Hi, Shiwft Sitri here, but not with AoS and PoD. This is the betrayal story I promised, I just wanted so badly to start this fiction. I don't know if I can ever update this story along with AoS and PoD, but I think it'll be good. My main interest will be on my other story, I'll write this story whenever I finish writing another chapter of AoS and PoD, know that. Let's start, I DON'T OWN HIGHSCHOOL DXD, IT BELONGS TO ICHIEI-SENSEI AND I DON'T OWN CHARACTERS FROM OTHER ANIMES. I ONLY OWN MY OC'S.



"[Sacred Gears]"

"[Sacred Gears Mentally]"


Chapter 1-) Downfall

(Underworld, 1 week before Rating game between Gremory and Bael)

Inside the dark room (The same room that they discussed about Loki) there was respective leaders of each Faction. Azazel, Shemhazai and Baraqiel with their usual outfits, they were on the left side of the table. Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael were on the right side of the table, with their formal outfit. Sirzechs Lucifer, Serafall Leviathan, Falbium Asmodeus, and Ajuka Beelzebub were on south side, with their Maou outfit. On Devil's side Falbium Asmodeus was snoring loudly, Serafall was in her usual happy-girl style while glaring at Gabriel, Ajuka was eagerly waiting meeting to finish, Sirzechs had a stoic look on his face.

Azazel had a bored look on his face and playing with his hair, not giving a damn about the meeting, Shemhazai was shaking his head at his friend's attitude, Baraqiel was the stoic one on the Fallen Side. Archangel Michael was smiling brightly, Gabriel on her usual happy girl style while glaring back at Serafall, Raphael was like Governor General, not giving a damn about meeting, Uriel was the stoic one on Angel side. All of the leaders were thinking why they were called so sudden, except Maou Lucifer, who called them here. The Crimson-Haired Maou coughed and gained everyone's attention effectively, He cleared his throat and began.

"I am sure all of you are wondering why I called so sudden" Governor-General yawned and replied.

"Of course, I was having my beauty sleep ya know, like Sera and Gabriel" His words made everyone laugh, somehow Azazel always break the serious mood in the meeting in an instant. Sirzechs waited everyone to compose themselves, when they did he began.

"I called everyone for discussing the next battle against Khaos Brigade and a special offer made by them" Everyone's curiosity rose when they heard last part, why would their enemies make an offer to them. Michael asked for everyone.

"Why would they make an offer to us?" Sirzechs quickly gained his serious side again, he was thinking about that before they made the offer and he was trying to figure out a way to exile him, he couldn't control his power and he could become a threat in future.

"It is about Heavenly Dragons, both Issei and Validian" Now everyone was curious beyond limits, even Falbium, who woke when everyone laughed. Azazel was shocked and curious, what they would want from his adoptive daughter and Issei, who was a son to him.

"What they want from Issei-chi?" Serafall asked with a childish voice, from what she knew Issei was a kind and perverted boy, she saw him on observation day and she liked him, and she wouldn't mind a Sitri threesome with him if he was in relationship with her dear sister.

"They want us to remove our heavenly dragon from battle, completely, they said if we banish him from our side. They'll exile White-One from their side, in other words, they want us to assassinate Issei while they do the same with Lucifer Heiress" He seriously said while remaining his stoic face, Crimson Haired Maou made everybody shocked, they weren't expecting something like that. Sirzechs continued.

"I, as the representative of Devils, accept this deal. If any of you want to deny, please say now" Angels made a circle and discussed together.

"My brothers, I want to side with Sirzechs on this one, White One is a Big Problem and she continues to grow powerful. Our heavenly dragon is nowhere near to her level, I say we should accept" Uriel said with seriousness on his voice, Gabriel made a concerned face, she didn't like the thought of backstabbing someone, and Issei was willing to sacrifice his life over his friends, they need allies like him.

