Disclaimer: twilight belongs to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer, I'm just taking her story and playing with it.
I screamed as the fire burned through my neck, travelling downwards towards my chest. Another trail of liquid fire burned up my arm, tongues of flames eating my veins. My blood was smeared across his mouth. The strong smell of rust and iron made me nauseous more than the pain did. I kept my mouth clamped shut so that I wouldn't vomit.
He had came out of nowhere, the handsome cold monster as I took a walk in the wood behind Charlie's, my dad's house. It had finally stopped raining, allowing me to take a walk in the misty wetness. I hated the rain.
I tried to push against him, but it was like pushing a brick wall. I felt myself growing weaker as the fire moved down my neck. He was drinking my blood. Suddenly there was a loud growl and a bear sized man crashed into my monster and with a crash like boulders falling, they went to the ground snarling and fighting. I couldn't brace myself for the fall, and my whimper turned into a scream. The fire.
The fire had claimed my entire arm and chest, my neck was ablaze of flames. I tried to life my arm up, to see if my skin was as charred as it felt but I couldn't move it. The trees overhead faded out of vision, blurring as the fire claimed me. I wanted to see the sun, one last time before I burned or died. I wanted to see Charlie and mom. But all I saw was the dark green of the trees overhead.
A pretty place to die in, I thought. A pretty place to burn in.
Loud growls and snarls joined my screams and my vision was blocked by a figure. I could hear murmurs as people talked. Time seemed to blur just like my vision, the lava in my veins dragging the seconds so that they felt like years. How long would I burn? Why didn't the voices help me? Why didn't they stop the fire?
I felt fingers on my head, cold on my burning flesh and I tried to focus on the face that stared upside down at me. He had butterscotch eyes and his red lips were moving as if he was talking but I couldn't hear the words. I felt tugging on my leg, straightening it, the pain of the break nothing to the flames.
The fire was true pain, worse than anything I'd ever felt. It was like falling down the stairs, being hit by a car, trampled on by elephants and having my body doused in fire all at once. The fire was making its way into my stomach and my other arm, the flames licking towards my fingertips and toes.
How long until the flames turned me into charcoal?
As I felt hands tugging at the injuries the monster had done, I stared into the eyes of the boy who stared down at me. He looked like my monster but different. His skin was pale, but not so much when you saw the people of Forks. Even I, who lived under constant sun failed to be tan. But he was paler, with no colour to his cheeks. His skin was cold and hard, like marble - like ice on my heated flesh. So was the other hands, the ones fixing my legs and ribs, the one that held my hand. But when he touched me, I felt a pulse of electric through the flames and pain and sickness. He was handsome, more so than my monster, a Greek god. A straight nose with high cheekbones and a perfect jaw. His hair was copper, bronze, a mess of untidy hair that looked like the wind had mussed it. But his eyes were my favourite. A strange ocher, darker than butterscotch, but with the same golden tone. I struggled to read the emotion in them through the flames.
It was those eyes that stopped me from begging them to kill me. To end it before the fire claimed me.
Time seemed to stretch, and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't keep count. Soon, the fire had reached every inch of me and the hands stopped prodding. Drifting in and out, I felt myself being moved and heard my screams. I saw my bronze angel, and the bear man that hit my monster like a pillar. My monster was gone.
At one time I thought I saw a pixie, and even a blonde man dressed like a doctor. Was I at the hospital? Where was Charlie? Was my mom here? How long have I burned?
Why did I burn still? Could no one stop it?
I wreathed and screamed as the flames began to strengthen where my bones were broken and felt them being knitted back together. I opened my eyes and frantically searched for my angel. I was in a room, a house but he was here, beside me and so was the pixie. She held my hand. Her lips began to move. It felt like years past before her voice reached my ears.
"It's OK. It'll stop soon. The fire. Edward, talk to her. You've seen it. You bring her comfort." The pixie looked towards him and I forced my burning eyes towards him. I stopped screaming but the wimpers broke through. What was the point in screaming? It offered me nothing. There was no release in it. The pain that was worse than pain didn't lessen. "Explain to her what is happening. What happened to her. What we are. I need to go see Jasper. I just hope she can forgive him."
