There were a girl and boy entering Cartoon Network School. The girl had red hair in pigtails, wearing a red, white, and blue dress, with glasses and blue boots. The boy had short red hair with sunglasses, wearing a white T-shirt, a blue jacket, red pants, and white shoes. They were now both talking with their father.

"Do you know what to do, Hugo and Allie Mod?" The man asked the kids.

"Yes, Daddy, we won't fail you." The girl promised.

"We promise that you won't be disappointed." The boy added.

"Very good..." The man nodded to them, giving them their lunches and backpacks.

"Thank you, Daddy." The girl said before leaving with her brother.

Out of the shadows was one of the villains of the Teen Titans known as Mad Mod. "This is going to be perfect... Simply perfect..." The villain grinned to himself as the two kids went into their new school. "Soon, the school will be under my control and the students will obey me!" He then concluded with a laugh.

The two kids came into the principal's office once they found it and all was normal so far.

"Ah, yes, you must be the two new students transferring here all the way from London." Skarr said to the two new students.

"Yes, sir." Allie replied.

"Allie and Hugo Richards..." Skarr said as he held out two files. "Yes, I have some information right here. Hmm... It says here you live with your father after your mother divorced from him. Not bad of grades I should also say."

Allie and Hugo just looked to each other.

"Now, let me just give you your new class schedules and you'll be shown around." Skarr said as he pushed a button on his printer to print out class schedules for the siblings.

Allie instinctively pulled out her cane.

"No, Sis, not yet." Hugo told her.

Allie narrowed her eyes and put her cane away for right now.

"I trust that you two will be on your best behavior." Skarr said as he then handed the two siblings their new school schedules.

"Yes, sir." Allie and Hugo promised.

"Very good, let me show you around the school then." Skarr told them, taking them out of his office to show them where their classes would be.

Cindy looked mildly annoyed as she walked by, carrying sports equipment. "Sure, let me help you, Penn, I don't mind at all to help to make my permanent record stand out to get into a good college, I'll do anything you ask me to, just name it..." she muttered to herself. "Ooh, my life just keeps getting better and better!"

"Do you need any help?" Allie asked her.

"Hmm...?" Cindy blinked and looked around to the new voice.

"Do you want some help?" Allie asked.

"Oh, uh, you wanna help?" Cindy smiled sheepishly. "Sure, I'd like some help... Say! You're new here, aren't you?"

"Cindy, this is Allie Richards, she and her brother just started here," Skarr introduced. "Allie, Hugo, this is Cindy Butler, a very dedicated, hardworking, and gifted student."

"Aww... I wouldn't say that, sir." Cindy smiled bashfully.

"I would, you've made the honor roll many times." Skarr said.

Cindy grinned sheepishly.

Allie then decided to help Cindy with the sports equipment. "You into sports?" she then asked.

"Uh, no, I'm kinda helping out someone..." Cindy rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'm into sports." Hugo replied.

"Oh, you are?" Cindy asked. "How old are you?"

"We're twins," Hugo informed. "I'm the older twin."

"That's amazing, a couple of friends of mine are also twins." Cindy replied.

"Where to, um, Cindy?" Allie asked.

"This way..." Cindy rolled her eyes. "Take my advice, if someone needs a place to stay, DON'T LET HIM, BECAUSE HE WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE AND EAT ALL YOUR FOOD AND STEAL YOUR WIFI, AND... AND..."

Allie and Hugo just looked at her in confusion.

"Heh... Sorry..." Cindy smiled sheepishly then tried to reach for the doorknob. "Ugh... Guh!"

Hugo walked over and opened the door.

"Thanks..." Cindy said and came in the room to put the equipment away.

"No problem, our first victim." Hugo hid a sly smirk.

"You say something?" Cindy asked, suspiciously.

"I said 'no problem, new friend'." Hugo said.

"Oh, okay..." Cindy said. "All right, let's get out of here before I have to do something stupid like polish shoes!"

The Mod Twins soon looked to each other with evil grins to each other.

"So, where'd you guys move here from?" Cindy asked.

"We're from London and moved to live with our father after our mother divorced him when we were five." Allie replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Cindy frowned.

"It's okay." Hugo reassured.

"Well, welcome to Cartoon Network City... Hm... Let's see your schedules..." Cindy said, taking their schedules and looked through them. "Hmm... We have two classes together."

"We can be besties!" Allie smiled, hugging Cindy suddenly.

"Um, heh, right..." Cindy said a little sheepish. "It's always nice to have at least one friend in a class."

"So, where is the science class in?" Hugo asked.

"Just go straight down and turn to your left," Cindy instructed before sighing softly. "Sadly, I don't have that class with you."

"Oh, that is a shame..." Hugo said. "It was nice meeting you though."

Cindy smiled.

"CINDY!" Penn called out.

"GAH!" Cindy gasped and grabbed her chest. "Jeez, why do you have to do that? You know I scare easily!"

"Cindy, I need you to help me with the Gym Class." Penn said to her.

"I already moved the sports equipment," Cindy complained. "What else is there? I'm exhausted!"

"You can be my assistant." Penn offered.

"Will I get paid?" Cindy narrowed her eyes.

"How about this?" Penn replied. "I'll take you out to your favorite restaurant?"

"Hmm... Deal." Cindy said.

The two then shook hands.

