Author's notes and warnings: Hello again everyone! Well here it is, the FY/WK crossover, FY portion. The companion fic with the same name, A Fine Line, is posted in the WK section if you're interested in the WK's POV of the story. It's not necessary to read it but I was told that it's quite interesting. It would give you more depth to the story and…well…more stories to read, ne?

When characters from both anime interact, and they will, that chapter will be posted in both section but POV will changed slightly so I don't break any rules. If you are interested in reading both sections, the story will have same title so it would be easy for you to find. If you leave your email address, I will email you when I update.

This story is dedicated to the wonderful Xellas M. who's been a real friend, cyber or otherwise. ((((HUGS))))

This story would also be a vast, unintelligible muddle of words had it not been for the stupendous effort of my beta reader, Hitari-chan! Arigatou, no da!

Hugs and blessings to all my WK reviewers, no da: Alfirin Sereq, FireKat, Ryo-chan, Xellas M., Keimei, hcbenitez, Whisper Reilman, fei, Carrothien, Shavica, Siberian, Midori Natari Himura, Carter Tachikawa, Jen, Mikazuki.


Fushigi Yuugi - Tasuki witnessed the murder of a high-ranking government official and Chichiri is hired to protect him and they must go where no one will find them…a deserted island, no da…

Weiss Kreuz - Ran and Ken are assigned to kill Tasuki. As they hunt for him, they wonder about the validity of the assignment as well as how they really feel about each other.

Pairing: Weiss pairing will eventually be Ran/Ken, Youji/ Omi but along the way I'll throw in some Ran/Youji and Ran/Tasuki. *grins evilly*

Fushigi Yuugi pairing will eventually be Chichiri/Tasuki. Heh, heh, heh, but Tas-chan will have lots of romps with various bishounens including Ran, ne? I've also given Tasuki and Chichiri new names: Tryffin and Ceilen. Tasuki or Tryffin as he will be know in this fic, is very different from any Tasuki I've written as well as the other Tasukis that are out there in the fandom. He's going to be really promiscuous…um…think slutty. Okay, let's not throw anything at me yet, all right, he's not a bad person. Chichiri (Ceilen) will straighten him out, don't worry. I just thought I'd warn you, that's all. But if you've read the Weiss part of the fic, you would have seen that already…

Anywoo, I hope you enjoy this. It's a big project to undertake for me but with your support, I know I can do it! Er…you don't need to send me money or anything; reviews will do nicely! ^.~

Limes will be scattered here and there and maybe one or two lemons as well, I don't know yet. Bad language, drug use (bad, bad, bad), bishounen torture, sap, angst, you name it, I have it! *sweatdrops*

Disclaimer: The only thing I own is my demented little mind, no da…


A Fine Line - Chapter One: Of Ice and Eye Patch

By Moonraven

Tryffin felt empty and hollow.

He frowned at his naked reflection in the bathroom mirror and leaned closer, trying to figure out what was different about himself. The large hazel eyes stared back at him intently. The fiery orange hair that framed his face was wild and unruly and Tryffin reached up to smooth it back in place. No such luck; his hair was just as wild as the story of his life.

"Ne, Tryffin." Kouji's voice called from the bedroom and the redhead sighed as he turned off the light.

"Nani?" Still naked, he came out of the bathroom and walked back to bed where his lover was waiting.

"What're you doing?" The handsome head of security of Japan's largest pharmaceutical company pulled back the sheets for Tryffin as the younger man approached the bed. "You took forever." Kouji nuzzled Tryffin's neck, trying to get the younger man to respond to his growing needs.

Tryffin sighed and tilted his head back, allowing Kouji to roam where he pleased. It felt good. It always did. Sex was always good with Kouji but then again, Tryffin wasn't hard to please. Sex was very good with most people he'd been with. And he'd been with a lot. But lately he'd found that after sex, he was missing something. He found no satisfaction no matter how many times they had made him cum. No matter who had made him cum. He was left empty and craving more. More of something he didn't know what.

So he had more sex. With more people. It wasn't hard, most people responded to his youthful good looks and flirtatious charms and so Tryffin found himself pretty busy.

But he still felt empty. Something was missing and for the life of him, Tryffin couldn't figure out what it was. All he knew was that it had something to do with brown eyes. Well, one brown eye to be precise.

He remembered an eye so chilling that it pinned him, frozen to the spot. It's gaze bore deep into his soul and took away everything he had thought was important and real. It was that single look that had changed his entire life.

It happened 6 months ago, when he and Kouji went shopping in the Ginza area. They were coming out of the Miatsukashi when Tryffin ran headlong into the man with the brown eye patch. He stumbled back and muttered a curse and was rewarded with a look so cold it could freeze Mr. Heat in his tracks. Kouji apologized for his lover and they began to move down the street.

All of a sudden, several shots rang out and Tryffin saw the man with the eye patch push another man he was with to the ground. The man used his body as a shield while he shoved his charge towards the shelter of a parked car. When the commotion died down Tryffin saw that the man with the eye patch was holding a gun and was searching the crowd. Tryffin himself had pushed Kouji against another car while covering his lover's body with his own. He remembered thinking that he must have been crazy but when all the screaming started, he had acted without any thoughts.

And that action had taken Tryffin way too close to the man he dubbed Patch. When Kouji pushed Tryffin away and tried to get up, Patch had thought that both he and Kouji were a threat and Tryffin found the gun pointing at them. That one emotionless brown eye searched his face then scanned down his body and up again to be continued with the same efficiency on Kouji. When they were deemed safe, Patch scanned the crowd again. Several more men dressed similarly to Patch, in dark blue suits, came and crouched by him and they talked in hushed tone. Soon a large metallic grey sedan pulled up to where they were and the men, including Patch, scurried into it, all the while shielding that other man with their bodies. They left skid marks as they sped away and the crowd began to move about again. Within weeks, the incident was forgotten to the people and it was never mentioned again.

But Tryffin hadn't forgotten. He couldn't get that eye out of his mind. Sometimes, out of nowhere, the image of the man's face with his unyielding eye would pop into Tryffin's head and he would shiver involuntarily. He found himself thinking about the eye patch and wondered what could have happened to the man and if he really had one eye.

Intense pleasure brought Tryffin back to the present and the redhead thrust back against his lover with a moan. When Kouji's hand reached underneath him and grasped his hardened cock, Tryffin sighed and gave in to the pleasure.

It was always the same. He would be lost in the all-consuming passion and they would have sex deep into the night.

Exhausted, he would drift off to sleep…to be plagued with the image of the frosty brown eye haunting his dreams…


"He gives me the creeps." Tryffin said moodily to Kouji as the dark haired security officer straightened his tie. The redhead himself was still naked and wrapped luxuriously in soft sheets on the bed. "He's not all there, if you know what I mean." He continued as he stretched leisurely. "How did he get to be the crown prince's advisor, I'll never know." He casually threw a pillow at his lover's back when he didn't get a response.

"I heard you, I heard you." Kouji grinned at the redhead's reflection in the mirror. He turned to face his pouting lover and leaned back against the dresser. "He's a genius. They're supposed to be…weird." He pushed off the dresser and walked towards the bed. "Get there by eight. I'll meet you there." Kouji leaned over and gave Tryffin a lingering kiss. "You always complain but you love his club." Kouji ran his hand slowly down Tryffin's chest and abdomen as he smirked at the redhead. "You love all the kinky things that go on there and you love to get your cute little ass fucked senseless." He emphasized by pulling on Tryffin's hardening cock. "Eight o'clock!" He said against Tryffin's ear before pulling away. "Don't be late."

Tryffin threw himself back on the bed after Kouji left for work and contemplated his activity for the day. Being a kept man was fun for a while but now he was bored to tears. Shopping was great but when you have everything you wanted, what was there to shop for? He could buy things for someone else but he had no one. His family was gone and he couldn't care less about his foster families. They were more fucked up than HE was; he had to wonder how the hell they'd gotten the government to allow them to take care of kids. Tryffin had often thought that perhaps HE was the problem. How was it that all three of his foster homes were straight out of a nightmare?

The Hinos were the first to take him in after his parents' death. Tryffin was 13 years old, naive, outgoing and loving. When he left the Hinos, almost two years later, he was more cautious and withdrawn. He had acquired a black belt in Karate during his stay there and it had everything to do with the head of the household.

Akuro Hino was an asshole that abused his wife and tried several times to rape Tryffin. The boy's speed came to his rescue and he had always managed to escape no matter how hard the pedophile tried. After a few weeks, Tryffin began taking Karate lessons from school and later, when he had shown great promise, received free lessons from a nearby dojo in exchange for minor cleaning and work around the place. Tryffin became his foster mother's defender and Akuro had never tried anything again in Tryffin's presence. When Rina, his foster mother, had gotten enough nerves to leave the bastard, the government tossed Tryffin into another home.

