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"Is your nose ever going to get out of that book?" Gemma asked, glancing at her eighteen year old daughter sitting upside down on the couch in her office. Delta Harley Morrow, newly graduated, had spent the past two weeks with her head buried in law books, and it was starting to worry Gemma a little more than usual.
"Did you know it's illegal to go whale fishing in Nebraska?" Delta asked, completely ignoring her mother's question. She looked up with a grin. "Whoever said you needed to be smart to make laws was a liar."
Gemma chuckled and pulled the book out of her hands, resting it on her desk. "That's it. Time to send you to law school."
Delta kicked her legs up, flipping backwards off the couch and landing on her feet. She rested her hands on her hips with a slight smirk. "Well, with recent events, a daughter with a law degree could come in handy." She laughed when Gemma jerked forward and tried to grab her. "You have to admit. It was a good one."
"I'll admit to that." Gemma conceded before handing her a file. "Put this away for me."
Delta took the file and walked over to the cabinet, glancing through it as she went. She opened up the drawer and stuck it inside. "It's not a bad idea though."
Gemma looked up with wide eyes. "What? Law school?"
"Just school in general." Delta sighed before sitting across from her mother. "Charming hasn't been exactly my town, no matter how much respect this club demands." She turned her head to look out the open office door, seeing the club members walk around with tools and oil smeared hands. "One stupid decision, and I'm still paying for it."
Gemma reached out and took her daughter's hand into hers. "Hey, that wasn't your choice. We got caught in some bad business and Hale took advantage of that." She followed her daughter's gaze out the open door. "Did you hear he's back on the force here in Charming?"
"Yep." Delta nearly spat. "The guys don't know yet, do they?"
"They've been so busy preparing for ATF to arrive. I don't think anyone's been listening to the wire on Hale." Gemma sighed. She squeezed her daughter's hand. "Have you seen Abel yet?"
Delta shook her head. "I'm scared."
"Me too, baby." Gemma whispered before Jax stepped into the office. He plopped down on the couch, dirty sneakers and leather kutte landing on the cushions. "Why are you here? I thought I told you to go see Abel."
Jax shook his head. "Wendy's the one who wanted him." He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket. "He's going to die anyway, Ma. The doctors gave him chances lower than before the surgery. He ain't gonna make it."
"So, you're just going to give up on him like he's nothing to you." Delta scoffed.
Jax stood up. "I don't know why I came in here to talk to you two about this." He shoved his cigarette back into his pocket. "I didn't want him in the first place. The only reason he's here is because Wendy went and named him." He argued before walking out of the office, unaware of his little sister charging up behind him. He yelled out when he felt her jump onto his back and wrap her arm around his neck. He grabbed it and tugged hard enough to pull her around. "What the hell are you doing?"
"You have a kid fighting for his life, and you're the one giving up on him. What the hell is wrong with you?" Delta nearly screamed back at him.
"Hey, I'm not ready to be a father." Jax stated.
"He wasn't ready to be born. Nice taste in a junkie wife, jackass." Delta snapped at him. "He's still your son."
Jax gritted his teeth. "Just because you lost your kid doesn't mean you have the right to lecture me about mine." He regretted the words the second they came out.
Delta grabbed the gun in her waistband and pointed it directly at him. The rest of the boys in the yard were completely silent, watching as the two siblings fought like it was World War III. "Why don't you say that again?" She threatened, using her free hand to egg him on as she teared up. "Why don't you remind me of my dead baby again? Like I don't think about that shit enough."
"Delta, I'm-" Jax started, but was cut off when Delta fought him.
"Don't you dare say you're fucking sorry." Delta breathed. She faltered slightly when Clay stepped up next to her, gently putting his hand on her waist and his other one on her arm holding the gun.
Clay stroked her hair. "I know it hurts, baby." His jaw tensed when he could feel her trembling. "Give me the gun, sweetheart." He wrapped his hand around the gun and slowly lowered her arm. "I need you to let it go." He saw her fight within herself before her fingers let the gun drop into his hand. He handed her the keys to his bike. "Take a ride and cool off."
Delta stared daggers at Jax as her father dropped his keys into her hands. "Keep a better eye on your gun, big Bro."
Jax felt around his waist to find his gun missing, now resting in Clay's hand. He watched as Delta walked to Clay's bike and took off out of the lot. He looked at Clay and accepted his gun, ignoring the low growl from his stepfather. "She never wanted that baby."
"No, but she accepted it. Much like your ex-wife, she named that baby." Clay gritted out. "You will make this right."
"I know." Jax relented, feeling the guilt mounting on his shoulders. He shielded himself when he felt a smack over the back of his head. "Mom!"
Gemma came around to face him. "You are really bent on being an asshole this week, aren't you?" She pulled his keys out of his pocket and shoved them into his hand before pointing at his bike. "Go follow her."
Jay's eyes widened. "She just pointed a gun at me."
"She's still your sister, and I don't want her out there alone." Gemma stated before glancing between him and Clay. "Hale is back on the force here in Charming."
Clay's voice nearly boomed across the blacktop. "HALE!"
Jax ran a hand down his face. "Shit." He wrapped his fingers around his keys. "I gotta catch up to her." He ran over to his bike and got on before zooming out of the shop to find his sister.
Clay wrapped his arm around Gemma's waist from the front, pulling her closer to whisper in her ear. "I want him taken care of this time. He got away with far too much, and he never paid the price."
"I agree with you, but ATF is going to put us all behind bars if a cop shows up dead." Gemma breathed before patting his shoulder, covered by the black material of his t-shirt. "Tell the boys. I want someone with Delta at all times. She's a lot smarter, but Hale has a whole new team."
"Do you think he'll go after her again?" Clay asked, looking out at the road his two kids rode out on.
Gemma turned slightly to look at the same thing. "He got away with it once. I don't see why he wouldn't try for it again."
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