Don't deny it.

Hanazuki: I DIDN'T!

Lynn: As much as I want to drive my cleats into your face right now, I'll save it for the battle royal later tonight, and I might consider cashing in on YOU, so I can get back MY LWF Cruiserweight Championship.

Chris: Oh really? There are a lot more people in that match than just me. Your brother Lincoln and his Nick Club are gonna be in this match, as well as MY brothers in arms, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley! But for now, we gotta get to our first match of the night. You girls might wanna get outta the way. He's coming.

(Coming Alive by Dale Oliver begins to play)

The music hits as the lights go out, and multiple lights flash.

When the song hits the chorus, a spotlight shone on Suicide up on the rafters.

(OPENING MATCH: Grim vs Suicide (LWE Championship Tournament 1st Round))

Then Suicide slides down from a zip line, and into the ring.

Mauro: And here comes Suicide! The masked man who has never met a risk he hasn't taken!

Nigel: And he knows how to make a daring entrance. But he's not here to fight everyone in the ring, he's here for his first round match against Grim!

The lights come back on, and Suicide awaits his opponent, Grim. The others leave the ring.

(Engine Fire by Silent Partner Plays)

Grim comes out, and the crowd cheers.

Greg Hamilton: The following contest is a 1st for the LWE Championship #1 Contender Tournament match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first representing DF, GRIM! And in the ring, from Parts Unknown, SUICIDE!

Mauro: For those familiar with RCCW and GTS, Grim is the most showboating man ever to step in the ring! He calls himself the Fat Man That Runs The Brand, and he always finds ways to get into the title picture and do what's best for business.

Nigel: And Suicide… not much is known about him other than he's a former X-Division Champion.

Grim and Suicide have a standoff, and the atmosphere begins to intensify.

Corino: This is only the first match, and things are already intense! I can't wait to see Suicide tear it up against this big man!

The bell rings and the match is underway.

Suicide goes for the legs, but Grim powers him up. Suicide escapes as he goes for the ropes and flips around Grim.

Corino: Oh, Man! Look at Suicide, using his speed against Grims body!

Suicide then gets blocked by Grim as he goes for a triad of lefts.

Suicide ducks the blows, goes for a Springboard Back Elbow, but Grim caught him, and slams him down with a Saito Suplex!

Mauro: Saito Suplex by Grim!

Grim gets up, and flattens Suicide with a running splash, then goes for the cover.



Suicide kicks out, and Grim is shocked.

Grim then drags Suicide to the corner.

"Hot Sauce!" he shouts, delivering an open palm strike in the corner. He then winds up, and yells "Pork…!" and tries for the second one, but Suicide dodges, and hits a Spin kick!

Corey: Suicide, Bouncing back on the big man!

Suicide continues his offense by hitting him with a series of punches and kicks.

Once Grim was weak enough, he went to the apron, and pins Grim with a Slingshot Oklahoma Roll.

Grim gets out of it, stunned, and goes for a desperate clothesline that connects.

He then follows with a series of lefts, and clotheslines the Masked Vigilante down!

As Suicide gets up, Grim does a big scoop slam.

He then sings Hulk Hogan's theme, "Real American" and runs to the ropes.

Nigel: Grim showing off, Looking for the Hulkster's signature leg drop!

He goes for it, but Suicide rolls out of the way!

Mauro: OOOOOH!

Suicide then hooks his leg, sets him up for the Overhead Flipping Leg Hook Belly-To-Back Suplex he calls the Suicide Solution, and connects!

Corino: Suicide Solution Connects!

Suicide goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings*

(Coming Alive by Dale Oliver Plays)

Corey: He did it!

Nigel: What an Upset!

Greg Hamilton: Here is your winner! SUICIDE!

Mauro: Incredible win for the Masked Vigilante! The former X-Division Champion is one step closer to challenging Abyss for the LWE Championship!

Nigel: This is a good stepping stone to the top!

Corey: I couldn't agree more, Nigel! Suicide is here, and he wants the gold!

The lights go out, then a few seconds later the lights come back on, and Suicide was gone.

Corino: And there he goes again. He's always so mysterious with how he leaves.


Ronnie Anne was in Teddy Long's office.

Teddy: So far soo good with this tournament, I'd say. And we're just getting started. Now what was it you wanted to see me about, Ronnie Anne?

