Aaaaand I'm back! I feel like some parts might feel rushed, and I may go back and add to it later, but this is what I've got!

Also, thank you to those to reviewed, favourited, and followed!

Enjoy! :)


Endeavor's authoritative voice made her turn her attention back to the fiery hero. He was sitting behind his desk, one she doubted he spent too much time behind with all of the hero work he does out in the field. His eyes were the same piercing blue as his son's left eye, but his held a much colder look. "Upon Shouto's request, you two will be partners as of today. I've done background checks with the school and it has been brought to my attention that you two work well together. That being said, I hope you live up to my expectations, Yaoyorozu. I have high hopes for my son and I don't want something like an incapable partner slowing him down."

Todoroki took a step forward. "Father—"

"—I understand, sir," Momo interrupted quickly with a nod of her head. But still, yikes. She'd rather just keep away from any possible arguments with the number two hero.

"Good." He turned his steely gaze towards his son. "You'll start on Monday. Dismissed."

Momo let out a quiet breath of relief. She had so many thoughts churning through her mind as they exited Endeavor's office, heart pounding heavily against her ribs and legs shaking as she walked. The door closed behind them, but they didn't utter a single word until they reached the elevator, and luckily for them, they were the only passengers.

She found his heterochromatic eyes in the mirror opposite them. "You requested me as your partner?"

"Yeah," he answered simply, nodding.


He tilted his head in confusion. "We work well together and I thought we'd make good partners. Don't you agree? Or is it that you don't want to be partners?"

"No, no, that's not it at all!" Momo waved her hands in the air frantically, turning to face him in urgency. "I do believe we work well together, I just didn't expect you to request me of all people…"

"Why not?"

He was as blunt as ever, Momo thought. But, it was one of the many things she liked about him. There was no skirting around topics with him. He said what was on his mind no matter what it was. At least, she had yet to find him hold back with his words. Momo supposed that might be one of the reasons she worried about choosing her words wisely with him; he would speak his mind to her without even blinking.

"I guess…because there are plenty of others to choose from, many with much more compatible and powerful quirks than mine," she explained carefully. "Why me?"

"There's more to choosing a partner than the quality of their quirk and how sharp their abilities, Yaoyorozu," he began. His eyes shifted from hers to watch the numbers above the elevator doors change with each floor they passed on their descent. "Having a compatible quirk doesn't mean anything if you can't get along as people. You have to be compatible in more ways than just one. Quirks and personality are important, but so is trust. A partnership won't work if you can't coordinate well as a team.

"I chose you because I already know we have all of those things. Why would I choose someone else I may not even get along with when I already have someone worthy of being my partner?"

Momo couldn't help but stare at him with wide eyes. She knew he was blunt and honest, but how did he always seem to catch her by surprise?

The elevator dinged suddenly and the doors slowly slid open. Todoroki glanced her way, gesturing his head forward before exiting the elevator. She followed after a moment, gathering her scattered thoughts once she'd realized there was a group of people waiting for them to get off so they could get on.

She followed his lead and signed out at the front desk, saying a quick goodbye to the secretary that sat behind it and following him out the front doors of the large agency. She fell into step beside him again. "Have you thought about it a lot?"

"Requesting you as my partner?" He clarified. She nodded and he continued. "My father brought up the possibility of getting a partner a few months ago. So, I guess so."

Momo laughed a light laugh, feeling a little light-headed about the whole thing. "You know, Todoroki…I've actually wanted to ask you about being partners since the beginning of our last year in high school. I've always thought we make a great team, but I was too nervous to say anything."

His eyes widened a fraction and she wasn't sure if it was a bad thing or not. "Why?"

"…I was afraid of what you might say."

"You thought I'd say no." It was more of a statement than a question. "You think too much, Yaoyorozu. You psych yourself out a lot when you think too hard about things."

"Aren't you ever worried about saying certain things?" She asked him, genuinely curious. He was blunt, but maybe he was that way to keep himself from psyching himself out the way she did. "Is that why you're so blunt?"

Todoroki stopped at his black car, but made no move to grab his keys from his pocket. He turned to face her completely and met her dark eyes. "Not usually. That's just how I am, but I have sometimes." Yeah, she didn't think so. "Maybe you should try it. Say what's on your mind before you can second guess yourself."

"You're telling me to talk without thinking about what I say first?" She asked with a small laugh. "Isn't that the opposite of what you're supposed to do?"

"I suppose." He thought for a moment. "How about just trying it with me, then? We're partners now, so we should be able to talk to each other freely."

