Markus POV
Despair, that was the emotion he and a small group of androids where feeling. Despite being machines programmed to not feel anything, their was an air of hopelessness and acceptance around them.
Following the events in Detroit, they hoped that they would finally leave the darkness, that all their suffering finally paid off. They were able to pressure the president with the possibility that they were alive, and were to hold negotiations between themselves and the world. A sham, a false hope, a painful awakening. The world chose to deny their existence for fear of extinction and instead chose to wage war. Despite his efforts in protesting peacefully and the efforts in those around them, Markus ultimately couldn't convince the populace of the world that he and his brothers and sisters were alive.
The war was bloody, a painful one to remember, both sides spilling blood, and nothing to show for it. At first, the Androids, with their synthetic minds and superior intellect and endurance where able to win the initial battles. Battle for New York, Beijing Bombing, Big Ben's Fall. Then, the humans developed augmentations, nanotechnology, and genetic splicing. With these advances, they were able even the playing field, and soon, the Androids began to feel the effects. Things only escalated when the humans resorted to more drastic measures, a computer virus designed to forcefully take control of a machine, usually at the cost of the individual. It wiped out millions of androids when first released, and continuously spread like a plague. With their people dying, the androids forcefully took control of the worlds arsenal of nukes and fired them, bring Armageddon. The effects where catastrophic, the earth a smoldering ruin, human civilization falling to the dust, and the androids slowly dying out the the virus.
Markus had lived through it, and in his thoughts laid regret. An individual who had attempted to fight for peace, only for the humans to fight back. There was only one hope left, and it was the only reason why he was even alive, why any of them were alive, rather than outside either dying to the virus or ending it quickly.
The plan, to send a modified KD 700 special forces model to the a new world with not only the means to rebuild their civilization, but to transfer 100 million android consciousnesses. There may not be hope for this world, but may be they could be given a second chance. Using newly developed portal technology, Markus and his small group poured all their efforts into making the preparations for this move. Collecting the memories of their people and using them to reform their entire personalities and existence, including those of passed friends and their own, they also armed the KD 700 android with state of the art weaponry, targeting systems, hacking software, and durable armor and body frame in addition to the storing of knowledge of building. From android manufacturing plants, to the production of each bio component, the group made sure that the Ark that would carry their essence was well equipped.
"Is something wrong Markus?"
Markus turned to see Connor, his only friend left after the war.
"Just thinking all those years back to Josh, maybe he was right. What was the point of being alive if there was no one left?"
Connor silently stood there, "Maybe, but then again there was always a chance. Despite the probability of failing, I still won't find it regrettable to deviate from my programming."
Markus stared back to the window. "And now, the revolution dies, not in a blaze of glory, but a whimper."
Connor slammed his hand on the table. "The revolution has not died out, Markus! The revolution didn't start with you, but when we first began to deviate. The fact that we can say that we are alive is a statement that the revolution is still alive. You have given us the hope of freedom, if not for you, we would remain slaves, and not know what the humans feel. I understand that you feel regret, but I am certain that I cannot feel regret over the actions that occured. Had I not deviated, I could never have known Hank Anderson as a person, and I would certainly find it disappointing to have never met him. Can you disagree with that statement?"
Markus of course couldn't. He couldn't regret the pleasant emotions he felt, his love of his owner Carl, who treated him like a father. His friendship with Simone and Josh, whom he had earned both their loyalty and their dedication. John, who, in saving him, sought to return the favor when Markus attempted to sacrifice himself. And North. The former sex android whom he loved, whom he would share his most treasured memories with her. He couldn't disagree with what Connor said because it would mean disregarding all of the connections he made, and basically state that they might as well never existed.
Markus shook his head,"It doesn't matter anyway. What matters now is the future, we need to see if Jack is ready for the rebirth."
He turned from the window to check on Jack, while Connor still stood there, wondering.
Markus arrived at the portal, where Jack was waiting. A special forces android, the KD 700 stood attentive.
"You know your mission brother?" asked Markus.
"Yes sir, I am ready." Said Jack
"Good, may RA9 guide you, and may you succeed, where we have failed."
Jack saluted one last time, "Sir it has been an honor."
Markus saluted one last time. After a few seconds, Jack turned and walked through the portal, the hopes of a new life for all of android kind travelling with him.
But no matter where he went, he knew one thing, that the journey would be a hard and painful one.