Title: Summer Nights
Plot: AU – High School. Based on the timeless film Grease. Emma Swan finds herself in a small town in Maine, Storybrooke. Little does she know she'll meet the girl who she felt in love with the previous summer. The starting excitement will be followed by the realisation that she didn't know her at all.
Chapter 1: New School
Warning: This story takes inspiration from the film Grease and my old fanfiction (which is now deleted) A familiar stranger; you may find some common parts in the basic plot, but it has been highly changed. OC Emma.
"Hurry up Emma, or you won't meet my friends before school begins! They can't wait to know you!" Mary Margaret beamed walking fastly towards Storybrooke High School.
On the other hand Emma was forcing a smile, trying to keep up with the pixie-haired girl. She had been talking about her friends non-stop since she arrived some days ago. She practically already knew everything she needed to know, she just had to meet them to confirm Mary Margaret's words and her own expectations. She wouldn't dare to express her thoughts aloud, fearing any rejection from Mary Margaret or her parents, but she strongly hoped she would liked those people as well, they sudden so cool by Mary Margaret's words. "They are just outside the school, at our usual place."
They walked for some minutes until they reached the educational institute, Emma had just some seconds to have a look at the enormous amount of students. "That's them!" The brunette took her hand and walked even faster in order to get to her group of friends.
"Friends and boyfriend, meet my sister Emma." She smiled again, brining the blonder closer.
Emma was overwhelmed by greets and hugs coming from people she still didn't know, something she wasn't use to and she didn't liked it at all. She murmured a feeble hi and parted from the group.
Then everyone introduced their self personally.
The first to make a move was David, he was indeed as charming as Mary Margaret had described before. He asked her how the travel to Storybrooke had been and if she liked it so far. He seemed a well-educated guy, surely the kind of person suitable for a girl like Mary Margaret.
She couldn't finish her answer because a striking girl took the floor. She was Ruby, Mary Margaret's best friend since they were in kindergarten, she didn't really pay attention to all the words that came out from her mouth, she was too busy scrutinising her from the bottom to the top, she might have seem a little bit rude, but no one could blame her, it was impossible not to stare at her.
So at the end she just smiled and switched her gaze to the Asian girl next to her. She was lovely, she just greeted Emma again and wished her a excellent first day of school. She smiled back at her and then the last guy of the group spoke to her.
He was a bit taller then her, his hair was brown just like his eyes. His name was Neal and he looked at her in a way Emma was never looked at before. He didn't say much, he just welcomed her as Mulan, the Asian girl, did before. She wasn't stupid, but she wasn't that presumptuous to believe he was so attracted to her without even knowing who she was.
She stayed there with them for about ten minutes, until they heard the first bell rang.
She was heading to her first class when Mary Margaret asked her what she thought about her friends.
"They're so cool, I can't believe they are all so nice. Is everybody like them here?"
"Oh Emma, believe me, there are so many bad people here."
"Because we're bad, that's why we did it." Cruella said rolling her eyes and getting comfortable on the bleachers of the football pitch.
"I'm just saying you had no reason to do what you did." Kathryn cried out, sitting some meters away from the other girl.
"They're new, that's a valid reason to torture them." Ursula smiled cocky and smirked at the spotted girl.
"Girls, could we focus on more important topics, such as my birthday party tonight. You're all coming, right?" Killian Jones, also knowns as Hook, for his talent to harpoon the ball (or the players) like he had a hook instead of a hand.
They all confirmed immediately with the exception of the brunette who often defined the sorts of the group. "Who's coming?"
"You all... Cheerleaders... Lots of cool people." His answer was unsure, but he knew perfectly what Regina wanted to hear.
"And who are these people?"
"The football team, I invited them all."
"And their girlfriends?"
"Well, I told some of them to bring their girlfriends with them while we were in the locker room, so I guess they are all coming."
"That's what I wanted to hear. I'm not coming."
"Come on Regina, who cares about Mary Margaret and her friends. Just ignore them all night and they will stay on their own. I don't like it too, David in a idiot, but he's the head of the team, I have to invite him."
"I said no, end of the story."
"Regina, we've known each other for years, you can't miss my eighteenth birthday."
