Aelin Ashryver Galathynius somehow managed to keep her face blank as she listened to Yrene speak. She had called the healer to her royal bedroom only after Rowan had left to greet Dorian, who had just arrived to discuss the housing possibilities for the surviving soldiers of Maeve's fallen army. Aelin wanted desperately to be there to welcome her friend after not seeing him for nearly three years, but there were more pressing things to attend to.

"Are you sure?" Aelin asked Yrene for possibly the third time. Chaol and Yrene, despite belonging to Adarlan, had been passed to whichever country needed them most over the years, healing the severely wounded with all the other women of the Torre close on their heels. It was only luck that she was here in Terrasen.

Yrene smiled. "Yes, Your Majesty. I am sure."

"I would have thought we were friends enough by now that you would stop calling me that."

"I apologize… Aelin."

Aelin stretched out on her bed, giving a mock sigh. "I suppose I am going to have to tell Rowan, then."

"Permission to speak freely, Your Majesty?"

"Yrene." Aelin scolded.

The healer shifted her weight nervously as she realized her mistake, but complied when Aelin offered her a spot on the bed. Yrene said, "You know how difficult this is for the Fae, and there is a chance-"

"Don't say it." Aelin growled.

Yrene winced. "With all due respect, you told me I could speak freely."

"That does not mean I wish to hear what I have already told myself a million times since you informed me of the condition. I know the chance that the baby won't survive and you are here to tell me things I don't know."

Yes, it was that she was worried about and the threat other kingdoms would pose to this spark of life resting just beneath the skin of her belly.

Yrene nodded in understanding, fiddling with her fingers. "I just think that maybe you should keep the news from Rowan for just a bit longer."

"Why?" She had already covered her suspicions with strong oils that kept her scent from him before she could contact a healer. She needed to be sure-absolutely and undoubtedly sure that this was a child and that child had the best chance it could of survival.

"Well, first of all with Adarlan's king visiting it already puts enough stress on him. And you both need to focus on these negotiations right now for the good of the people. Rowan will likely keep you in solitude until that baby is born."

"If the baby is born," Aelin corrected. "What do you propose I do, then?"

"Tell him after you get through the next month, so the survival rate is higher."

"I think he has a right to know,"

"I am merely suggesting it."

Aelin considered the point briefly. She wasn't sure how he would react after losing a child with Lyria, but she would have to tell him sometime. Whether or not she lost it. He would be mad, though, if she told him later rather than sooner. They had agreed after the war ended that there would be no more last-minute revelations.

"I have to tell him," Aelin breathed. "I just have to figure out a spectacular way to do it."

Yrene raised her brow. "What about the court, when will you tell them?"

"Well, everyone is here, even Dorian. Celebrations are already in place for his visit, we could just… alter them. Ever so slightly."

Yrene frowned.

Aelin grinned.

The messenger stepped in Aelin path as she made her way to the courtyard. He was a blubbering, small man, with cheeks that were scarlet in the presence of the queen. "There has-there has been a change of plans, Your Majesty."

Aelin narrowed her eyes on him. "What kind of change?"

"His Majesty, King Dorian, is accompanied by the Ironteeth host."

"Manon's here?" Aelin was surprised that whatever relationship they had built on that boat had made it outside of the waters, let alone two years.

"Y-yes, Your Majesty. Manon Blackbeak Crochan."

"Brilliant. I haven't seen her in a while," Aelin stepped passed the messenger and made her way to the courtyard.

Her court waited there as they watched the party approach by horseback and wyvernback, bearing both the Adarlan and Ironteeth flag. Evangeline was currently pouting beside her adopted father, Aedion, and avoiding Lysandra. They had legally adopted her not long after their coupling, eventually growing to be like real parents. And Evangeline, in turn, like a real teenager. At fourteen, though, she was truly beautiful, having grown into her scars and freckles.

Aelin kissed her cheek as she went passed, earning a rare smile. She slid up beside Rowan, her cherry-scented perfume wafting around them. She took his hand, uncurling the fist of his fingers to fit hers there instead. "This isn't a battle."

He leaned his brow against hers, his sigh brushing her face. "I know. We aren't prepared for Manon's court either, though." Manon had been busy with rebuilding and nourishing the land of the Wastes, and not even her ambassadors had known of this visit.

Aelin traced the tattoo gracing Rowan's face, licking her lips. "The more the merrier."

Rowan scowled at the attempt of humor. But before he could formulate a response, the hoofbeats grew louder and wyverns dropped around him. The guards immediately drew their weapons but the court was at ease, small smiles gracing their faces as Dorian dismounted.

He greeted Aelin with an embrace, not a single word exchanged before his arms were banded around her. She squeaked, but hugged him back, breathing in his familiar scent of iron and horses. "I missed you,"

When he pulled back, Aelin cradled his face to have examine him. He had a new scar at his hairline and the once pale ring around his throat had faded to match his golden skin. He smiled. "I missed you too."

Dorian clasped Rowan's arm in greeting, still grinning from ear to ear. It wasn't a kingly greeting, but one between friends.

Chaol approached warily, but the moment Dorian turned around, their arms were around each other, laughing like brothers. They knocked heads when they pulled away, both wincing and smiling.

Manon approached slowly, as if unsure of her welcome, but all eyes were on the king. Dorian turned back to her, his smile turning sweeter.

Aelin raised her brows at them. "Any plans for marriage?"

"Actually," Dorian had a sinister look on his face. "that has already been arranged. More importantly, though… ,"

He looked to Manon, who, in turn, looked down.

And peeking from behind her legs, with hair a shock of white and eyes like sapphires, was a little boy.

There was a collective gasp from all but Aelin. She harrumphed, "Well, I thought I was the only one with news of children. If I had known, I would have said I was pregnant earlier."

Rowan whirled, green eyes wide. "What?"

Aelin put a hand over her stomach, trying not to let her nerves show. "Surprise?"