"There you are. Hi there. You're awake!"
Michonne's blurry vision focused on the white man staring down at her. He had brown curly hair, a stubbly beard that was turning gray, and startlingly blue eyes. He was staring at her with what looked like relief and a small smile, and he seemed to be waiting for a response from her, but she felt like she was suddenly dropped into a play with no script and no idea what her lines were.
Her eyes slowly scanned the room she was lying in. There was medical equipment scattered around the room on shelves and in cabinets. She could see a stethoscope and blood pressure machine placed on a table nearby, and she was laying in a bed, but it didn't seem like a hospital bed. The room she was in was painted white in color, but the paint on the ceiling in some places was peeling and had discolored spots from leaks. If this was a hospital, she was definitely going to complain to management about these conditions. She could feel an intense throbbing on the side of her head.
There was a window on one wall that was letting in bright sunlight, and a dresser on the other. The man speaking to her was sitting on a chair that was pulled up next to her bed, uncomfortably close. She leaned away from him slightly.
"Where am I?" Michonne croaked.
"You had an accident. You fell off your horse when we were redirecting the herd. A walker came for the horse and Trigger panicked and reared up and knocked you to the ground. You hit your head, you've been out almost 24 hours."
The man seemed to be speaking English, but the words he was saying made no sense. Michonne had never ridden a horse in her life, neither had she ever used one to redirect a herd. A herd of what? Sheep? Cows? She wasn't a cowgirl. And she had no idea what a walker was.
"Where's my boyfriend?" Michonne asked looking around, "Is he in the hallway?"
The man paused for a second and looked confused. He then smiled at her. "Joking already huh?"
Michonne ignored the man's question, and his too familiar attitude. Was he the doctor? A nurse? If so, he was starting to creep her out with the way he looked at her as if he knew her.
"Can you go get my boyfriend please? And my son? Let them know I'm awake now?" Michonne asked slowly. She wanted to get this unnerving man out of her room. If this was a hospital where were the other patients? Where was the staff and the announcements on the loudspeakers? Why wasn't she hooked up to any monitors? If she hit her head shouldn't they be monitoring her vitals?
"Michonne?" the man asked, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What are you talking about?"
Now she was starting to get scared. Who was this man? And where was Mike and Andre?
"Did anyone call my boyfriend? It's okay, I'll call him myself. Can… can I use a phone?" she asked, her voice beginning to tremble when she realized she was alone in a room somewhere with a strange man and no idea of how she'd gotten there.
"Michonne, there… there are no phones" the man said slowly, "are you feeling okay?"
"No I'm not okay" Michonne said shaking her head. "I don't know you, and I asked you twice already to get my boyfriend and my son and you won't do it. I don't feel okay right now. Can you please just go get them. I don't want to talk, I want my boyfriend in here right now" she demanded.
The man pulled away from her as if he were seeing her for the first time.
"Michonne, who do you think I am?" he asked.
"I don't know who you are. Are you the doctor?" she asked, starting to get annoyed at how he wasn't doing anything she asked.
"I'm not a doctor Michonne, it's me, Rick."
Michonne stared at the man. Was she supposed to know him from somewhere? Did he go to her high school? College? Was he one of her clients? He called her by her first name though, like they were friends.
"Uh yea, Rick. You're right! Yea I remember you. How have you been?" she asked in a fake happy voice. "So you work in this hospital now?"
Rick's eyes narrowed, and Michonne felt fear take over. Was he a serial killer who kidnapped his victims and tortured them for days? Did he hit her on the head and drag her to this room?
"Michonne, you really don't remember me do you?" he asked, in shock.
"P-please" she begged. "If you want money I can get it for you. Take me to the bank and I'll take out as much as you want. Please don't hurt me. I… I have a son. I have to go home to my son."
Tears welled up in her eyes and she quickly diverted them downwards towards the blanket that was covering her body. "I don't know where I am, I don't know who you are. You don't have to hurt me, I can't identify you. Please, let me go and I'll get you money and I won't say anything, okay?"
The man jumped out of the chair he was on and took a few steps back. "You think I'm gonna hurt you?" he asked.
Michonne was still looking down at her blanket. "Please don't. I just want to go home to my family."
The man placed his hand over his mouth in shock. "Michonne I would never hurt you. I know you hit your head bad but... my God."
Tears tumbled down Michonne's cheek. "Please let me go home."
The man returned to his chair and reached out to hold Michonne's hand, but she slowly inched her hand away from his. She refused to look him in the eye.
"Michonne, look at me" he said softly. She was so afraid she was trembling. When she still didn't pull her eyes away from her blanket, he continued.
"You're in the infirmary right now. In Alexandria."
"Is Alexandria a hospital?" she asked hopefully.
"No, Alexandria is a town that you've been living in for 5 years" the man said.
Michonne's eyes shot up and stared at the man. He was lying. Why was he lying? He really was a serial killer, a crazy one.
"Okay" she said, humoring him. "But I'm in an infirmary right?" she asked.
"So can I have a female nurse come in here please? I really feel uncomfortable and I also need to make a phone call."