"I think we should not, he is a very powerful ally to us and like White Dragon Empress he continues to get powerful. Just the thought of betraying someone disgusts me" Blonde-Haired beauty said with sadness on her voice, Michael sighed and replied to his sister.

"Gabriel, my dear sister, I can understand your concern over the boy, but you know our father's last wish, he wanted us to create a peaceful world and live along with every creature, if we deny Sirzechs offer right now we could lead our race into war. I am with Uriel on this one" Gabriel depressively nod, everyone looked at Raphael, who was still thinking.

"No problem for me, like Uriel said their dragon is more powerful and have more potential than ours, I don't have any reason to refuse this deal" Michael nodded at him and they returned to table and saw Fallen side was still thinking about their decision.

"I, as the representative of Angels, accept this deal" Michael seriously said to Sirzechs, who nodded and they looked at fallen side. Azazel, Baraqiel and Shemhazai were still discussing, like angels they formed a circle around them.

"I won't accept this deal, Issei is a son to me, and all of you know about Validian" Azazel stated seriously while crossing his arms, he won't betray his children like that. Shemhazai sighed, he knew nothing can change his mind, Baraqiel opened his mouth.

"Azazel, think about the peace we worked for, 2 heavenly dragons are nothing if it means world peace, I know you already experimented Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing. Why are you still pursuing this?" Baraqiel said in a serious voice, he can understand his feelings but he wouldn't do something like that. Azazel looked at him with half-closed eyes.

"Did you forget your daughter is in love with Sekiryuutei? let's say he died and she learnt you have a part on his assassination, what would she do, you took the only man she loved. If I were her I would never forgive you. She'll hate you to the core. You and I both know you'll prefer being in war than making her hate you again." Baraqiel's eyes widened and he thought of exact situation, he gritted his teeth.

"You are damn right, I refuse to participate on his assassination also, I refuse to take part in entire plan" Baraqiel solemnly stated with serious eyes, making Azazel grin, they looked at Shemhazai, who smiled.

"It is settled, even if we go into war again. I also care about Validian, I won't stop you from refusing, and know that we don't have to take part in missions even if we accepted" They nod into each other and went back to table Azazel got up and looked into Sirzechs eyes deeply.

"We refuse to take part in entire plan, fallen side is not participating" Azazel stated strongly, making every leader shock except fallen ones. They knew he cared about Heavenly dragons but they didn't know he cared that much. Sirzechs composed himself and asked.

"Why, even if we didn't assassinate him today he can go out of control and betray us whenever he wants" Maou Lucifer exclaimed with a glare towards Fallen Angel Leader, who didn't faze and replied with his own glare

"Do you really think he'll betray us, don't you know he cares about your sister a lot?" When Sirzechs heard that he flared his powers, starting to disintegrate the table in front of him.

"Even now, my sister can't control him, I am sure you remember Juggernaut Drive incident" Azazel began to laugh when he heard Sirzechs, seriously what he was thinking.

"I am sure you know Sirzechs, Juggernaut Drive only activates when host has enough negative emotions, your sister nearly lost her blonde bishop on that day, that lead him activate Juggernaut Drive from sadness and anger, it wasn't something he could control" Azazel stated with a grin, making Sirzechs sigh. He acknowledged he couldn't make him accept.

"Whatever, Angel side and Devil side accepted the offer. We are going to assassinate Red Dragon Emperor together, leave White Dragon Empress to Khaos Brigade" When he said Azazel slammed his hands on the table, effectively gaining everybody's attention, his blond bangs covered his eyes.

"… I said Fallen Angels aren't accepting, and we are core members of alliance, you can't do this without our approval…" He said but he didn't even believe himself, he know they would still do whatever they want. Sirzechs shrugged and replied.

"We can, it is a secret plan involves Angel and Devil governments, you just happen to hear it. It is not something to do with alliance" Sirzechs smirked and Azazel along with Shemhazai and Baraqiel got up from table. Azazel turned to the meeting table last time before leaving, he had his hand in doorknob.

"I hope all of you regret your decision" With that Leaders of Fallen Angels left the room.

