Hi so tumbler are doing SasuHina revolution week I've decided as my fanfics are always too long to just do one prompt I'm just gonna concentrate on this one and upload a chapter every day (If I'm able to with work). I've been working a lot on my writing recently and hope this story shows improvement compared to previous uploads. So I hope you like it :) pls leave notes/review
Kim xxx
Pirate Gold (AU) – Chapter 1
Lady Hinata awoke from her dreams, just like any normal day. Today was no ordinary day, it being her 18th birthday.
Throughout childhood, her father Hiashi Hyuga and herself had been at logger heads many times. Her safety paramount, as she grew in to a teen her father's will had felt overwhelmingly claustrophobic.
If her mother were alive, Hinata believed her confined childhood would never have come about. She had been told by the servants that her mother had dies in an accident when Hinata was 4 years old. Hinata remembered very little of her mother, loosing her at such a young age, she did however retain the memories of her mother's stories. Every night Hinata would beg and harass her mother for said stories and each night her mother complied. Her stories created enchanting dreams that would be filled with far off lands, maundering pirates and adventures most magical.
The Hyuga mansion stood tall and proud, sat on a cliff looking over the village and beach below. Konoha was just like any other port village; its docks welcoming ships with their hulls laden with cargo. From the beach a simple path lead up to the village a tavern open greeting sailors and regulars bringing talk of their time on sea. The market, busy with gossip, always filled with wares from all the 7 seas.
As a child Hinata would sneak from her father's side and escape down to the docks, drawn by the siren call of the sea. With her over protective father she had never had the opportunity to sail as the song enticed, and with every failed attempt Hinata had grown into despair and eventually gave up.
Once dressed for the day ahead Hinata made her way to the dining room, where her father sat patiently at the table.
"My beautiful girl," Hiashi stood at her entrance, "Happy birthday my moon child." He called her her childhood nickname given to her as she was born under a full moon.
"father." Hinata smiled sweetly and allowed her father to give her a hug. Once
sat down Hinata noticed a small red box to one side of her father.
"Before I give you this," Hiashi caught her glance at the box, "There is something you must know." As he spoke he gripped the red box with its perfectly wrapped bow. "But I'm afraid of your reaction."
"Father?" Hinata questioned, "I'm not use to seeing you like this."
"What I'm about to say relates to your mother," At the mention of her Hinata's attention could be drawn no where else. "Your mother, God rest her soul, was no ordinary woman. You remind me so much of her." He added. Hinata knew she held much of a resemblance to her mother, it had been a rather sore point growing up between her father and herself in the early years after her death. Hinata held Hiashi's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"It's been 14 years since her death and everything you've been told is wrong. My dear moon child, this going to come as quite a shock but keep in mind I didn't tell you for your own good."
"It's ok father, I understand my safety was always and will always be your concern."
"Thank you moon child," Hiashi gave her a small smile, "On your 4th birthday the 3 of us wanted to have are own private party on our vessel. Your dear loved the sea, almost as much as you," Hiashi smiled in recollection, "Her own father was on his way to visit you, he hadn't had the opportunity to meet you yet and we were all so looking forward to our family being back together." Hiashi's face darkened so Hinata gave his hand another squeeze. "Before his imminent arrival our ship was spotted by 'the death ship'. My dear child you've never seen such a ship in your life, its was black as the plague the black sails seemed to eat up the skies and all happiness you've ever felt seems to sucked out of you. All you feel is your death coming straight towards you. The crew of the 'death ship' are lead by no other than Captain Madara, I've heard it said that the last thing you see before your death is yourself reflected in his eyes." Hinata gasped at the name, the whole world knew of Captain Madara. He was the most ruthless pirate of all and would even kill other pirates, a heresy against the pirate code, doing this to only improve his power. But Hinata had thought him to be only a folks tale, she only knew of him from her mother's stories.
"He is the most evil of pirates," Hiashi continued, "With only the 3 of us on board we were grossly outnumbered. Your mother urged me to keep you safe and to hide you from Madara. We knew he was there for her, he'd been chasing your mother all there adult lives-"
"Why?" Hinata interrupted.
"When they were children they were promised to one another, an arranged marriage. But your mother heard of his murderous ways and would have nothing to do with marrying such a man. She ran away in the hopes of escaping him and for a while it worked. Our biggest fear had come true, Madara had found her, but he knew nothing of you. While I hid in the hold with you – the biggest shame in my life – you mother fought with Madara. I took a peak through the metal crate, your mother was an excellent swords woman, she had met her match with captain Madara though, you've never seen 2 blades dance like that. Your mother fought with all her might, but ultimately the duel would take her life." Hiashi paused, his voice breaking, "Madara left her on the deck to bleed, she knew she didn't have long – Her dying wish – Was I keep you safe – And on your 18th birthday, you have this." Hiashi slid the red box towards her.
