A/N Well, here is a Harry Potter/Yu-Gi-Oh crossover. It might belong in other section, but since I am not certain of that, it is here. I know some things might not correspond. In fact with the Yu-Gi-Oh stuff, I am positive there are mistakes. Well, I only have the dubbed version to make do with, but I hope that soon I can at least see one of the subtitled shows.

Yami Bakura: Yeah, then you'll want to see the next, then the next, then the next, the-- *Yami Bakura was then hit on the head.* Oww...

Wind: This takes place after Battle City, so somethings might not be correct in a month. Here are the locations of the Millennium Items:

Key or (also called) Ankh: Shadi

Necklace or (also called, I think) