Disclamer : House of Anubis belongs to its rightful creators and owners.
Summary : Jerome could be a piece of crap but Poppy would never trade him for another brother in the whole world.
Author's note :English isn't my first language, it's French. If you spot any mistakes or weirdness, please feel free to notify me !
Poppy let out a sigh of relief when she saw that Jerome hadn't lied. He had indeed saved her pictures on his computer. As she downloaded them back into her phone, she took time to watch them. Yes, they were goofy and embarrassing for Gerbil. Yet, to her, they meant the world and to lose them would break her heart. They were the treasures, the memories from the short times she got to spend with her big brother.
Yes, Jerome was annoying.
But he was her brother. The best she could have hoped for. Despite his harsh facade, he was there for her, he listened, he cared. He came to all of her shows, despite apparently groaning.
Because he loved her and she knew it.
She missed him and had never understood why their mother sent him away so early. When she was little, she had believed she was an only child before meeting during summer that stranger that was her estranged brother. She resented her mom for that. Jerome was annoying because their mom had put her on the seat of the golden child. That was her belief. Jerome was hurt and hurting still, and the only time off he got, to mend and lick his wounds, was summer time. She hoped they'd be closer this year, with her attending his school and despite summer being still so far away.
The End