Line Break

(Human World, Occult Research Club) (I just copied the entire text from vol 10. Sorry)

"….Ise, will you protect me?"

…..Why do you ask such a thing suddenly…..? I don't know, but my answer is obvious!

"Of course, I will protect Buchou!"

"…And Asia?"

"Eh? Yes, I will also protect Asia!"

"And Akeno?"

"Akeno-san? That is obvious. But….. What happened, suddenly asking me such a thing?"

I don't get it. I don't get what Buchou's intention are at all.

But, Buchou asks with a lower tone.

"…Hey, Ise."


"…To you, 'what' am I? 'Who' am I?"


I don't get the meaning of this question….. But, to me…..

"….Ummm, to me Buchou is Buchou and-"

The moment I said that.

"-! Baka!"

She scolds me mixed with a sound of her crying. Buchou rushes away from the spot, and she left the clubroom.


Asia goes after Buchou.

Asia turns to me after she reaches the door. Her eyes…are soaked with tears. Why is Asia crying…?

"Ise-san! You are horrible! It's too much! Why can't you…..! Why can't you understand Onee-sama's feelings!?"

Saying that, Asia goes after Buchou.


Having Asia also say that to me, I just stood there dumbfounded.

….Wa, wait a sec! What's the meaning of this!? Why is Asia also mad at me!?

"That wasn't right, Ise-kun."

Kiba makes a sigh.

"….N-not right as in what?"

"That, precisely. Geez, you are so….. I can understand very well what the girls are going through."

"Exactly. It's natural for Rias and Asia-chan to get mad."

Akeno-san also sounded mad. Even Akeno-san….?

"Even I, who is dense at these sorts of things thought you were a bit off, Ise."

Even Xenovia looks at me with her eyes half-closed!

"Mou! Ise-kun, sure is a no-no! Poor Rias-san!"

Even Irina was mad.

"….You are the worst."

Ooooooo! I just received the coldest "You are the worst" quote from Koneko-chan!

I don't know what I did wrong! I just don't know! To begin with, maybe I should go after her?

I tried to leave, but I was stopped by Akeno-san.

"The current Ise-kun will just hurt her more even if you go after her, so don't."


Is it that serious? B-But….. It's my fault right? My fault…

I really don't know.

No, I actually have a 'maybe' kind of guess, but inside me that possibility is very unlikely…..

It's basically impossible, that's why I don't understand….. Shit! I started to get confused even more thinking about it!

"…Hey, Gasper. Am I really bad here?"

I asked my junior. Gya-suke says it in apologetic manner while twitching his body.

"…Umm…. Yes, I think you are very bad….."

Even Gasper says that to me!

I felt down. –Then Ravel asks while panicking.

"U-Umm…..this is my mother and my fault, right…? I'm sorry…."

Is it…Ravel's fault? It seemed like Buchou tried to leave after the communication between the Phoenix mother and child…

Akeno-san places her hand on Ravel's shoulders.

"Ravel-chan doesn't have to worry about it. Ise-kun's the most at fault here because he never tried to think about the crucial thing between Rias and himself until now."

Akeno-san cheers her up like that, and she started to prepare for tea after urging Ravel to sit on the sofa.

It looks like I'm the biggest villain here.

…..Uuu, what am I supposed to do?

Line Break

Issei was wandering through streets of Kuoh, what he had done to make them that angry towards him, he couldn't understand what they were implying, he must've done something unforgivable to make them that angry, why his dear Buchou acted like that, he thought about love, but it was impossible, she was his master and he was his servant. They just couldn't have nothing more than a master-servant relationship.

'Ddraig, do you know why they acted like that' He asked to his life-partner, who groaned and replied.

'I think you didn't try to understand her feelings towards you Issei' Issei sighed.

'She doesn't love me Ddraig, does she?' He didn't know and he had to know.

'She loves you partner, you are too blind to see that' Issei snapped.

