Hello, and welcome to the new story! I'm glad to have you all here! This story is gonna be quite the ride, and at the bottom explains quite a bit about what's gonna happen so I'd suggest reading things there as well. But, I'll say that Issei here is female, and the Oc shall be a member of Rias' peerage, why Rias' peerage or a peerage at all in fact, will eventually be shown as we go forward. There is a few reasons why, and will be talked about over the fic. If you don't like that, this isn't the fic for you, but if it is, then continue onwards!

But yeah, with nothing else to say here, please enjoy the chapter!



A young boy that was around the age of sixteen to seventeen with a normal body type, not too muscular, and looked quite slim, laid in bed, early in the morning.

The sun peaked through the window, bathing his body in the light.

His bright blonde hair fell down past his neck, and rested just above his shoulders, and straight bangs covering his forehead which held a single clip that looked like white wings, with one lock which fell between his eyes, resting on his nose was all over the place. His crystal blue eyes opened up, and his body, which was 5ft 3inch's, stretched.

This boys name was Takato Miyamoto.

He looked at the roof that he had, and an innocent expression appeared on his delicate looking face.

"Another day."

He went to move out of the bed, but he then felt something beside him.

Looking, he saw that it was a package. He smiled, and picked it up in his hands. His smile continues to grow as he opens it, and sees that it was a collection of various manga, and other things, and a letter that only says "See you soon my love." with a picture of a Dragon on the side of it, which made him smile.

"Ooh, I hope you come back soon...I'm lonely without you."

He scurries through the manga, and places them onto different places on his shelves that he had. Basically, all of his room was decorated in manga's, anime's, hug pillows and other things as well, so much so that he basically could be called an Otaku, though if people called him that, then he wouldn't be bothered.

Once having done that, he stretches his body and walks to the closet.

As he opened it, he grabbed his clothing and put them on. His blazer which was buttoned up, and his shirt as well as other things that he would need. He walked out of his bedroom, and went into the kitchen/living room that he lived in.

His place wasn't that big, and no one was around.

It was eerie silent.

He looked around and released a sigh.

"Come back soon..."

He muttered to himself, feeling lonely with no one being around.

He fixed himself some breakfast, and then ate it rather quickly.

Once finished, he got to his feet, and looked at the time.

"Ooh God, I'm gonna be late!"

Grabbing his stuff quickly, he shot for the door.

But then he stopped, and looked to a shrine with a picture of an old woman at the centre. He bows his head, putting his hands together, and showed a sad smile.

"See you later, Obaa-chan."

He bows once more, before going through the door, and leaving.

Then, he made a mad dash for the school.

"I'm going to be late! I'm going to be late! I'm going to be late!"

Takato spoke over and over as he rushed down the street. Going past others in the street, and using surprising athletics to jump over a few things, he rushed through the gates of the school. Seeing the front doors of the school, he made a mad dash for the entrance.

While he was, two Onee-sama type of women were walking up the stairs towards their classroom and were in deep conversation.

One was a young woman, who had striking crimson hair, and blue eyes. Her long flowing red hair went down her back, and reached her butt. The young woman also had another defining feature, and that was her large breasts. Wearing the schools uniform, it really showed off the body of the young woman.

Next to her, was her best friend, who also was similar in size of chest. No, the young woman beside her, had even larger breasts than her red headed friend. And she had light black hair with violet eyes. Her long hair was tied by an orange ribbon, and it showed that she truly was a true Yamato Nadeshiko.

"Ara, Buchou, I heard from Sona-sama that she recently received a new Pawn into her group."

"Yes, Sona and I discussed it the other day. It apparently was quite the surprising find. Well, even if Sona has such a new peerage member, I don't mind. I'll eventually have a full peerage as well."

Akeno, the one with light black hair, put a hand to her mouth and released a giggle.

"Ufufu, Buchou finding a new peerage member. Will it be another girl?"

"A-Akeno!" Rias, the girl with red hair, puffed out her cheeks adorably. "That's-"

"It's okay Buchou, Koneko-chan and Yumi-chan are happy enough, right?"

Rias put a finger to her forehead, and ran a finger through one of her bangs.

"Yes, I suppose you're right, they are happy. And I am happy as well-"

"Move it!"

Suddenly, a rude student comes pushing past her while in a hurry and knocks her off balance.


Akeno tries to catch her, but her hand misses.

Rias tightened her eyes, and went to do something…

But then a boy came from behind her light lightning, and caught the young girl in his arms. One hand was on her back, and the other was wrapped around her securely. Akeno looked on with relief, thankful that Rias didn't hit her head.

"Gremory-senpai, are you okay?"

Rias' eyes saw an ocean of blue before her, and then saw a golden sun above that…

But then her eyes adjusted, and saw that it was Takato's eyes, and his hair. She looked into his eyes, as he helped her to her feet.

Takoto watched the girls hair wave around and was captivated by the crimson colour. Indeed, Rias was a rather beautiful woman, so much so that she was named the most beautiful in the school.

Akeno, coming down the stairs, adopted a small smile on her face, and tilted her head.

"You saved Buchou, thank you..."

"Miyamoto Takato."

He finished off, seeing that she was trailing off.

Akeno put a hand to her mouth.

"Fufu, you're quite cute, aren't you?"

"A-Ah, Senpai that's..."

Akeno continued to giggle.

"My, look at you, how have I never spoken to you before~? Though, you are a friend of Yumi-chan's, right?"

"Kiba-san and I are friends, yes..."

"Ara, I understand. I think I remember seeing you walking with Yumi-chan once, it seems like you were having fun~"

Rias, who hadn't said anything, looked on towards him, and focused her eyes.


Rias seemed to notice something about him, and didn't take her eyes off him. Akeno also noticed something, but she didn't stare as obviously as Rias does.

"Gremory-senpai? Is something wrong?"

Takato also noticed it, and wondered why she was staring so intently.

Rias, snapped out of her thoughts, looked on with a small smile.

"No, sorry about staring. I'm just grateful for you saving me."

"O-Oh, it isn't a problem Senpai."

His eyes drifted to Rias, and Akeno who stood on steps higher than him, and then saw something, blushed bright red, and turned his head.

Rias and Akeno looked between themselves, seeing that he was trying his best not to look.

"Is something wrong? You can look at us, you know?"

"Oh, I really can't..."


Rias continued with confusion.

Takato's cheeks flushed, as he answered "I can see your panties." and bit his lower lip.

Rias' face turned as red as her hair and put her hands on her skirt shyly to cover them, while Akeno giggled and stood there without shame.

"Fufu, what a cute boy, usually boys would look but you're quite the adorable boy who doesn't~? Fufu, maybe you could have a look, since you're a good boy and telling us such things~ Call it a treat~"

Takato shook his head, which only caused Akeno to grin even more.


Rias blushed even brighter, moving down the steps so they were face to face, or rather face to bust.

Akeno followed suit, and showed a cute pout.

"No fun Buchou, I was merely teaching my Kohai about the female body. That's the duties of a Senpai, yes?"

"W-Well, not things like that but..."

Rias continued as Takato looked anywhere but at them.

He looked at the clock in the corridor, and grimaced.

"Ooh, I'm going to be late! Sorry Senpai's, I have to go!"

He bows his head to both Rias, and Akeno, and goes past them. Watching him go, Rias couldn't take her eyes off him.

"Ara Buchou, did you feel that pulse?"

"More than that, he moved faster than a human..."

Akeno tilted her head.

"What do you mean?"

She looked around and made sure they were alone before continuing.

"I don't mean as fast as a trained fully human like, I don't know, a Sacred Gear possessor who's trained their bodies for years. Akeno, he wasn't behind me when I was falling backwards, and I am pretty sure he wasn't on this floor ascending the stairs either."

Akeno cocks her head.

"Indeed, he wasn't there..."

"And for a brief moment, I felt something, weird coming from him, and then he was the same usual Miyamoto-kun."

Akeno places a finger under her chin.

"Perhaps you're right...but, what could it have been? He is a human, isn't he?"

"He feels like a human, but for that brief moment...I don't know what it was, but Akeno, there was something...weird about what happened. Like, how did he appear behind me so quickly? Say he was at the bottom of the stairs, I didn't even sense his approach until he was right behind me..."

"Should we investigate Buchou?"

Rias looked towards the place Takato ran away too, and hummed to herself.

"Maybe we should, maybe we should."

Akeno also looked towards the place that Takato moved away from, and cocks her head in a curious manner.

Sitting in the classroom, was a young girl, around the age of seventeen years old. Long chocolate brown hair flowed down her back with was unkempt, and reached the middle of her back easily. Her light brown eyes, kept opening and closing with the thoughts that she had. She had quite the curvy body, and her breasts, they came in at a 90cm's easily kept twitching when something naughty ran through her mind. And the most distinguished feature that she had on her face was a perverted look.

She didn't have any shame, she was a pervert.

And most of all, she was always looking towards someone else that was within her class with lecherous eyes, while she looked to the side, to see the chair that was supposed to be filled by someone, and it wasn't right now.

