You followed closely beside Hank as he carried Connor outside to his car. Hank insisted on carrying him, despite Connor's protests that he was fine and didn't need assistance. You sternly told Connor that he needed to rest, and the pump regulator needed to time to get his systems properly up and running again.

You normally wouldn't leave work early, but you felt justified after the stress of operating on Connor. Fortunately there was only a short time left before your clinic's normal business hours ended, so you probably wouldn't be missing much. Besides, you wanted to accompany him home, just to make sure he got there safely. Not that you didn't trust Hank, but you were paranoid that something might happen.

Hank put Connor in the back seat of his car and Connor buckled himself. You sat inside, taking the middle seat so you could be closer to him. Despite the fact that androids didn't need sleep, Connor looked visibly tired. You put your arm around him, and he leaned into you without hesitation. Hank looked back in the rear view mirror at you two, holding each other close. Normally he would tease you, but he knew it was a long day for the both of you. So instead he asked if both of you were buckled, and after your confirmation, he did you the courtesy of turning on the radio instead of his metal music.

You sat quietly in the car with them, running your hands through Connor's hair. His eyes were closed and his body was relaxed, so you figured he must be simulating sleep for his own comfort. Androids didn't need sleep, but you learned from many that they like to simulate it, because it's very comforting to just shut off for a while. That you definitely understood, as you had had many restless nights yourself.

The ride home was short, which you were thankful for as you wanted to get Connor into bed. Hank came to the back seat, picking him back up into his arms, and the two of you walked inside. Hank muttered under his breath about how heavy Connor was, causing you to crack a small smile. You opened the front door for Hank as he stumbled over the threshold, readjusting his position to keep the android steady in his arms. You watched as Hank tucked Connor into bed, almost like he was a child. Hank pat your shoulder and whispered, "You keep an eye on him ok? Gonna take Sumo for a walk."

You nodded and thanked him as he walked out. You knew that it was, at least partially, an excuse to leave you two alone, but you appreciated it. He closed the door behind him, leaving you sitting on the bed next to Connor. You touched his face gently with your hand, and he stirred. His eyes opened and he looked up at you, with that same soft look he always had for you. The two of you were silent. A million words were cluttering your mind, but a select few were hanging on the tip of your tongue. Connor sat up, never breaking his eye contact with you. He reached out and touched your hand, human skin dissolving up to his wrist, leaving his eerily smooth android body exposed to your touch. You simply treasured the moment, before finally asking what's been on your mind.

"Connor," you started, looking down at your hands,"Did you mean it when you said you love me?"

He stared at you a moment before putting his hand under your chin and lifting it to face him. Then he spoke, "Of course I did. I knew those moments could very well be my last. So I had to confess what I've been feeling for all the time we've known each other."

"You've really liked me that long?"

Connor nodded with a soft smile.

You giggled, "And those times you came in with small injuries. Did you really just want to see me?"

He blushed and rubbed the back of his head, "I was too shy to be direct with you. The injuries came about from work, but I took the opportunity to see you, if only for a short while."



"I love you too."

He smiled the biggest, goofiest smile you've ever seen. He pulled you in closer, and shyly said, "(Y/N)?"


"May I kiss you?"

It was your turn to get a big dumb grin across your face. He was so cute, and such a gentleman. Without answering, you simply leaned into the kiss, no hesitations anymore.

The tension in the air melted away once and for all as you kissed the person you had been so longing for. It started out gentle and soft, but soon neither of you could contain your passion for each other. The kissing became fiery and intense, sliding your tongues over the others'. Your arms wrapped around one another, you couldn't physically get any closer but you needed him closer still. Your love for him felt young and new, like you were adolescent again, kissing and stumbling into romance for the first time.

The two of you embraced and let your desires run wild amongst each others bodies, dictated only by raw feelings and instincts. His hands explored your body, gently and hesitant at first, but soon became increasingly impassioned and unchecked. It was a side of Connor you had never seen, something irrational and driven by pure emotion. Something human.

It was intense. It was passionate. It was unpredictable and irrational.

It was love.

Something inside you was different now. The struggles you faced and the burdens you carried, seemed just a little bit lighter. No, your problems weren't solved. But you had someone to shoulder them with you now. Someone who'd always be there for you. And you knew you could be there for him. You shared the weight of each other's hardships and you were ready to face the world with him.

Like a mosaic portrait

We're as broken as can be

But so long as we're together, we'll go keep on

Fixing You, Fixing Me