"Adam." He heard Illia call out his name. He briefly wondered what it was before he spotted the two white haired cat Faunus that had just entered the room.

"I'll take it from here, Illia, you can go." he said. Illia nodded and walked out of the room. Adam knew she was loyal to the White Fang, but Blake's betrayal had hurt her deeply and he didn't want her doing anything rash with the information this 'huntress-in-training' might bring. As he looked over the two Faunus his Lieutenants words came back to him, "they're either cowards or this is a trap from Beacon." It was true that since the attack on Beacon several Faunus huntsmen and huntresses had tried similar tactics to attack the White Fang and even now Adam could see what the old man had been talking about. The larger girl in the back was acting nervously, twitching ears flitting about at every sound that he couldn't hear, Adam had plenty of opportunity to learn a cat eared Faunus' tells. The other girl however was clearly the huntress. If the sword sheathed at her hip didn't tell him, the way she moved most definitely did. There was a grace and confidence in her walk and stance that told him more about her than anything else would have. She wasn't merely some huntress-in-training, her movements attested to years of combat, not merely practice sessions the schools would provide. When Adam met eyes with her he could see the steel behind that vibrant green eye. This girl, no, this woman had fought things more than Grimm, had killed people. It set off alarm bells in his head, since when did any of the human 'pet' Faunus, living in the academies and richer parts of the cities, ever know anything other than a life of luxury? The smile the girl wore was fake, Adam could tell, and if the way her eyes lit up at seeing the scowl on his face was an indication, she knew he knew. Nevertheless she held out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Jade, and you are?" The girl's tone was sweet, but there was no doubt in Adam's mind that she was ready for a fight.

"Adam Taurus, current leader of the White Fang here in Vale." Adam said as he shook the girls hand. "Do you know about Blake?" Jade's smile didn't falter.

"Of course, but first I need something from you." she said.

"Alright cut the crap." Adam said, "you're not here for protection, what do you want?" Jade's smile turned predatory and very authentic.

"Annette I'll see you later." Jade said to the other Faunus, who nodded and quickly disappeared out the door to the room. Adam's hand drifted to his sword. Jade's hand mirrored his own. "I'm here for information, nothing my sister needs to hear." It was a plausible explanation, but Adam didn't want to take the chance.

"Info for info, huh?" Adam asked, "then ask quickly."

"Cinder Fall." Jade said. "Where is she?"

"I don't know." Adam said. Jade's smile disappeared for the first time and for the first time Adam could feel the predatory sense coming off of the girl. He knew she was dangerous, possibly like Blake or Illia, but now he knew better. She wasn't overconfident here, no that had a different feel to it. This girl was able to match swords with him.

"This will be a lot easier if you're truthful with me." Jade growled out.

"I don't know where she is," Adam affirmed, "I haven't had contact with her since Beacon, her colleague is my contact now."

"Is his name Watts?" Jade asked.

"No, Hazel." Adam answered, Jade's eyes narrowed, she wasn't pleased with that information.

"Why did you pull back in the middle of your attack?" Jade asked, "Why not go all the way through with it?"

"I don't know, I wish I did." Adam growled remembering the frustration at Cinders little brat telling him to pull back. "Cinder got knocked out and for some reason that was enough reason for us to give up the advantage. I've answered your questions, tell me about Blake."

"Not quite what does the 'Hazel' have you doing?" Jade asked.

"Why would I tell you that?" Adam growled, "now tell me about Blake."

"She's still at Beacon, well on track to graduate as a stellar Huntress," Jade answered, "how does Hazel contact you?"

"I'm not going to tell you that" Adam said, whe-"

"If you don't want to tell me that this conversation is over." Jade said, Adam growled a bit before answering.

"Fine, he contacts me on a secure connection to my scroll, it's an untraceable direct line with no ID that leaves no records." Adam said, "now Blake."

"What exactly is your interest in Blake?" Jade asked, "you seem awfully focused on her."

"She betrayed me." Adam growled remembering a different frustration, one that manifested on top of a train car.

"Interesting." Jade said, pulling Adam back to the present.

"What?" He growled.

"You said she betrayed YOU, not the White Fang." Jade said, "It was personal, were you two involved?" This girl was perceptive, too perceptive.

"Enough! Where is Blake?" Adam nearly shouted.

"At Beacon still" Jade answered coolly.

"Where at Beacon?" He needed more, "What team? Where is her dorm? When are her missions coming and where?"