Though class hadn't started yet, so she would have to wait a little bit for him to come. Something that was a highlight of her day honestly. She didn't even mind if she couldn't talk to this person, all she needed was to see him and she became happy for that day, and it helped her in other areas as well to do with things of lechery.

"My, Isane-chan, looking for your boyfriend~?"

A glasses wearing girl came up and asked the newly named Hyoudou Isane. Isane, or Ise as she goes by sometimes, gave the girl a tired look.

"Don't be an idiot! I'm not looking for him! And he's not my boyfriend!"

"Yeah, okay, if that's what you say."

"But, I have to admit that it would be adorable if you were...I mean, he's so freaking cute! And has the best body as well! And he's a freaking shy boy! I'll take him, definitely! Fufu, just thinking about it makes me feel good. We could walk down the street together, and he'd shyly look at me and I'd look at him and we'd then kiss deeply! I could even feel him down below!"

"Hehehehe, you're forgetting the size of his crotch. Kukuku, he's quite packing if you catch my meaning~"

Isane grasped her fist together, and raised it to the sky.

"Of course I do! Naturally, he's packing! Fufu, I've seen him at the swimming class, he surely has it going on there~"

"You're such a pervert, why don't you just ask him out instead of just ogling from afar? Any normal person would do just that to get it over with."

Isane scoffed.

"Yeah, sure, I'll just do that. Yeah me, the unpopular pervert, is going to ask out one of the most popular guys in the school! Not gonna happen!"

Kiryuu, the glasses wearer, continued to chuckle dirtily.

"Well, I think you could do it anyway. What hurts to try anyway?"

"I could be humiliated, and destroyed mentally..."

Isane grimaced at the thought of being rejected. Though if she didn't have to confront it, then she couldn't have her heart broken. That was what she wanted to aim for, she could look from afar, and then she wouldn't be able to have her heart shattered. She could live in her own fantasy.

But this day was going to change it.


The class of girls erupted into screams as the boy walked in.

"Good morning Takato-kyun!"

"Awww, you're so cute! Can I hug you?!"

"Please let me hold you!"

The blonde haired boy shyly waved his hand, looking really uncomfortable.

"Hehe, maybe later~"

[Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! He's so precious that I might die of extreme happiness! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!]

Somehow, they were pretty well timed with their yelling and even what they wanted to say, something that worried Takato.

"Tch, it's that damn handsome bastard!"

"Fucking die!"

Matsuda, and Motohama, who didn't like Takato at all due to his looks, yelled out abuse, but Takato didn't allow it to bother him and he continued to smile.

Isane covered her ears at the loud sound that was released. But then she saw him walking into the room, looking so shy, and her eyes glued to his form, and she bit her lower lip…

But then, something strange happened.

The boy saw Isane, and he smiled. Isane was taken by surprise, and looked around, sure that he was looking somewhere else. But when no one else was around, she couldn't believe that he was actually waving over towards her.

And then he walked closer.

Her heart beat increased with each step that he took. The young girl's face turned slightly red, and then he made it to the young girl.

"Isane-san, good morning!"

"Y-Yeah, good morning."

The boy put his hands behind his back, but then leans forward. Isane watched as his hand touched the young girls face. She sank into his hand, the feeling of his warm hand was more than she could handle and felt like melting.

"I love you, Isane-san!"

"A-Ah, you do!?"

Isane couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her crush, was actually saying that to her? It seemed unreal.

"Yes, Isane-san is the one that I love! Please, can we be boyfriend and girlfriend!? T-That's all I've ever wanted...but for the shy me, I find it hard to express my feelings so...I've always kept my distance from you...b-but, I can't anymore! I have decided to tell you that I love you Isane-san and hope that you love me back as well! Maybe it is bad of me, but I don't care! I want Isane-san forever and ever to become my girlfriend and then my wife as well!"

Isane's cheeks burned bright red, as his own face was bright red, and looked absolutely adorable in her eyes.

"Of course, hahaha! Naturally, let us be lovers because I love you too!"

Takato poked his fingers together rather shyly, something that made the young girl melt on the spot at how cute it looked to her.

"Isane-san...can I kiss you…?"

"Yeah, come to me. Lets kiss..."

Isane took the boy in her arms, and held him tightly, and switched positions, so he was sat down and she straddled his hips. His cheeks continued to turn red and his shy expression only turned Isane on even more than she thought possible, as Isane's lips overlapped with the young boys and meshed together, she cupped the back of his head to deepen the kiss.

"Isane!" Isane sat there, kissing the air, and blood coming out of her nose as well. "Geez, you perverted girl, wake up already!" Isane didn't hear her, still lost in her fantasy. "For God sake, wake up!"


"Yaaaaow!" Isane cried, snapped back to reality from her daydream. "W-What are you doing you idiot!? I'm busy with my boyfriend!"

"Fantasy, that was a fantasy. Reality is, you're not dating!"

Isane looked on, and saw that the boy she had been fantasizing about truly was just that, a fantasy. He instead was wading through the students, and he didn't look in her direction. To be fair, he was being swarmed by others and didn't exactly look pleased with it either.

Isane looked disappointed as he sat down.

But then, in reality, he turned towards her, and gave a wave.

"Good morning Isane-san."


That's all she could say without chuckling nervously, she couldn't even say 'good morning' which caused her anger within herself. The boy continued to smile briefly, before looking to his desk. Isane stared out, cursing in her head "Why can't I say more!?" before her head hit the table in depression.

Takato heard the banging sound and his eyes shot to Isane. But she was in self pity mode, so he didn't interrupt that right now, and looked out of the window.

As class finished, Takato gathered his stuff, and Isane watched on. Definitely, she wanted to say more to him today. He wasn't a bad guy, he wouldn't reject a talk. He wasn't like the other guys who didn't look at her. She wasn't ugly, in fact she was rather pretty, but she didn't think that and because of her perverted nature, it seemed to either frighten the other guys, or they just didn't want to know.

Takato walked to the front of the class, and went towards the door.

"That's it! I'm speaking to him! Screw this, I'm acting! I am actually going to eat lunch with him today!" She yelled in her mind, grabbed her stuff, and ran to the boy. "Taka-"

"Aah, Takato-kun, good day."


Ise came to a grinding halt when she saw that Kiba Yumi had entered the room and had struck up a conversation with him.

With her long blonde hair, and her blue eyes looked duller than Takato's. Takato's were like the ocean blue, and Yumi's were more greyish blue colour. Her blonde hair was quite long as well, and reached past her shoulders, and head down her back. Like Isane, she was quite gifted in the chest area, though Isane was a little bit bigger in that regards. But unlike Isane, this girl was insanely popular, so much so that she was called the Princess of the school.

"Tch, damn Kiba bitch..."

Isane muttered while she felt like her blood was boiling at the way that Yumi was smiling at Takato and vice versa, and glared intensely at the young blonde haired girl as Takato smiled.

"Kiba-san, good day! I am happy you're looking well!"

Yumi pushed a bang behind her ear, looking on with a shy expression.

"Ehehe, yes, that's right. I was wondering if you'd like to come and eat lunch with me?"

Like that, Isane had her hopes dashed once again.

More than the others in the school that were popular girls, she didn't like Yumi the most, because unlike her, Yumi actually was quite close to Takato, to the point that they would talk and spend time together often. She didn't know if they were dating or not, but it wouldn't surprise her if that was the case.

"Yes, that would be good. We could eat lunch together."

"Then lets go!"

"Then lets go!"

Isane grumbled in a mocking voice at Yumi's words, and watched them walk off together happily. Kiryuu, who couldn't resist a jab, moved closer, and grinned.

"Unable to get your date huh?"

"Shut up! I can date anyone I want!"

Isane yelled back, wishing that to be the case, but it clearly wasn't.

Walking in the corridor, Takato and Yumi had a nice conversation between them. They did have a good friendship with one another, truthfully, Takato would consider Yumi one of his only friends. The other girls didn't want to know him, but rather brag about being with him, and the males in the school all directed their hatred about said girls movements towards him, so he didn't have many friends, but Yumi was quite the kind person who didn't use anything other than friendship as a guiding line between them.

"It's weird Kiba-san, today, last night I guess, I had this dream about this weird dog coming to a huge size, and then Boa Hancock came from One Piece, and said "Bewitched, bewildered, bothered again~" for some weird reason, while pushing out her breasts which truly could turn any man to stone, but then as I walked closer, Boa-chan exploded into stone parts, and became Robin-chan who's awesome! ...I really should stop watching One Piece before I go to sleep...well, it was fun."

"Fufu, your imagination is rather wild Takato-kun. You shouldn't watch such things before going to sleep~"

Yumi giggled out happily.

Takato took out a sweet bag, and offered some to Yumi, to which she took one happily.

"Well, it is what it is, I get lost in all of their dramas~ Speaking of drama, I need to watch Game of Thrones..."

"Hehe, maybe we could watch it together Takato-kun?"

