Bionicle and Rwby: the Toa and Heroes
Chapter 2 the Toa and the headmaster
Will hello again my fellow Generation 1 Bionicle fans the last time we saw this story the Toa Mata had found themselves in Remnant. where the nigh omnipotent being known as Arceus teleported them to and mental have them a message to protect the young girl named Ruby Rose and protect this world from the coming darkness. The Toa were then fighting Grimm which they mistaken as Rahi. This wasn't gone unnoticed where the headmaster of Beacon academy Ozpin who lied to the two team Rwby And JPNR. By telling them that the Toa were new prototype Android that Atlas is working on and so the two teams must retrieve it. However, when They arrived they were surprised that the Toa were alive and possessed amazing powers, and now they introduced themselves to each other with a twist.
The Toa were done introducing themselves. As the two teams were shocked to see them not only sentience but they also have names too. "so, you guys Toa, what a Toa?" Yang asked. The red warrior known as the leader, Tahu answer the Question. "Toa are select few warriors who was chosen to be the guardians of the innocents and are heroes who commanded the elements like Fire, water, Earth, Air, Stone, and Ice.
Then we were the Great Kanohi masks which the user incredible abilities and powers. Like for Example my mask the Kanohi Hau the Mask of Shielding allows me to create a Force Field to protect the user from physical attacks". "wow that is awesome can I have one." said Ruby, Gali step in "calm down little one but you need to be a Toa in order to wear and let alone wield it". "now that formal out of the way let us hear your guys' names" said Kopaka the pink girl introduce herself "my names is Nora," the green fellow also introduce himself deadpan "Lie Ren " ," Blake", then the knight "Jaune Arc," and the Spartan finally too "and I'm Pyrhha Nikos we are the team called JPNR now it is the girls turn starting the blonde "names Yang Xiao Long, then the female in white "I'm Weiss" and finally the red child " hey the leader I'm Ruby Rose." This got the attention of the Toa, the name "your Ruby Rose?" said the red Toa. The young girl was shocked to hear the question, "how did he know her name."
said Blake " We were send here by Mata Nui to protect Ruby Rose and saved this world from the coming storm." Said Kopaka, "who Mata Nui" said Blake, "he's our Great Spirit, and he created the Matorans and the three virtues, unity, duty, destiny. We Toa are destined to protected the Matorans." Then the bulkhead came and with the pilot said "the headmaster want you guys here now." As the three teams enter the bulkhead and flys back to the academy they walk toward the office of professor Ozpin who seemed surprise as was deputy headmistress Glynda Goodwitch. "well I see that you all found the androids or Toa if you like me to called you six." They were surprised "how did you-" said Tahu, "I watch your arrive in camera in the forest when we detected a energy signature in the forever falls.
The two teams were shock to hear about it "then where lied to us about them being androids." "because I want to see if they can earn your trust and know if they ever assist you in combat." "you are enigmatic are you." Said Tahu "part of my skills and requirement of my career as a huntsman. Now let discussed about this group we have a proposition for all six of you. We asked if The red one, Tahu and the ones called Potahu, and Onua to stay with team RWBY, and Gali, Lewa, and Kopaka, will go to Team JPNR. The reason why I asked this is that I need to know you could be fully be trusted all of you, if you say what you are then we only asked if you could do a sparing match with all six of you against team RWBY and Team JPNR in the combat arena class to test if you skill in combat. Then I I'll say to the class that your training droids from atlas." Said Professor Ozpin, "why would you help us Ozpin," said Tahu "because I overheard of what all of you said from the Monitor, when you first arrived on Remnant and I wish to help you."
"We thank you for your assistance." Gali replies on behalf of the toa.
"Your welcome. Anyway, before we begin I would like to continue this conversation in my office." Ozpin says.
"Very well then." Tahu agrees.
"Team RWBY, I recommend you don't stray too far. It wouldn't be a problem to give the toa, here, a tour of the school grounds." Ozpin asks.
"Of course professor!" Ruby says, excited as ever.
(Line break)
The toa along with professor Ozpin and Goodwitch had reconvened in the headmasters office.
"So, what is it you wish to discuss." Tahu asks.
"I simply need to make you aware of a few rules that will keep you out of trouble." Ozpin states.
"We're not children." Tahu sternly replies.
"Tahu." Gali abolishes. "Please continue."
"Yes, well first I would like you to avoid Vale, the city nearby for now." Ozpin says.
"The city? Why can't we be there?" Lewa asks.
"It would be difficult to explain the appearance of strange androids there to the citizens. Much more difficult than the students, however, I hear the General of the military, General Ironwood, is coming to Beacon with his students. He may bring a few troops along with him including his standard androids. The citizens may then better accept you being here and write your appearance off as strange customizations or something like that."
"We understand. Any thing else?" Pohatu asks.
"For now, I would like you to limit yourselves in your elemental power." Ozpin says. "Your mask powers can be written off as just some enhancement but your elemental powers may not be so convincing. I'm not saying you can't use them at all, just limit your use."
"We understand. Will that be all, professor?" Gali asks.
"Yes, that will be all." Ozpin confirms. "Team RWBY should be waiting just outside the elevator. You should find them to go on your tour."
"Very well. Again, we thank you for your hospitality, professor." Pohatu says as the toa leave.
"My pleasure, Pohatu." Ozpin replies. The door to the elevator closes and the toa are on their way down.
"Are you sure this is a wise decision, Ozpin?" Glynda finally gets the opportunity to ask.
"I am confident in my decision to keep the toa here. I could be wrong, but I think this Mata Nui, could be the name of one of the same gods that I once helped created Remnant."
"If so, I hope it is not the god of darkness sent them to cause more chaos." Glynda replies.
"As do I, Glynda." Ozpin replies. "As of now, we should watch our new friends closely. Whether they were sent by our gods or not, this is a gift. One that may help against her."
"I understand. I will trust your judgement." Glynda says before turning away to leave. "Oh, one more thing. Do we tell James about this?"
"O. Course. We would only be making things harder for ourselves should we exclude him from this matter." Ozpin says. "I doubt he will have an issue with it once we explain."
"Very well." With that, Glynda leaves.
Sorry me and my Co-writer took so long it been busy for us both so next time the Toa Mata vs team CRNL in a practice match oh how much they will learn.