A/N: One of my dear readers, SkyofBooks, requested a second naughty chapter, to which I happily obliged. Rating changed from T to M. Enjoy!

Sheldon's gaze drifted down his wife's nude body lying on the bed of their hotel room, as he hovered above her. His wife. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined himself married. Before he met Amy, he had never understood the need to share one's life with someone. He viewed a life partner as a distraction from the things he thought mattered most in life, mainly his work in physics, but Amy actually helped, not hindered, his progress. With her love and support, he had evolved into a man with emotions and compassion, at least when it came to her. As if reading his thoughts, she looked up at him and smiled. How did he ever get so lucky?

He lowered his lips to hers slowly, gently. She raised herself slightly, pressing her lips harder and brushing her breasts against his chest. Every inch of her skin felt so good against his own. His body was ready to legally make her his wife, but he didn't want to rush their first time as a married couple.

"What's wrong?" She asked, when he tore his mouth away.

"This position is too tempting. You deserve the full treatment, not just a quick roll in the sack. I want it to be special."

"Roll in the sack. Those are words I never imagined hearing from you. You are full of surprises today, Dr. Cooper."

"Blame Georgie. His words, not mine."

"I'd be okay with a quick roll. I mean, it's not like this will be our very first time."

He shook his head. "No. This is our wedding night. I want it to be special."

"The whole day has already been special."

"Don't make it harder than it is." He pressed a quick kiss to her lips then shifted onto his side next to her.

"Pun intended?" She purred, her fingers gravitating to the hard length touching her leg.

"Vixen," he muttered, but didn't pull away when she wrapped her hand around him and began sliding up and down.

While she performed her ministrations, he angled his head to her breast. The tip of his tongue darted out, just barely making contact with her taut nipple. Amy arched her back and moaned. He was always amazed that the slightest touch caused such a reaction. He increased the pressure, and she squirmed and moaned louder. Did he dare use his whole mouth?

"Oh, Sheldon!" She gasped when he took her nipple into his mouth and suckled.

Sheldon let go of her nipple and gritted his teeth as her hand sped up. He didn't want to ruin it by reaching orgasm before he even penetrated her, so he placed his hand on hers in an attempt to halt her motions, or at least slow them down. Something about the intimate movement increased his libido, and he quickly pulled his hand away, as if it was on fire.

"Amy, oh God, Amy..." he mumbled against her breast.

She released him and pressed her folds against the hot flesh. He reluctantly shifted away to let his fingers travel down. Crooking one finger, he slid it inside. Each time it slid out, it massaged her nub. Amy clawed at the blanket, her moans so loud, he was surprised the guests in the adjacent room didn't knock on the wall or tell them to be quiet.

He quickened the pace, and before long her walls tightened around his finger. His mouth sought hers as she pulsed and thrashed, knocking the throw pillows onto the floor in the process. While she recovered, he placed featherlight kisses on her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, and finally her mouth.

When she Amy calmed down, her body gravitated toward his, so his length was grazing her apex. She was so hot and wet, as ready for him as he was for her, but there was one little thing he needed to do first. Rolling onto his side of the bed, he set foot on the plush carpet.

Amy sat up on one elbow. "Where are you going?"

"In my haste I forgot to bring the condoms over." He rummaged through the overnight bag and triumphantly held up the box.

"How many do we need?" She inquired, as he set the whole box on the nightstand.

"One tonight and possibly again in the morning. I'd rather be prepared than have to walk over there again."

Amy licked her lips as he returned, and Sheldon caught her eyeing him up and down before she settled her gaze on the parts of him just below the equator.

"You are beautiful," she murmured.

"I think you mean handsome," he corrected her, as he pulled back the corner of the blanket and slipped underneath.

"Beauty knows no gender, but if it makes you more comfortable, we'll go with handsome." She stood to pull back her side of the blanket then crawled under the covers with him.