"Sure, that would be good! I really shouldn't have let you get me into that...it's really fun."

Takato replied as they walked towards the first years part.

Walking by the students, a single girl who had white hair watched on between Yumi and Takato. Takato also felt eyes on him, and turned to see the young girl looking towards him. He smiled, and waved his hand towards her, which surprised her, and she didn't do anything other than look on between them, thinking "Buchou said he was different, but what is it that's different? He feels, different but I don't know what it is..." and cocked her head to the side in wonder.

The young girl watched the pair walking off, and focused her eyes on Takato, and didn't take her eyes off him.

A few days later, after gym class, the men were in the showers, which included Takato. Water sliding down his body and the others, that's exactly how Isane and Aika liked it. And because of their perverseness, they always found away to look into the showers. Though to be fair, a pair called Motohama and Matsuda were the same as them for the girls. So, neither knew if it was worse that the men spied on the girls, or the girls spied on the men.

"Move it Kiryuu! I wanna see!"

Isane growled out, but Kiryuu, who was behind the gym at the place where the boys showers were, shoved her away.

"Get lost, there's a few guys in there that I wanna see as well!"

"But I want to see them too!"

"Get lost already!"

"Grrr! You bitch! He'll be done soon! I want to see him before he ends his shower time!"

Kiryuu laughed at Isane's anger.

"Fufu, you shouldn't say such things. If you say that too loudly, they might hear you, and run away."

"They'd only hear us if you start yelling like always. You always hog it, I wanna see him already!"

"Ooh, your cute Takato-kun who you wanna scoop up, and cuddle forever and ever? I heard that he hasn't ever accepted a girls invitation, you know? To date that is."

"E-Eh, seriously?"

Kiryuu nods her head.

"Apparently, he hasn't ever been out with anyone. But I don't know how true that is. So, your chances, aren't looking so good, are they?"

"Hush you! I can do better than you!"

Isane rejected the very idea that Kiryuu could do it better than she could.

"Okay, if you say so. Then if you can, why don't you ask him out today? Lets see if you can be playing skinship by the end of the day?"

"Fine! I'll do it today! Hahaha, he's gonna be charmed by me! And then we'll see who's laughing!"

"Aye, we surely will...ooh, will you look at that? I can see him-"

"Move it!"



Aika landed on the ground with a thud, and Isane took up the reigns. She looked through the spy hole, and she saw the wet body of Takato. Her nose dripped a bit of blood, running down from his surprisingly toned chest, she assumed he exercised frequently, and ran down his stomach. Anticipation gathered inside of her heart, her breathing became more laboured. Slowly her eyes were getting closer, and closer to what she would want to see…

But then suddenly, his body moved out of the way...no, something was blocking her view.

Her eye widened, and looked around, but she couldn't see him. In fact, she couldn't see anything at all.

"Hyoudou-san, you shouldn't be spying on the boys while changing. That's an invasion of personal privacy. You aren't any better than the Perverted Duo male version. I have also heard you and Kiryuu-san make up the Perverted Duo, female version, and I wont allow such things to happen."

Isane knew that voice.

She pulled her head back, seeing that the thing that blocked her sight was a piece of cardboard. Turning, she saw a wave of blonde hair, and the same but different blue eyes as Takato as well, and saw that it was Yumi.

"Grrr get lost!"

"E-Excuse me?"

"You heard, go away! I was about to see the good stuff on Takato-kun!"


"We all can't get dates with men like you can! We have to be creative! And I wanted to see Takato-kun's penis for God's sake! His slim waist! His small butt! Why are you denying me these things?! I don't get to see them like you! So don't stand in my way!"

Yumi's cheeks turned red, while Aika chuckled dirtily to herself.

"T-To say such things...but, no! I wont allow you to do such things to Takato-kun!"

"Why?! Because you want him!?"

"T-That's, not your concern! Takato-kun and I are friends, that's all. Please don't make Takato-kun's life any more difficult than it already is."

"I don't make anything difficult!"

Isane roared, as Takato himself walked by.

When he heard the raised voices, he naturally stopped, and turned to see that the girls were arguing. Isane, more than Yumi at that. But he still saw them fighting, so he walked over.

"Excuse me, why are you two fighting?"

Isane and Yumi looked towards Takato who was smiling gently. Isane, who was fuelled by her rage for Yumi, and her unfulfilled desires of seeing Takato naked, decided to put it out there and see what would happen.

"Takato-kun! Will you go out with me on Sundaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!?"

Takato was immensely surprised, as were Yumi and Aika. All three of them were caught off guard.

"I-Isane-san, you wa-want to go out with me?"

"Yeah! So, what do you say!? Can we go out on Sunday!?"

Takato looked at Isane, and saw she was deadly serious.

"I didn't know you thought about those things Isane-san….b-but, yes, I'll go out with you on Sunday."

Isane's face dropped down and a sullen expression came over her face.

"Ooh I see, then sorry for..." Isane thought about what he said, not believing it, but she couldn't help that her eyes then sparkled with delight and pleasure mixed into one. "W-Wait, did you say yes!?"

"I did."

"Y-You're not joking!? You're being serious?!"

"Yeah, you're being serious!? But I thought you didn't go out with anyone!"

Aika added after Isane, and Yumi showed a very small looking pout on her face.

"Well, Isane-san is a nice girl, and I am free on Sunday. So, I don't see why not."

"Yes! Awesome! I seriously got a date with you Takato-kun!"

Isane cheered, Takato couldn't help but smile at her energy, she was a very hyper type of person to say the least.

"Hehe, is it that amazing?"

"Of course! It is fantastic! I can't wait for it! Thank you Takato-kun!"

"Isane-san, you don't have to thank me...but a 'date' is a hard thing to call it. Can we call it going out between friends?"

Isane leaned closer, and showed a wide smile.

"I understand, your nervous and shy heart is hesitating to call it a date. Fufu, don't worry Takato-kun, it can be a day out between friends, where it leads to other places~ But, can I still call it a date?"

Takato saw that on her face that it truly was important. While he saw it as a friendly thing, she looked determined for it to be a date, and he didn't have the heart to hurt her either, so he consented.

"Sure, Isane-san, you can if you like."

"Can you call it a date as well!? Even if you think it is a day out between friends, can you call it a date?"

Takato chuckled slightly, truly seeing how much it meant to her.

"Sure, I can do that." Isane did a fist pump, as Takato's phone then beeped. He took it out and looked towards it. "Oh, I have to go now, Isane-san, Kiba-san and Kiryuu-san." He bowed his head, and walked up a nearby hill. But when reaching the top, he turned back, and showed a cute smile. "Isane-san, Kiryuu-san, spying on the boys is bad you know~"


Isane and Aika were floored with their mouths wide open.

Takato giggled slightly, and walked off.

Yumi looked towards the floored pair, shook her head, and then walked off.

As Takato walked by the Old School Building, a pair of red eyes fell upon him from the first floor window. Like laser beams, they shone in the slight peak of sunlight that shone into the room.

Takato, having felt eyes towards him, looked towards the building...but, he didn't see anything at all.

"That's odd...something surely was looking at me then..."

Continuing looking at the building for a few moments, Rias happened to be walking towards it as well.

"My, Miyamoto-kun, it seems like we keep running into one another."

Takato turned to Rias, and adopted a kind smile.

"A-Aah, Gremory-senpai, yes, we keep meeting. Say, this is gonna sound weird...but, is there someone in the Old School Building right now? It's just, I have walked past a few times during the beginning of the school year, and I feel like I'm being watched...yeah, that's not possible, is it?"

Rias' eyes darted to the building and saw the red eyes once more, and wondered why that person's eyes were on Takato.

Takato tilted his head when seeing that she didn't answer.


Rias snapped back to reality and faced him with a timid smile.

"O-Oh, no, there's no one there right now. Just myself, well I will be when I get inside."

"I had heard you run the Occult Club inside there. People say it is haunted~"

"Haha, if it is haunted, then I hope for no camel ghosts."


Rias adopts a rather cute blush on her cheeks.

"Honestly, I have a small fear of camels, bad childhood experience, but don't tell anyone."

Takato, like he was zipping something up, ran his fingers across his mouth.

"Hehe, lips are sealed Senpai. And to have it be both ways, I actually have a fear of spiders...ugh, childhood incident, woke up with one right on my face, that terrified me~"

Rias raises a hand to her mouth, and lets out a light titter.

"I see, spiders, they can be rather troublesome. And yeah, that would be rather scary...say, Miyamoto-kun, can I ask you something?" Takato nodded his head. "Have you...ever experienced anything, weird?"

"Weird, Senpai?"

"Yeah, like...hmmm, actually, never mind." Takato didn't quite understand, so Rias chuckled nervously. "Actually, I do have a question. Are you, happy?"


"With your life. I mean, when you wake up each day, are you happy?"

Takato hadn't ever thought he'd be asked that by Rias.

But he gave an honest answer.

"Lonely, I'd say. But, for the most part, I am pretty happy. Why did you ask?"