The next two families he'd stayed with weren't much better. Tryffin had learned sex with the second family, the Takahashis. This time it was the 15 year old son of the family that had shown him the pleasures of the body. They had gotten it on every night, and some, until the father caught them together and insisted that Tryffin 'service' him as well. That was the beginning of the end for the Takahashis and within 10 months of his arrival, Tryffin found himself in another home.

In Tryffin's third home, he found out that he did not like women. At the age where girls should be occupying his mind, (especially the voluptuous 17 year old foster sister who tried to jump his bones every chance she got) Tryffin found himself fantasizing about her older brother instead. Things got complicated once again when the family found out and tried to beat 'it' out of him. That was when Tryffin decided that families were not for him. He went into hiding and learned to use his body to get what he wanted.

But it wasn't just the families that he was put into; his looks were an issue elsewhere as well. School for instance; Tryffin didn't like to do homework and found that volunteers were aplenty if you knew how to give good heads. Hell, he'd even let his English teacher fuck him so he wouldn't fail and had to drop out of the soccer team. What the hell kind of teacher would screw a 16 year-old?

By that time, Tryffin was becoming wary of people. He had concluded that they wanted one thing from him and one thing only; sex. Well, he'd give them sex if that's what they want…but he had a few conditions of his own and by the ripe old age of 18, Tryffin had become a master in seduction. He had no complaints, it had gotten him fed, clothed and housed. It had gotten him everything he'd ever needed or wanted…he was really quite happy.

Then what was this empty feeling in the core of his very being? What was missing?

Tryffin closed his eyes and images of Patch came to his mind yet again. He sighed and shook his head. What was this obsession with a pirate wannabe? Not obsession, he told himself sternly. He was just curious. But even before he finished his thought, he knew it wasn't true. It was definitely more than curiosity…he just didn't know what it was.


"Oh C'mon, Tryf. It'll take me all of 5 minutes to fuck him." Kouji nuzzled Tryffin's neck. "I'll be back in no time."

Tryffin rolled his eyes and shook his head. Five minutes my ass, he thought. Kouji would be gone half the night and he would be stuck entertaining Kouji's friend and club owner, Shitahara. But Tryffin really couldn't complain; he screwed around too. It was what made his relationship with Kouji work. No strings, no ties, no commitment. They were both free to do as they pleased as long as both parties practiced safe sex and agreed to each other's partners.

"Damn it, Kouji, after this you owe me BIG time!" Tryffin muttered under his breath. His lover gave him a quick peck on the lips and sauntered off towards a small blond waiting down the hall.

Tryffin hadn't found anyone of interest tonight and he groaned at the thought of babysitting Shitahara. Okay, it wasn't really babysitting but he'd seen the way the man coupled, and it wasn't pretty. The guy was gorgeous enough; it was the way he did things. Shitahara seemed to lose it when he got really excited and he would become violent and his partners would get hurt in the process. Oh, don't get him wrong, Tryffin would be the first in line to get some rough sex but HE didn't send anyone to the hospital. Shitahara reminded him of his first foster father, Akuro. The bastard loved to inflict pain and as long as Tryffin was around, Shitahara was going to behave.

"Did I tell you how scrumptious you look tonight?" An oily voice purred in his ear and Tryffin sighed tiredly. Yes, he knew he looked 'scrumptious'. He always looked good enough to eat but tonight he knew he outdid himself. The tiny loincloth he wore barely covered his dick and balls and it was designed as a G-string so it left his ass bare for the world to see. For the sake of modesty, false or otherwise, Tryffin decided to paint on a pair of pants. The blue paint only served to further accentuate Tryffin's firm young body and the temperature elevated everywhere Tryffin went. Kouji had jumped him the minute he saw Tryffin and fucked him stupid. When they were done, Tryffin had to retouch the paint but it was worth it, boy was it worth it. Tryffin smirked at the memories. Hell yeah, he knew he looked good.

His thoughts came back to the man next to him. Shitahara was out of his room, which meant that he found someone interesting on the vidscreen, and wanted Tryffin to fetch them for him. Shitahara did not go down into the public area of the club, he didn't like to be seen and for a good reason. He was on the imperial cabinet and was the closest advisor to the crown price of Japan. It wouldn't do to be seen publicly in a place like this let alone make it public that he owned the place.

