Day 1: Reunion

"Hey, Jimmy."

Qrow wasn't surprised that the General had come to greet them, no doubt he wanted an update on what had happened at Haven, or an explanation, depending on how much news had made it to Atlas.

"Qrow, students," James nodded formally, eyes lingering on Oscar for a second. "You all need to come with me."

There was a tone in his voice that made Qrow nervous, "are we being arrested?"

"I'll explain on the ship," he added, "but we should leave now."

For perhaps the first time ever, Qrow didn't argue with him and gestured for the kids to follow.

Ironwood's ship was docked close to the one they had arrived on so it was a short walk, but there was something about the General's demeanour that was unnerving.

Once they were all on his ship, Ironwood ushered Qrow to private room.

"I'm about to give you a lot of information very quickly, so wait until the end to ask any questions."

"Alright," Qrow said.

"I know about you and Winter."

Qrow tensed in surprise and got ready to defend himself and his… girlfriend, for lack of a better term.

"I know because six weeks ago, she gave birth to your son."

Any will to ask questions, or speak at all, was knocked out him.

"And twelve hours ago," the General's voice softened at little, as if it would make what he said next easier, "he was kidnapped."

For a moment all that Qrow was aware of was an eerie ringing in his ears. Every horrendous scenario started playing in his head and it was miracle he didn't collapse from the fear.

"How?" He heard himself say.

"Winter was driving home from her father's and they ambushed her car. She fought as best she could but one of the attackers poisoned her."

Qrow almost threw up and fainted at the same time, James grabbed him by the shoulders to keep him from falling over.


"By a scorpion faunus. She's in the hospital, but she'll be fine, our concern is getting the boy back. There haven't been any demands, but-"

"The Relic, they want the Relic," Qrow said with a shaky voice. This wasn't a coincidence; their entrance into Atlas had been approved about fifteen hours ago.

"Cowards," James growled.

He forced himself to his feet, "I need to see her."

"That's where we're going now," he guided Qrow to a chair and sat him down.

Qrow pulled out his flask and nodded dumbly, "I… Weiss needs to know."

"I'll talk to Weiss; you stay in here as long as you need to."

He didn't expect or wait for an answer, but Qrow spoke just as he touched the door.

"What's his name? The kid."


If Qrow acknowledged that, he didn't realise it. All he was aware of was drinking until every drop from his flask was gone. Then he threw it across the room.

Even without knowing the kid existed, Qrow had brought him pain. And Winter, he'd ruined Winter's life and then almost got her killed.

He knew something like this would happen to her but he was too stupid and too selfish to stay away from her because she was the best thing in his miserable life.

He had to get that kid back, even if it killed him, he had to fix the mess he'd left for her.

"QROW!" Weiss screeched from down the hall.



As he followed Ironwood past the hospital's numbered doors, the more idealistic part of Qrow's mind imagined a very different scenario; after months of trying Winter had tracked him down to tell him about the baby and asked him to come and see them. Qrow would go buy some flowers and a sickeningly fluffy toy that his nieces would insist on helping him pick out.

Qrow's chest started to hurt and he forced that fantasy right out of his head.

Weiss touched his armed, thankfully distracting him.

"You should see her first."

"You sure?"

She nodded.

"… You want to watch her glyph me through the door, don't you?"

She nodded.

He scoffed at her and kept walking until Ironwood stopped.

"Good luck."

Qrow would have taken a drink to steel himself but there was none left, he settled for a deep breath.

The relief he felt when he saw her alive rushed his entire body.

Her hair was loose and a little bed tossed even thought she clearly hadn't sleep for at least a day; her skin was sickly pale, even her usually full lips. She was still carrying some pregnancy weight, but somehow managed to look thin and frail.

He cupped her face in his hand, "you look like shit, Schnee."

She attempted to smile, "I feel like it too."

His hand slid until his arm was around her, pulling her close, and giving her the opening to punch him in the ribs if she felt he deserved it.

Her hair tickled his nose as she buried her face in his shoulder, holding him as tight as she could.

"I heard you almost died in Mistral."

He scoffed, "they made me stay in bed for a few days, nothing serious."

She did the hmm sound that she made whenever she didn't believe him.

Qrow allowed himself to hold her for a more few seconds, then reluctantly pulled away, "what happened?"

"Where do you want me to start?"

"With the kidnapping," he brushed some hair away from her cheek, "you can catch me up on the rest when we get him back."

She told him what had happened at the road, he was silent for the most part, until she got to the part where she was shot.

"I'm fine," she sighed when he started checking her over as if the wound was still bleeding.

Qrow grunted unhappily and sat back down, staying quiet until she finished.

The scorpion faunus, did he have brown hair, scars, maybe something wrong with his tail?"

"Yes, half of it was robotic."

Qrow rubbed his temple and swore.

"Has he contacted you?" Winter asked.

"No, he's the one who put me out of commission in Mistral. Goes by Tyrian, Ruby cut off his tail."

She looked impressed, "is this revenge?"

"I don't think he's smart or patient enough to pull this off, someone else is behind it."

"Do they want Ruby?"

He was touched by her protective tone, "I don't know."

She shot him the filthiest glare he'd ever seen, which was saying something, "if you're lying-"

"I have some ideas but don't know for sure, I plan to find out after we get baby Schnee back."

"Baby Branwen," Winter corrected.

Qrow blinked at her, "you named him Branwen?



"Because he's a Branwen," her tone was completely serious.

"You want people to know who his father is?"

"I want him to know who is father is."

If Qrow wasn't already in love with her, he would have fallen at that moment.

"Alright," it was hard not to smile, "how many soldiers can you give me?"