I have too many stories going on now. I'll try to keep up with all of them. here's my new one, hope you enjoy it and aren't confused.


Ch 1 Secret Birth

"It is finished."

The dark voice rang out over the slag and rubble, as threatening as the volcanic fire below. A snowy white egg with black and blue marbling was raised into the air on claw armored hands. A snort of smoke and flame came close as Glaurung, the Father of Dragons, watched on with his great, big golden eyes.

"My Lord, was it wise to use a Elf for this?"

"Do you question me?" The same darkness filled voice questioned, as the voice rumbled through the underground room.

"Of course not, My Lord. I only worry of the success for your experiment. Do you think the child will survive, or even be able to serve you as a dragon?"

"You worry for nothing Sauron." The Dark Lord said, turning and he held out the delicate egg to his Lieutenant. "Take it, hide it so it can grow. They must not find out what this, it will be our greatest weapon."

"I will not fail you Lord Melkor."

"I know. Go, and return quickly." The Dark Lord Melkor said and he turned back around signaling Sauron to take his leave of him.

The egg was taken far away and hidden deep within the earth where no one could reach or find it. And there it stayed, for centuries. Sauron disappeared in shame when Lord Melkor was defeated and he was cast out before finding where his secret had been hidden. The earth shifted and when Sauron reappeared centuries later into the second age, he had long forgotten about his task in his madness of raising armies of Orcs, Trolls, and other creatures along with trying to corrupt the race of men to aid in his own task; to conquer Middle Earth. At his defeat by Elendil's hand, his body was gone and spirit weakened, then, there was none who knew of what was hidden in the Far East under a mountain cradled by many gems in the earth. Even the great dragon who had aided in its creation was now dead by a sword to his belly before the fall of Melkor.

Centuries passed by and the Second Age rose and fell with no knowledge of what slept and was yet to be born. Kingdoms were created and destroyed, wars were waged, and lands were claimed as time rolled into the Third Age. Almost two-thousand years into the Third Age, the mountain holding a secret was found and mined; turned into a new Dwarf Kingdom by the line of Durin. None knew what was hidden deep in the rivers of gems and precious metals, sleeping and waiting to be born. The dwarves dug deeper and deeper, creating tunnels and walkways of mines with no heed. It was one day in the year 2652 of the Third Age when a dwarf struck his hammer upon his chisel and discovered a new vein of gold, the strike shook the mountain and travel a hundred meters down to a cavern holding the most precious cargo of a precious Dark Lord.

The egg rocked and a fine crack hair-lined down the shell. Eventually, pieces of marbled shell gave way to pressure and movement. A creature never seen before tumbled out and rolled away on the hardened earth, sprawling out into the darkness. With a deep breathe, a high-pitched roar shook the hollowed out earth and reverberated up the mountain; stopping every miner and dwarf. When it stopped, the occupants of the mountain kingdom looked to one another in confusion. The mines were investigated and when nothing was found, an announcement that the occurrence must have been from the earth itself was given and eventually it was forgotten about.

For days, the newborn clawed at the walls of the accidental prison desperate for food. A winding tunnel was created from it digging as it crawled on its belly hoping for freedom, the little knowledge it had coming from its genetics. Mostly how to survive in that moment. Finally, the bleeding, clawed hand broke through the surface of the mountain and was immediately met by cold, brisk air. Wriggling out, the now two-week-old creature rolled down the small slope and claws were dug into the earth to stop itself.

Gold eyes blinked, two sets of eyelids opening and closing as the orbs looked up at the gray sky. Words, almost like memories, began rushing into its mind.

Sky. Snow. Cold. Food. Noise. Hide.


Crouching on its belly at the last word, knowing instinctively it was associated with food and how it was so hungry. A low rumble echoed in its throat as claws carefully stepped over loose rocks toward the smell that signaled a meal. It reached a small brush near water and hid, glowing golden eyes surveying the area in front of it. The prey was making noise of some sort and running around with another of its kind. Wings shifted and a small snort escaped, making the leaves shake and draw the attention of the prey.

They spoke. And it understood. The two advanced on its hiding spot and a sense of nervousness overtook the creature and it lunged an attack. Twin screams rose and the little prey jumped away with wide eyes.