Ronnie Anne: Its Morgan Vaughn, Teddy. He wants that LWE Championship, and he gets a spot in the tournament and I'm not in it?

Teddy: I picked out the best ones I could find. There's new talent coming everyday, and LWF needs to get with the new era too. But why are you jealous of Morgan? Ain't you gonna face him in Episode 3 of Shockwave?

Ronnie: Yeah. I guess i have nothing to argue about. It's just… Morgan had a message for me before Episode three. He said that no one will save me, and i'll fall to him. Guess that kinda stressed me out.

Teddy: Don't worry, Playa. You'll get him at shockwave. I would prepare a little though. Morgan's no pushover. He is a heavy striker, and will take any route to win.

Ronnie: The same can be said for me.

(MATCH 2: Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt vs the Yolo Twins)

"WOKEN" appears on the Screen before glass suddenly shatters as Matt Hardy comes out as his laugh echoes through the arena.

(The Deletion Anthem by CFO$ Plays)

Matt comes to the center of the entrance way as his theme plays the start.


Matt then slashed his hand through the air as his titan tron jumped into action, the crowd chanting "DELETE!" with him.


A noir vignette of horrific images plays before the screen fades to black.

(Live In Fear by Mark Crozer plays)

Out from the entrance way, slowly walks Bray Wyatt, Matt Hardy walking with him as he caught up looking at the light emitting from his lantern, all the while, the phones of the crowd had the flashlights on, what Bray always referred to as his "fireflies".

Mauro: The RAW Tag Team Champions making their captivating entrance as the fireflies come on as always. Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt have finally arrived to LWF and LWE.

But when they were halfway down the ramp, Yohann and Logan Ollores attacked them from behind!

Nigel: Oh, no! The YOLO Twins didn't wait for them to get in the ring!

Corey: How dare these two obsolete Mules assault these brilliant minds!

Yohann throws Matt Hardy into the ring, and the bell rings.

Mauro: Regardless, the match is underway, and Yohann is starting us off with Matt Hardy!

Yohann stomps on Matt Hardy, then he brings him up to one knee, and slaps his face.

Corino: Oh come on, that's no way to treat one of the Pioneers of the Extreme!

Corey: You mean The Woken One?

Corino: That too.

Matt suddenly snaps back into gear, and punches Yohann.

Yohann then is met with a flurry of Matt's offense, which lead to Matt smashing his head on the turnbuckles as the crowd chanted "DELETE!".

Mauro: Vintage Matt Hardy as Yohann feels the brunt of all three turnbuckles!

Yohann then shakes his head, and then kicks Matt away, then gets on the move. He does a back flip over Matt's back, and tags in Logan.

Nigel: Excellent move my Yohann, evading hardy to tag in his brother Logan.

Logan hits a springboard clothesline, then knocks Bray off the apron.

Corino: That's smart by Logan, you wanna keep your opponent from tagging in his partner. That said, Matt's a very capable star on his own.

Logan keeps him floored with a simple Reverse Chinlock.

Mauro: Corey, you have to be impressed with how The YOLO Twins are faring against the RAW tag team champions so far. Lets not forget, they were challenged by Lola and Marty Scurll to see if they could beat them, and by doing so they would help Yohann and Logan get an opportunity at the LWE Tag Team Championships in the future.

Nigel: Possibly the first.

Corey: I will admit, The YOLO Twins are doing good. I can't deny that they are former PWR Tag Team Champions, and the FIRST I may add. But this isn't any PWR Tag team they're going against, these are the RAW Tag Team Champions, and they will soon show why they are the RAW Tag Team Champions.

That moment came when Hardy hits a Backpack Stunner!

Corino: Ouch!

At this point, Bray was back on the apron, and Hardy tags in Bray!

Nigel: There's the tag, here comes Wyatt!

Bray clotheslines Logan over and over, Logan ducks one, but Bray intercepts with a crossbody!

Mauro: What a collision on that cross body block! I know Bray Wyatt from my time commentating on Smackdown, and for a man of his size, he can move!

Bray went for the cover, but Yohann stopped it.

Then Matt Hardy came In, and planted Yohann with a Twist Of Fate!

Nigel: Twist of Fate!

Bray and Matt setup Logan for the Kiss Of Deletion, but then NetNobody jumped the barricade and distracted them!

Corino: Oh come on, why does NetNobody gotta ruin this?!

Nigel: he is the YOLO Twins companion, make no mistake…

Suddenly Ken Warren rushes In, and chased off Net!

