I watched from above. There was a massive island in the middle of uncharted waters. This island was so big it could have been its own continent. The island had multiple ecosystems all handcrafted by its tamed inhabitants, or from the mind of yours truly. There were grasslands, jungles, deserts, swamplands, mountains, tundra, a volcano, alpines, canyons redwood forests, lakes, rivers, a few waterfalls, rocky fields, underground caverns, a bay, a marsh, and even its own self-sustained little town near the said bay. The town was made up of cabin-like buildings with a wooden hospital for the inhabitants on the island, that looked more like a wild assortment of trees and vines. In the center of the island was a stadium that looked like a cross between gothic and Greek architecture. All around it was a town that resembled Alto Mare. A tower stood at one end of the stadium, overlooking the island. At the top of the tower was a large room where a giant green snake-like creature slumbered. There were giant spires of rock with vegetation all over towards the North East. There were so many habitats it was hard to keep track of them all. If the various ecosystems weren't breathtaking and diverse, the inhabitants were. Not only did humans live on this island, but there were creatures with extraordinary abilities. These creatures were called Pokemon.

I dove under water, seeing many schools of water type Pokemon. Large whale-like creatures that dwarfed other Pokemon, many different types of fish, Pokemon that looked like an Anchor, one that looked like a whale with large wing-like fins and had a red glow to it, and many different types of jellyfish looking Pokemon. I burst out the water to pass on the beach to see large crab-like Pokemon, two different coconut tree Pokemon, seal Pokemon, and many more. I flew through the nearby fields to see bull-like Pokemon running through the grass alongside zebra-like pokemon. Herds of many Pokemon were everywhere. Every ecosystem I traversed through were teeming with Pokemon. Some of them rare, some of them powerful, some of them weak. I caught every single one of these Pokemon. I flew towards a mountain chain of the island that had a cliff that overlooked the rest of the island. Atop that cliff, underneath the jungle canopy sat an older man meditating. All you saw was his silhouette as the shadows of the canopy halted any light.

Everything went black, then I woke seeing out of the eyes of the said man. To my right was a yellow mouse-like Pokemon with red round markings on its cheeks and a tail similar to a lightning bolt. It slept a top a backpack. The mouse looked about mid-aged with a lighter coat than other Pokemon of its species. "Wake up Pi." I spoke to it.

"Piiii," The pokemon spoke stretching and waking from blissful sleep. An orange-red Dragon-like Pokemon flew passed the cliff roaring. Its wing beat caused a shift in the air, something that almost knocked the little mouse Pokemon off balance.

"You ready?" I asked him, "If we're late for lunch, you know my wife will be cross with us."

"Pikachu," The little mouse said.

How did I get to this point in my life? How did I get to the point where I had an island full of Pokemon (some of them being battlers), and I myself could fly the astral plane? Well….that's the story. With every story, there is a journey. I thank Arceus, the original one, every day for the adventures he has given me. I could have done without that war though…..

Pikachu clamored onto my shoulder as I put on my backpack as I ran towards the cliff and jumped off. It was a leap of faith. My journey started in the humble beginnings of Pallet Town. What follows after, you'll just have to see through the story as I remember it….

Chronicles of the Chosen One: Pokemon Master