'How?! She only teases me with showing her naked body to me, she only plays with me like I am a pet or something, she even calls me adorable. She doesn't love me, it is not an option Ddraig' He angrily said, he wasn't angry towards Ddraig or Rias, he was angry with himself, if he wasn't that dumb he could figure what they were trying to imply.

'Issei, I know I already said that but I want to say it again. You are stupid my friend, if she doesn't love you why she gave her first kiss to you, if she doesn't love you like you said why she is sleeping with you, if she doesn't love you why she acts like that towards you, You just don't want to believe it, because of a certain person' Issei understood what his partner saying, It was true, he didn't want to believe someone is loving him, he was miserable, lowly and pathetic, he didn't even have the right to live.

'I-…. I-I-I fear Ddraig, I-I began to fear from women, after that incident…. W-whenever I think about it…. W-women…. I just don't want to taste the same thing again Ddraig…. I-it's so frightening, I-I am too scared to make a move, what if she doesn't love me like I do, what if she thinks I am lowly, would she think I don't have the right to say her name, would she get bored by being with me, would she think that I am too pathetic to think something romantic between her and me?' Maybe Issei didn't realize but he was crying when he confided in Ddraig, who was listening sadly, he couldn't even do something to cheer his best host.

'Issei…. You are not pathetic, I can understand your worries my friend, you are traumatized… you are not the one at fault Issei, no one tried to understand you. They knew your condition, at least some of them, you solved their problems, but they didn't even try to ask what was bothering you. Also, don't think too much about that, you can always share your troubles with me, we'll find a solution my friend' Ddraig heartfully said, making the younger man give a teary smile, he was lucky to have a partner like Ddraig.

'Ddraig…... I am so sorry to bother you with my problems, you deserve much stronger and better hosts than me' Ddraig smiled inwardly, his current host was too kind.

'Like I said earlier, it is nothing Issei, we are partners aren't we. Know that I couldn't find a better host than you, I already consider you as my greatest host' His words made Issei's heart warm, he was going to tear up again. Issei looked around and realized where he was, he was in a park, in front of him was a fountain that seemed familiar, when he looked around he found the park was surrounded by trees, He was the only one on the park, almost a familiar scene. He looked to the ground, his bangs covered his eyes, he realized he was on the point where all this madness begun. He made his way to the bench front of fountain.

'Heh, could you really believe everything started right here? I still remember Raynare's light spear piercing me' He touched the spot where Raynare's light spear pierced him, he clearly remembers every detail, how the date went, how the date ended, how she killed him mercilessly, how she extracted Asia's sacred gear and the fight at Church. Then something bothered his mind greatly, his reincarnation. The time seemed nearly perfect, but he shook his head, his Buchou was too kind to leave an innocent human die, yeah, she wasn't cruel or selfish enough to make this. His insecurity never leaved him, and finally he asked to Ddraig.

'Ddraig, I know this is not possible but I can't help but wonder, time was perfect, like she knew Raynare was going to kill me' Ddraig wasn't dumb, he knew that was possible, first she was a devil, they were beings born from greed. Second, she need a powerful piece to get out from her engagement, like Issei. Ddraig wasn't going to say that to him, that would break his heart completely, not even removing a room to mend.

'No partner, it is impossible. As for the timing you and I both know you wanted to die at a bishoujo's hands when you were dying, that lead you to summon Rias from pamphlet, if you wonder about paper, Gremory's servant gave it everyone on the station, you weren't the only one' Red Dragon Emperor stated the facts he could remember, and if he was going to look it from Issei's view, it was very likely. But he didn't want him to think like that. Issei shook his head and chuckled.

'Yeah, my fault. She is not that cruel, she is my buchou' They sat in silence after that, and Issei felt a chill run down his spine. He looked at sky and saw it turned to purple, he knew what that meant.

'Ddraig, What the fuck is happening right now?' Ddraig hummed and replied.

