3 days after the son cried to Sam, it was getting late and the babysitter was getting the little devil ready for bed.
"Do I have to go to bed?" The little boy asked as Sam covered him up.
"If I don't put you to bed, your father will punish me." Sam laughed a little, receiving a confused look from the little boy. Sam took notice. "What's up?" She asked.
"…Why aren't you afraid of him?" He asked. "My father, I mean." Sam sighed and sat down on the side of the Devil's son's bed.
"Trust me, David." Sam began. "I've faced MUCH scarier things than your father. He maybe run this Hell. But I've faced some people who are much worse."
"Who's worse than the Devil?" He asked.
Sam shook her head. "You don't wanna know...But my own father. Oh boy, now HE'S scary. Especially with his sword."
"His sword?" The little boy repeated.
"Yeah. My dad's a very powerful man. He could do almost anything he wanted to within his limits. But still...your father...he has no right to act like that to you, David." Sam looked at the little boy with a serious look. "You gotta fight him back. Don't be afraid to die."
"Are you afraid to die?" He asked.
Sam hesitated but answered. "…Well, Yeah. I am. That would mean my adventures would be over and done with. But I'm not going to let that happen. Not yet." Sam smiled and that caused the little child to smile as well. Sam wished him goodnight and left the room as the Devil's son fell asleep.
Sam was on the phone, calling her father back.
"Hey…" Sam greeted. "…Yes. I'm coming home…No...No, she didn't come...Alright…Alright, I'll see you soon, father..." She then hung up the phone and looked back with a sad look on her face.
"Forgive me, David." She mumbled before walking out of the palace of Hell. But she stopped halfway down the steps when she felt the King's presence.
"And where do you think you're going?" The Devil growled, coming out from the shadows.
"I'm leaving." Sam answered coldly.
"I'm sorry, but you made a deal, girl." The Devil countered. "You were to babysit my son until he became of age." He stormed up to her and grabbed her shoulder. "If you think you can just—" That's when Sam grabbed the Devil's wrist and flipped him over her shoulder with great strength. The Devil grunted as he was slammed on the ground.
"You don't own me." Sam sneered. She was about to continue walking when the Devil grabbed her by the throat and began choking her.
"You don't get it, do you, girlie?!" He roared, throwing Sam into a wall the shook the palace. This shaking woke up the son, who wondered what was going on outside. "I am your MASTER!! YOU take orders from ME! If you think—"
"YOU DON'T GIVE ME ORDERS!!" Sam yelled back with anger before the Devil was shocked with lightning that seemed to come from nowhere. "My father...he's the only one who gives me orders, Devil. You...You are NOTHING compared to him! You hear me?!"
All the while, the little devil had come from his room to see what all the commotion was. Only to see his father and Sam fighting like it was the end of the world.
"Sam...? Father...?" He mumbled.
Sam heard him and looked at the little boy in shock. "David?! What are you—" The Devil took this as his chance and charged at Sam, stabbing her in the stomach with his giant claw hands. The little boy stood there. In shock, as Sam began to bleed heavily, but not normal blood, black blood.
Then that shock turned to anger.
"You will pay for defying me, bitch!! You'll stay in Hell...PERMANENTLY!!" The Devil roared but stopped just as he was about to strike the finishing blow on Sam. Standing in front of her body was the Devil's own son, who looked angry. This was the first time the Devil had ever seen his son display such an emotion.
"Get. The hell. Away. From her." The boy growled with tears of anger flowing from his eyes.
"Boy, get out of the way—!!!" The Devil's was shocked when the boy's hand grew 10x the size of regular hand size. Without hesitation, the boy stabbed his hand into his father's chest and the Devil screamed in pain. He glared down at his son while blood trickled down from his mouth.
"You...you traitor...how could you, son...you're a devil—"
"MY NAME IS DAVID!!!" The boy, David, ripped out his father's heart and the Devil fell down in defeat, and didn't move. He was dead. After David watched the body of his father burn into ashes, he turned back to Sam's body, who was just lying there. The anger inside David turned into sadness now. He hurried to her side and kneeled down.
Tears began to form in his eyes. "Sam...? Come on, Sam...please wake up..." David quietly begged. The tears rolled down from his eyes and begged with all his heart that his babysitter would wake up.
"That was really cool, David..." The little devil looked and saw Sam smiling at him, sitting up. David gasped and was about a million question but soon saw that injury Sam had previously had in her stomach had vanished and healed completely.
"Wha...? How did you...?" David was at a lost for words.
"I'll explain another time, David." Sam said, sitting up fully. "But anyway, you did it."
Sam patted David's head. "You stood up to your father. And defeated him. That was really cool." Sam smiled at the little boy, which caused David to smile as well. Sam then looked away sad before getting up off the ground and started walking away.
"Where are you going, Sam?" David asked, confused and sad, but mostly confused. Sam stopped walking and turned around after wiping a tear from her eye. She walked back to David and knelt down to his level on one knee.
"Listen David," Sam started out, "I don't want to leave you, but I have too. But I want you to promise me that when I come back, you'll be the greatest Devil Hell's ever had!"
"…" David stood there, more sad now, until Sam held out her pinky finger and smiled at David one last time.
"Promise?" She asked.
David then smiled brightly at Sam and wrapped his pinky finger around hers. "Alright! I promise, Sam!"
"That's my boy!" Sam laughed. "Okay then, I'll see you soon!" And with that, Sam let go of David's pinky and started walking away. And David kept a smile on his face, despite the tears running down from his eyes...
"Hey, boss! You OK in here? You've been awfully—"
"Hey, Dice. Tell me something. When someone...makes a promise, it's their obligation to fulfill that promise...right?"
"Well...sure it is boss! Why do you ask?"
"Nothing. Just thought of something from a long time ago."
"Oh, well OK. I'm going to check on the Craps table. I heard there are these two kids on a winning streak there!"
"Oh? Really? Well, make sure they're still playing when I come out."
"Got it boss!"
"…Sam...Will you ever come back here?" The Devil sighed and shook it off before walking out of his office in the Devil's Casino.