"Ooh, no reason. I am, happy, you're happy. Well, I have to go, see you later Miyamoto-kun."

"Yes, goodbye Senpai."

The pair waved, and left towards the different sides. Rias watched the young man go, and adopted a sad smile.

"Lonely, you're lonely Miyamoto-kun...I wonder why."

While thinking that, she walked into the Old School Building, rethinking a few things.

After the whole Isane asking him out, he was rather surprised, even as he walked home. He was even more surprised that she wanted to date someone like him who didn't really get asked out often, if at ever.

Isane, she was a nice girl in his eyes. Sure, she was a pervert, and he knew that she would do dirty things. But he actually found her rather fun to be around, and enjoyed her weird behaviour as long as it didn't come off as a rapey feel.

However, as he walked back to his home, he was stopped by a young woman who stood in his path. Judging by height and face, and the likes, she looked to be around his age. Her eyes were violet, and her long black hair did quite a bit of justice to her already busty form.


She said shyly. Her body swayed with her emotions. It couldn't be denied that she was very shy right now.

Takato looked upon her, and then offered a smile.

"Good day, is there something I can help you with?"

"Y-Yes! Erm. You see, I've admired you from afar for a while, and I can't help but ask! Are you free on Sunday!? I'd like to go out with you!"

Takato blinked.

He couldn't deny that even this was quite the sight to behold. Another person who had asked him out.

"Ooh...erm, I'm so sorry, but I have plans on Sunday with another girl."

The young woman's face dropped considerably, and she snarled, Takato being rather surprised.


She sounded angry and devastated at the same time.

Takato adopted a kind smile on his face.

"Yes, I have been asked out by Isane-san, my classmate-"

"You're lying to me!"

Yuuma snapped towards him, her body giving off a violent aura that could even kill the wildlife around her.

Takato grimaced at the sight, seeing how she flipped from sweet and innocent one second, to a girl that looked like she was going to murder the next second.

"I'm really not so..."

Yuuma looked directly at him, tears forming behind her eyes.

"Tch, of course you are! I get it, I'm not good enough for you! Right, I see how it goes, poor Yuuma doesn't get a date because she can't land a man! Right, understood! Don't worry about me, it isn't like I don't have options as well! I have immensely better options than someone like you! Wouldn't that be great of you!?"

Takato didn't know what to say.

If he should comfort her.

Or something else entirely.

Whatever it was, he had to at least apologize.

"Erm, I'm sorry Yuuma-san, Isane-san asked first, and it would be wrong to cancel for someone else. If you had asked first then maybe we could have done something. Perhaps if I am free another time, we could go out together as friends?"

He suggested kindly, but Yuuma didn't see it like that, and she felt darkness entering her heart.

Yuuma's eyes glared towards him darkly.

"Sure, this 'Isane' doesn't exist, right? What is it with men? I can't even give it away anywhere! Screw this! Do what you want Bishounen-sama! I hope you're happy with your life and this Isane as well! Whatever, bye! Or die! Whatever! Just leave me alone already you damn weird Bishounen-sama!"

"Eeh, are you sure you're okay? I mean, I only rejected you because-"

"I hope you get what's coming to you!" Before he could finish, she yelled that out to his surprise. "A wound! A wound has appeared on my heart! And it is seeping massive amounts of pain! And my tears feel like rain falling off my face!"

Yuuma placed a hand over her heart, and her eyes brimmed with tears. Takato felt sorry for her, but he didn't see how she could get so worked up.

"You're very dramatic, we don't know one another, so how could I wound you so much?"

Yuuma's darkness grew.

"What do you mean you don't know me!? I've sent you stuff! Like, my cookies!"

"You mean the ones that had weird liquids on them?"

Takato confronted the girl about them as he found them rather weird, Yuuma's eyes brimming with tears.

"Maybe they were my tears because of you breaking my heart!"

"I didn't think I broke your heart because I said we should go out on another day perhaps, so why are you getting so restless right now? And also, if they were your tears, did you expect me to reject you or something? Or were you crying for another reason?"

Yuuma's eyes clouded in darkness, she breathed heavily, and her hand tightened.

"I could end you, you know!?"

Her threat caused Takato to become rather surprised to say the least.

"Why are you threatening me?"

"Because you've taken my heart, and shattered it into a thousand pieces you punk!"

"I assure you I am not a punk."

Yuuma inhaled, and exhaled very dramatically. Takato didn't know what the hell was going on with her now. It all seemed insane to him.

"I wont let you hurt me like this! Hmph, you'll regret this! Forever! You'll regret this always! Get me!?"

Yuuma stomped her foot on the ground, and walked off.

Takato didn't know if he should say something or not, but she walked very fast, and by the time he thought of something to say, she was already gone.

"I think I might have dodged a bullet there..."

Shrugging, he continued on towards his home so he could plan what he was going to do on Sunday.

Yuuma ranted, and raved down the street, mumbling "Damn it, what am I going to do now?" and looked sorrowful. She wasn't paying attention to her surrounding's however, and she ended up walking into the middle of the road.

"Hey! Move out the way!"

"You're going to get hit!"

Yuuma didn't pay attention to the voices, and walked as a truck came towards her.


"Eh…?" Yuuma lifted her head, in time to see the oncoming truck. "Oh shi-"

Her voice stopped as the truck slammed against her. She cried out "Aaaaaaaaaaagh!" as she skidded across the pavement. Her clothes tore because of the rolling across the ground, and then she came to a halt in the middle of a busy road.

She raised her head, rubbing the back of her head in pain.

"Owwwww, why did that..."


Yuuma was almost fearful to look.

She heard the slamming of breaks, but it came to late.

"Ooh fuck!"

She tried to move, but she was too late.

A car slammed the breaks down, and hit her in the head hard, knocking her down to the ground, cracking said ground with the harsh reality of the car, her head bled from the impact of the car, and she burst into tears.

"Waaaaaaaaaaah! That hurt! Why is this happening to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!?"

Yuuma's tears kept shedding and shedding and wouldn't stop for a long time.

While Takato walked away, he heard the sound of a screeching car in the distance. He turned his head, but since it was so far, he couldn't see who it was, and he hoped that whatever happened, they would be okay.

He continued on his way back home, as a man followed after him. The man in question was wearing a fedora, and held what appeared to be a spear of what appeared to be light. Stalking wouldn't begin to describe what he was doing right now.

Slowly pulling closer to the unsuspecting boy, his hand raised high.

"Heh, if that stupid bitch can't kill him, then I'll do it. This will fuck with that Dragon's mind."

The man thought to himself, aiming his spear for the young boys head. He walked as if the world was going to sleep, and he felt sleepy as well. Even though it was only mid afternoon, he could feel his sleep coming closer to him.

However, as he was going to throw the spear, someone came running up.

"Takato-kun! Wait for me!"

The man paused his body, and looked towards the incoming blonde.

Takato also turned, and saw that it was Yumi who was running up.

"Aah Kiba-san! I didn't see you there!"

The man backed down, with his eyes slitting themselves.

Yumi came moving up towards Takato, and offered a smile towards him.

"Takato-kun, since I was walking this way, and know you live alone, how about I fix you up a meal?"

"Ooh you don't have too."

Yumi waved her hand without a worry.

"It's okay. Besides, sometimes you don't eat enough."

"Hehe, I get sidetracked Kiba-san, it isn't my fault."

Yumi inched closer.

"Either way, lets go. If you don't mind me asking, that is?"

"No, I don't mind. Truthfully, I would like the company my...erm, my friend isn't going to be around for a little while yet. So having someone around is always good."

"Yeah, I know the feeling, I live alone as well. So, why don't we eat together?"

"Yup! Lets go Kiba-san!"

Takato showed his gentle smile, and the pair walked off together. The man that was following them, looked angrily towards them, and tightened his fist. He didn't like that he had missed his chance. He knew what Yumi was, and while she was around, he wouldn't be able to finish him off.

The day of the day out between friends in Takato's eyes, and date in Isane's and he wasn't going to deter her from that either but made clear that he saw it as a friendship thing, Takato walked towards Isane's house. He thought that it would be best. He already knew where she lived, because she had told him, several times. He didn't get why she had told him so many times, but he knew where she lived and that's all that mattered.

For some reason, he felt that his heart was beating rather quickly. Was it because he was nervous? Because he was excited? He didn't get it. Though he did dress up as much as he could. He wore smart clothing, his hair combed rather well, and his outfit in general looked to be in pristine condition. And even the way that he held himself, he showed confidence in his movements.

When he made it to her door, he knocked politely on it. He waited for a few moments, and then the door opened to reveal a woman that looked very much like an older Isane, though with smaller breasts.

"Hello, my name is Takato, and I've come to pick up Isane-san for our day out together! Erm, is she ready?"

He said with a cheerful expression, but the woman couldn't believe it.

"S-So, our daughter wasn't lying!?"


Takato didn't understand. Did Isane lie about having dates to her parents? Or did they assume?