"It was an accident." Edward said, his voice was like velvet, and I knew when it was him that was touching me, not the black haired pixie. His touch burned but it was a pleasant burn that took my mind off the fire. "I wish I could hear her, but she's silent. Like she's not there. You've seen it, haven't you? Her future."
The fire was confusing me, or they were. The pixie glanced at me, then at my Greek God and stood. It felt like hours passed before she spoke again.
"I'll come back when it's time. Carlisle will be back soon, ten minutes. The hospital is giving him some time off." She looked at me and smiled sadly. "She'll look wonderful, you know. I'll bring some clothes back for her."
She left, her footsteps silent to my ears.
I'll look wonderful? I wondered if that was even possible. Would I be a charred person after this? And who was Jasper? Was he my monster?
Was he the one who bit me? Who started this fire?
I couldn't hold back the scream that broke past my lips as my ribs began to knit back together. Healing from where he had broken them. Almost like the pain after breaking a leg, where the bone reforms. An itching pain, doubled and tripled with flames.
"I'm so sorry." My bronze angel said, I felt his cold hand on my head and another, different, smaller hand on my other side. Clutching my hand in an ice grip. "Alice says I should talk, but what do I tell her?"
"Tell her what she needs to know, what to expect." I heard that voice before, somewhere, when I had been burning. Was it in the forest? I tried to turn my head to find the gentle voice but the flames held my head still. Or was it my angel?
"Alice was right, you'll look wonderful. That'll be daunting at first, you'll look slightly different. Your eyes..." he paused and his ocher eyes disappeared. "Your eyes won't be brown. Rosalie struggled with that at first. So that's normal. They'll be..."
"Bright." The gentle voice offered a year long second later after he struggled to find the word. A woman appeared above me, with the same golden eyes as my bronze God. Her face was heart shaped and motherly. I felt slightly calmer, like I did whenever Renee helped me after falling. I was such a clutz. "But they'll darken, sweetie, once your blood leaves your system. See, the fire is because of the Venom, Jasper, my son isn't as strong at resisting the smell of human blood -"
"If it hadn't been him, it would've been me." The adonis whispered, shame clouding his handsome face. "We normally hunt the blood of animals; we're different from others of our kind."
Others? I wished I could speak, and ask questions as they talked but the flames made that impossible. They talked, telling me stories of their kind, about the fire in my veins and about Jasper and his struggle. They said I would understand soon, as the Venom wasn't killing me but changing me.
In a way, it was still death. They told me what to expect, the thirst, the strengthening of senses, the lack of heartbeat. I wouldn't age, I wouldn't eat or sleep or get Ill. I would stay the same while the world changes around me. I wouldn't be able to go into the sun again with humans around. My skin would be as hard as marble. I could never go home. I would be able to run as fast as a race car and stronger than any other living species on the planet. I wouldn't need to breathe. I would be able to see more clearly, hear even the smallest sound.
My heart would stop it's erratic thumping, either tomorrow or the next day and would never beat again.
I would be a vampire.
They apologised. Over and over and over. They swore if they had known a human was wondering so close they would have gone else where. Hunted in a different area.
Esme left after a while and the doctor came back, the one that looked like a movie star. But the flames burned still.
How long had I been burning now? Hours? Days? Years? Eventually I would burn completely, and I wondered for the millionth time of what I would look like once it stopped. Would it ever stop? Edward said it would. He promised it would.
I drifted in and out, sometimes the fire would be too much and I would scream. Scream until my throat cracked and broke. My angel would hum a sweet tune that made me feel calm and almost sleepy. I couldn't sleep. Sometimes he talked, talked about his family and the lifestyle they lived, about the thousand year old police force that ruled their world. The Volturi. He told me their laws and about the family in Canada, who fed like they did. He talked about the gifts some Vampires had.