Though the only person she really got nervous talking to was him so it kind of defeated the purpose. Not that she would ever tell him that. She laughed nervously. "I can try."

He nodded. "We start now." He held out a hand. "I look forward to working with you, Yaoyorozu."

Momo smiled and took his hand.

They started patrolling at 7am after having met up at the agency and going over their route for the day. They walked along the sidewalks of the city, scanning their surroundings and looking for anything suspicious.

It was a nice summer day, warm, and with the help of the cool breeze, not too warm. Many people waved at the two rookie heroes and some spoke with them, welcoming them and thanking them for their service. Pictures were taken and introductions were given, revealing themselves to the world as official partners under Endeavor's agency, ready for duty.

The morning passed without incident and the two ended up stopping at a vendor for lunch, taking a seat at one of the few picnic tables with their food. Todoroki had ordered a simple order of fish while she went with something a little more fattening for the sake of her quirk.

"When you're not out on the field, you tend to think there's trouble all the time. But this is more peaceful than I ever would've expected." Momo took her time looking around at the happy faces of the citizens she swore to protect. This was what heroes wanted. Not only safety, but the happiness that came with it.

"Being attacked as students at U.A. probably didn't help give us the right impression," Todoroki said in agreement, taking another bite of his fish.

"It makes sense." She looked across the table at him again just as a light breeze blew through the air, the red of his hair mixing in with the white in a way she found rather beautiful. She was mesmerized by it and felt a sudden urge to run a hand through his hair to see if it was just as soft as it looked.

Todoroki's eyes flicked to hers and she felt her breath stop as if her inner thoughts were projected to him with the unexpected contact. And then she was thinking about how beautiful his eyes were under the light of the sun, wondering how she hadn't noticed it before.

He tilted his head at her curiously. "What're you thinking?"

Momo's eyes shot wide open, lips parting in surprise. She wasn't expecting that. At all. "Uhh…"

His lips turned up at the corners and he shook his head at her. "Speak your mind. Say what you want to say."

Momo wasn't sure she even wanted to say anything in the first place, but she understood what he was telling her. Don't think. In a way, it was like saying be true to your mind. She smiled nervously and looked down at the wooden table, fidgeting with her fork. "Your eyes…I think they're…beautiful."

She glanced between him and the table rapidly, worried about his reaction. He blinked a few times and his lips parted in surprise, eyebrows raising the slightest bit. It was obvious that the statement caught him off guard, her words taking a few moments to sink in, to finally actually hear what she had said. "Oh."

Crap. Had she said too much? "Sorry, that's weird isn't it?"

He raised a hand towards the dark skin surrounding his left eye, touching the skin just below it. His lips formed a small smile and Todoroki placed his fork on the table next to his plate. He met her eyes and held her gaze. "Thank you. No one's ever told me that before."

Her lips parted in surprise. "Really?"

He nodded. "I've always thought of them as odd, so knowing someone thinks they look beautiful makes me happy."

There was a brief pause and then, "There's something else," she blurted out before she could stop herself, eyes watching as the fingers that traced the edges of his scar came to a sudden halt. "...There's something else I want to say."

"Go ahead." He gestured with one hand for her to continue. Speak your mind.

So she did. "About your scar," her eyes moved up to the blue of his left eye. She smiled nervously. "When I look at you, it isn't at all distracting. You might think it is, but to me it's a part of you, like it always has been, like it's normal. Like…if it weren't there you wouldn't be you. When I look at you, I don't see a scar. I just see you…and I want you to know that."

He was quiet for a minute, but his eyes remained trained on her. She wasn't quite sure why though, barely containing the urge to squirm under his intense gaze. She meant what she said, she just hoped it didn't bother him or come across the wrong way.

He opened his mouth to answer, but a loud crash followed by multiple screams echoed through the air and they both turned towards the commotion. Getting to their feet simultaneously, they made a run for the source, telling passing civilians to get to a safe zone and call for back up.

Momo saw the villain the moment they turned the corner, throwing what looked like a blue-tinted transparent shield through the windows of the shops lining the street and narrowly missing several people in the process. She didn't see any other heroes in the area, taking a quick look at their surroundings.

Momo jumped in quickly, creating a shield of her own from her arm and bracing herself as the transparent shield slammed into her. Todoroki was quick to follow up, sending a hurdle of ice towards the villain before them at a fast pace.

The transparent shield suddenly disappeared and Momo had to catch herself before she tipped over, the force suddenly gone and leaving her pushing against empty air. Looking back towards the villain, Momo watched as Todoroki's ice slammed to a stop against a larger transparent shield. Her eyes widened in recognition. "A forcefield?"

