After the match Kure found himself at a training ground outside of his clan compound. He'd have liked to say he was actually training, but in truth he was just blowing off steam. His decision to take Taiki's punch and fake unconsciousness was replaying in his mind, fuelling his anger at his rash decision. It was stupid, moronic, senseless. Kure couldn't think of enough negative adjectives to adequately describe his decision. All Kure wanted to do now was destroy anything in his path. The lopsided trees in the vicinity being evidence of this.

Noticing that it was getting dark, Kure begrudgingly decided to head back to his home, despite his remaining anger. Unaware of the concerned Inuzuka watching him.

Arriving back at his clan's compound, Kure gave his parents a quick greeting before heading to his room. He didn't want to stick around long enough for them to ask about his fight. They normally only ask for the results of his matches if it was a match against a competent opponent, but Kure didn't want to take the risk. They'd find out soon enough and confront him about it, but that's an issue for tomorrow.

Entering his room Kure let himself flop onto his bed, lying on his stomach with his head on his pillow. Replaying the day's events. He soon found himself gripping his pillow, getting more frustrated by the second. Losing to Taiki was a spur of the moment decision that he made on a whim because he felt somewhat sorry for him. It was a moronic decision that defied reason. Unless Taiki grows to become a strong ninja with influence and feels grateful towards Kure, which is ridiculously unlikely as there's more chance of him dying a gruesome death at a young age, then there are no benefits to be gained through throwing the match. Because of his sentimentality, Kure would damage his and his clans reputation, both of which are detrimental to his goal, in the words the only damn thing that matters. It was a lapse of judgement caused by silly sentimental values.

Such oversites are unacceptable. Kure's aim wasn't to become a respectable clan leader or Jonin, it was to amass as much influence and power as possible so that he could reach his goal. Being needlessly kind will make his goal significantly harder to reach, such naivete can't be afforded. Until immortality is achieved callous and calculated pragmatism is essential. With this, Kure made a vow to keep his emotions in check. In this world, undue kindness could be a killer.

Sitting up, Kure walked over to the window to stare off into the distance, a common habit that he had when brooding. Given the time he spent `training' it was already evening, evidenced by the height of the sun, which was currently low in the sky, painting it with the orange glow that Kure was so fond of. It was a sight that helped relax him.

Remaining thoughtful while mesmerised at the sight, Kure came to terms with his mistake, allowing himself to calm down and think rationally. It was fine. Better to learn this lesson now rather than later. All this slip-up will cost is a lecture from some clan members and slight damage in reputation. At worst, he'd find himself at the butt of some jokes that would be told outside of his presence and a be a temporary laughing stock. Not the ideal situation, but the damaged reputation would be easily repaired in time. Results spoke louder than words after all.

With the resolve to be more pragmatic towards achieving his goal, Kure drifted off into a deep sleep.

Fugaku wasn't expecting any visitors, so when he got an unannounced late-night visit, he was quite surprised. That surprised quickly shifted into anger when he found out about the news that was spreading about his son's recent defeat against a talentless academy student.

Just as he was about to march upstairs and give Kure a piece of his mind, he was stopped by his wife.

"What's wrong?" Mikoto asked gently.

Signalling for her to take a seat and subsequently taking a deep breath so as not to take his anger out on her. He explained what had happened and what he was going to do about it.

Throughout the tale Mikoto was silent, her slight frown being the only evidence that she too was disconcerted.

Mikoto allowed a deep sigh to escape her. "Yes, I see the issue, but surely a stern warning will suffice, I don't think we need to do anything more."

"Mikoto." Fugaku said seriously. "I know you're not this naive, we both know that his shameful display will bring shame to the Uchiha. He needs to learn that such behaviour is unacceptable. We both know he isn't stupid, he knew what repercussions his act would bring. I can tolerate accidents, but not disobedience.

"I know he's not stupid." She allowed. "But we should at least see if he had a good reason for doing what he did, and for all we know he might regret his decision. Besides, it's fine. Anyone with a brain knows he threw the match." Mikoto said dismissively.

"You're vastly overestimating how many people actually have brains!" Fugaku snapped, growing irritated with her leniency. "It doesn't help that he seems to have inherited some of your acting skills, as from what I hear he somehow managed to make his defeat look convincing. Honestly, I'm now questioning his loss to that Nara girl, she didn't exactly have a stellar record. Regardless, now there will be no shortage of people that will say that the defeat came from arrogance and overconfidence. I won't allow my heir to be seen as incompetent by sheep whose favourite pastime is to find amusement in the failings of others. Not to mention their senseless gossip will bring humiliation and embarrassment to our clan."