"Who do you want?" Tryffin asked as he raised his eyebrows at the tall man in a black satin robe. The coarse black hair only showed slight graying at the temples and if Tryffin didn't know him better, he would think that the man look distinguished. But now, only unstable came to mind. Very attractive but unstable.

Shitahara laughed and cupped Tryffin's crotch. "I always want you, Tryffin, but tonight I want you with a delicious looking brunette downstairs." Shitahara showed Tryffin on the portable vidscreen he brought with him. "Him, with the tall redhead." He pointed to an attractive brunette in a leather harness. Tryffin raised his brows as he watched the young man frozen on the screen. Shitahara had good taste, really good taste.

"Tako is going to them now but you know him, Tryffin. Please go get them for me." Shitahara was almost whining as he pleaded Tryffin.

Tryffin sighed and nodded. "Fine but you have to promise me you'll behave." He looked at the taller man severely. "Control yourself and no violence." He added firmly.

Shitahara nodded vigorously as he continued to leer at the vidscreen. "I promise."

Tryffin sighed and told Shitahara to go back to his room and wait. Then he went in the direction of the dance floor in search of Shitahara's next fuck. Tryffin thought about the good-looking young man on the screen and wondered why he felt that the brunette didn't belong there. There was an air of innocence about him that made Tryffin almost sorry that Shitahara had selected him. He sincerely hoped that the young man was tougher than he looked. His thoughts drifted to the redhead that stood next to the brunette. Now THAT man had seen some action and the thought of the taller man brought familiar warmth to Tryffin's groin.

When he reached the railing of the balcony overlooking the large dance floor below, he scanned the crowd carefully. After a few moments he spotted them not too far from the staircase talking to Tako. Tryffin made his way down the stairs towards them, his eyes intently on the couple. The brunette was held firmly against the tall redhead but he was struggling in earnest as he tried to get his fist to connect with Tako's drooling face. Tryffin rolled his eyes at the pathetic sicko that Shitahara hired. An accountant should be at a desk, behind closed doors, counting something, shouldn't he? Well THIS particular accountant anyways because a leather-clad Tako in public is NOT a good thing. Martha Stewart may just have a conniption.

When Tryffin was close enough, he heard the brunette yell, "Are you NUTS?" as he stood on tiptoe and peered at his tall partner.

The tall redhead with incredible eyes looked past the brunette, whom Tryffin assumed was his lover, to Tako and told the accountant that he needed a moment with the brunette. Tryffin watched them intently; he couldn't seem to take his eyes off the taller man who was so incredibly controlled and in-charge. The tall redhead pulled the brunette against his chest and nuzzled his ear. Tryffin couldn't hear their whispers above the noise of the music but he saw the brunette trembled almost violently at the taller man's touches.

Tryffin's breaths quickened as he watched the pair rub against each other and he shifted uncomfortably. They talked quietly and the brunette glanced unhappily at Tako. Tryffin had to laugh, the poor ugly man really tried hard. Tryffin pushed his way towards the couple and saw the redhead gave the smaller man a kiss. The brunette looked shocked out of his skin and Tryffin wondered at that. Weren't they lovers?

"What are YOU doing here?" Tako said irritably, his high pitched voice made Tryffin shiver involuntarily. The short, pudgy man had moved to his side and glared at him hatefully.

Tryffin ignored him. He had a much better person to look at and that person was currently looking right back at him. Tryffin grinned mischievously. Oh, what fun!

He carefully picked his way towards the couple; his eyes never leaving the cool, calculating eyes of the tall redhead. Tryffin licked his lips in anticipation and he hardened a notch just thinking about bedding the other man. He came to a stop and noticed with a smirk that the hot redhead had let go of his lover.

"I'm Tryffin." He purred and held out his hand. He leaned ever so slightly forward as he blinked up at the violet eyes, lips parting enticingly. What was it about the aloofness in this man that attracted him so much? Why was the cold indifference in the man's frosty eyes so intriguing…so familiar?

Tryffin laughed at Tako when the man told him to leave the pair alone. No one ever paid attention to the mediocre man; Tryffin was no different. His eyes stayed riveted to the magnetic pools of violet that were cold enough to freeze his heart yet they made his blood sear through his veins like molten lava. He licked his lips in anticipation as he waited for the man's name.

