I'm so sorry for the short hiatus I know this chapter isn't very long but I promise my next update which will be this Friday will be much longer and hopefully more than one page so please any constructive criticism is welcome!!!!! This chapter is completely unedited...

She awoke to darkness, a cold suffocating darkness as she pulled herself out of her bed fumbling for her wand under her pillow.

The stone floor was cold beneath her bare feet as she walked down the stairs to the common room in hopes to rid herself of another dreamless night, dumbledore has still yet to give her any information on if she could ever go back to her time.

'Somethings wrong' She thought as she made her way to the fireplace in the common room seeing the light cast shadows around the room, when she sat down on the couch she felt oddly warm even the stone beneath her feet felt warm.

She felt peaceful as she stared into the crackling fire, her magic buzzing around her in a soft hum she closed her eyes feeling magic blanket her in a familiar warmth.

She didn't see the boy in the corner of the room watching her, where he sat every night when he couldn't sleep reading a book to pass the time, he was surprised to see her come down from her dorm seeing her in her long white cotton night gown, she had walked straight towards the fireplace plopping down on the couch, her black unruly bed tangled curls draped around her shoulders, he felt her magic fill the room as she relaxed against the couch staring into the fire "what is she doing? Does she even realize her magic goes wild like this?" Tom thought as he leaned forward in his seat to try and focus on his book when he started to feel his magic flare out he tried to stop it "I'm not a bloody child control yourself" he thought to himself as he ran a hand through his hair taking a deep breath noticing the air around him was getting warmer. He glanced over at the girl once more seeing her curl up into herself he shook his head in disappointment, he stood from his seat and carefully made his way to her, kneeling down in front of her he felt her magic wrap around him like a vice grip her eyebrows furrowing as she snuggled into herself more Tom reached out and let his finger tips brush against her soft porcelain skin of her cheek he watched her shiver beneath his touch he could feel his magic swirl around with his around them as he studied the sleeping girl in front of him.

Tom let his mind wander as he shamelessly ran his hand through her soft black curls watching her face relax with his touch, her full lips parting slightly he could feel her magic dance along his fingertips everytime he touched her skin, "what is happening to me?" He whispered to himself watching the girls eyes open wide she held her wand at his throat "what the bloody hell do you think your doing?" She half shouted not wanting to wake anyone Tom reached for her wand pulling her to the ground "watch where you point that thing" he growled out seeing her eyes widen at the new position her wand knocked out of her hand Tom on top of her holding her hands to his chest "l..let go of me" she whispered Tom could feel her body shiver her magic humming through the air her magic letting his become dominant as he stared down into her icy pools "what is this?" Tom asked her seeing the way something shifted in her eyes "I don't know!" She exclaimed trying to rip her hands from his grasp. Tom pushed her hands down above her head her face flushed as she squirmed in his hold "why are you doing this to me?" She whispered, Tom watched her lips part remembering the first night he saw her, he glanced back into her icy pools that seemed to stare right through him as he leaned in next to her ear he could feel her pulse beating rapidly against his fingertips "you might want to control your magic it may attract the wrong people" he whispered, letting his lips graze her neck sending her magic into a frenzy as he pushed himself off her and walked back to boys dorms.