Corey: Ken Warren! In the nick of time.

Mauro: But watch out, Logan from behind on Bray!

Logan Superkicks Bray, then he lifts him up with a Flapjack, and Yohann plants him with a reverse STO!


Yohann throws Matt out, and Logan goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings*

(Back From The Dead by Desmeon starts playing)

Greg Hamilton: Here are your winners! THE YOLO TWINS!

Corey: Treason! Anarchy! This can't happen to the Deleter of Worlds!

Nigel: But it did, Thanks to NetNobody!

Yohann and Logan then raise their hands in victory, and brag how they're the best team in the world.

The celebration didn't last long though, as Teddy Long came out.

Teddy: Nice work, Twins, i gotta admit. But you do realize, that these two are WWE superstars. WWE was a company i used to work for, and I'm a 2017 Hall of Famer. I can't just let this victory slide. So Next episode, you two and your buddy Net Nobody will Face Matt Hardy, Bray Wyatt, and their Partner… LWF's Newest Signee, Lexi Bunny!


Yohann grabs a mic, as well as Logan.


Logan: I'm sure we can beat them again.

Teddy: Then it's settled. We got us a 6-man Tag team match set for tomorrow, Playas! Holla Holla Holla!

(Macmilitant Plays)

Mauro: Well you heard it from Teddy, next episode, the debuting Lexi Bunny will team up with Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt to help them exact revenge against the YOLO Twins and NetNobody! Better known in LWF as NEXTG3N!

Corey: Lexi hasn't debuted in LWF yet, and she hasn't picked a brand to go to, but i'm sure of one thing. Her teaming with the RAW Tag Team Champions will be…. DELIGHTFUL!


Lexi Bunny was actually backstage, and was getting the run down of the rules from a few other LWF stars.

Lana: ...and, use of Superpowers is Illegal, so you can't use your Brain Blast, otherwise you'll be disqualified.

Luan: but don't worry, there are other ways in wrestling to use your HEAD! *Laughs* get it?

Lexi: I get the Gist of it.

Lana: Still, your debut as LWF's newest signee will be with the RAW Tag Team Champions! I'm a little Jealous that you're teaming with them. But i'll warn you, they are a bit… odd.

Lexi: Oh I know That. But you shouldn't be jealous, you're teaming with Johnny Gargano.

Lana: Oh yeah… By the way, have you chosen what LWF brand you wanna go to?

Lexi: Well, I heard about Hanazuki and how she steals and hogs the spotlight, and the fact she's on Shockwave…. And of course Nitro with Lynn. So I'm torn between Shockwave and Nitro. Maybe i'll be a free agent for both brands, like what John Cena did.

Teddy Long then walks up to her.

Teddy: I see you are making friends here. Hopefully your LWF Debut will be like your LWE Debut. Unforgettable.

Lexi: I'm excited to team with Matt and Bray. I've heard all about their success as a Tag Team, although the upbringing is… how should I say…

Luan: Wonderful?

Lexi: Let's go with that.

Just then, NEXTG3N showed up.

Yohann: So you're Lexi?

Logan: Nice body… But you're not gonna beat us! There's a reason we're the first ever PWR Tag Team Champions Y'know!

NetNobody: If you hate on us, you're jealous of us.

Lexi: I'm not scared of you, I'm coming to LWF for one reason, but i can set some time aside here for you three. I'll see you next episode, boys. Hope you won't get embarrassed when you're beaten by a girl.

Yohann: *Turns to Logan* She likes us.

Logan: OH yeah.

Lana and Luan nod, and they slug the YOLO Twins, while Lexi clocks Net with a Spinning knee strike!

Lana: Sorry, but I'm too young to date you two.

Lexi: And I don't date small brats.

Corey: Looks like The YOLO Twins won't be winning Lexi over anytime soon.

Nigel: I'll say. Net even felt her wrath.

(MATCH 3: Moose vs Killian Dain)

(Beast of Belfast by CFO$ Plays)

SAnity's logo then comes up on the tron as Killian Dain walks out, and slowly makes his way to the ring.

*bell rings*

Greg Hamilton: The following contest is an X-Case Qualifying match, Scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, representing SAnitY, KILLIAN DAIN!