"O-Otou-saaaaaaaaaan! Isane wasn't lying! She actually has a date with a normal looking boy that isn't Motohama-kun or Matsuda-kun who are perverted!"

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!? Seriously Okaa-san?!"

Takato heard a gruff voice come from within the house, and footsteps as well. Soon, a man that had brown hair appeared as well, and looked towards the boy.

"See Otou-san! Isane actually has a date!"

"I see! Yes, Isane actually has a date with a boy! Maybe the prospect of grandchildren wouldn't be so far away now..."

"W-Wait!? Grandchildren!? We haven't-"

Takato didn't get to finish his words, as Isane's parents dragged him in. He was forced to go towards the living room, and onto the couch.

"Tea dear!?"

Isane's mother questioned, and before he could answer, she whisked herself away to the kitchen. Isane's father looked towards him, and held stern eyes. He chuckled awkwardly, and looked around the area he was in.

"You have a very nice home."

Takato gave his thoughts, as Isane's father leaned forward.

"So, where are you going to take my Isane?"

"Ah well, I was thinking we could go to the arcade or, wherever she wanted to go. I thought that we could maybe eat out somewhere depending how long it would take. And finally, we'd arrive back here around 7, would that be okay…?"

Isane's father moved off his part of the couch and sat down near Takato. He didn't know why, but it felt like he was getting scrutinized right now.

"Yes, of course that's fine! Haha, Isane has been talking about you a lot!"

"She has?"

Takato carried on, looking around.

His eyes then drifted to a weird magazine that had a young male on the front was nude and obviously showing their private parts that was partially hidden under the chair but not fully, and had the words "Bishounen boys, blonde addition!" on the front, and the boy on the picture looked suspiciously like himself.

"Is that those naughty books…? Bishounen boys that are naked and in naughty positions...that looks a lot like me...should I be flattered or scared...?" Takato thought to himself with some fear for his safety at this point, and looked back at the father, who was even closer now. "S-So, is something wrong sir?"

"No, of course there isn't! It's just, this is a monumental day!"


Takato didn't understand what he was getting himself into at this point.

But the man before him put on a prideful smile, and his eyes gleamed like a thousand suns.

"Because Isane got a date of course! The only boys who ever asked her out are the perverted boys that always wolf whistled and they weren't good for her! You see, Isane is very pretty, isn't she?" Takato didn't say anything, but his reddening cheeks told everything that needed to be said. "But, you see, because of her wild ways with spying on men, they were frightened off or in some cases, very attracted and wanted to do weird things with our daughter, and we worried that we'd never be able to see our grandchildren because of the kind of men she would attract and would scare off. But now that she has a normal date..."

"Erm, you do know this is a first date, right? Because..."

"Ooh don't worry about it! You'll have a lovely future together, son!"

Takato felt like he was being entangled into the family unit already.

Isane's mother came back into the room, and handed him the tea.

"A-Ah, thank you very much!"

"Manners~" The mother cooed. "I am just so happy, you have manners, and you are Isane's type as well!"

"And what type would that be?"

"Ooh she likes them very adorable looking and….ehehe, I have stepped too far. But enough about that Takato-kun, what about yourself? We'd like to meet your parents someday to discuss certain things~"

His face dropped ever so slightly.

"...That would be hard."

Isane's mother tilted her head.

"Why's that dear?"

"Because I don't have any parents."

A silence hung in the room. They clearly weren't expecting an answer like that. So, naturally they felt guilty about bringing things like that up.

Takato looked between them, raising his hand to the back of his head, and scratched sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I've made it awkward huh..."

"N-No! I made it awkward, I'm sorry, I brought up something that must be hard."

"No, it's okay, I've pretty much accepted it by now that my parents...well, it doesn't matter. A-Anyway, this tea is very delicious~"

He smiled out, wanting to change the subject.

However, Isane soon arrived down the stairs, wearing an outfit that he didn't think she'd wear. She was wearing a skirt that flowed down to her knees, just above, which was a white colour, and she wore a blouse that also showed off her quite impressive assets as well, which was white. All in all, Isane, looked very beautiful, and Takato couldn't help but feel his cheeks turn a little red.


Takato didn't know what to say, he was mesmerized.

This was Isane, right?

He didn't get how she could turn from the usual Isane to this one who looked very beautiful. No, she already was. But this time, there was an air around her that was quite surprising to his mind, and he didn't hate it either.

"Aah, Takato-kun, you're here! Hehehehe, I probably look bad, right?"

"N-No, of course not! Isane-san, you look good! Hehe, I am sorry, I'm not doing you justice right now..."

Isane couldn't help but feel her cheeks turn slightly red from the compliment.

"No, it's fine! We should go! Y-Yes, lets go Takato-kun!"

"Isane! Have fun!"

Isane's mother yelled, as Takato followed Isane out. Isane's father was crying manly tears, apparently having approved of them going out already.

Exiting the house, Isane placed a hand to her forehead.

"I'm sorry about my parents, they're super embarrassing."

"That's what parents should be, right Isane-san?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess...but, still, whatever they said, don't take it too bad...they go wild about it, and it isn't like I talk about you at home or anything! I don't even mention you!"

"Hehe, I see. Then should we go?"

Isane felt a nervous pulse from her heart.

"Y-Yeah, sure."

"What should we do Isane-san?"

"Eeh, I don't mind. As long...as we have fun, it doesn't matter."

"Cool, then maybe we could go to the arcade?"

"I'd like that!"

Together, they walked off into the city.

Making it to said city, the pair walked around the area together. While they walked, a mysterious girl came up to them and handed them a leaflet. Both of them in fact. It had a weird symbol on it and the woman looked on.

"For all your wishes to come true, wish on this piece of paper, okay?"

"Makes wishes come true?"

Isane questioned, the woman nodding.

"That's right, if you wish hard on this, then you might be able to have your wishes come true."

Isane didn't put much thought into it and stuffed it into her pocket. Takato looked on, and then did the same thing, and they walked off together.

Isane couldn't be more nervous, and Takato didn't look like he was doing much better either. They awkwardly walked along the path together, while Isane looked towards Takato, and saw that he looked just as nervous as she was, which somehow relieved her.

"Hahaha, are you nervous too?"

"Y-Yes, my body is feeling weird, Isane-san. I've never felt this nervous about being alone with a girl before even though this is just a day..." Her eyes looked towards him, almost pleadingly, so he corrected himself for her sake. "The date I mean."

Isane took that to mean something beautiful, and did a mini fist pump from out of his vision.

"R-Right, that's because we're alone, and together...hehehe, I'm sorry, I'm super nervous! I imagined this many times in my head, and when you said you'd come with me, I couldn't believe it. I actually thought you'd be playing a prank on me."

"I wouldn't do that Isane-san. It would be cruel."

"Y-Yeah, you're right. It's just, this is new to me. This is my first date ever. I'm sure you've been on plenty of dates, right?"

To her surprise, Takato shook his head.

"No, I haven't really been on a date before."

"Y-You're being serious?"

"Yes, I am being serious. Is it surprising for someone like me to not be on a date?"

Isane stroked the back of her head, shrugging her shoulders.

"Honestly, I thought you wouldn't even say yes to me, so this is all a bonus. So, I'm one of the first people to date you huh! I-I mean, go on a date with you!" She smoothly (that's what she thought) and began giggling away. "S-So, Takato-kun, going on dates and all, are you having fun?"

"Yes, even though we've only just started though."

"I'm glad!"

Takato put a hand to his mouth and chuckled, to her surprise.

"Isane-san, you surely are full of energy."

"Y-Yeah, I am huh….is it off putting? Many people think it is, so if I am then..."

"No, please be yourself. That's why I agreed to go with Isane-san on this day...date."

"You did? That's the reason?"

Takato nodded, as they rounded a corner.

"Yes, that's right, Isane-san is more honest with herself than others around her. Sometimes, girls ask me out, but they always have ulterior motives to being their usual self, and want to do it to show off, or to sometimes be cruel to me as well."

"They're cruel to you?"

Takato nodded his head, which surprised Isane.

"Yes, they sometimes like making fun of me because of my, what they call, weird hobbies. Some girls are kind and scream at me for some weird reason. But, there are some girls, and guys, that are mean to me. But, that's life, isn't it? Not everyone is going to like you, so I don't let it get to me."

"Heh, we're the same! People don't like me much either~"

Though Isane thought "For different reasons." with a sweat drop going down her face as an afterthought.

"Even though Isane-san is perverted-" Isane sweat dropped. "-Isane-san is also a very kind person, I've seen it before. Isane-san, you are a kind person. Your parents were speaking to me, and they implied, more so, that you don't think you're pretty."

"Well, there's like Rias-senpai and others at the school, even that damn Kiba so..."

"Isane-san is just as beautiful as any of them." Isane felt her heart skip a beat. "Don't put yourself down. Isane-san is very beautiful, and kind as well."