"Forcefield?" Todoroki echoed her words.

"If that's what it is we might be able to break it with force, and usually the power of it depends on the state of the user," Momo explained quickly, eyes trailing the blonde villain as she sliced through the ice. She could use it as a blade? She'd never heard of one being used like that before. They would need to be careful.

Todoroki sent a larger force of ice towards the villain, but again, it slammed to a stop. It was sliced away and the villain laughed. "You can't win, heroes!"

Don't engage with the enemy if you don't have to, Momo reminded herself, jumping out of the way as a blur of blue flew towards her; they like to play mind games. She took a few steps back and placed herself behind Todoroki. "Cover me."

He nodded and flames burst from his left, raising a thicker-than-usual wall of ice that circled around her almost completely and acted as a shield. The forcefield cut through his ice, so he just made his ice thicker. The villain would know Momo was up to something with the way Todoroki was blocking her off from harm. She would go for the ice. Momo just hoped Todoroki could hold her off long enough for her to do what she needed to.

She created a cannon as fast as she could, the ice surrounding her cracking in a few places as she heard the forcefield hit it from the outside. Loading the cannon quickly and preparing it to fire, she rolled it most of the way out before creating an EMP and tossing it towards where she knew the villain to be. It was a guess on her part, but also an attempt to find any weaknesses and hopefully disorient her. She aimed the canon.


He dove to the side, and Momo fired.

The cannonball flew through the air and the villain, prepared for the attack, raised her arms and formed another forcefield. Momo ran forward, creating a tranquilizer gun and and taking aim, waiting for her opportunity to strike.

Todoroki hit her with a combined blast of fire and ice just after she blocked the cannonball, turning at the last second to block his attack from the side. Which left her other side completely open to Momo.

She took the shot.

Somehow, Todoroki always knew what she was planning, and vice versa. There were times when no words needed to be exchanged for them to know what to do. They'd point at something or make hand signals and they knew. Most of it was thanks to their training in high school. Many of their subtle signs were created for exams and tests and they just brought those with them to their careers as graduated adults, as heroes. All of those years of practice beforehand really did them a favour.

They got to skip the awkward beginning that most partnerships had. Most people had to slowly adapt to the other person and learn how they thought and how they fought, but not them. They already knew. They knew from watching each other in school, from talking and training together. And for that they were blessed.

Momo was quick to cuff the villain with anti-quirk hand cuffs, handing her over to the authorities when they arrived. Both she and Todoroki had to go through a series of small interviews with the press, introducing themselves and explaining their quirks, taking up a good portion of the afternoon and soon it was just the last few remaining heroes cleaning up the mess.

They were sent home soon after, bidding them a good job and a goodbye before they set off. Thankfully, it wasn't too far of a walk and they made it back within a few minutes, stopping at their parked cars sitting next to each other in the parking lot of the agency.

Momo turned towards her partner. "Good job out there today."

"You too." A few strands of red stuck to the skin of his forehead, no doubt from the heat of his fire.

She smiled and nodded, retrieving her keys from her bag. "Thanks."

They didn't say anything for several seconds, standing in the parking lot in a comfortable silence. This was the part where they said goodbye for the day, so why wasn't anything happening?

"Thank you," he began, holding her gaze. "For what you said earlier."

At first, Momo was confused by his words, wondering what on earth he was talking about. But then she remembered their conversation during lunch and red bloomed across her cheeks. "O-oh, right.. You're welcome."

He nodded, pulling his own car keys from the pocket of his pants and breaking the eye contact. "I'll see you tomorrow, then."

Momo nodded in return. "See you tomorrow, Todoroki."

He paused mid-step, eyes finding hers again in what looked like confusion. "Todoroki?"

There was a pause while Momo tried to figure out what was confusing him and it suddenly hit her. Right. She called him Shouto during the attack today. "We were on duty," she explained. "And Shouto is your hero name. It's only right that I call you by your hero name on duty."

"It's also my given name," he told her simply, but not unkindly. "You can call me by my name when we're not on duty, Yaoyorozu. It's my name, after all."

Oh. She smiled. "Then call me Momo as well."

"Momo," he nodded, testing her name on his tongue. She quite liked the sound of it. He took a step back. "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow," she agreed with a nod of her own.

Somehow 'see you later' had turned into 'see you in a few days', which then turned into 'see you tomorrow', but Momo had no complaints. It was quite a journey, but she was happy with her destination.

Your thoughts? :)