Mauro: The Beast of Belfast looks for redemption after a classic Ladder Match at Takeover New Orleans for the NXT North American Championship, but this time he hopes to capture a case that can be cashed in for any title, on any brand, anywhere! Yes, I'm talking about the X-Case!

Nigel: Dain may be a part of SAnitY, but he has so much defining moments. He was the MVP of War Games, and claimed the victory for his team in a tornado tag team match against the Undisputed Era. The big man is so impressive.

Dain enters the ring, and slowly looks around with wide eyes.

(Moose Nation by Quinn Ojinaka plays)

Out comes Moose, and the crowd keeps beat with his theme as he makes his entrance, chanting "Moose!".

Greg Hamilton: And his opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 295 pounds, MOOSE!

Mauro: Well you should be familiar with this man Steve, you have called his matches in Ring Of Honor. he was in ROH for awhile, and now he has his opportunity at the X-Case. Tell us, what makes Moose so special to IMPACT and ROH?

Corino: Well for starters, he is Agile, a former NFL Player, and his power is amazing. He's a former IMPACT Grand Grand Champion, 2 times straight. And like you said, he's been in ROH.

Corey: This is my first time seeing this man in action, let's see if he can give Killian Dain a run for his money.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Moose and Dain lock up to start. Moose being the bigger of the two, pushes Dain into the corner.

The ref begins to count to 5, and Moose breaks the hold.

Nigel: I'd expect Dain to be overpowered at a few points. Moose is bigger than him, so Dain must rely on his agility and power as well.

Moose grabs Dain, but it's Dain now who has Moose!

Dain pushes him off, then flattens him with a running crossbody!

Mauro: There's the Divide! Dain has the advantage now!

Dain sets Moose up for the Belfast Blitz, but Moose wiggles free, and Dropkicks Dain!

Corino: what a dropkick!

Moose then gets ready to deliver his finisher, the Game Changer, but mid-move, Dain countered, lifted him up on his shoulders, and delivered a rolling Fireman's Carry Slam!

Corey: What a counter by the beast of Belfast!

Nigel: Moose was going for the Game Changer, that devastating discus lariat, and Killian Dain scouted it!

Mauro: And now, Dain looks to capitalize, either with the Belfast Blitz or Ulster Plantation, which will he use to put Moose away?

Dain then went for a Vader Bomb, but Moose brought his knees up!

Corey: Just in time for Moose! Now he's got an opening to Strike back!

Indeed Moose did. He was firing on all cylinders as he hits a left, a right, then a big clothesline, knocking the Beast Of Belfast off his feet.

Mauro: Moose pulling out everything in his arsenal!

Moose then propped up Dain, and set up for the Game Changer again...

Nigel: he's going for the Game Changer, this could be it!

… But a Stiff Headbutt from Killian Dain puts a stop to it!

Corino: OH! talk about using your head!

Dain then puts Moose on his shoulders once more, and slams him down with a forward Fireman's Carry Slam, then a Senton!

Nigel: There's the Belfast Blitz! Now Dain is gonna try the Vader Bomb again!

Dain does, and connects!

Corey: He got all of that one! Dain going for the win!



Moose kicks out!

Mauro: Moose kicks out at 2 and a half!

Dain then sizes him for another running crossbody, but when he went for it, Moose nailed him with a Discus Lariat!


Moose goes for the cover.



Dain kicks out!

Nigel: He kicked out of it! My god what resilience!

Mauro: These big men have given it their best shots, but both kicked out! What's gonna happen next?!

Moose then goes for another Discus Lariat, big mistake. Dain scouted it again, ducked it, and he hoists him up for the Ulster Plantation, and slams him down with authority!

Nigel: THERE IT IS! The Ulster Plantation!

Dain goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings!*

(Beast Of Belfast by CFO$ starts playing)

Greg Hamilton: Here is your winner! KILLIAN DAIN!

Mauro: Once again the deal of Luna Loud pays off! Killian Dain joins the girl who made this incredible match in the X-Case Ladder Match!

Nigel: And guess what we have? Up next is Duhop, versus Robin Sane!

Corino: OH boy! We saw Suicide advance, who will advance here?

Mauro: that match is next, and our main event is a battle Royal to determine the fifth entrant in the The x case ladder match!


DF were irate from Grim's loss to Suicide

Grim: That damn masked bitch Suicide cost me a title shot! I needed this so badly since Nickelwise has the YouTube Wrestling Figures Heavyweight Championship, And some jobber beat me!