"Aya." The tall man said softly. Aiya? He blinked blankly at the mesmerizing redhead. Oh! AYA! Tryffin could have kicked himself in the rear had that been possible. What the hell was he thinking? He trembled with excitement as those arctic violet eyes glinted briefly before they roamed his body. When they rested on his eyes again, Tryffin could almost swear the man was interested. YES!

Tryffin smiled brighter and placed his extended hand on Ran's chest. He trailed the hand down slowly as his tongue darted out to lick his lips again. He was so excited he was sure he would burst from the little G-string pouch he wore.

To Tryffin's surprise, the brunette stepped between them and nearly pushed him away. He blinked at the man who was so shy earlier it was almost painful to watch turned into a possessive lover and couldn't help but laugh. There was nothing more potent to boost one's courage than a love that was threatened.

As much as he would love to stay and have fun with these two, not to mention goading Tako, Shitahara was waiting. The longer he took, the more time he allowed Shitahara to stew in whatever it was he normally stewed in to get him all worked up. Not a pleasant idea, thought Tryffin. It could also be painful for these two if he wasn't careful.

After a last snide remark to Tako, Tryffin led the two men towards Shitahara. He turned as he reached the second step and called to the bickering lovers again. If it weren't for the incredible sexual tension between the two, Tryffin would never have guessed that they were lovers. Watching them now, he lazily trailed his fingers up and down his swollen cock, silently promising indescribable pleasure that had him panting with need.

When Aya stepped up to him, Tryffin couldn't help but grab the man's hand and bring it to his aching center. He wanted the man so very badly. He moaned as Aya's hand rubbed his throbbing need and he thrust into those strong digits like there was no tomorrow.

To Tryffin's surprise, Aya growled deep in his chest and squeezed Tryffin's straining cock roughly before pulling the smaller redhead against him. Tryffin didn't have time to protest or in this case shout with glee since he found his mouth quite occupied with the urgent probing of Aya's tongue. He moaned again and was sure he heard Aya do the same as the taller man grabbed his ass and made thrusting motion against him. Gods, he wanted this man NOW!

Tryffin nearly fell off the steps when Aya was yanked roughly from him by a very pissed off Ken. Oops, he'd forgotten about the boyfriend, but Aya felt so fucking good. Tryffin sighed and pulled himself together. As much as he wanted Ran between his legs, he didn't want to break them up. He didn't need that on his conscious just now.

"I'm sorry boys." He said sweetly as he pushed between the two men. "I just can't help myself." He told them and continued up the steps, two at a time. He led them to a darkened hallway at the other end of the club where Shitahara had his private fun. Two burley men stood guard in front of the door. They reminded him of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and Tryffin could never stop the smile that came to his face everytime he saw them. He wondered absently if they've ever heard of Alice and the Rabbit.

After a few pleasantries with the Tweedle brothers, Tryffin took Aya and Ken into the room to meet their host. Shitahara was lounging on the custom made bed twice the size of any King size bed. The red satin covers contrasted vividly with the black satin robe the man wore, or in this case, attempted to wear. It hung open enough for Tryffin to get a glimpse of his erection. Tryffin rolled his eyes at the blatant tactic before looking away. He moved to the other side of the room and watched Ken struggle with mild amusement. That boy was something else, all innocence and temptation wrapped in one very emotional package. Tryffin could see why Aya was so enthralled by him. He seemed to be all that Aya was not.

Tryffin came out of his reverie when Shitahara turned a questioning look his way. "He's a newbie, Shita." He shrugged. "Give him a little time." Tryffin came up to stand next to Shitahara and rest his head on the tall man's shoulders as he allowed his hand to lazily caress the well-muscled chest. "Why don't we let them pleasure each other while I take care of you?" Tryffin suggested. "We'll loosen him up this way, ne, Shita?" Hopefully the man would be satisfied enough and wouldn't scare Ken out of his wits. The poor boy looked freaked enough to be committed somewhere.

To encourage Shitahara, Tryffin slid his hand lower down the man's body and tucked enticingly on the hot, hard flesh. Shitahara moaned his insistence, "But I want HIM."

"I know. Later, okay. You don't want him running and screaming out of here, do you?" Tryffin continued to fondle the man, his skilled hand moving expertly along the thick length. "Let me talk to them. Go wait for me on the bed." He pushed Shitahara towards the bed and watched as the man grudgingly did what he was told.

