CV: This part is meant to be a bit confusing. It's history I suppose.

"Please don't cry!"

A woman with brilliant red hair and green eyes that practically glowed bounced a child in her arms with a sense of urgency. The child wasn't particularly loud, the noises leaving him only being small whimpers, but it didn't matter.

"Get him quiet Lily! They're coming!" Her husband shouted from outside the nursery.

"I'm trying, James!"

James? No, that wasn't right. She gasped at a sudden pain in her head and held the child tighter.

"Your name is Lilly Potter," she muttered to herself "You're married to James Potter. You love him enough to steal the locket and join the Light side of the war..."

A true cry bubbled up and out of the two year old's mouth, pulling Lily from her rant. She smiled down at the baby, shaking her head.

"I know Harry. None of it's true, but I can't break the spell for long enough. I'm sorry."

She kissed the child's head before casting a silencing spell on him. She wanted to avoid using it on her baby, but she had no choice. She could hear the sounds of fighting beyond the nursery. The sounds of James fighting of the wizards.

She realized when there was pounding on the nursery door that James Potter must be dead. This was her chance to get away from him. She could be free, even if it was only for a short time.

Lily held Harry securely as she apparated away from the conflict, away from that damned place. She glared at her new surroundings. She truly hated the perfect garden that belonged to her sister's vile husband. if she could bring the child anywhere else she would, but Petunia was the only one who knew what had really happened to Lily.

"This is going to hurt, but it's for your own good Harry. You'll know everything when you're ready to give it back to him."

Another gentle kiss was placed on the baby's forehead. She pulled a locket from her neck and put it on the baby, before pressing the tip of her wand to his forehead. The silencing charm kept his howls of pain from being heard as his mother carved the shape of a lightning bolt into his forehead, whispering in an ancient language as she did. With a wave of her wand the new wound stopped bleeding, leaving behind a scar.

"I'm so sorry."

She was crying now, hugging her child for the last time. Lily conjured a large basket, full of blankets to act as cushions. The child was placed in the basket and wrapped up gently. Lily placed an envelope with him and removed the silencing charm.

Lily disappeared into the night, never to see her child again.