'5 devils and 3 angels, one of them is maintaining the barrier, they are radiating such hostile auras. They can take you out, better be careful' Issei just nodded then activated Boosted Gear. He started boosting his power and waited. Soon they appeared

There was 7 people in front of him, all of them were masked, from the looks 4 of them were girls with huge racks, 5 of them were wearing Dark clothes, containing black jeans along with black shirt and black coats, their masks were black too. Issei could sense the 5 were devils, one of them was red haired, one of them was black haired, other one was blue haired, 3rd one was blonde and the last one was pink haired. And the other 2 were Angels, who were in female nun outfits, they had blonde hair. Issei just sat and waited for them, he knew Angels couldn't join in Khaos Brigade, they'd fall if they thought ill towards their leaders and race. They weren't making a move towards him, just waiting for him. Issei raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, soon one of them, red headed one, stepped in front of the whole group and said.

"Issei Hyoudou, you are going to die today" He formed a destructive ball on his left hand, it was blue and it had sparkles, Issei just made a 'Tch' sound and got up. Unnamed devil released his spell towards Issei, who waited the attack, he wasn't going to get the attack head on, he had a better plan.

"[Blade] [Transfer]" Issei quickly made a horizontal slash with Ascalon, effectively cutting the sphere in half, making everyone surprised. They haven't heard someone could cut magic with their sword, everyone prepared for the battle. Issei was curious, who were they and why they attacked to him. He decided some talk wouldn't hurt.

"Before we begin I want to know, who are you and what do you want from me?" He didn't want to kill someone from alliance, it would show him as the bad guy, they could make the things right with talking.

"We are tasked to eliminate you, Red Dragon Emperor, at all costs, by Our Maou-Sama's" Red haired one pridefully said, now that shocked Issei, they weren't saying the truth, were they?

"I-It has to be a mistake, there is no way they order my assassination" He couldn't believe his ears, why his Onii-Sama order something like that. One of the Angels laughed and pointed Issei's hand, which had Boosted Gear.

"There is no mistake boy, you have Ascalon and Boosted Gear. Our leaders want You dead and Ascalon back, prepare yourself Issei Hyoudou. This is your last day on living world"

"Then Say, why do you want to kill me devils, what did I do to you?" Issei couldn't understand, he didn't do anything wrong, did he?

"Oh, you maybe don't remember, but we remember it clearly, you killed our heir. Diodora Astaroth, we volunteered for this mission, we'll revenge our clan heir with putting an end to your miserable life" Pink Haired one said with venom on her voice. Angels prepared their Light spears while Devils concentrated their magic, Issei quickly asked to his life partner

'Ddraig, do we need balance breaker?'

'You don't, but like I said earlier, better safe than sorry, and be careful. If they are your assassins like they said. They may have dragon slaying weapons or magic' Brown-Haired man nodded mentally and donned his balance breaker, Ascalon still on his left hand.

"[Welsh Dragon: Balance Breaker!]" Ddraig mightily shouted, he was excited for the battle. Although, he was curious were they bluffing or actually this is what they got after the things they done for 3 Factions and Alliance?

He quickly positioned himself for battle, Blue Haired devil opened his dimensional bag and took a sword out from it. Issei felt his instincts telling him to run, he realized it was no ordinary sword, it was blessed with dragon slaying magic.

'Issei take out the blue haired one first, after that we are okay' Issei nodded and vanished from their eyesight. Soon they heard someone scream with agony, when they looked at the source of sound they found Issei, who made a hole on Blue haired devil's chest with his fist, making everyone shock. Red Dragon Emperor eliminated one of them with a single move, everyone started to be more cautious, they wanted to be cautious but they broke their formation, making themselves sitting target for Sekiryuutei.

"[Boost]" They heard Sekiryuutei's signature call, but they couldn't see Brown haired boy himself. Soon he reappeared in front of the Blonde devil and made a vertical slash with Ascalon, she blocked the attack but Issei slammed his fist on her abdomen, she flied out from the field because of the sheer force attack had.

