Those of you who have read Desna's work (That's all of you, right? Because if not then you need to go fix that right now and then come back and finish reading this.) know the Pradesh family. Well they have a week this year! Thank you Desna!
Pradesh Week
August 5-11
Day 1 - Shatter
Day 2 - Lick
Day 3 - Summit
Day 4 - Concede
Day 5 - Particular
Day 6 - Huge
Day 7 - Doxy
Bonus Day - Brimstone
We all love Arman Pradesh and his children: Farron, Zen, Kaleb, Bickslow, Cristoff, Vander, Emzadi, and Xally.
8 days, 8 siblings. Anyone else getting ideas? Since you are reading this and I am posting it obviously I will be participating. If you write for this week and I don't review and follow your story let me know, because I don't want to miss a word.