He couldn't help but bury his head under the blanket to revel in her beauty again, from her silky chocolate-colored locks all the way down to her toes. His gaze lingered on the creamy skin of her breasts, and soon his mouth latched onto the nipple he had neglected earlier. He closed his eyes as he savored her slightly salty skin.

The blankets rustled, and he cracked an eye open. His wife peeped her head beneath the blanket. Her gaze caught his momentarily before drifting down to the action. Watching her cheeks flush somehow made him even hornier than he already was. He tried to ignore his own desire, as he licked and sucked her nipple, but the harder it got, the harder he got.

"Amy, I can't hold out any longer," he panted.

He snaked his hand out of the blanket and blindly reached for the box on the nightstand. After selecting the first packet he came in contact with, he carefully tore the wrapper and unrolled the sheath. Lifting himself onto all fours above her, he shuddered when her warm fingers massaged his testicles.

"You naughty vixen," he groaned before plunging into her.

Buried inside he stayed perfectly still. She was so hot and felt so good that he worried he would lose control before they even got started. Perhaps it was best to start with something safer to make him last. He brushed the hair away from her neck and ran the tip of his tongue along the column. He nibbled her collarbone then dipped lower and lower until he was at her breasts. Giving each one a quick kiss, he lifted his head and found her lips.

Sheldon moaned when she prodded him with her tongue. The tiny part of him that still had a logical thought marveled at the irony of her tongue within him as another part of him was within her. Okay, maybe he didn't have a logical thought currently. All his blood was flowing to one specific organ, and there was only one thing on his mind. He startled when her hands grabbed his butt and pushed him even further into her.

Slowly he pulled partway out then thrust back in, keeping a steady rhythm. Amy's hands didn't stray far, kneading his flesh in time to his movements. He broke the liplock to trail kisses from the corner of her mouth to her neck. On his way back to her face, he snuck a peek at her. Her eyes were closed but, as if sensing his gaze on her, she peeked back.

"You have the most beautiful eyes. It's like looking into the clear, blue ocean," she murmured.

"And yours are as green as a lush forest, without all the birds and miscellaneous wildlife that comes with the outdoors."

She chuckled softly. "Your quirkiness just makes me love you more."

Sheldon crushed his lips to hers on his next thrust. As he pulled away, he couldn't help but stare at her again, his sweet, beautiful, intelligent wife. Her hands grabbed his backside again and thrust him into her again, and that was all it took. The gutteral sound of her name echoed through the room, as he let himself go. Spent, he collapsed on her, his breathing ragged.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, when he caught his breath. "I'll need time to recover, and we can try again. Hopefully the next time I can hold out until you reach orgasm first. I don't want to disappoint you on our wedding night or any other night."

"Sheldon, you could never disappoint me. I didn't achieve orgasm just now, but I did earlier." She wrapped her arms around him and ran her hands soothingly along his back.

"I can tell you're so close. I want to help you finish."

He lifted himself onto his elbows and reached down to her wet folds. His finger slid over her nub, circling faster and faster until she clenched and pulsed around him. He sat back and watched her face contort in the sweet agony of lovemaking. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she stared back.

"What's wrong?" She panted.

"I'm just admiring you."

"I'm a sweaty mess, and my hair must look a fright."

Sheldon shook his head. "You're even more beautiful, very sexy with your flushed skin and hair fanned against the pillow," he murmured.

"You're just saying that because you're stuck with me now."

"I'm not stuck with you. That makes it sound like I don't have a choice. I want to be with you because I love you, Amy Farrah Fowler-Cooper, now and forever." He tenderly brushed a lock of damp hair from her forehead and replaced it with a soft kiss.

"You're very sexy and beautiful too... I mean handsome." She cupped his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his firmly.

He kissed her one last time before rolling off her onto his back. Amy snuggled against him, resting her head on his chest. Before long, her breathing slowed as she drifted off to sleep. He yawned and wrapped his arm around her. It had been quite a day, the best day of his life. Winning a Nobel would be nice, but he had already won the best prize. Forget science. His heart, mind, body, and soul belonged to the beautiful woman at his side.