Penny's p.o.v

I entered the great hall for breakfast. On my way to check up on Harry about his wounds. When I found him, he was staring at something from a far. I looked too, and realized he was looking at someone. It was Cho and she was returning a smile to him. I felt a bit hurt of the thought of Harry liking her. Especially since I know that Cedric has a thing with her.

I want Harry to be happy, but I don't know what to do or say to help him.

Harry's p.o.v

"I can't believe it! She's done it again!" Hermione was angry.

"Who?" Ron asked her.

"Rita Skeeter, that's who! Once again, she's lying and bringing Penny up again." That got our attention quick.

"What did she say this time?" I asked.

"Penelope Diggory. Suppose to be a sweet, loving and innocent witch. Shows her true colors of having a taste of famous wizards. It seems the fame and glory she is receiving from her brother Champion Cedric Diggory, is not enough to satisfy her happiness. Her latest prey is none other than Harry Potter. How could a selfish little girl choose fake love over real family? No word on how the once brave Cedric Diggory is taking the devastating news."

How on earth can Skeeter say that about Penny? Penny is not that kind of person. My day was only going to get worse when Malfy was marching his way for me. My guess is, his glare is for what Skeeter wrote.

"I thought I told you to leave Penelope alone!"

"Look, Malfoy. Skeeter wrote all that, you idiot." That made him more ticked off.

"And she wrote that because of YOU, Potter! I warned you to leave her out of this." Before he could get any closer, Penny stepped in between us.

"What's going on?" She asked us. Malfoy and I were having a glaring battle.

"Rita Skeeter mentioned you again." Mione answered.

"Did she?"

"Thanks to your so called friend here, the world is going to believe your a gold digger!" Malfoy told her.

"You of all people, knows that what she wrote is not true." Penny said. He looked at her softly.

"Of course I do." His tone changed quickly. He looks like he cares for her.

"Then that's all that matters. My friends and family are the only people who need to know who I am. That's all I can ask for. Right Harry?" She turned and looked at me with a bright smile. Throwing me off.

"Right...friends…" Malfoy was smirking at me and left us. What did Penny mean when she told Malfoy 'you of all people knows'?

What does he know?


There's going to be a ball. The Yule ball. A tradition held during the Triwizard Tournament. And because there will be a ball, we need to have dates. It's not as easy as it sounds. Asking a girl to go to the ball with you. I slayed a dragon for crying out loud!

Days pasts but Ron and I still don't got dates. We were studying in the great hall with Professor Snape. But Ron and I were thinking more on the ball than our homework.

"This is mad! At this rate, you and I will be the only ones without dates." Ron complained. Then Snape used a notebook to smack out heads with, and walked away.

"Yeah, but I reckon Neville can take himself." I teased. Neville has been practicing dancing by himself in our dorm. It's fun to watch.

"It might address you to know that Neville already got someone." Hermione informed us. What? How did he get a date before us? Is that why he is so happy when practicing?

"Now I'm really depressed." Ron whined some more. I'm feeling the same too. Maybe I can ask-

"I'm going to ask Penny!" Both Ron and I said in sync. We glanced at each other realizing what we both said.

"You can't ask her, Harry!"

"Why not, Ron?"

"Because she's like a sister to me."

"All the more reason why I should go with her."

We both got hit by Snape again.

"It's too late for you to ask her" What did hermione just say?

"What do you mean?" I desperately asked. Though I was scared to hear it.

"Don't tell me she has a date." Ron added.

She nodded. No.

"Someone already beat you to it." She was looking straight at me while telling us this.

Ron started to laugh, shaking his head in disbelief.

"No way. Your lying."

I nervously laughed along with him. He's right. Who else would Penny go with besides us?


I ran up to the Owls tower to send a letter to Sirius, like I always do. I almost bumped right into Penny at the entrance.

"P-Penny!" I was surprised to see her. And so close too.

"Hi Harry! Sorry I'm in a bit of a hurry. I have to meet with my brother." She told me. Heading down the stairs, I stopped her.

"Penny, wait!" She came back up.

"Yes?" I opened my mouth, nut no words came out. Why am I suddenly sweating in this freezing weather?

"I was just wondering….. Uh… youwanttogototheballwithme?" I said that too fast. I know I did. I can tell by her confused face.

"Im sorry. Could you repeat that please?"

Okay, come on Harry! Deep breaths in and out. Calm down, it's Penny. Well, that's just it. It IS Penny.

"I was just wondering if you want to go to the ball with me." There! I said it!

"Oh….Harry I- I'm sorry." She sadly said. Oh no, don't tell me Mione was right.

"Someone already asked me. And I said yes."



I have a feeling I have disappointed a few people about Penny and Harry going to the ball together. Well, we still have to see what going to happen at the ball.

Guess who she's going with!

Thank you so much for reading this story. It feels good to see so many reading and leaving reviews of the story. I'll do my best to update soon! Thank you again everyone!

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