"Oww, don't squeeze my hand..." Cindy groaned. "That huuurts!"

Allie and Hugo then walked away together.

"Those two can be our first victims," Allie suggested. "They are a bunch of fools."

"You have to be subtle about it though," Hugo told her. "Let it happen, but when they least expect it. Have a sleepover or whatever girls do together with that crazy girl."

"Right," Allie replied. "Whatever you say, Big Brother."

The Mod Twins looked around to their first period classmates who were not paying attention to them and they saw a couple of Cindy's friends and enemies.

"I can't believe I got a C- on that quiz." Eddy muttered.

"Well, look at it this way, Eddy; you did better than Wallabee Beatles, but worse than my brother." Justine supported.

"Did you and Justin cheat by using twin telepathy or whatever special powers you twins have?" Eddy narrowed his eyes.

"Why would you ask us that?" Justine glared slightly. "Besides, it doesn't work like that, and we would never cheat."

"Oh, yeah?" Eddy scoffed. "Justin cheated during The Big Sleep episode of Total Drama."

"Erm... Um... That's different," Justin defended. "Because of our mom, remember?"

"Okay, I'll buy that," Eddy shrugged, but still looked suspicious. "...Are you sure that you didn't use twin telepathy?"

"Yes." Justin and Justine replied.

"How do I know I can trust you?" Eddy looked at them.

"Eddy, will you quit it already?" Justine rolled her eyes. "We didn't cheat, and you did fine. At least it's not an F."

"Yeah, true," Eddy shrugged. "You gotta tell me how these twin things work."

"But you need to be a twin first, Eddy, it's kinda cool having a twin, with someone who fully understands you." Justine advised.

"It's like, you're born with a best friend for life." Justin smiled as he put an arm around Justine.

"So, is it true that you can feel each other's pain?" Eddy asked.

"Yeah." Justine replied.

Eddy then tried to punch Justin in the arm only to wince. "Ow, what, is your arm made out of metal or something?" he then groaned.

"No, I'm just strong, I've had a lot of training, you should try it sometime." Justin smirked.

"Did you guys feel anything?" Eddy asked.

"No." Justin and Justine replied.

Eddy was about to try again.

"Eddy, I would stop if I were you, even though your aunt is a nurse." Justine grabbed his hand.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Eddy said.

"Brother, those must be the twins that crazy girl was talking about." Allie said as she was alone with Hugo about the Reid twins.

"That girl looks familiar though." Hugo commented.

Justin and Justine soon turned around.

"Well, lookee here, two new kids~" Eddy grinned as he took out breath spray to talk to the girl.

"Oh, boy, here we go..." Justine sighed.

"Hi, there, I'm Eddy." Eddy grinned to Allie.

"Hello..." Allie muttered.

"Ooh, is that an accent?" Eddy smiled. "I love accents!"

"Sorry, you're not my type, Flat Head." Allie told him.

"You got rejected, Dork!" Kevin laughed.

"And you're not my type either, Box Head." Allie then said to him.

Eddy then laughed at Kevin while he looked annoyed.

"Welcome to Cartoon Network School," Justine smiled to the twins. "Where did you move here from?"

"Actually, we're from London," Hugo said as he grabbed the shy beauty's hand. "My, I've never seen a beautiful woman like yourself. The very first woman I see in America and she's gorgeous."

"Oh, that's very nice of you to say." Justine smiled.

"Tell me, what is your name?" Hugo asked.

"Justine Reid." Justine replied.

"Ah, what a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." Hugo smiled.

"Thank you, you're so polite." Justine replied.

"And I'm her brother, Justin," Justin said as he stepped in. "Nice to meet you, kid."

"I'm Hugo Richards, and this is my sister, Allie." Hugo introduced.

Gwen and Becky looked to Hugo and looked like they were crushing on him.

"Just to let you know, she has someone, and I don't think that someone will like it that you're hitting on her, and I don't like that you're hitting on her either." Justin warned Hugo.

"Oh, many apologies," Hugo defended. "I was just complimenting her beauty."

"Let's keep it that way." Justin warned.

"Sorry... Big brothers are a bit protective..." Justine giggled sheepishly to Hugo.

"Oh, I get that," Hugo nodded. "I have to protect my own sister from danger."

Allie smiled and nodded to that.

"Welcome to our school, just stay out of trouble, okay?" Justin said.

"No problem." Hugo smiled with Allie.

Eddy and the Reid twins smiled back, feeling like they had new friends already, but they would soon be proved wrong. "And I'm Eddy Sampson: the talented and leader of The Howling Wolves." The young scammer then introduced himself, boastfully.

Justin and Justine just sweat-dropped at that proclamation.

"Hey, what they don't know can't hurt 'em." Eddy whispered.

Justin and Justine rolled their eyes.

"So, you're Justin and Justine?" Allie asked. "I think it's pretty easy to tell you two apart."

"Are you two twins as well?" Justin replied.

"Yes, we are," Allie said. "I'm Allie, and this is my brother, Hugo."

"So, which one's older?" Justine asked curiously.

"I am by about five minutes." Hugo said.

"Well, you know, as a big brother, you have a job." Justin said.

"Yeah, I know, and I already do a good job of it for my little sister..." Hugo nodded once.

Eventually, the bell rang which meant that it was time to get to class.