Duhop: Don't worry. As long as I beat this Robin Sane guy, DF will be unstoppable! And i'm up next, Grim, wish me luck! Let's get movin!


(Weapon by Bridge To Grace starts playing)

Out comes Robin Sane, and the crowd cheers.

Greg Hamilton: The following contest is a 1st round match in the LWE Championship #1 contenders tournament, scheduled for 1 fall! Introducing first, from San Juan, Batangas, Philippines, weighing in at 174 pounds, he is The Tracer, Speed Chaser, and Trailblazer, ROBIN SANE!

Corey: What an incredible opportunity this is for the Master of the 450 Splash! Robin Sane is so fast and is an amazing high-flyer, this guy can attack from almost anywhere if you give him the chance to fly!

Mauro: He surely will! If that 450 Splash hits, it's over!

Nigel: That said, this is a clash of young vs old. Robin Sane is an experienced MWF Wrestler, but Duhop has more years under his belt. This could be an interesting matchup.

Robin Sane enters the ring, and stretches out in a corner. He then hears Duhop's music hits, and he's ready.

(Thud by John Dealy and the 41 Players begins to play)

Out comes Duhop.

Greg Hamilton: And his Opponent! Representing DF, he is the GTS United States Champion...DUHOP!

Mauro: Duhop, the other half of DF, looks to pull out a win over Robin sane here to avenge Grim's loss to Suicide. But like Grim, i think Duhop is underestimating the capabilities of his opponent.

Duhop enters the ring, and starts talking trash at Robin Sane.

Corino: I see these two are always so good at running their mouths…

The bell rings as duhop doesn't realize it. This gives Robin sane the perfect opportunity to smack him right off the bat.

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: Hello and how do you do?

Duhop grabs Robin and throws him to the ropes. Robin rebounds and uses his quickness to hit a Sling Blade on Duhop!

Corey: Sane with a Sling Blade, and that'll shut the man up!

Duhop recovers and goes after Robin with a couple of right hands. Robin evades the third by ducking, and hits a leaping Enzuigiri!

Duhop manages to stay on his feet, looking for a quick rebound into the Duhop Drop, but Robin shoves him off as he gets the arms hooked, and takes Duhop down with an Arm Drag.

Corino: What speed and athleticism!

Nigel: There's a reason this man is called The Tracer, Speed Chaser, and Trailblazer!

The advantage was Robin's now as Duhop tried to fight back. Robin didn't waste any motion in his momentum and kept the pace in his favor, dealing out kicks and Palm strikes.

The momentum shifted when Duhop blocked one of Robin's Palm Strikes, and tossed him with an Overhead Belly-To-belly Suplex!

Mauro: What a counter by Duhop!

Duhop now goes for the cover.



Robin Sane kicks out.

Corey: Kick out!

Almost thinking he had the win, Duhop now keeps Robin Sane grounded with mounted punches.

Robin manages to slip out of Duhop's mount, and kips up behind him.

Duhop tries to go for the Duhop Drop, but Robin Sane had it scouted and dropped him with a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Nigel: What a Neckbreaker!

Corey: Robin Sane has Duhop down, and now he's going to the top, looking for the exclamation point!

Duhop rolls out of the ring, but Robin Sane had other plans. He flattens Duhop with a diving Somersault Plancha!

Mauro: MAMA MIA! Somersault plancha to the outside, are you kidding me?!

Nigel: Duhop gave Robin Sane the opportunity to fly, and boy was that a mistake!

Robin Sane does his signature pose to the crowd, but Duhop took advantage of it, and threw him to the steel steps!

Corino: OOOOH! Ouchie-Mama!

Duhop throws Sane back in, and goes for the cover.



Robin Sane kicks out!

Corey: There's no quit in Robin Sane! He wants to advance to round 2!

Robin Sane then went for a Springboard twisting Crossbody, but Duhop caught him, went for the Duhop Drop, but Robin Sane countered the Duhop Drop into a Frankensteiner!

Mauro: Frankensteiner! Frankensteiner by Robin Sane!

Corey: Look where Duhop is, he's in the Drop Zone!

Robin Sane goes to the top turnbuckle, and hits the 450 Splash!

Corey: 450! 450 connects!

Robin Sane goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings!*

(Weapon by Bridge To Grace starts playing)

Greg Hamilton: Here is your winner! ROBIN SANE!