Tryffin sighed and approached the two men. He looked from Aya to Ken, then back to Aya again, mainly because he'd rather look into those calm, cool eyes than the suspicious brown ones of Ken's. "Are you sure you two are lovers?" He teased softly.

Aya narrowed his eyes and peered at him unnervingly. "Yes." He said. Oooh, the voice is just as cold.

Tryffin shrugged carelessly. "If you say so. There's just WAY too much animosity between you two, that's all."

"It's Ken's first time doing something like…this. He didn't want to come here. He's upset with me." Aya told Tryffin almost expressionlessly.

Tryffin nodded and gave Ken an understanding smile. Hell, his first time with public sex, he'd nearly fainted himself. "I'll try to keep him away but…" Tryffin frowned as he shifted his gaze to Shitahara pleasuring himself on the bed. "He's quite taken with your lover." He told Aya reluctantly.

Suddenly Ken leaned back heavily on Aya and the tall redhead looked at his lover with concern.

"What's wrong?" Aya asked and Ken turned to blink hazily up at him. Tryffin leaned over and peered into the flushed face. Ken looked feverish and his eyes were very bright.

"I don't know." Ken took a deep breath and grimaced. "I feel strange."

Tryffin took a deep breath to test his theory. "I know what it is." He supplied as he looked sympathetically at Ken. "My first time with Xeno, I passed out for hours." He motioned for Aya to bring Ken to an armchair by one side of the wall. "This area has fresh air vents. Don't go to the other side, they mixed Xeno in with the ventilation on that side. It only comes out every half hour or so just to keep the mood but if you stay far enough, you'll be less affected."

After Ken sank into the armchair and took several deep breaths to clear his head, the brunette turned confused eyes towards Tryffin.

"I'm surprised you didn't just throw me at Shitahara. At this point, I don't think I could defend myself."

Now why would he do that? Tryffin smiled at the poor boy who was no older than Tryffin himself but so much more sheltered than he had ever been. "That's why I didn't do it."

He turned his attention to Aya and his expression suddenly changed. Now THIS man here was a totally different matter. This man could fuck him into the next anime and wouldn't even break a sweat.

But that's not going to happen if they were to keep Shitahara from Ken. Tryffin wondered what was wrong with him sometimes. He was sure the brunette could hold his own in a fight but there was something so pure and untouched in those deep brown eyes that was eerily familiar. So familiar that it caused his stomach muscle to tighten at the thought of Shitahara defiling it.

"Look," Tryffin started and stole a look at Ken. "If YOU don't do something with Ken, HE's going to want to." He motioned with his head towards Shitahara. "So while I keep him happy, you do whatever it is you guys do and let's hope Shitahara passes out soon, okay?"

As Tryffin turned away, Aya caught his arm. Tryffin looked back, surprised.

"Why are you doing this for us?" Aya asked.

Tryffin thought about it for a moment and shrugged. What was he supposed to say? Your lover's eyes reminded me of something but I don't know what so I'm going to let Shitahara screw my ass so that he wouldn't go near Ken? He didn't think so!

Instead he said, "Just because I love sex and the way we do it here, doesn't mean that everyone else does." It was very true. He cocked his head towards Ken. "HE certainly doesn't want to be here and I can see that he doesn't want anyone to touch him but you." Tryffin frowned at that. He didn't understand why some people chose to be monogamous, it was so…limiting. Just then, the image of a stern handsome face with a cold brown eye and the mysterious eye patch flashed in his mind. It jolted him back to the cold violet eyes staring coolly at him.

Was that why he was so drawn to Aya? Because the man reminded him of Patch?

Determined not to go back to his endless thoughts of Patch, Tryffin shrugged again and went towards the waiting Shitahara. At least the next moments would be spent in pleasure that would keep his mind off a certain enigmatic man whom Tryffin have no hopes of ever finding.