That's what they called it. The smell of fear and excitement rolled off them and in turn made it excited, less nervous. One of them stepped forward with an outstretched hand as the other hissed out a word.


The advancing prey stopped as the creature growled and heard words again. Shh, baby dragon. The prey turned around and spoke again. Fish. That was food. The other handed over a fish from somewhere and the brave prey presented the offering to it. Dragon. An image of a fierce and monstrous creature filled its mind and sprayed fire.

Food. Eat.

The floppy food shook in front of its snout and it snapped out to grab it. It missed the first two times as the thing holding the food moved away in fear. The third time, small yet powerful jaw snatched the fish and bit into a finger as well. A cry went up as the newly recognized dragon gulped down the food, satisfying the hunger it felt for two weeks. Magic shimmered around its snow white scales and midnight blue wings, twisting and shifting its body as the fish was devoured. When the air cleared, the two previous prey were staring at a young human. Naked.

Naresh. Look away, it's a girl.

Girl. It heard that word and then recognized the thing in front of it as a human girl of Men. The other was a boy. It was a Girl? Gold eyes looked down and instead of seeing claws attached to wings, there were scraped hands and arms with a lining of scales. No, it was a Dragon. It fell back and saw white legs of flesh instead of scales and claws.


It bared its teeth at the two humans. What was that word?

Lapis, that's what I'll call you.

The girl gave it a name. She took a stepped towards the newly named creature who scrambled back further and pain laced up its arms and legs. It was a Dragon, why wasn't it a Dragon? On hands, knees, and feet, it ran; faster than the two chasing it could keep up and seeing where it was running to hide. Finding the entrance to the tunnel, it slid in easily and pushed the dirt and rocks to cover the hole to hide. Vibrations ran over its skin and the smell of the two humans tickled its nose.


No. They weren't going to get in. They were food and not Dragon, they were not to be trusted.

Days, weeks, and years passed by and the mountain was changing around the dragon who was hiding beneath the mountain. The dragon had come to recognize that it was in fact, female, a girl. No matter what form she was in. The human body she had changed into was stuck for the first twenty years as she had no idea how to turn back into a dragon. She grew as a human, still small enough to fit into the original tunnel she had dug to go find food. Always at night where there no others that could catch her and would play in the stream to catch fish. When the snow came, she blocked the entrance with more rock than usual and curled up on the shell fragments, leaves, and gemstones she had gathered.

For five months every year, she slept; hibernated and dreamed. Information gathered in her mind and taught her lessons from thousands of years ago. The constant reoccurring dream was filled with smoke, fire, and a voice telling her how important she was and would change the future. It was a dark booming voice, laced with power and malice and it made her tremble while she slept. In the twentieth year, almost spring time, a great power filled the mountain and slid over the sleeping girl, changing her back into a dragon. When she woke and stretched, she found it impossible to move. Her gold eyes glowed and in the darkness saw her claws and scales once more. A roar of frightened excitement rumbled the mountain, causing the same effect as it had twenty years ago with its occupants.

Unable to leave the little cavern now, she had no choice but to claw herself another tunnel and make the cave bigger. This tunnel went the other direction and was going to be big enough for her human form to walk through if she was able to change back. Her claws tore through earth, stone, and metals until a word screamed in her head.


To which she did. It was an instinct, random words and information popping up as though someone was with her and knew what would happen. She hunched down and listened, breathing in. Not far on the other side of her carved tunnel were creature, people. Nothing she knew about and therefore was a threat. Shifting her much larger body, she wrapped her neck around the side of her body. This wouldn't do, how would she avoid threats if she was so large? A tingling sensation ran down her back and limbs and a moment later, she was sitting in her human form. Large eyes took in her soft flesh and long limbs, how had she changed? How would she dig with no claws? Her thoughts were so intent, so wanted, that before her eyes, her long fingers morphed back into claws. They flexed and then she struck the ground beneath her, dirt and rock flying up around her.

This will work.

so let me know, like before I hope nothing was confusing. If it was, please leave or send a note so I can fix it. Leave a review, let me know your thoughts.