Biting her lip, Mikoto didn't respond. She knew that once his mind was made that it was very hard to change it. She did agree with him that Kure's actions were, if one were to look at cynically, treacherous. What she didn't agree with was the punishment. The punishment was to limit Kure's training to a measly 1 hour a day for three weeks.

She was honestly astonished that Fugaku was willing to give this punishment, as far be it from him, or any other clan head for that matter, to dissuade training, let alone ban it. Yet she knew that it would be the most effective punishment they could give, as well as the harshest, given Kure's obsession with it. Any other punishment he'd see as insignificant and shrug off.

Kure was obstinate, maybe more so than Fugaku, if he deemed his punishment unfair, which she knew he would, then he would probably grudgingly accept it whilst resenting him for it, probably with the petty aim of paying him back for the perceived slight. For all his maturity, he had the vindictive streak of a child.

With this in mind, she changed tactics.

"Let me handle it, it's clear he respects you, but I think a more subtle and diplomatic approach would work best. You know how stubborn he can be, especially when he thinks someone is abusing their authority over him" she said.

"Let him be stubborn, it'd just be a child throwing a tantrum. If he's disobedient I'll simply extend his punishment." Fugaku spat. "When I was younger, I accepted my punishments gracefully, as befitting of a clan heir, so I expect him to do the same."

Raising her eyebrows Mikoto countered, "Oh really? Remember that time your father
ordered you to do make amends with that Hyuga who you disliked? I seem to recall you trying every trick in the book to try and get out of it, taking your anger out on your father for making you do such a thing."

Relating the anecdote to her current argument, she continued. "In the end, it was your mother who had to convince you to make amends by convincing you of the objective benefits. Don't you think that it would have all been a lot easier if she did that from the start rather than your father ordering you to do it?"

"That's different." Fugaku countered. "At that time, I was older and recognised as a shinobi, an adult in the eyes of the law, Kure is but a child."

"Yes, a remarkably mature child. He probably feels the same was you did, he's much alike you in that regard. Rightly or wrongly, he won't take well to orders. Typical, of an Uchiha really, he's much too prideful. This isn't us failing as parents, it's simply how he is. Fortunately, there's more than one way of using our authority as parents, we just need to be smart about it"

Sighing, Fugaku knew that Mikoto was right. Uchiha pride was strongest in those with the purest blood, it's unsurprising that Kure would inherit it in abundance. It was both a blessing and a curse.

"You're probably right." Fugaku reluctantly allowed. "However, this is the first time he's made a big judgement error that's affected the clan, it's important he understands that intentionally marring our reputation isn't acceptable. Mikoto. I will be giving out this punishment.

That being said, I do understand your argument. So as it's the first time he's seriously stepped out of line, I'll lessen the severity of his punishment significantly, banning him instead for a single week.

Knowing that he wouldn't budge any further, Mikoto simply nodded.

Sensing someone dash into his room, Kure immediately reached for his kunai and activated his Sharingan, only for his hands to be caught in a vice-like grip. The attacker then swung Kure's right arm into his left, allowing him to trap both of Kure's hands in just one of his.

Realising he was completely outmatched in strength, he channelled chakra in his legs and attempted to kick the assailant, hoping that it would give him some space. Unfortunately, the attacker predicted this, easily blocking the kick with his free arm.

"That's enough." came a familiar voice. Finally catching sight of the attacker, Kure noticed it was none other than his father, who had just released Kure and slightly distanced himself.

Feeling his heart thunder in his chest, Kure tried to calm down. On the outside, he tried to show no noticeable reaction, content on staring at Fugaku to see what he was about to say. Internally, he was seething, not at Fugaku, but at himself, knowing that if Fugaku was an enemy then he'd be dead.

Fugaku easily saw through his facade. "Don't worry about it, I'm a top class Jonin, you'll get there eventually." he said calmly. "You did well to sense me given the speed I was moving at and the fact that I didn't make a sound. I'm also impressed that you immediately activated your Sharingan, that's a good habit. Your decision to reach for a kunai was poor, and by poor, I mean completely idiotic. From the speed I was moving at you should have known you wouldn't have made it in time, plus leaving yourself prone severely limited your options. Power isn't your strong suit, speed is. If you let yourself get caught, then you'll lose. If you ever get surprised like that, then your first priority should always be to create some distance.

"I see, you're right. I panicked and though of too many ways to respond, so I hastily decided on an action lest I get trapped in indecision. Evading you would have given me more options and time to assess the situation. Thanks for the lesson." Kure said sincerely.