"Hehe, thanks~"

Feeling a little more confident, Isane bravely grabbed his hand and held it tightly. She was sure he was going to snatch his hand back, but to her ever growing surprise, all he did was blush lightly, and turn his head shyly, something she found to be the cutest ever, and even felt her own cheeks blushing even more.

"...Say Isane-san, shall we have a lot of fun?"

"Yeah! Lets have more fun!"

Together, hand in hand, Takato, and Isane walked off together, hand in hand. Isane couldn't deny that she enjoyed feeling his hand, and how soft, yet firm that it was. She couldn't deny that it was probably one of the better experiences of her life.

They did a lot of things together, they played games together. They danced together, which ended up having Takato fall over, and Isane fell on top of him. Naturally, that was an embarrassing thing between them.

Also, they went into a picture booth, and took a bunch of pictures together. Pulling faces, sticking out their tongues, and even at one point, hugging, which almost sent Isane into an overload from how much she truly did enjoy his body on her own.

They even ate out together, and like a gentleman, Takato paid for it, which only caused Isane to fall deeper for him. She hadn't expected it, but beyond his cute face, he truly was a nice, and even funny person. She saw him as a shy boy, but truthfully, he had different sides to him, and gave some funny jokes, and other things that made her see him in a different light, but even in that different light, she genuinely enjoyed it.

At the end of the day out/date, the pair walked into the park, and Isane was feeling, even more nervous than before. Because, it was the end of date, there was something special that she wanted to do, but she didn't know if she would be able to do it.

She looked at the bracelet that was around her wrist, something that Takato had won for her. Maybe it was only just a toy one, but to her, it was something that Takato had gotten for her while winning a game, and because of it, she found it precious, and enjoyed wearing it with pride.

Even he was wearing a toy ring which was on his ring finger which she found to be an interesting choice, only wishing that they had their items swapped. But for now, she couldn't deny that this was one of the best days of her life, and even the same could be said for Takato as well.

"Haha, I'm serious, before High School, I was the weird kid that sat at the back of the class and drew weird pictures and had no friends, well even now I don't have many either."

"No. no! I can't imagine it Takato-kun!"

"It's true Isane-san, I don't know what changed when I came to High School, I act like I did back then...maybe High School people are more mature or something...?" He pondered for a few moments, and then looked at Isane with a wide smile. "Isane-san, this was a fantastic day. I've had so much fun!"

"Yeah! It was the best!"

Isane cheered, as they stood in front of a fountain. With the water dancing beside them, Isane felt her heart increasing its beats, and Takato could feel it as well. And even their hands stayed together for the entire day. Holding one another's hands, it almost seemed natural at this point, and Isane was glad.

If she could seal the deal today, she could die happy.

"Isane-san, can I ask, why did you ask me out?"

"Eh? What do you mean? Because you're cute with a really big peeeeeee...eehehe! N-No, scratch that last part..."

Takato drew a blank on his face, and didn't know what she was talking about.

"W-Well, that's….but, Isane-san, why me exactly?"

Isane scratched her cheek.

"Truthfully, I kinda liked you since last year...maybe you don't remember, but I remember that during that time, there were a bunch of guys around me. They were...well, maybe it was my own fault or something, but they were being quite threatening, but you came and forced them away from me. I was surprised, to see someone so cute, being able to suddenly dish out some punishment. Since then, I couldn't help but be enamored by you, and how you're different to other guys in the school. Especially Motohama and Matsuda. Ugh, those bastards." Takato released a small chuckle. "Haha, then again, I'm probably not much better."

"I remember that Isane-san, you looked in distress, and those guys were bad people. And that's not true, Isane-san is a good person."

"Heeeeh, you're quite the surprising guy. I didn't think that it would be this entertaining."

"Yeah, you're right Isane-san! This was the best kind of fun for us to have together!"

"Yeah….also, Takato-kun." Takato tilted his head, as they sat down on the fountains edge. "Y-You know, towards the end of a date...people do things together...right?"

"Do things…?"

Isane squealed in her mind "He's so fucking innocent and cute! I can't corrupt him but I want too!" and took a few breaths.

"Y-Yeah, me, you, a boy and a girl, alone together..."

"What do they do?"

Isane didn't know how she was going to do this. She didn't want to ruin innocence, but he wasn't truly as innocent as a holy person. But still, she couldn't hold back, and moved closer. Takato looked on curiously, seeing her cheeks blushing.

"Y-Yeah, I mean, t-they do things...a-at the end, a guy, and a girl...they sometimes...they do things together, they come together, and then they hold one another, a-and then they move c-closer and closer..."

"Isane-san, are you talking about, k-kissing?"

"Sure! Lets do it then Takato-kun!"

"Wait, I only said-"

Isane stopped him from speaking as she inched closer. Takato felt his heart beat rapidly moving. Isane herself could feel herself feeling hotter between her large breasts.

"It's okay, it would be my first kiss...and giving it to you, that would be good."

"Your first kiss huh...Isane-san, you want to give something that important to someone like me?"

"Of course, you'd be the perfect person to kiss! You're adorable, and your lips look so soft! Hahaha, maybe it'd be weird kissing me, but I thought we could do it, it would be the perfect way to round off the day. You, and me, holding one another, and then I become your Queen as you gather a harem to have fun with..."

"Wait, what was that?"

Isane showed an innocent face.

"W-What was what?"

"About the harem thing."

He stated towards her with curious eyes.

Isane chuckled rather nervously, shaking her head side to side.

"It's nothing! J-Just a fleeting thought and all! Hahaha, I'd be fine having you all to myself! But ecchi situations happen in harems all of the time, and then you'd have me...n-no, I can't say anymore! It's super embarrassing! Forget I mentioned it!"

"Fufu, Isane-san, are you thinking perverted things~?"

Suddenly, a teasing voice came from Takato, which was quite surprising.

"N-No! I wasn't!"

Takato gently poked her cheek, causing her to blush.

"Yes you were, I can see it inside of Isane-sans eyes. I know you spy on us boys during the changing time after gym class, and I saw your naughty magazine back at your house as well."

"I'm sorry! I'm naturally curious! B-But I only look at yours! Ooh crap! I mean, I haven't seen you naked or anything! But I would like too! Ooh shit, someone shut me up already!"

Takato began chuckling in a fun teasing manner.

"You're so honest Isane-san."

"Y-You can call me Ise if you like..."

"Ise-san, that's how others address you?"

"Y-Yeah sometimes. Call me that if you want."

"I see, then Ise-san is a perverted girl, spying on young boys~" Isane sweat dropped. But then Takato placed a hand on top of her own, causing her cheeks to flush. "Ise-san only looks at me huh..."

Isane with her free hand, scratches her cheek.

"Y-Yeah, you're right...only you...I-I'm so sorry, I've put you off me, haven't I?"

Takato shook his head.

"I already knew you did before I agreed to come out with you. It is cute, Ise-san. And to only look at me, in a weird way, I feel weird inside, and yet, also happy that you only look at me. Though spying is a bad habit Ise-san, especially when they don't know, it invades personal privacy."

"Yes you're right..."

Isane cried a little bit.

But Takato leaned closer, and his smile became a little more naughty.

"But, if we were dating, then you could see me naked Ise-san, would you want to see me naked? Or, have you seen me naked already Ise-san?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Y-You're serious?! A-And, I've only seen your chest, and...n-nothing else, I saw! B-But, you'd show me your body!?"

Takato didn't reveal anything, but he showed an innocent smile.

"Maybe, it depends how comfortable I'd feel."

"Y-Yes! Be comfortable! I want to see your penis! And your butt! And your entire body!"

"Ise-san... Y-You're so forward, you perverted girl."

Takato gushed immensely, Isane however didn't stop.

"I'm so sorry! But I can't contain it sometimes! Kiryuu told me your size, both width and length as well, and I'm so happy Takato-kun!"

"A-And how would she know my size?!"

"She's a pervert and knows the size of males thingy's!"

Takato's face turned bright red, and he shyly looked to the side.

"...Kiryuu-san is even more of a pervert than Ise-san." Isane looked on as Takato turned back to her, and pushed closer. "But, still, Ise-san is a good person. Someone who I do like very much. Also, Ise-san, for this day out we had together, it was quite fun, did you have fun with me?"

Isane's face turned upwards.

"Even though you thought it was a day out between friends...I thought it was a fantastic date. Thank you for indulging in my fantasies today, you truly did treat this as a date while thinking it was between friends, and heck, I know that we're at least friends, and right now, I couldn't be more happy."

Takato, wanting to see Isane smile, didn't deter her from thinking about it, and decided to smile as well.

"I'm glad I could make you happy Ise-san with our day...with our date." He smiled out which made Ise smile as well, and then looked up briefly. "It seems I made Ise-san happy with this 'date' between us, I'm sure she'd be happy that I made Ise-san happy, and she did urge me to make more friends, and that's what I did. Ise-san truly is a nice person, and this day was really fun, she's quite different to...but, Ise-san as a date huh...it was really good."