Mauro: And just like That, DF has been denied the chance to face abyss! Robin Sane advances in the tournament, and waiting for him in the quarterfinals is Clyde McBride!

Corino: And we still have two more matches to go! The First Ever WWE Cruiserweight Champion, TJP, will take on the LWF Intercontinental Champion, Leni Loud!

Nigel: And the leader of oVe, Sami Callihan, gets another shot at a title contention, when he takes on Katsuyori Shibata!

Mauro: But up next, it's Battle Royal time! Who will take the 5th spot for the X-case?


Teddy Long was talking with Leni in his office.

Teddy: Real shame we couldn't have Morgan and Jordan Oliver fight in the tournament, but they'll be in the battle royal. I even called up a few RCCW stars to join us as well as LWF stars. But, that don't mean we can get ready for the Royalist Rumble also. Leni, as you know, whoever wins gets a title opportunity against you. But tell me again why you want to compete in this tournament i put together?

Leni: Well, I like shiny belts! It totes matches my outfit!

Teddy: Can't argue with that. I'd keep watch on TJP though. I heard he's gotten a little… how should I put it… arrogant. He's bragging about how 205 live is his show, but he's still tryin to get to RAW or Smackdown.

Leni: TJP? You mean that guy who wears white shoes after Labor day? UGH! He has no fashion sense whatsoever!

Teddy: Either way, tournament or not, I'd best say that you'd root for your Sister Luna. She's in the X-Case match, and tonight's main event is a good ol' battle royal for the 5th spot. The 6th and final spot will be filled in a match next episode between your sister Lori, and The Network's Chino Guinto!

Leni: OMGosh! I hope Luna or Lori win the match! Being the first owner of the X-Case thingy, I'd love it if either of them won this one.

Teddy: I'd still watch it if they win. They might cash in on you the same way you did on Luan.

Leni: Totally! Why am I in here again?

Teddy Long facepalms.

(MAIN EVENT: X-Case Ladder Match Qualifying Battle Royal)

The ring was filling up with superstars as the battle royal was about to begin.

Nigel: Leni is still such an airhead, but in the ring now, we have Ricochet, Chris Panzer and The Motor City Machine Guns, along with a lot of other superstars vying for this opportunity.

(Whatever by Our Lady Peace starts to play)

Corey: Here come the queens of strong style, and boy they still are in the worst mood after episode 1.

Corino: Can't Hanazuki just admit that she tapped out to Bolt? It's not that hard to admit!

Mauro: The queens are full of pride, Steve, and that's something that you need to get used to.

Lynn and Hanazuki enter the ring, and when they did…

(Glitching noises occur, and then Brutal by Excision plays)

Morgan Vaughn appears on the entrance way, wearing his mask and long black trench coat.

Greg: Making his way to the ring, from Valenzuela City, Philippines, weighing in at 160 pounds, The Glitch, MORGAN VAUGHN!

Nigel: I'd be lying if i said that look wasn't indimitading. Morgan still has yet to make his debut on Shockwave against Ronnie Anne, but here we have a sneak peek at what he can do.

Mauro: Ronnie Anne has gotta be paying close attention to what is happening. She's not in the battle royal, but Morgan is. A heavy striker with kicks that make you feel like you're a malfunctioning hard drive, and an attitude with a no nonsense win strategy!

As soon as Morgan entered the ring…

(Me Against The World by Simple Plan starts playing)

Mauro: Oh, look whos in the battle royal, gentlemen!

Out comes Jordan Oliver!

Greg: And making his way to the ring, JORDAN OLIVER!

Corey: Well Jordan Oliver and Morgan Vaughn were supposed to be in the tournament facing each other, but Teddy Long had other plans.

Nigel: Can you imagine if Jordan gets the spot and wins the X-case!?

Corey: Yeah, it would be a disaster!

Jordan gets in the ring as Morgan takes his mask off and removes his trenchcoat.

Once he did, the bell rings, and the match begins!

Lars Sullivan quickly goes right to work and eliminated Curt Hawkins!

The others then ganged up on Sullivan, but Sullivan blasted out!

Nigel: Lars Sullivan, with the first elimination and with the X-Case on his mind!

Corey: Hawkins out, 14 more to go!

Lars then goes right to work and mows down the other 14 men. He delivers a Pop-Up powerslam to Jay Briscoe, then James IDOL Martinez eliminates Sharkboy, and ALMOST eliminated himself!