Angels quickly threw their light spears, but to their disappointment it didn't even leave a scratch at Sekiryuutei's armor. Issei opened his palm and began to charge one of his basic but destructive attack, Dragon Shot, probably Angels didn't know about his attack and only raised basic level shields, making the younger man smirk. He hit the ball on his palm and watched it go, when his attack nearly hit the shields he called.

"[Transfer]" When he said that his Dragon Shot grew big in size and gained tons of destructive power on it, his tactic nearly worked every time. His timing was perfect on every occasion, even against Validian, who was on another league compared to him. They need to have incredible reflexes to dodge something like that, and his tactic didn't let him down on this time as well. Their shields quickly vanished and they perished at Crimson Purgatory.

'4 down, 3 more to go' Brown-Haired boy said to himself, making his soul-partner nod in agreement. He quickly reappeared right next to blonde haired devil and saw she was still knocked out, he left her here and focused on her partners in crime. He began to speed up and resumed constantly boosting, they couldn't match to his level, he wondered, if they wanted his dead body why they didn't send someone match to his current level, someone strong like Sairaorg. Sekiryuutei shook his head and focused on his battle.

'Ddraig, send 4 boosts to my speed, 2 to my endurance and 1 to my reflexes, 1 to Ascalon's holy powers, then we'll have enough firepower to cut them down with Ascalon' Issei wasn't stupid, he knew devils were vulnerable to light-based weapons, and he had a holy sword. He wasn't going to get himself tired, he already had a lot on his mind.

'Understood, they are on the way' Ddraig never said it but Issei was a truly mastermind on battle, to the point of even thinking every possibility may occur in the battle, he may be a dumb on emphasizing with people, but he was a great host after all, even he has a great disadvantage against his rival. He shows great promise, he even did absorb Albion's power and get out alive from it. He gained Red Dragon's respect at that point.

"[Transfer]" It was the third time they heard the same command, they didn't even know where he was transferring all of this power, Soon Black-Haired one heard a voice on bushes and shoot his spell out to the bushes, this was the thing Sekiryuutei wanted. He leaped to the poor devil and made 2 slashes, one vertical and one horizontal, effectively making a cross sign and exorcising the devil right there, then vanishing from their sight again. There was only 2 of them and they didn't think they would win the battle, they stand back to each other and waited him to attack.

Issei started to make circle around them, they couldn't see him but they could see the dust trail he is making. They fired every spell they could think and none of them hit Issei, who was eagerly waiting them to be exhausted. Soon one of them gave an opening and Issei saw through it, He quickly fired Ascalon's holy power and channeled his fire magic comes from being part dragon to Ascalon as well. He leaped towards the pink haired devil and stabbed her in the chest with Ascalon, making her eyes wide one more time before she died. The Red-Haired devil knew he wasn't gonna win this battle, but he couldn't go back, they would execute him for not doing his job properly. He thought one last thing, but before he made a move he spotted something was wrong about the situation, when his head left his body and why it was staring at his headless body?

Issei quickly dismissed his Balance Breaker and looked at the bodies, he tried to search their bodies for some evidence, he couldn't think alliance would betray him, just the thought of it was wrong, he was someone determined to give his life in order to make them safe. Soon he found a letter, and when he finished reading it, He felt unbelievable amount of anger towards someone, he felt betrayed and sadness came over him. People of Kuoh felt a very dominating aura for a few seconds, and it freaked them out to the core.

Name: Issei Hyoudou

Powers: Boosted Gear, Ascalon

Peerage: Rias Gremory

Role: Pawn of Eight

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Chocolate

Known As: Oppai Dragon, Red Dragon Emperor, Perverted Beast

He committed the biggest crime with murdering one of the remaining pillar heirs of devils, Diodora Astaroth, younger brother of Ajuka Beelzebub.

He is a threat to all Devils, eliminate at all costs.

Signed by Sirzechs Lucifer, Ajuka Beelzebub, Serafall Leviathan, Falbium Asmodeus.