He thought to himself, and while to him it was a day out, he could see why Ise thought it was a date and he was glad for her.

Ise however pushed closer, and her face fell into a relaxed state.



Isane moved her head closer. He didn't stop her, and felt her hand touch his cheek.

Since he wasn't resisting, she pulled closer to him. Takato thought that maybe she would kiss his cheek, but he was wrong when she went for his lips.

"Ise-san, wait there's..."

"Shhh, don't worry, it's okay. Just one is enough for me."

"Ise-san there's someone that I..."

"Shhhh, don't be worried, let's just kiss once..."

The young girl didn't hold herself back, and went to take his lips with her own…

But then Takato felt something to the side, and saw something coming for them.


Takato pushed Isane to the side, just in time for a spear of light to come near his form. He knew he couldn't dodge it in time, so he moved his shoulder in the way, and the spear stuck inside of his shoulder, causing him pain and to scream out "Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" from the intense pain that he felt deeply inside of him.

"Takato-kun!" Ise cried out for the boy, seeing the light spear. "W-What the hell is that Takato-kun!?"

"I-I don't know Ise-san! It hurts!"

Isane, not wanting to see Takato hurt, pulled the spear out of his shoulder though it burned her hands, and threw it to the side. He cried "Aaaaah!" from the pain on his shoulder, and put his hand to the wound which was spurting out blood.

"Takato-kun! It's okay, we'll get you to the doctor!"

Takato was about to agree, when he stopped and saw where the spear came from.

His eyes looked upon what it was stood, or rather, floating there, and grimaced.

"...I don't think I'll be making it to the doctors, Ise-san."

"Huh? What do you mean?"


Isane turned her head to where Takato was looking, and saw that floating there, was a man there. He wore a large coat, and had a fedora on his head, and his smirk seemed dangerous.

"W-Who are you!? And what are you!?"

"Heh, my name doesn't matter. All that matters is that I am the Angel of Death, delivering you to the darkness of death."

"W-What!? Why!?"

Takato watched as Isane raged. He ripped his shirt, and tied it around his wound, exposing his chest to the others, though he didn't care. Fixing the wound as best as he could, he inhaled and exhaled a few times.

The man who called herself the Angel of Death watched on and was surprised.

"...You're not normal, you aren't even falling over from having your arm stabbed by my light?"

"I've been through worse before, don't worry about me." His eyes turned to Ise, and looked pleadingly. "Ise-san, please run away. I'm going to distract him."

"W-Wait? You want me to do what!?"

"Run away. Before this...I don't even know what he is, but please run away Ise-san! I couldn't take it if something happened to you!"

"And you think I could take it if something happened to you!?"

Takato felt a shock go through his system, not many people had ever said that to him before.

"Ise-san...no, please. You have to go! You have a family waiting for you to return! And I am your date! And as your date, I'll protect you against the man of the night there!"

"Did you just call me a prostitute!?"

The man raged on, Takato took his eyes and glared towards her.


"Heh, my name is Dohnaseek, and I am cleaning up the mess from the one you know as Yuuma, idiot couldn't even finish you off."

Takato thought back to Yuuma and how she did appear, and what happened there.

Yuuma was a Fallen Angel as well...?

He had only met her briefly, but...

"So what? You're...what are you…? I don't get what you're supposed to be..."

"I am a Fallen Angel, and I am sorry, but I am going to have to kill you."

"Why do you want to kill him!?"

Ise growled out, the man tittered to herself.

"It's because he's got something inside of him, besides it would piss off a certain someone if this person died. Haha, she'd probably lose her will to live as well, right Takato?"

Takato, hearing what he said, turned to him, pleadingly.

"Please, if you have to kill me, so be it, but let Ise-san go! You want me dead, fine! You can...but, please don't let Ise-san die! She's a good person!"

"Idiot! Don't say you'll sacrifice yourself for me! How would I feel about that!?"

"But Ise-san that's-"

"I said I'm not going! So don't be stupid Takato!"

Takato released a small chuckle as Dohnaseek tilted his head.

"...You're so kind to someone like me Ise-san who doesn't deserve it. At least, I'll make sure that you get away." His eyes drifted to Dohnaseek and adopted a sly smile. "You know, I know people."

Dohnaseek scoffed.

"Have you finally gone crazy?"

"Who knows, but have you heard of The Super Sentai?"

Dohnaseek rolled his eyes.

"Of course I have idiot."

"That's good because...have you heard of Goku-kun?"

"Duh, Dragon Ball Z. You threatening me with fictional characters?"

Takato's eyes sharpened.

"No, I'm just saying that the person I know, is planet busting like Goku-kun...have you heard of Saitama-sama?"

"One Punch Man!"

Dohnaseek yelled back, Takato clicking his tongue.

"Well, this person is like Saitama, and his name is Luffy-kun."

"One Piece!?"

Takato chuckled awkwardly while thinking "I'm running out of protagonists at this point." while thinking about obscure ones she might not know.

"Well, Luffy-kun is stretchy and cool, I'm just saying that...erm...heard of Kirito?" Dohnaseek drew a blank face, Takato smiled. "Okay, his name is Kirito-kun and he's very, strong~"

"Who is this Kirito? I've never heard of him!"

Takato chuckled.

"Fufu, he's got a few names, like the Black Swordsman...well, I mean Guts-san from Berserk was called it first I think...eeeeh! He's called a Beater, and, some people, not me personally, they call him the second coming of Jesus-sama."

Isane's lips curled upwards at how he was using anime to actually help him, and it seemed to work as Dohnaseek's eyes widened.

"You're fucking kidding me!"

"Ooh I'm not kidding you, Dohnaseek-san. He is like...erm, he's a pretty good swordsman I guess, and...he somehow has self resurrection powers!"

"What is this person!? You're lying to me! He can't be real!"

"He very much is!"

"Well, if he is, what Faction does he belong to then!?"

Takato looked at Isane who was drawing a blank as well.

"Eh...he is, God's servant."

"With the Church!? Shit then that means Asia is..."

Takato didn't know who this Asia was, but from the way that he said it, it sounded like an objective.

"That's right, it would be wise to run away before Kirito-kun comes, and skewers you with his, sword, name escapes me right now, but it is very powerful!"

"Shit...is it Durandal? Or Excalibur!?"

"Yes, Excalibur! He has that...right?" He looked to Isane, unsure, Isane shrugged and then nodded her head. "Yes, that sword, that legendary blade."

"Ooh no, this person sounds dangerous..." Dohnaseek looked towards Takato who was trying his best to keep a straight strong face. "W-Well, that's like...before he comes! Time to die!"

Dohnaseek readied himself, Takato knowing that he wouldn't be able to continue, suddenly looked to the side.

"Kirito-kun! Thanks for coming!"

"What!? Where!?"

Dohnaseek looked as well, falling for the boys words.

Suddenly, which surprised Isane, Takato took off running towards Dohnaseek.

Hearing the footsteps, Dohnaseek turned back, and was surprised at his speed. He went to make a light spear in his hand, but Takato thrusted a palm at the man. Dohnaseek went to block it, but Takato's real strike slammed against his chin, forcing his body upwards, and then he spun around and delivered a hard kick to her stomach.

"Aaaaaaaah! Fucking Bishounen is attacking me!? Where is Kirito!?"

He couldn't believe that a human could do that.

Even Ise was surprised that he could do that.

How could he do that?

Was he a secret bad ass?

Sure, she saw him kick butt before, but seeing that he was even doing this now, it was surprising.

"Technically, I am defending Ise-san from you, and yeah, well, he's coming eventually."

"Fuck you!"

Dohnaseek yelled, feeling the surprisingly winded feeling of the kick she received.

Dohnaseek rebounded from the kick, and went to through a spear at him, but the boy already was close. He couldn't believe it, as his hand grabbed Dohnaseek's own hand, and twisted it so the spear was aimed at the Fallen Angel, and forced it towards him.

"Tch! You're a meager human, did you think you could overpower me?"

He stopped his own hand going forward towards his chest. But Takato saw this coming, and grabbed the Fallen Angel's wing, pulling it forward, which made him cry out.


Using his fancy footing, he pushed his foot in front of Dohnaseek, and he took a step. Sweeping, the boys foot knocked Dohnaseek and forced him forward. Before his spear could pierce him, he allowed it to be dissipated, leaving it into nothingness.

"Since when are you a bad ass boy!? You're an ordinary human! Well, you do get along with that person so maybe you aren't ordinary at all."

"I don't understand what that means, but I learned to defend myself! And if I can't beat you, then I'll at least stop you from hurting Ise-san!"

Takato spun around the man's body, and got behind him. Using his arms, Takato wrapped his arms around the man's neck in a tight grip, strangling him. Even realizing that he was more powerful, Takato knew he wouldn't win a fight, and now, all he could do was hope this slowed the man down for Ise to get away, knowing that he wouldn't be.

Dohnaseek's eyes popped open, and gripped his hands, trying to break them off his neck, but he didn't let go for even a second, going so far as to lean forward, and bite the hand as well, causing Dohnaseek to howl in pain.

