Numb. Emotionless. Painful.

I raised my head to see I wasn't the only person in this uncomfortably large room. There were at least fifty - maybe more - teens and young adults in this room that had been captured like me. I propped myself up with one elbow, contemplating the fact that I didn't know how I got here, and couldn't remember anything before I had awoken.

I stayed in that position for a few seconds, before pushing myself up on my feet. Turning my head, I noticed all four of the walls were reflective, enormous mirrors that I could see myself in. Shifting closer, I touched my and to the glass in wonder at my sleek figure.

I gazed at the leather jacket I was wearing - unbuttoned, which showed a camo tank top. Then I looked down at my legs, which wore skinny black leggings of which were a bit too tight for my liking. Boots, I noticed, were on my feet. Black, like the leggings and jacket, and polished.

Upon noticing I had something written on my right forearm in blue ink, I looked closer. '452' it read. Thinking for a few minutes, I realised that must be the number that identifies who I am in this crowd of what I now thought, thousands of people like me. All of a sudden, I heard many voices at once. 'What am I doing here?' and then, 'Where am I?'

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud but comforting voice that came from a speaker in the middle of the room. It made me jump.
"Good morning, Quarter 7. Welcome to the army. I hope you all enjoy your stay... If you have any questions, report to the Volturi." I shot up, frozen in thought.

Questions? I had many questions. First, what was I doing here? And second, why was I hearing things? I needed to go to these 'Volturi' people, wherever they were. I had to find them.

I scanned my surroundings, spotting a sign which pointed to a wooden door. My eyes lit up as I sped to it and stopped, inhaling. My hand reached out to the door and I clenched it into a fist, knocking on it.

A woman with long blonde hair and blood red eyes like mine opened it almost immediately, smiling. I froze, examining her face.
"Bella," She greeted. I scanned her thoughts, before she interrupted me with another phrase. "Hi."
I half-smiled. "I have a few questions..." I mumbled.
The lady's smile turned into a frown. "Take a seat."

I stepped into the room. It was way smaller than the other room - like an office - with a desk with a seat facing it. I sat down on it - it was plastic. I lifted my head, gazing at the small man who sat behind the desk. He had silky black hair down to his shoulders and ruby orbs like the lady's. He smiled, then spoke in his familiar, velvety voice.
"Hello, Bella," He spoke. "I'm glad to see you here. What's the question?"
He seemed kind, though I didn't trust him yet.
"I have a few questions actually," I paused, thinking of what to say. "How did I get here?"
"Well... We erased your memory. We knew you before someone," He huffed, eyeing the woman. "Hunted you. You're a vampire now, Bella. Like you wanted to when you were human."
My mouth fell open as I started to stutter. "W-What? You monster!" Then I said what my mind said I should. "You ate me?"
The man chuckled, before speaking again.
"My name's Aro, this is Jane," He pointed to the woman. "Would you like to do a job for us, Bella?"

I raised my head, eyeing him and nodding. "Yeah. I'd do anything to get out of here."
Aro smiled. "I need you to find this man,"
He shifted a picture towards me and I held it in my hand, examining it.

"I'll do it," I agreed, looking at the photo a man with a beautiful chiselled face, golden eyes and bronze hair.