"You're welcome. Now come downstairs, we need to talk." Fugaku said, earlier traces of friendliness eliminated from his voice.

Wordlessly following Fugaku downstairs, Kure tried to think of how to respond to the inevitable accusation. He knew that this was going to be about losing to Taiki.

Entering the living room, Kure took a glance outside and guessed that it was probably around midnight, given the lighting and how rested he felt. Mikoto and Sasuke would still be in bed, the former likely awake due to Fugaku's stunt.

Fugaku walked around a low table positioned near the centre of the room, subsequently sitting in a seiza on a cushion. He then motioned for Kure to take a seat opposite him.

This was bad, Kure realised. If they were sitting down like this then Fugaku was going to be formal, meaning that he was probably pissed.

Once Kure kneeled, Fugaku wasted no time beating around the bush. "Well then, from that little exercise I can confirm that your physical attributes are around what I expected and align with the reports our trainers have been giving me."

"So, given that you're clearly a prodigy. Care to explain how you managed to lose to an unskilled student that's in the first year of the academy?"

Saying that he lost fairly didn't even cross his mind, Kure was bold, but not stupid. Such a blatant lie would only make the situation worse. Honesty would probably be for the best, but the only problem with that is that he himself didn't know what possessed him to throw the match. Looking back, it was a moment of madness. Unfortunately, he doubted that would go down well.

At first, he debated saying that it was because he felt slightly sorry for Taiki, but even though it was partly true, the reasoning sounded stupid even to Kure, so it would certainly be moronic to Fugaku. If anything, it would irritate him more. Instead, Kure went for a different angle.

"I let him win. I heard that his parents would take him out of the academy if he lost, so I felt a bit bad for him, but the reason I threw the match was because I admired his determination. Most people stay down and resign themselves to defeat when it's clear I outmatch them, so I felt that it would be a shame for it to be our last ever match when than determination may allow him to become a worthy training partner in the future."

It was a lie of course. Whilst true for the bottom half of the class, most of which have now been expelled. Most people from the top half fought desperately to win, either through jealousy, discipline, or so that they could proudly claim they emerged victorious against a prodigy, and the Uchiha heir no less. Even if Fugaku didn't cotton on to the lie, it was a long shot, he was hoping that Fugaku would see it as a misguided attempt to secure future growth by acquiring a training partner.

Fugaku looked unimpressed. "If you needed another training partner, you simply had to ask" he said flatly. I'm sceptical if his determination really inspired you so much, you aren't the type to make such emotional decisions."

"Regardless, I'll be frank." he continued. "I don't really care for your reasoning, ultimately, throwing the match to such an opponent brings shame upon yourself and our clan. I'm not going to explain why, because you already know why. I won't waste my breath."

"This won't happen again." he said, looking Kure in the eyes. "You will never again intentionally make thoughtless decisions that put us in a bad light, regardless of the reason. Is that understood?"

"Yes, I understand. I wasn't planning on it." Kure said.

"Good. Now, for the matter of your punishment. For the next week, you will only be allowed to spend a maximum of 1-hour training each day. This means any type of training, both physical or mental. You can study academically, but meditation and Taijutsu are off-limits. Understood?"

"What?" Was about the most eloquent reply Kure couldn't manage, horrified as to what he was hearing.

Ignoring his undignified response, Fugaku simply repeated himself.

Shocked was an understatement, Kure couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always been confident that he'd never have ability to train taken away from him. At this moment, training was everything to him. He needed power more than ever. Not just to achieve his goal, but to survive. Stripping him of his ability to train felt almost felt tantamount to stripping his personal freedom.

Kure felt his blood boiling, a scathing rebuttal already quickly coming to fruition in his mind. Glancing out the window, Kure forcibly calmed himself down to ensure that in his next counter-argument his body language or tone won't betray his anger.

Overcoming his desperate desire to lash out and argue, Kure carefully kept his features neutral and tried a more diplomatic approach.

"Can't you just let me off with a warning? It's the first time I've purposefully done anything that reflects badly on the clan, and prior to this I've upheld our image. Heck, next week at the academy when we're sorted into classes based on ability, I bet I'll make all the other clans jealous."

Fugaku had forgotten that when Kure goes back in a week, they would hold tests to sort them based on their ability. Unfortunate timing was an understatement, Fugaku wanted Kure at his best, as he knew that he wasn't the only prodigy in his year. However, it was slightly more than a week until the test, so there would still be 3 days that he could use to train; besides, a week was insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Not to mention, he had faith in his sons' abilities. He wouldn't back down and make himself look weak.