"That's awfully specific there, buddy." Jade said, "kinda getting into stalkerish territory."

"Tell me." Adam growled, taking a step closer to the girl.

"Why?" Jade asked, "even if you know, she's still in Beacon, you aren't going to get to her there."

"I've gotten there before I can do it again." Adam said. The girl froze, at first he thought it was in fear.

"You'd attack again," Jade's voice was quiet, almost too quiet, "and for nothing more than a personal vendetta?"

"What I do is none of your business." Adam said. "You don't even care for them, you're here to trade information on them."

"Thats where you are wrong." Jade said. She turned back to Adam. "I'm not here to trade, I was here to cause problems for Cinder and her allies." She drew the shortsword, "By taking out her pawns."

"I am no one's pawn." Adam growled as he leveled Wilt and Blush at the girl.

"You kinda look it." She replied.

Adam fired, sending the sword straight at the girl's head. She managed to deflect it, but by then Adam was already there grabbing the sword and swinging it around. He watched as his blade passed through hers, bisecting it completely. He almost smirked at the easy win before he realized that Jade was no longer standing where she was. Instead the pieces of her sword clattered to the ground uselessly as rose petals fell in the same place and quickly dissipated.

"Iaido, huh?" Adam heard the voice coming from somewhere behind and above him. He turned with Blush aimed and ready to fire, only to see the girl surrounded by a dozen swords that were rotating around her. He had never seen someone use a style like that before, but his men had and he had heard the stories. An Atlesian devil who wielded floating swords. They called her…

"Summers." He growled out, finally making the connection.


"Bravo…" Ruby drawled out sarcastically, "It's not like I straight up told you that was my last name or anything." Adam growled and fired his sheath/gun at her. Ruby could have dodged if she had needed to, as it were, Penny moved three of her swords to form a shield in front of her wielder, blocking each of Adams shots. This only enraged the bull-headed faunus, who leapt at the rafter Ruby was standing on. At the apex of his leap, Adam swung his sword again but rather than aim at the swirling vortex of blades that was Ruby, he targeted the rafter she was standing on. Ruby activated her semblance and rushed to a point behind Adam so that she could make her next attack. Adam apparently anticipated her doing something along those lines, as he turned around and swung in one smooth motion. This forced Ruby to step back lest she meet the blade head on, fortunately Penny was ready and deflected the blade away from Ruby's body. Ruby used her semblance to send herself back farther out of Adam's reach. From there Ruby switched the swords in her hand to gun modes and began firing at Adam, meanwhile Penny used her swords to form a spinning blade of death that she launched at Adam. Due to blocking Ruby's blaster shots with his sword, Adam was caught unprepared for the spinning blades launched at his side. Clearly frustrated and angry he sheathed his sword and launched a series of strikes that were faster than even Ruby could make out, and she was only able to block roughly half of them. Thankfully Penny picked up the slack and every one of the rapid strikes were diverted from Ruby's body, though the damage said strikes did to their environment left Ruby thinking that even taking one or two of them head on was a bad idea. Deciding not to let Adam gain an advantage, Ruby went on the offensive, blades and rose petals swirling behind her. Turning her sprint into a spin at the last moment, Ruby allowed Penny to bring the full might of her blades against Adam. In return Adam blocked Penny's strike and delivered an overhead strike of his own at Ruby. Unfortunately for him Ruby still had two of Penny's swords in hand and blocked with crossed blades, Adam in turn fired from his shotgun sheath at Ruby's midsection, scoring a direct hit on her midsection. Penny returned the favor with almost a dozen blaster shots from her guns, forcing Adam on the back foot again. Adam took a stance and Ruby could see the color bleed away from the world around him, at the same time all her instincts screamed DANGER! So Ruby used her semblance to launch herself up again as a wave of red bisected and incinerated the rose petals she left in her wake.

The way Adam had used his semblance was almost familiar. The way he fought frontally heavy and then paused to use it like he expected it to be a game changer, even now he was calmly sheathing his sword, like he expected such a telegraphed attack to have gotten through her defenses. Ruby came to the sudden realisation.

"His semblance is like Yangs!" Armed with her newfound knowledge Ruby quickly formulated a plan and relayed it to Penny.

