A couple of days later, everyone stood in the library ready to say goodbye. Everyone was present except for Amenadiel, who had made a separate trip to Lucifer's penthouse to deliver all of the baby things.

Mary went over and hugged her son. "I'm going to miss you. You make sure to call us come visit, and you better believe we'll be coming to visit you."

"I promise, Mom," Sam said as he hugged her back.

Mary pulled away after a minute. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said.

Dean approached Sam next. "You probably don't particularly want to say goodbye to me."

Sam shook his head. "That's not true. No matter what, you're still my brother."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I've put you through, and I'm sorry I don't know how to stop," Dean said.

"It's not all your fault. You were put in a position at a young age that you never should've been," Sam said. As angry as he'd been, he knew a lot of what broke between them was because Dean was forced to take on a role that should never have been his.

"I don't regret taking care of you. You needed me, and I'm glad I was there to be what you needed. I'm just sorry that I can't be what you need now," Dean said.

"You are. By letting me go, you are?" Sam said before hugging his brother.

Dean hugged his brother back tightly.

Once the two brothers let go, Castiel went and hugged Sam. "Goodbye, Sam."

"Bye, Cas. Keep an eye on my brother for me," Sam requested.

"Of course," Castiel said before pulling away. He then looked over to Lucifer and Jack. The latter was seated in an infant car seat on the table. "May I hold him."

"Yes, of course," Lucifer said.

Castiel reached down and unbuckled Jack before pulling the boy into his arms. He held him a bit awkwardly. This wasn't the first time he held a baby, but he wasn't very used to it either. "When your mother asked me to look after you, I didn't think it would turn out like this. I don't know how I thought it would turn out, but watching you leave with Lucifer wasn't something I could fathom. Of course, I didn't really know Lucifer. Now I do, and I know that he will take good care of you. I'm no expert on fathers, but I've seen enough to know that he loves you. He can give you the life your mother wanted."

Jack's only response was to stick a stuffed ball into his mouth.

"I will miss you, Jack," Castiel said.

"You are welcome to come see him," Lucifer said before turning to Dean and Mary. "All of you are." He still didn't like Dean very much, but he'd been less of a ponce lately, and he was good with Jack.

Dean nodded before holding out his arms towards Cas and Jack. "Alright, give me him, Cas."

Castiel carefully transferred Jack to Dean's arms.

Dean brought the baby to his chest. "Hey, man. You and I got off to a rocky start. I didn't treat you right. I was angry about things that had nothing to do with you, and I blamed you for them. What's worse is that I never told you I was sorry. Telling you now won't be much help because you can't understand me, but it's the best I can do. I'm sorry, kid. You're gonna do good in this world one day. I'm gonna miss having you around this place."

Mary rubbed the baby's back. "Bye, Sweetheart."

Dean put the baby back in the car seat and buckled him in.

Lucifer picked up the infant seat with his son in it and turned to Michael. "You're coming, right? I'm, assuming you no longer have any interest in returning to Heaven."

"Not with him there," Michael said. He had originally planned to return to Heaven, which was what he told his brother when he asked him to come live with him a few weeks ago. He didn't really want to return to Heaven. Things were still overwhelming for him, and he was afraid of losing himself again and causing harm to his siblings. But there weren't enough angels to keep Heaven running for much longer. It was necessary for him to return. However, that changed when his father made his intentions to return home clear. He wasn't needed anymore, and he would not go with his father there. "Are you sure you want me to live with you?"

"I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't," Lucifer said.

Michael nodded.

Just then, Amenadiel returned. "Alright. All of Jack's things are settled in the penthouse. Is everybody ready?"

They all nodded.

Amenadiel looked at his twin. You'll take Luci and the baby, okay? I'll take Maze, and Gabriel will naturally transport Sam."

"Yes. Although, no one would have to take our brother if he hadn't cut off his wings in a giant temper tantrum," Michael said as he gave his younger brother a disgruntled look. He had been less than thrilled when he learned that the younger archangel had cut off his wings. He probably lectured him about it for close to an hour.

"It wasn't a temper tantrum. I was making a point," Lucifer argued.

"I point through self-mutilation?" Michael asked irritably. He hated his father too, but he really saw no point in his brother cutting his wings off as some sort of protest. It wasn't like the old man even cared.

"No, not self=mutilation. Maze did the mutilating," Lucifer corrected, as though it made all the difference in the world.

"You ordered me to," Maze said with a glare.

"Yes, but you did it, which means it wasn't self-mutilation. Anyway, shall we go?" Lucifer asked.

Sam grabbed his bag from the floor and looked at his family one more time before taking Gabriel's hand. Before he knew it, he was being teleported away.


Chloe Decker was in the elevator on her way to Lucifer's penthouse. She'd received a message from him

that he'd finally returned. She'd honestly given up hope that he was even coming back. It had been over four months since he'd left town. She was beginning to think she'd never see her partner again, and given what he told her before he left, she feared that if she did see him again, it would be in a jailcell. Needless to say, she was shocked when she got his message.

When the doors to the elevator opened, Chloe stepped out. She expected to see Lucifer, and maybe Maze, but what she saw was three men she'd never seen before. "Uh, hi. I'm looking for Lucifer."

A short man with dark hair approached her. "Hi, you must be Detective Decker. I'm Gabriel. That's Michael and that's my boyfriend, Sam. "Mike and I are Lucifer's brothers."

Chloe shook his hand. "Damn, how many brothers does he have?"