"You're won't train for a week, that's final. This isn't up for debate Kure. Understood?"

"No. I'm not neglecting my training" Kure said hatefully, becoming unable to control his temper. Kure understood that he made a mistake, but prior to this couldn't help but feel like he's been the perfect little ninja, so to then be punished for a single mistake made him livid.

Clearly not having expected that response, Fugaku glared at Kure. "You can't refuse, it isn't a request."

"Well I just did." Kure spat. I'm not giving up on my training. It's not…

"Enough!" Fugaku interrupted, raising his voice in anger. As your clan head, and in this case more importantly as your parent, I forbid you from training. I won't hear any further argument on the matter. Given that you've given me reason to suspect your cooperation, I'll be getting someone to monitor you. In the future, you'd do well to respond to such reasonable requests with a simple "Yes father. Now get out of my sight."

At this, Fugaku began to walk away.

"Arsehole. I wish I were born a Hyuuga, they wouldn't be dumb enough to stop their heir from training." Kure said scornfully. He didn't think about what he said, he just wanted to say something that he knew would hurt.

At this response Fugaku visibly stiffened, taken aback. The clan head was stunned at the sudden ferocity of Kure's reply. He honestly considered doubting his own hearing, as honed as it was. Slowly turning around and thoroughly observing the body language his son was displaying quickly dispelled any doubts as to what he heard, he had never seen Kure so angry.

As Kure saw Fugaku assessing him, time seemed to stop, his anger quickly morphing to panic. He quickly became alarmed as realised the severity of his outburst. Wiping his clammy hands against his shorts, Kure swallowed a lump in his throat,

"Sorry, I didn't mean any of that." Kure said sincerely.

After what seemed like an eternity, Fugaku spoke.

"Just this once, as it's the first time you've been so disobedient, and due to your young age, I'll pretend I didn't hear what you just said. For your sake, I hope you never take that tone with me again or utter such sacrilegious words again, even if they were said without intent due to your inability to control your emotions." Fugaku said all this calmly, but it only server to highlight his cold anger.

"I won't waste resources getting someone to monitor you, but train at your own peril." he said, before making his leave.

Returning in his bed, Kure admonished himself for his outburst. He could have simply gone to bed and discussed it calmly in the morning, but instead he let his emotions take over and lost control. Kure could truthfully say that he was glad to be born an Uchiha. He was treated with respect and given a lifestyle of luxury and comfort. His clan made a genuine effort to be friendly to him, and he knew that within the clan there were many good people.

Lying down in a futile effort to embrace sleep, Kure couldn't help but think: `Fuck, breakfast will be awkward tomorrow.'

Waking up, Kure grimly reflected on last nights events. Deciding not to delay the inevitable and prolong his suffering, he quickly got dressed and headed downstairs.

He was certain that Fugaku wouldn't let his outburst become known to anyone. Save for perhaps Mikoto, the thought of which slightly unnerved Kure.

Seeing his family awake, Mikoto was almost finished preparing breakfast, and Fugaku was sat at the other side of the room with Sasuke. Wordlessly, Kure took his seat at the table near Mikoto.

"What's wrong?" Mikoto asked, noticing his obvious discomfort.

Kure cursed himself internally for acting so transparent. Taking note that the question revealed that she didn't know.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." Kure replied, rubbing his eyes and making himself look unalert to make his response more credible.

"I see." Mikoto said. If she caught on to the lie, she said nothing of it. "Well, breakfast will be ready in a minute, so that will help wake you up a bit."

In the corner of his eye, Kure could see Fugaku approaching the table with Sasuke.

Taking a seat, Fugaku offered Kure a smile, seemingly genuine.

"Good morning, Kure. Looking forward to the academy getting more serious when you return?

"Uh yeah, it's nice to know that the real lessons will finally commence" he replied awkwardly

Noting Fugaku's friendly attitude, Kure couldn't help but become annoyed at himself and slightly embarrassed. He's supposed to be an adult too and yet here he is tiptoeing around like a meek child that got told off, meanwhile, Fugaku's handling it perfectly fine.

What Fugaku said next totally caught Kure off guard, immediately bringing him out of his musings and causing him to turn to Fugaku in wide-eyed disbelief.

"Want me to teach you the clans fire Jutsu after breakfast?"

AN: Made some slight changes to the last chapter: Changed Stan to Jirou and Enzo to Eizo. Also made it clear that the Kyuubi attack has indeed occurred.

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