"How is she?" It was the bear man, the one who stopped my monster. He didn't look so terrifying now. He wasn't growling like my memory said. What was his name? Emmett?
"Good, I think." Edward whispered, in a voice that sounded almost sleepy. "She's more aware than all of us. Silent too. She's not begged to die, just screamed. The morphine burned off like it did with you."
"Carlisle said you can't hear her mind." I could hear the amused tone. My bronze god could read people's thoughts. I was glad he couldn't hear mine, I was embarrassed by my thoughts. I didn't hear Edwards answer. "Must be strange. Not hearing someone."
"Shut up, Emmett."
Like the stories, hearing them talk helped me distance myself from the pain. I was beginning the take note of the pain, cataloguing it, experiencing the fire in new ways. It was amazing how each inch of my skin, each millimeter, was so distant. It was as if I could feel each cell burning individually. I could feel the difference between the pain in my throat - from screaming - and the way the fire felt in the soles of my feet, inside my eyeballs and down my spine. All the different agonies clearly separated.
My heart was thudding in my chest - it seemed so loud. As if hooked to a speaker. I could hear other things too. My angel beside me, and the bear man's voice. I could hear music but I wasn't sure where it came from. It seemed like I was laying down forever, unable to move.
At some point my angel left me, his cold electrifying touch leaving my charred skin and it felt like years passed before he came back. I drifted in and out, screaming the whole while. I felt hands on me, small dainty ones that seemed to hardly touch me.
"It's nearly over." His velvet voice whispered when he returned. I felt my thudding heart calm, only slightly. "You can already see the difference. Can you remember what I told you? It's fine if you don't, you have time to learn."
I wanted to speak, to tell him I did but I couldn't open my mouth without screaming. His stories sounded almost like bedtime stories, the kind that kids were interested in. The Volturi one had been terrifying.
I could feel the change when it happened, cataloguing the fire helped that. It started at my toes. I couldn't feel them, I couldn't wiggle them and I thought maybe my bronze God was wrong. That the fire had finally won and began to chip away the charred parts. He seemed to sense my panic and began to hum that tune.
And then I felt them. My toes, still there but without the fire. In fact, the fire was leaving, pulling out from the soles of my feet, too. I was glad I had made sense of what was happening as I felt the fire peel away from my fingertips. I began to hope. The fire was leaving.
Yet it seemed to do more that that - the fire... it was moving. All the fire that drained away from my extremities seemed to be snaking into the center of my body. Stroking the blaze there so that it was hotter than before.
I couldn't believe there was such a thing as hotter.
My heart - already so loud - started beating faster. The core of the fire seemed to be centered there. It was sucking the flames in from my hands and my ankles, leaving them pain-free but multiplying the heat and pain in my heart.
"Carlisle!" My bronze God called.
Carlisle, the doctor, walked into the room and the amazing thing was, I could hear it. Before, I could hear none of them walk. It was like they made no sound. But now, if I listened, I could hear the low sound of Carlisle's lips brushing together as he spoke.
"Ah. It's almost over."
I wanted to be relieved but the growing agony in my chest made that hard. The fire ripped hotter through my heart, dragging the flames up from my elbows and knees, until the pain was gone from everywhere but my chest. The only leftover pain was my throat, but it was a different kind of burn now... drier... irritating...
I heard more footsteps and I was pretty sure I could tell the difference between them.
And then -
"Aaahh!" My heart took off, beating faster than helicopter blades, the sound almost a single strand note. My angel moved from my side, and stood a few feet away. The pain that grew and grew in my chest was enough to stun me and forget the other pain, the constant pain I'd endured so far. My body bowed as if the flames were pulling me up, incinerating my heart like it did my body.
My body lost its war and with one final surge of fire, my heart gave a hollow thud before squeezing twice and went silent.
There was no sound. No breathing. Not even mine.
For one spilt second. I enjoyed the absence of pain. The fire was gone. The dry, dull ache in my throat was easy to ignore, compared to what I'd just felt, it was nothing. I felt fantastic. The relief from pain was incredibly wonderful.
I opened my eyes.