"What should we celebrate? A plus year in this fucking school?"
"Shut up!" Mal, the head cheerleader, shouted, feeling like she was taken into account too.
"Whatever." Regina said, lighting up another cigarette.
"Please Gina, try to understand him, he has to invite David and he can't tell him not to bring her girlfriend with him, although he knows this isn't a good idea. I would do the same if I were in Killian's pants." Robin said in defence of his team-mate. "Plus I'll be there too, I'll keep you company all night."
Regina didn't understand if that guy was really that dumb or if he made an effort to make everything worse. "First don't call me that way ever again if you don't want me to tear off you dick and second, I have already told you that our rare nights togetherdon't mean anything, I'll never be interested in you."
Robin's cheeks turned red, he didn't want their friends to know so much about his personal love life and mostly he was hurt by Regina's words. He knew very well the nature of their relationship, but it didn't mean he wouldn't change it for better.
For some seconds no one dared to speak, it was Kathryn who broke the silence. "Think about it Regina, if you don't come at the party you'll loose and she'll win, she will enjoy a night with her friends, while you'll do what? You'll stay at home on your own? If you don't want to do it for Killian at least do it for yourself."
Sometimes Regina wondered why someone so good-hearted like Kathryn spent her time with a group of sums like them, maybe it was because she got to know her when she was different, but when she came up with these magnificent answers she had no doubts, it was because of her wicked calculating mind.
When the last bell rang Emma headed out of the school where she had to meet Mary Margaret.
"So, tell me everything, how was your first day of school here?"
Emma told her about her teachers, how she found some of them great and other terrifying, some classmates she had spoken with and how she found some friends of her group in her same courses.
"And did you find Neal in one of your courses?"
"Yes, I did, how do you know? He even offered to help me with Maths."
"Someone told me seated near you." She beamed, with the usual wide smile Emma had already seen too many times for that day.
"Yes... Is there a problem?"
"No, not at all. I think he likes you." Again that smile.
"Oh." Her voice sounded more disappointed than how she imagined it in her head.
"What's wrong? Don't you like him? He's so nice, you would be the best couple of the school! After me and David, of course." She chuckled lightly.
But Emma was in no mood for laughing, she didn't want to reveal her secret yet, it was too early. She knew she somehow had to confess it, but she didn't imagine it would be on the first day of school, after only one week she had moved to this town. To this family.
"I don't know MM, I have just met him."
"I'm not asking if you are willing to marry him Emma, I just want to know if he has any chance with you. Do you find him at least cute?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"If he's not your type you can just tell me, maybe you like blondes." By her tone Emma understood she hadn't fooled her. Now she had two options, the former was to laugh and agree, the latter was to tell the truth.
"I don't like nor brunet or blonde boys." She said flatly.
Mary Margaret arched her eyebrows, she was about to ask her another question when Emma interrupted her.
"I don't like boys at all." Endless seconds of silence followed the sentence.
"Why didn't you tell me before? I wouldn't have made a fool of myself by trying to set you with Neal." She beamed, and for once Emma couldn't be happier for her reaction.
She smiled back, feeling so stupid for fearing Mary Margaret's reaction to her coming out, which reminded her she wasn't the hardest person to speak with about it. "But please, don't tell your parents."
"How many times do I have to tell? They are your parents too now. By the way I won't tell them because it's a your thing, you'll talk with them when you feel ready. Also you don't have anything to worry about, they're totally okay with it, one of my closest friend is a lesbian."
"Really? Who is she?"
"Mulan. Now I'll try to set you with her." She laughed and Emma couldn't help but laugh louder as well, knowing Mary Margaret was half joking and half saying the truth.
Yet her laughter soon disappeared from her face. Mary Margaret noticed it immediately.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yes, I just remember someone. A girl."
"Someone you liked?
"Yes, I met her this summer back in Portland."
"Oh. Do you want to tell me about her?"
"There isn't much to say. She was everything I could dream of. She was beautiful, smart, nice and quite bossy as well." She laughed sadly at her last words. "I had never met someone like her, we understood each other since the first moment."
"She seems lovely, did she live there?"
"No, she was on a holiday with her family. Her name was Regina. Regina Mills."
So... Opinions on the first chapter?