She then went on the offensive again, surprising Adam at first, but not by much. She focused on keeping Adam on the backfoot, on the defensive. Allowing him to build up power at the expense of not being able to strike out at her very often. Still a few hits did get through and Ruby felt them bite through her Aura, something Penny was oh-so-helpful in reminding Ruby about as well. However her plan paid off when Adam leaped up and took the same stance again. Ruby saw Penny's swords begin to rotate in front of her as Penny charged her beam cannon like Ruby had instructed. As Adam released his semblance Penny fired her cannon, a green beam bisecting the red wave. Ruby didn't even allow the dust created by the attacks to settle as she charged forward and caught Adam's blade between the two in her hands, holding it in place. Penny's spinning blades then came down not directly at Adam but his wrist, the first blade hammered his aura, the second broke it, and the third severed Adam's sword arm at the wrist.

"AAAAHH!" Adam screamed as he looked at his severed hand, he didn't have long though before a fourth, fifth and sixth blade pierced his chest and brought him to his knees. Ruby herself could feel the last dregs of her aura beginning to dissipate, leaving her head in a fog as she quickly grabbed Adam's weapon and scroll and began her trek back outside. She could hear Penny talking to her and saw the blades sweep through any White Fang members that approached her on her way out, but everything was in a haze. She knew that she likely was bleeding profusely from the cuts Adam had left on the right side of her torso and on her left leg, but she couldn't be bothered with it at the moment, her only goal was to get out of the White Fangs warehouse and to somewhere safe. She had just gotten out when Annette came running up to her while saying something, only for her vision to blur and fade.


"I can't believe they couldn't tell us anything!" Yang growled in frustration.

"It's not that surprising." Weiss answered, "they only register passengers of commercial flights, if she was on a private airship they would only have the airship and pilot's name recorded."

"And that's assuming Ruby wasn't using an alias." Blake said.

"So, what now?" Yang asked.

"Well, she probably hasn't been flying the whole time," Blake said, "so maybe we should check the local inns?"

"That seems to be the most logical option." Weiss said.

"Then let's go!" Yang said while grabbing the other two and pulled them towards the nearest inn. What followed was almost a full day of searching various inns and hotels. Eventually the trio decided to just find an inn to stay in that night. Though they agreed, at Yang's insistence, to check one more out for the night.

"Hiya! I'll be with you in just a moment" a rather coarse but still feminine voice called from a backroom. The inn appeared to be quiet and empty at the moment, probably due to how late it was. After a few moments a rather burly woman came over to the counter. "How can I help you ladies?"

"Well we're looking for somebody," Yang said.

"Also we're looking for a room for the night." Blake helpfully added.

"Well let me get ya started on that room," the woman said, "can I see some ID ladies?" The trio pulled out the Student ID's to show.

"Wow, Beacon huh?" The woman said as she started typing on her terminal, "you three are a ways from home, alright I got that room set up for ya. What's this about looking for someone?"

"We're looking for my little sister," Yang said.

"She's a huntress, we think she may have come through here." Blake said.

"Hmm, we haven't had many huntresses round here recently." The woman spoke, "the only one I can think of was that young gal with an eyepatch, said she was Scarlette."

"That's her!" Weiss said, "do you know where she was going?"

"Nah, she said she was here on a mission, stayed for one night even though she paid for a week," the woman said, "left in a hurry too."

"Did you hear anything else?" Yang asked, "She's been missing for a while and we're trying to follow her trail."

"Hmm, she was talking to someone on her scroll when she came in, I assume that wasn't any of you?" The three huntresses in training shook their heads, "hmm, I think she called her Annette, they were talking about an airship or something, it was hard to hear because of the rush hour."

"Thank you, what room are we in?" Weiss asked

"Oh! Room fourteen, enjoy your stay!" The woman answered.


The next day the remainder of team rWBY returned to the airdocks and began looking through the private airship records.

"It's still highly doubtful we'll actually find anything," Weiss said, "for all we know she was talking with a travel agent, or her mechanic."

"Or not." Blake said as she pulled up a file, "Annette Veridian, owner and pilot of airship ATS/R7-18X."

"Wow," Yang said as she looked over Blake's shoulder, "that's an interesting name."

"It's Atlesian," Weiss said, "my sister's ship has a similar name, the ATS stands for Atlesian Transport Ship, R7 stands for it's regiment in the military, I haven't heard of a seventh Regiment though."

"That has to be Ruby's!" Yang said, "she was working for Ironwood, remember?"

"So," Blake said, "the question is where is it now?"


A/N alright got another one done and ready to send off. Hope everyone is being safe right now with all the rioting going on. Because of my injury my unit got deployed without me, so if you're the praying kind please pray for those guys and our police.