Author's Note- Hey guys, I know I've been away from the Supercorp fics for a while now and I don't know about you but I kinda lost my faith in them when Lena started dating James (maybe it's just me) anyway, I had another idea for these two hehe

Hope you like this one :)

As always, I own nothing, all rights go to their respective owners.



Lena Luthor let out a sigh as she tapped her pen against the paper she was scribbling on. Her mind was in one place or another when it should be solely focused on her work but she couldn't turn her attention to where it should be lately and she blamed Supergirl for it completely.

Ever since she'd discovered that Supergirl had gotten James to see if she had any more Kryptonite she knew that she could trust her.

It had meant to be the perfect partnership; a Super and a Luthor finally coming together to help the greater good. It should have been perfect but no, once again, Supergirl had shown Lena that she held her in the same regard as her brother Lex and it had broken Lena in more ways than she cared to admit.

The brunette looked up when Kara walked into her office at L Corp.

Since James seemed capable at handling things at CatCo, Lena had decided to take a small step back and see what she could do to help using L Corp's resources.

"Hey." Kara smiled at her friend and held up a bag of what looked like Chinese food.

"Thought I'd bring food to you." The blonde said as she set it down on Lena's desk.

Lena forced a smile.

"That's very thoughtful."

"Well you've got to eat. You've been so busy lately and I worried you might be skipping meals."

Lena smirked.

"I guess I haven't had a proper lunch in a while."

Kara smiled brightly.

"Exactly! Knew it! So put your laptop away and let's eat something that's only kinda healthy." She finished awkwardly.

Lena laughed lightly as Kara started dishing out two platefuls of Chinese food.

Lena helped and went to get two glasses, filing them up with soda.

While they ate, Kara studied her friend.

She seemed distracted and maybe even a little down.

"So you want to tell me what's going on?" Kara asked as she pushed a mushroom around her plate.

Lena looked up and forced an uneasy smile.

"I'm fine."

Kara raised an eyebrow at her and then pushed her glasses more firmly onto her face.

"I know when you're lying, Lena."

Lena shook her head but she was still smiling.

"You always seem to know...even when I'm trying my hardest to hide it."

Kara nodded as she stabbed at a piece of chicken.

"That's because I'm your friend."

Lena nodded in agreement.

"So, now do you want to tell me what's going on?"

Lena put her fork down, there was only a quarter of her food left, she hadn't realized how hungry she'd been.

"I just...I feel let down, that's all."

Kara sighed sadly.

"By Supergirl?"

Lena nodded.

"I just thought that we could work together you know? I thought she would be different to her cousin and we could bury all that history between Superman and Lex by helping each other but...I can't trust her. Not like I thought I could."

Kara blinked and frowned. She knew she had to tread carefully.

"Maybe-maybe Supergirl just got scared. I mean, it's Kryptonite and it can kill her-"

"But I would never use it on her!" Lena cut in, her anger flaring.

At Kara's slightly alarmed look, she softened.

"Sorry, Kara. I don't mean to get angry at you. I just wish that Supergirl would understand that I made Kryptonite to guard ourselves against other evils. She's not the one I made it for, why would I?"

Kara nodded.

"I know. must be scary, knowing that the one thing that can kill you is right here in the city."

Lena shrugged.

"Guns, cars, other people, they're all dangers and we face them everyday. I suppose Supergirl can't stand to feel the rest of us." Lena muttered as she took a drink.

Kara licked her lips.

"I don't think it's that-"

"Well I can't see any other reason for it." Lena said sharply.

Kara knew she wouldn't get Lena to understand this way.

"What if-just a suggestion- I could get Supergirl to talk to you about all this? Maybe you two could work something out."

Lena shook her head.

"No. She tried but I'm sorry Kara, she betrayed me. She lied to me. I mean, I would be absolutely livid if you did something like that to me. I could never forgive her. Ever."

Kara felt her heart freeze in her chest at Lena's words and the look in her sea green eyes.

She meant what she said.

Tears pricked behind Kara's eyes and she grabbed her bag.

"I uh-I have to go."

Lena frowned.

"Right now?"

"Uh yeah...I just remembered that James asked me something for him and I should really...go do it."

Lena grinned a little.

"Well I'm your boss and I'm saying that you can stay here and finish lunch with me. He'll understand."

Kara shook her head as she grabbed her jacket, slinging it over her arm.

"No, I really have to go."


"I'll call you tomorrow." Kara mumbled as she headed for the door.

Lena looked down at the empty plates and half empty cups.

"Guess I'll clean up then."

Kara tried to hide the fact that she'd been crying as her sister walked in but Alex was no fool and she saw her sister's red rimmed eyes as she looked up.

Alex's stern features softened.

"Kara? What's wrong?"

Kara shook her head and sniffed.

"Nothing, why?"

Alex stood back with folded arms and an expression that told Kara she didn't believe her.

"You think I can't tell when you've been crying?"

Kara hung her head and started crying again.

Alex came forward and hugged her sister.

"Kara, talk to me, what's wrong?"

Alex lent over her and grabbed a tissue from the box Kara had tried to hide under a blanket and handed it to her.

"L-Lena hates me." Kara sobbed.

"What? Kara, that can't be true."

"No it is. Well I mean she doesn't hate me but she hates the other me, the Supergirl me."

"Because of you getting James to see if Lena had any more Kryptonite." Alex finished, filling in the blanks.

Kara nodded and dabbed at her nose with the tissue.

"She said she can never forgive me-Supergirl." Kara amended quickly and then sighed.

Alex rubbed Kara's back soothingly.

"I'm sure that's not true. She's probably just hurt but she'll come around."

Kara sobbed and shook her head.

"No, she said she would never be able to forgive me if I did something like that to her and it got me thinking; what I'm doing is worse than what I did as Supergirl."

Alex frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm lying to her, Alex! I've been lying to her for ages and she's supposed to be my best friend! Yet I have this massive secret that I obviously don't trust her enough with! What does that say about me?!" Kara exclaimed, looking at her sister with watery blue eyes.

"It says that there must be a reason for you to keep this from Lena. You would have told her otherwise. Something's telling you not to."

Kara frowned as she thought about it and Alex licked her lips as she summoned up the courage to tell Kara what everyone else thought about Lena.

"It could be to do with the fact that she's a Luthor."

Kara looked up quickly.

"No. I can't think like that. She is not like Lex. She's done everything Lex would never do. I mean, she wanted to help Supergirl not have her as an enemy and if that happens... I've only got myself to blame."

Kara started crying again and Alex handed her another tissue.

"You'll work it out. Maybe Supergirl needs to talk to Lena. Make her understand."

Kara shook her head.

"No, I suggested that. She wasn't interested."

Alex frowned a little and then brightened as an idea came to her.

"Maybe you shouldn't let her take no for an answer."

Kara looked at her sister and smiled.

"Guess it's worth a shot."

Author's Note- Feel free to review :)