Marinette doesn't particularly like the Yellow

m ms. She never knew why. Everyone told her that they taste exactly like the others but still she didn't like them. She would purposely sort out the m ms and later offer them to Alya .

"Are you going to eat those?" asked Adrien who was eyeing the yellow m m's on top of the brown package they were once in.

"No, go ahead." Marinette replied. Adrien popped them in one by one. He didn't really eat candy much due to his model diet.

Marinette then had an odd but interesting idea of creating a day to day clothing line inspired by m m's. She pulled out her sketchbook. Adrien took the opportunity to try to steal her other none yellow m ms.

"Hey!" Marinette scolded. "I gave you some, already."

"You know a library is supposed to be quiet." A tall boy with blue tipped hair chimed. He could hear Adrien and Marinette's conversation from the Autobiography section. Luka places his books on the table then pulled up a chair.

"I see your doing Miss Bustier's 'Candify Your Interest' project. It was one of favorite projects I had to done when I was in her class. If you want some help, I'm here." Luka added. He wanted to be there for Marinette whether she thought of him as just a friend or not.

The project evolved Miss Bustier passing around random items of candy like a snickers bar, a bag of skittles, a dum dum sucker, a lollipop or a bag of m m's. Some of her classmates got the same thing like Rose and Mylene both got Skittles. The students were to take the candy and combined it with their interest. For example since Rose got Skittles and she made perfume, she could make Skittles smelling perfume. Marinette couldn't wait to see what Chloe was going to come up with since she ironically got a dum dum sucker.

"What did you do for your project?" Marinette asked.

"I had gotten Lollipop for mine. So I sung and played 'Lollipop' by the Chordettes in front of the whole class on my guitar."

Both Adrien and Marinette were impressed in how brave Luka was to sing in front of his whole


"What's your's about?" Luka asked Marinette.

"I'm doing a fashion collection inspired by m m's." Marinette replied as Luka looked at her piles of m m's that had maybe two or three yellow m m's left in it.

"And you?" Luka asked Adrien. Adrien hadn't thought about what he was going to do. He's interests included fencing, piano, basketball, skateboarding, manga, being ChatNoir and above everything else Ladybug.

"I was given Twizzlers and beside that I don't know what I'm going to do." He shrugged.

"You could write a poem. Your pretty good at that." Marinette added then realizing what she had said, her face turned red.

"I guess I could, thanks Marinette." Adrien didn't think much of how Marinette knew he wrote poetry.

Marinette tried to go back to drawing her designs. She had ideas for the red, blue, brown, green, and orange m ms but she was stumped on the yellow.

"What's the matter?" Luka asked.

"Yellow has me stumped."

"Maybe it's because you ate your inspiration." Luka said pointing to the yellow m m's that were left.

"I don't like the yellow ones." Marinette replied.

"Maybe, you should give them a chance. They might surprise you." Luka said as he picked up one and was attempting to feed it to her.

Marinette opened her mouth thinking that Luka was right. As she munched down on the m m, she imagined Luka with yellow tips in his hair instead of blue. That idea moved her into making her all female fashion line into a couples collection. The men however all looked similar to Luka even if they didn't have facial features.

"I think I'm starting to like giving yellow m ms another try." Marinette said not sure if she was talking the m m or about Luka.