Hinata looked from the box then to her father with tears gliding down her face. Hinata's chair screeched with her sudden movement.
"Papa," She hugged him from behind and gave his own tear stained cheek a peck, "You kept her promise, I am safe." She assured him.
"Thank you, moon child." Hiashi patted her arm. He handed her the box and gestured her to sit once more, Hinata obliged.
"This was your mother's most prised possession, other than you," Hiashi informed her. As he spoke Hinata began to carefully open the ribbon, "For generations it has been handed down, a symbol of her families lineage, and now to you."
Hinata lifted the lid on the box with bated breath.
"A gold coin?" She looked to her father in confusion.
"Not everything is as simple as it seems."
Hinata lifted the box to inspect the coin closer. The coin looked to be made of solid gold and was covered in a tribal like pattern. Hinata picked up the coin from it's box and turned it over to inspect the other side. The moment the coin now 'heads up' Hinata felt powerful jolt emitting from her hand, the sound of her heart beat sent ripples from the coin that echoed all around Konoha cove.
"Drop it!" Hiashi shouted his voice shaking. With shaking fingers Hinata quickly placed thy-e coin back in it's box.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Quick we must pack," Hiashi stood from his chair, "We don't have time. Pack only essentials, we leave by night fall. There is much to prepare." That said Hiashi left the room.
"What in the world just happened?" Hinata asked herself. She looked down at the coin. The skull and crossbones even with no eyes seemingly looking at her and laughing.
"What are you?"
Hinata sank in to the couch, with a bag of her clothes and personal effects at her side. What a miserable birthday, she thought to herself. She'd seen nothing of her father. Since morning he's been locked away in his study while the servants buzzed a hive of activity packing the houses belongings, most for transport some for market.
Hinata still had no clue what was happening. The gold coin, still in it's box, had been taken from her by 1 of the servants, claiming her father needed it. The day had been none stop, a chaotic hurricane of packing and emotions.
The weather had shifted from the beautiful sunny morning to the dark clouds heavy with storms.
Hinata watched through the window as the clouds drew closer turning midday in to twilight. If she hadn't been observing the horizon she might have missed the moment a black top sail broke the horizon. Hinata had never seen the ship before but something about it exuded animal menace, causing goosebumps to appear on her arms. Winks of muzzle-flash glittered the horizon and the muffled booms of cannon came a second later. A split second later and another top sail, this time red, peaked over the horizon.
"Shit!" Hiashi hastily entered the room, "They're here. We must go now." Hiashi grabbed Hinata's hand pulling her away from the window.
"No!" Hinata shouted authoritatively, "What is happening? You can't just keep hiding things from me."
"Please Hinata, now is not the time to be fucking awkward." At such rare language used from her father Hinata fell silent. "I'm sorry my moon child," He bowed his head, "I know you have questions, when we have time I shall answer them." Hinata nodded her head, the fight in her silenced not wanting to add to his stress. "What I'm about to tell you, you won't like, but hear my words well and do not disobey. You are to flee from here, use the passage ways from the mansion and hide at the rocks below. Hide there until I find you -"
"But -"
"Shush Hinata, you must do as I ask, your safety is of up most importance. You have to survive." He urged, "If for some reason you are captured by 1 of these ships use the word 'Parley' and do not tell anyone your name," Next he showed her a plain cheap looking gold locket. "Inside here is the coin. Whatever you do do not the coin again. Keep it hidden, keep it safe." He implored.
By now the 2 ships had come closer to their cove and with them Hiashi's mood sombre.
"Why do I get the feeling you're saying goodbye?" Hinata asked.
Hiashi said nothing in return, tentatively he placed the locket around her neck. He had tears in his eyes refusing to let them fall.
"You must go."
Hinata fled, just as her father instructed. She hid at the base of the cliffs a finger tip from the sea crashing against the rocks. Even that sound couldn't conceal the screams of lives being lost. The cannons from the ships taking over her once peaceful cove.
She watched, silently crying, as the black ship took aimed it's cannons and with there full force reduced her home and childhood memories to a pile of rubble.
What felt like hours later the black ominous ship sailed by her under the cover of darkness. Hinata could only see it as it floated by unbelievably close. Coming from it the noise of celebration, their job complete.
The cove now echoed with the wale's of newly made widows and orphans. The sea stained red as the bodies of the nameless bobbed in the currant and washed up on the shore.
"Who are you?" A male's voice bellowed as he pointed his piston towards her.
"P-Parley." She stammered.
"What did she say?" Another male's voice asked the first male.
"She said parley-"
"- Or what!? Can't we just pretend she never said anything?"
"We can't," The first male lowered his weapon, distracted by his companion, "If the cap'in found out we didn't follow the code he'd..." with a finger the man traced a line across his neck.
"You have no idea what you're getting yourself in for, girl." The second man spoke, "Now get up and come with us!"