Despite his resolve NOT to think about Patch, Tryffin found himself fantasizing about the man as Shitahara drove his hard length into him. Shitahara was not gentle, he never was, but Tryffin liked that. He liked it hard and fast and with some pain. This way he didn't have to think about the emotions that people always associate with sex; love, affection, care, tenderness…

He didn't know what they were and he didn't want to. They serve no purpose except to make you cry. He'd seen too much of that in his foster families and during his 'quests' for knowledge of the carnal kind. To Tryffin, the more removed you were, the more pleasure you could have. No attachment, no commitment, no pain. (Hmm…sounds like someone I know in REDEMPTION…)

A curious sense of danger made Tryffin open his eyes and despite the furious pounding Shitahara was giving him, Tryffin could only stare at Aya and Ken in confusion. Did they change their minds and decided to join him and Shitahara? A look at Ken's rigid face told him no. Tryffin looked to Aya but the other redhead just shrugged. Tryffin could feel Shitahara pulling out of him and he glanced at Ken again. The man looked ready to balk.

Shitahara reached out and grabbed Ken by his harness and yanked him roughly onto the bed. Ken was unprepared for the unexpected violence and he lost his balance, crashing unceremoniously on the bed in front of Shitahara. Tryffin gasped when he saw the insanity glinting in the club owner's eyes and he watched in horror as Shitahara pounced on Ken. The smaller brunette grunted in pain and lay still as the wind was knocked out of him.

Tryffin gave a strangled cry at Shitahara's antics and launched himself at the brutal man, knocking him across the bed.

"God damn it, Shitahara!" Tryffin yelled at the man who was now sprawled back against the headboard. "I said no violence! I fucking hate it when you treat people like that." He growled at Shitahara while he helped Ken up.

"You son of a bitch!" Shitahara grated furiously. "I do whatever I want!" He shouted and pulled a nasty long whip from under the pillow. He cracked it ominously over Tryffin's head and cackled madly.

Tryffin tried to grab the whip but Aya jumped him, knocking both of them off the bed. He struggled under the taller man, trying to get Aya off him so he could go pound some sense into that asshole on the bed.

Just then, a loud explosion rocked the building and the Tweedle brothers barged in with their guns drawn.

On the bed, Ken was behind Shitahara but Tryffin couldn't tell what the man was doing, only that it looked pretty threatening. The Tweedle brothers rushed to the bed and Tryffin shouted, '"Aw, shit. Look out, Ken!"

On top of him, Tryffin heard Aya talk into his wrist, "Side wall now, Bombay!" What the hell…?

Another loud explosion rocked the building, only now it was from a few feet away. Aya covered Tryffin with his body as rubble rained on them then he got up and pulled Tryffin with him. Aya pushed him towards a large gap where the wall used to be at the end of the room. As the dust cleared, Tryffin could see two shadowy figures silhouetted in the gap, one tall and thin while the other was smaller.

Tryffin coughed and batted his hand in front of his face to clear the dust. When they reached the two figures, Aya pushed him towards the taller blond with the sunglasses and said roughly, "Balinese, take him outside now." He then rushed back towards Ken and the other three men.

Tryffin looked at the two men he was left with and blinked. The smaller blond looked like he was a kid and he stared at Tryffin with large saucer-like eyes. The boy squeaked and clapped a hand to his mouth before turning abruptly around.

Soft laughter brought Tryffin attention to the tall man he was thrust at and he looked up to see laughing green eyes regarding him with some amusement. Balinese had taken off his coat and was wrapping it around Tryffin's naked shoulders before he threw Tryffin over his shoulders.

"C'mon, Chibi, let's go!" The blond said to the boy as he ignored Tryffin's indignant protests.

"What about Siberian and Abyssinian?" The boy asked as he looked back at the commotion in the room.

"They can take care of themselves. You heard the man, let's go!"

Tryffin felt Balinese jump away from the building and he gave a muffled yelled when he saw that they were in mid air. He tried to squirm around to see where they were going but the position he was in didn't give him much room to maneuver. Tryffin struggled weakly, not sure that he wanted to be dropped but he wasn't sure who these people were either. They had just blown up the building for fuck's sake.

" Bombay, put him out before we both fall." Balinese said gruffly.

Put him out? What…how…?

Tryffin tried to tell them that he wouldn't struggle but it was too late. He felt a prick of something sharp at the base of his neck and then everything went black…



Author's note: Whew! *wipes brows*. I hope that explained a little bit about Tryffin and why he's so…um…naughty? And you do know who Patch is supposed to be, right? Heh, heh, I can't seem to get away from the cold Chichiri… I hope you like it so far?

Please leave reviews to let me know what you think. If not, e-mails fine too! And if you want WK updates, leave me your email address….

Hugs and blessings!