Michonne had every intention of dialing 911 as soon as she got her hands on a cell phone.
The man seemed frustrated and even more confused.
"Uh… okay" he said. "Just give me a minute Michonne, I'll get Rosita."
Michonne nodded and stared at the man as he slowly backed towards the door. As soon as he went through it she hopped out of bed so fast it made her head spin. She scanned the room looking for her shoes. Thankfully she was wearing a spaghetti strap shirt and tight cargo pants, but she was barefoot. When she didn't see her shoes anywhere she began to look for a weapon, but there was nothing in the small bedroom.
'Not like you'd know how to use one anyway' she thought to herself.
Trying to slow down her breathing, she crept to the bedroom door that was slightly ajar. She could see the man talking to a woman in the hallway.
So there was a woman named Rosita. She'd assumed he was making that up. She turned and looked around her room again and then crept to the window.
She was relieved to see she was on the first floor of a house. She couldn't see much outside of the window except for a rosebush planted underneath. It would be painful falling into that rosebush, but if it meant she'd escape this kidnapping then she'd do it.
She curled her fingers under the lip of the window and pulled it upwards. It slid with some resistance and made a small scratching sound. She froze, and when she heard footsteps coming back to the room she dove into the bed and wiggled her legs underneath the covers, just in time.
The man re-entered the room with the woman at his side. Both of them looked concerned.
"Hey Michonne" the woman said softly, "do you remember me?"
"Um… you're Rosita, right?" she asked, trying to hide the fact that she was out of breath from leaping across the room.
"Yea, I'm Rosita. And do you know who he is?" the woman asked, pointing to the man.
"He said his name is Rick" Michonne said. "Rosita, I don't know if you're a mother, but I have a son and I need to get back to him. Please."
Rosita turned towards Rick and a look of pity splashed across her face.
"Michonne I think you're really confused right now, and you took a big hit to the head so that's okay, but things aren't the way you think. We're not going to hurt you, and we're not holding you hostage here…"
"So I can leave?" Michonne asked.
"No, you can't leave" Rick said. "Not because we're holding you hostage, but you can't leave because you live here, in this town. You're already home."
"If I'm home then tell me where Mike and Andre are" Michonne said, crossing her arms. "If I'm so confused, explain something to me instead of just telling me how confused I am. Why am I here? Why do you keep asking me if I know you. No I don't know you. Just give me a phone please. I want to go home. I just want my family to come get me."
"Mike and Andre aren't here honey. They died six years ago. You told me they were bitten by walkers at a refugee camp. And there are no phones anymore, you know that" the man said, taking a step forward. Michonne's entire body tensed.
"Is this a joke? A prank? 'Cuz it's not funny" Michonne said, pointing her finger at Rick.
"No" the man said. "Michonne I think you've lost your memory. I'm your husband, Rick."
Michonne narrowed her eyes at Rick and slowly slid out from underneath the blanket and off the bed.
"My husband. Right. Okay, if I've lost my memory somehow, let me see the CT scans. Let me see the damage done to my head. Let me talk to a doctor."
"There are no doctors" Rosita cut in. "You've forgotten a lot. Years worth of information. A lot has happened and it might be a little overwhelming to explain it all to you right now."
"Try" Michonne snapped, crossing her arms across her chest.
"The world has changed a lot. There's no more cell phones, they don't work. No tv. No radio. And our doctor died a few years ago, so there's no doctor either" Rosita said.
"What about computers, you have one of those?" Michonne asked sarcastically.
Rick took a step towards Michonne and she took one backwards.
"Don't come near me. I don't know either of you. I don't know why you're lying to me. What the hell is going on? Why is there no phones and tv, and radio? Was there a solar flare or something?"
"It was a virus" Rick said, "the walkers spread it, but… we're all infected. You are too."
"What the hell is a walker?" Michonne yelled. These people were not making any sense. She was trying to keep up with everything they were saying but they made no sense and they were making her head throb even more.
"It's a dead person" Rosita said. "Someone who died and came back because of the virus."
Michonne pressed her hand to her forehead. Her head was really starting to pound now.
"Are you alright?" Rick asked, taking a tentative step towards her. Michonne was now holding her head with both hands and beginning to sway.
Rick ran to her just as she stumbled and almost collapsed to the ground. Rick grabbed one arm and Rosita grabbed another and they helped her back into the bed.
"You need to stay in the bed" Rosita said sternly. "You're not stable and I don't want you falling and hurting yourself more."
"Why won't you let me leave here?" Michonne asked softly, her dizziness getting worse now that she was lying down.
"You're not well honey. You're not fit to go anywhere. Just relax. Close your eyes and take a nap. We'll talk more when you wake up, okay?"
Michonne turned her head towards the man with the blue eyes. "I'm not your honey. I'm not your wife. I don't know you. I want Andre. I want Andre! I want my son!" she yelled.
"Michonne, please…" he said, but she kept repeating the last few words over and over again.
"I want my son, I want my son. Please. I want my son." The last time she repeated the phrase, a tear trickled down her cheek. Her eyes then closed and she passed out.