"Let go you shit! You bit me you lowly dog!"

"I'd rather be a dog, than you anyway!"

Dohnaseek pulled backwards, and slammed his body into a nearby metal pole. The force caused the pole to break, and Takato spat out blood from the impact, clinging to him for dear life.


Ise yelled, and went to help, but Takato shook his head.

"Ise-san! Please run away! I'll stop her the best that I can! He's stronger than I am...but, if I can surprise him, then you can run away! Please, run Ise-san! I've got this!"

He cried out, as Dohnaseek jumped, and landed on the ground. A wound appeared on his head, and caused his head to bleed. But still, he didn't let go. He felt dizzy, no doubt that he did, but he had to protect Ise, no matter what.

"No! Oi! Leave him alone right now you whore!"

Ise cried out, see more and more wounds appearing on him, and went to rush closer, but Dohnaseek flapped his wings hard, a gust formed and knocked her down.

Ise watched as Dohnaseek slammed Takato into many things. She could hear bones breaking and wounds all over his body. Dohnaseek truly was torturing him, but he was protecting her. All this pain, this suffering, was to keep her safe, she felt blessed, she felt like he truly did care for her. But, if she wasn't there, then maybe he wouldn't have to go through all this.

Finally, Dohnaseek after a minute or so of slamming the boys body around, he slammed his body against a sharp piece of metal, which pierced him from behind.


His voice betrayed him, looking down at the wound, it pierced right through his body.


That was the only constant in his life right now.

So much from the stab.

He remembered...

He remembered those nights again and how it felt...

All so painful.

Especially when...


Because of the shock, his arms fell off her neck, releasing Dohnaseek, and then he spun around, gripping Takato by the neck, and held him tall, dislodging his body from the sharp metal.


Ise yelled, running towards them.

But Dohnaseek flapped his wing hard behind him, sending her down to the ground once more.

"Watch, and I'll kill this boy before your eyes. This is to clean up that stupid girls mistakes, she can't even date someone to lure them out to kill them. Well, I'll just do it myself."

"No, don't please!"

Dohnaseek chuckled and formed a spear of light. The spear grew in his hand, which was behind Takato, and the spear pierced his body from behind, opening a hole in his stomach. His eyes widened at the sudden feeling entering his body, and blood shot out of his mouth. He looked lifeless, he looked dead already, though the signs of his twitching hand told Ise that he was still alive.

Ise watched on with tears as Dohnaseek smirked.

"This is what happens when you defy me. Where's your Kirito now huh?"

Tossing him to the ground like he was nothing, Ise saw his body hit the ground and more tears formed in her eyes.


His body hit the ground harshly. His eyes went to Isane, and with all the strength he had, he called "Run..." but it came too late.

She ran as fast as she could, but with the same light spear, Dohnaseek threw it at Ise, and pierced her body.


Ise spat out quite a bit of blood, which stained the ground red.

Takato's own body was producing a lot of blood, and pooled around him.

His mind went to the people that loved him.

His mind went to his grandmother, and thought about her, how he'd be able to see her now.

If anything, that made him have a single smile on his face.

Even in death, he had something to look forward too.

But, there was the people he would be leaving behind.

His friends...

The person that had always cared for him, and he didn't even have the time to fully be with that person...

To love that person...

To always be with that person...

That was a regret, to never fully tell that person how much they meant to him...

"It's because of your gifts from God up there. Haha, blame him for your Sacred Gear's. But this is poetic, isn't it? Hey, if you had accepted that bitches date Takato-kun, then Ise-chan there would be alive. Think about that as you die. You're responsible for her death as well."

Dohnaseek gave a dirty laugh, and extended his wings, moving away.

It ran through Takato's mind as his life slowly slipped away.

Ise, laying there in her own blood.

If only he had been stronger…

If he had accepted that date from Yuuma…

Ise wouldn't be like this now.

If he had done things differently, then maybe he could…

Then, he remembered something.

Even if it was just a hoax, one last act as a human had to be performed.

He took out the piece of paper that the person before gave him, and covered it in his blood.

"...Save Ise-san...Please...my wish...s-save...Ise-san..."

Because of the guilt he felt, that's the one wish he had inside of him.

More than himself, he felt terrible about dragging Ise into all of this.

He had something else waiting for him, he was sure that he would go to Heaven now, since he never did bad things, he was a good person, that's what he believed to be true...

As his light left his eyes, he saw something glowing.

The thing in his hand glowed, brightly, and shone beautifully.

A red...

No, it was crimson.

Like that girls hair.

Like his blood.

Like Isane's blood.

He recalled briefly, Rias Gremory.

It reminded him of her.

That brilliant flow of crimson hair that always seemed to shimmer.

He couldn't determine a few things due to losing consciousness.

But, what he saw was a brilliant crimson that filled his eyes.

"Oh no...I'm so sorry...I didn't think this would ever happen...I am so sorry Miyamoto-kun, I should have protected you before this happened..." From what he could tell, the voice was that of a crying person. "But don't worry, you, and that girl...your lives have ended, but I'll pick them up again, just live under me now, and I'll make your lives better than they are now, that's my promise, from your Senpai..."

That's all he heard before darkness came over him.

End chapter!

Yup, that's the end of it! I hoped you enjoyed it! First we have our new protagonist from the story that won the poll! Said poll, if you didn't see it on my profile, had this exact story win! It's still there for those who wanna check out the results, and for those interested in future stories I'll be doing eventually.

I'm actually pleasantly surprised this one won, I also had a story where the Oc replaced Ise, but that ranked quite low as opposed to this ranked the highest, but there's more that can be done here, more things to explore and the majority wanted it so this is what we're going with!

This story is about a story of a boy, who becomes Rias' servant! Twist is though, Issei here, is a female, and so is Yuuto, and Gasper and Vali (two female Heavenly Dragon's fighting over one boy, that's gonna be interesting). And since Ise is female here, that means, basically all of the ORC and Irina are in his harem, including Rias, who a few fans of mine have been asking for for a while! So yeah, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Rossweisse, and the rest are in his harem! And don't worry, they aren't going to love him just because he's the main protagonist, they'll each go through things with him which will bring love about.

For Takato himself, he's gonna be quite the complex character, we've not seen all sides of him, though have been hinted at, we'll be exploring that more deeply as we go through the story, and he knows how to fight, at least human level threats enough to surprise Dohnaseek though eventually he snapped out of it and stopped him. And why would he need to those skills in the first place? We'll find out in the future! And about his parents as well, they're gonna be quite...well, we'll eventually find out!

Now, he has a Sacred Gear, and a mysterious past as well, which we'll be exploring deeply in the future. For the past, I've got that entire thing planned out, same for what Takato shall be doing during the story arcs as well. For the Sacred Gear….well, we'll be getting into the fun part here and now!

We've got a few options here. One could be one of the Longinus' and yes, that would mean Rias would have another Longinus user in her group, though if you've read ahead, you'll see that really isn't an issue later on down the line with who joins her group, even if for a tournament though by that time Takato will have his own group so that's not an issue.

For the Longinus', there's Incinerate Anthem which could be one. Another is Dimension Lost. Out of the ones in the Longinus category, I think these two would be quite good to have. I'd suggest the new Longinus'...but we really don't know what they do at this point. I'd say Absolute Demise, but Makoto from Younger Brother is the ice master so I thought going a different route would be good, maybe that one in a future story though. I'd also suggest True Longinus, but Cao Cao's kinda necessarily to be a villain for a while and needs True Longinus for that, while the two Longinus' I suggested, can be filled by other means if necessary. If you think I've left one out and give a good reason for it, then I'll add it to the suggestions!

Another idea is to have a situation like Kiba's, where he has two different Sacred Gear's, like maybe Trick Vanish and Night Reflection later down the line, these two would be rather interesting I'd say. There's some cool normal type Sacred Gear's out there after all like Variant Detonation, and other ones as well. How that would happen, I have planned out, depending on if this one is picked or not. And even if he has these, he wont be weak, he's going to be around two Heavenly Dragon's, so that's gonna be affecting him as well and normal Sacred Gear's can evolve with the person and look at how it did with Gasper for those who've read on in the LN's, it could happen to Takato's as well.

For his piece, obviously if he has a Longinus, it would have to be a Mutation Piece. I was thinking either a Mutated Pawn (obviously a high value), or a Mutated Rook, and if the Rook is chosen, then Rossweisse would join Takato's peerage later down the line when he gets on, and she'll be around as well when she comes into the story.

And suggestions on all three categories above is appreciated.

So yeah, that's the beginning. It's going to be fun going from here. We'll learn more about Takato, and his past, and his expanding relationships, and his struggles going forward as well as dealing with a few things.

So yeah, thanks for reading, please vote on what you'd like to see from Takato here and until next time! Here's the harem in no particular order.

Takato; Ise (fem), Vali (fem), Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Yumi (fem), Gasper (fem), Xenovia, Irina, Rossweisse.