"Not as many as there used to be, but there are still a few of us," Michael said.

Chloe looked around the penthouse. There was a blue playpen by the couch, which was shocking because Lucifer wasn't a kid person. If one of his brother's had a kid, he was probably not enjoying the visit too much. "One of you has a baby?"

Just then, a cry came over the baby monitor sitting on the coffee table. Lucifer's voice was heard over it soon enough. "Yes, yes. Calm down. Daddy's here."

Chloe could swear he jaw must have literally dropped to the floor after hearing her partner's words. That and she felt she must be having a really vivid dream because she knew there was no way Lucifer just acknowledged to being someone's daddy.

Without even realizing that her legs were moving, Chloe found herself walking through the penthouse. She made her way into Lucifer's bedroom, where she found him holding and bouncing a fussy baby.

"You know, you should be sleeping. I heard babies are supposed to sleep a lot," Lucifer said as he held the boy.

"That's a myth," Chloe joked, without even realizing she was speaking until the words were out.

Lucifer turned around in surprise. "Detective, I didn't expect you tonight. I figured I might see you in the morning."

"I came as soon as I got your message. Trixie's with Dan tonight, so it was easy to make it over here," Chloe said as she continued to stare at her partner in shock.

"Ah, so Detective Douche is out of jail," Lucifer commented.

"Yeah. You have a baby?" Chloe asked.

"Yes. This is Jack," Lucifer said before shifting Jack in his arms so that he was facing the detective.

Chloe walked over to them. "How did this happen? Well, I know how, but you were only gone a few months."

"Yes, Jack had already been born by then," Lucifer said.

"Right. I suppose it's not hard to imagine that some fling of yours would turn up with your kid. You do have quite a lot of flings," Chloe said. Honestly, it shouldn't surprise her that this happened. Lucifer was not exactly shy about his nightly sexual exploits. It should probably be more surprising that it didn't happen sooner.

"Well, yes, but that has nothing to do with Jack," Lucifer said.

Chloe didn't even really hear what he was saying. She was still getting over the shock of seeing her partner with a baby. "You've clearly had an eventful few months. If you don't mind me asking, where's his mother?"

"She died in childbirth," Lucifer said.

"Oh, that's awful. I'm so sorry," Chloe said.

"Well, I didn't know her," Lucifer said. He did feel bad because he knew Jack grieved his mother, but he'd never even met the woman. He knew nothing about her, other than that she loved Jack. "She sacrificed her life for Jack though. She knew giving birth to him would kill her, but she chose to anyway."

"Yeah, I can understand that. I would've done the same for Trixie," Chloe said.

Jack started to cry again.

Lucifer sighed. "You're just not going to sleep for me, are you?"

Chloe smiled. "Get used to it. They can be hard to get to sleep at times when they're this young."

"Yes, I've already noticed," Lucifer said as he began to giggle the baby a little.

Chloe reached into the crib and pulled out a blue and white pacifier. She immediately held it out for the baby. "Try this."

Jack opened his mouth and accepted it. He quieted down immediately.

"Thank you," Lucifer said.

"You might not want to get him used to it whenever he's fussing though. It could prove difficult to get him off of it when he's older. Using it to get him to sleep once and awhile should be fine though," Chloe said.

Lucifer gently placed Jack back in the crib. He breathed a sigh of relief when Jack didn't start to fuss again.

"So, you made it back, and with a baby too. I'm not visiting you in jail, so I hope it means you didn't kill anyone," Chloe said.

"No, I assure you, I didn't kill a single person," Lucifer said honestly. Neither that creation of his, nor the alternate version of Michael could be considered a person.

"Good. What about the brother you said was murdered?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, I was wrong about that. My brother's still alive. In fact, I'm certain you met him on your way in here," Lucifer said.

"Yeah, I met a couple of them. They seem nice. They staying with you?"

"Yes, though I'm going to have to get a bigger place, as we can't all fit here. I'll be looking at some places starting tomorrow," Lucifer told her.

"Let me know if you need some help. I've got tomorrow off," Chloe said.

"I may take you up on that," Lucifer said with a smile.

"I should go. I'm glad you're back, Lucifer. I was worried about you. I must have bugged your shrink countless times to get her to tell me if she'd heard from you. She never budged," Chloe said.

Lucifer chuckled. "Yes, Linda takes her confidentiality vow very seriously. I apologize for worrying you, Detective. Don't worry, I won't be going anywhere now."

"Good. Oh, before I go, there's a woman that has been looking for you," Chloe said.

"There usually is," Lucifer said with a smirk.

Chloe rolled his eyes. Even with a baby, Lucifer was still Lucifer. "Her name is Charlotte Richards."

Lucifer frowned as he searched his brain to no avail for the memory of such a woman. "I've never met anyone with that name."

"Well, she seems very clear that she knows you. She's a lawyer, if that helps," Chloe said.

"It doesn't. It's not that important. I'm sure I'll learn what she wants eventually," Lucifer said.

"I'm sure. I'll see you later," Chloe said before peering into the crib and smiling at her partner's son. "Bye, little one."

"Bye, Detective. I look forward to things getting back to normal," Lucifer said.

"Me too," Chloe said honestly before heading out of the room.

Lucifer smiled. Oh, yes, he was looking forward to resuming his life and partnership now that he was back home. It would certainly be different with a baby added to his life, but he was certain it would be no less exciting.


A/N: I hope everyone enjoyed this story. There will be a sequel sometime in the future.