Corino: Martinez with the save! That clothesline to Sharkboy almost got himself out!

Corey: But he's not safe yet, here comes Rhyno!

Rhyno charges full speed, but Martinez pulled the top rope down, and Rhyno went tumbling to the ground!

Mauro: Rhyno eliminated by James "Idol" Martinez.

Corey: Uh oh, look out!

While James was showing off, he was grabbed by Lars Sullivan, and was tossed out!

Nigel: Martinez eliminated by Sullivan!

Mauro: Lars Sullivan is unstoppable in this kind of match!

Corey: Who can stop this behemoth?!

Just as Corey said that, Panzer, Sabin, and Alex Shelley all ganged up on Sullivan, and Sullivan was on the verge of elimination!

Sullivan pushed back and headbutted Panzer.

Sabin and Shelley nodded, and as a tag team worked together.

A double Superkick knocks Sullivan onto the apron...


... Then a Panzerschreck Kick knocks Sullivan off the apron!

Mauro: CHRIS PANZER WITH THE PANZERSCHRECK! Chris Panzer and The Motor city machine Guns have just eliminated Lars Sullivan!

Nigel: Excellent teamwork!

Suddenly, Lynn and Hanazuki clothesline Sabin and Shelley, and The Motor City Machine Guns were eliminated!

Corey: Uh oh, Panzer's alone against the Queens!

Corino: How many are left now!?

Corey: 8 more left!

Mauro: Oh how long has Lynn waited to exact revenge on Chris Panzer! It's been so long since Rise Of The Orient!

Panzer and Lynn go at it, Hanazuki goes after Dave Crist. On the other side of the ring, Rainbow Dash was dealing with Nick Club all by herself.

Rainbow was thrown into a corner as Patrick went for a running Corner Splash, but she sidestepped, and Patrick went over!

Corey: Look on the other side of the ring! Rainbow is taking on Nick Club, and eliminated Patrick!

Dash was cleaning house with Nick Club, as she eliminated Jordan Oliver, Danny Phantom, and Dave Crist!

Hanazuki almost eliminated Rainbow Dash, but Morgan Vaughn eliminated Hanazuki!

Mauro: Oh my god! Morgan just eliminated Hanazuki! Were down to 4!

Nigel: Look at the star power in the ring! Rainbow Dash, Chris Panzer, Lynn Loud, and Morgan Vaughn!

Corey: One of these four is gonna punch their ticket to the X-Case ladder match!

Lynn went after Panzer, as Morgan took it to Rainbow Dash. Surprisingly, Rainbow blocked Morgan's strikes, and came back with a few of her own.

Morgan Vaughn then came back with a vicious Superkick, but when he went to eliminate her, Rainbow Dash side steps him, causing him to flop to the floor!

Lynn then throws Chris Panzer onto the apron, then Dropkicks him off!

Mauro: We are down to two! Rainbow Dash, and Lynn Loud! Two iconic sports girls, but only one can win the fifth spot in the battle royal!

Lynn goes for the Lynn-Zershreck, but Rainbow dodges.

Corey: Lynn in control for the moment, but not so fast!

Rainbow caught Lynn and clotheslines her onto the apron!

Just then, Luna Loud and Sam Sharp pulled Lynn down, and it was over!

Mauro: Oh my god! Luna and Sam just pulled Lynn of the Apron! Rainbow Dash Wins!

*bell rings*

(Live For The Moment by Monster Magnet plays)

Greg: Here is Your winner! RAINBOW DASH!

Nigel: The speedy super sport girl from RCCW has just made the 5th spot!

Corino: But why did Luna help her is my question!

Rainbow stared at the two as Luna and Sam gave a thumbs up.

Mauro: It is clear of one thing, Luna has had it with Lynn's attitude as a Queen of Strong style, and as the third oldest sibling, she's taking action!

Luna and Sam then hold Dash up as they celebrate in the ring.

Corey: I dunno about you guys, but i think i see a new team in the works here!

Corino: I see it too!

Corey: Hopefully we get some explanation in the exclusives…

Mauro: We probably will, but for now, it's on to Episode 3! We will see Lexi Bunny Team with the RAW Tag team Champions against NEXTG3N in a Six-Man Tag team match!

Nigel: Lets not forget about Lori Loud, going against her opponent, The Golden Boy of The Network, Chino Guinto.

Corino: But that all happens at episode 3. See you there!