Chapter 0.5: Prologue

It was always a bedtime story parents told their children. When the Souls split long ago, everyone was born with half a soul. The story had been changed so many times through the generations, the origins had been lost. All anyone knew was that they were born with one half of their soul, and they were to find the other half.

Their Soulmate.

So everyone could live a long and happy life with their Soulmate. If you hadn't met them by the age of 18, you stopped aging. Aging began again, only when the Soulmates came together.

Signs the Souls had rejoined? There was a feeling of electricity that came between the two people, that feeling of the Souls intertwining again. It was universal knowledge that if you met anyone and you felt the shock. That was it, you had found your other half.

As a way to protect the Soul's other half, once the Souls came together, the owners could feel each other's major pain and distress. Car accident? Could be felt. Choking on smoke in a burning building. Could be felt. Any of these major instances of pain, both owners of the Soul could feel it.

It was up to each and every person to find their Soulmate, and live the life they want.

Sometimes, it wasn't that easy.