Author note: Heya, I'm sorry for every reader who waited. I really like this story, that's why I only want to show it when I think it's readable to you all(I don't want to show bullcrap to you all...). I also don't really know If you people like how I write(I fear some of you would say, bad structure, bad grammar or stuff like those) That's why I kinda re-read it and try to proof-read it like 150 times before posting. Ok, I'm sorry for taking your time on reading this message, go on!

-4 years later-

Viper got up from his seat and went toward the kitchen. Grabbing a few boxes of strawberry milk, he walked toward the balcony of his house and slumped on the railing, watching the sunset, slowly shifting colors as time passes. Today was an exhausting one. A suspicious man with an Iron hat came, inviting him to a totally suspicious meeting at a very suspicious time.

Basically, everything was suspicious he thought while drinking with a bunch of straws in his mouth.

One thing that was particularly weird, was that he was asked to create the illusion of another person along with him, which had different features compared to him to take a seat when the meeting will start, which was weird.

But he received a hefty sum of money from talking with him and that was enough.

"Muh, now that I finished, I can finally have some fun…"

Viper took off his hooded cape and carefully folded it, revealing a young boy with wild purple and indigo colored hair made into a ponytail. A silver piercing to his lips, attached to it was a chain linked to his left ear with a ring-shaped piercing. He took off an indigo triangle shaped patch on one of his cheeks, revealing a purple teardrop tattoo underneath. Sharp, golden and amber colored eyes that were quickly being covered by a thin mist became a vibrant indigo taint with shades of lilac.

"Ha! Now I feel way better. I heard that sometimes, being covered by something for too long will cause the body to rot…I wonder if it's true."

'Of course not, you dumbass.'

'You would need to be dead to start decaying…'

'Why are you even thinking like that?'

Slapping himself out of his thought, he walked back home and changed into a set of comfortable clothes. Sweatpants, a hoodie and sneakers, the usual for him, even if he lived in Italy for almost 4 years, habits tended to take a long time before going away.

"My name is now, Vull. That's all…"

Mumbling to himself, he walked down the street, being basked in the dim but gradually increasing light of a coming sunrise. Jumping on a roof, the nine-year-old boy sauntered a little bit everywhere until he neared toward a gargantuan, dome-shaped like, building.

"Geh, finally I'm here…"

'I always wonder why this place is so far away…'

'It's because it hates you, it's distancing itself from a weird little boy.'

'Wow, thanks for the compliment.'

'You're welcome.'

He rolled his eyes. It seemed that always talking to himself was not very healthy for the long run. At first, it was okay and all, the voice was always formal and polite but it seemed that after some time, it started becoming more familiar and rude, but he knew that this was just a sign of trust from it. As it was always here to guide him when he was in need.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the loud shouts coming from a white-haired man waving at him exaggeratedly.

"Little Vull! You arrived!"

The man's voice seemed to brighten up the punkish youth as he let out a small grin in response.

"Yes, Uncle Kawahira! I'm sorry for being late, I had some problem to take care of."

"It's okay, I also had some business to finish so we're the same!"

The irony that Vull would realize when he remembered this memory.

"So little boy, what kind of stunt will you show today?"

The man asked, resulting into a full-blown description about pressing schedule, complicated techniques and a lot more by the youth in front of him.

After 10 minutes, the little boy suddenly clasped his mouth shut. He looked at him with guilty eyes.

"I'm so sorry, uncle Kawahira! I talked too much this time again."

The white-haired man chuckled.

"It's totally okay, this only shows how passionate you are about this profession. Now let's go, your show starts in only 30 minutes!"

He yelped and immediately sprinted toward the back-entrance to be prepared.

Uncle Kawahira, as the little one called him, gave a big sigh and looked at his disappearing figure sadly.

"I am so sorry, Sawada Chiharu, you must burden even more than the other as I choose you to bear the two roles instead of one…But this is for the greater sake of our world."

He whispered in an almost imperceptible voice.

He turned his back toward the dome structure.

"I truly am sorry…"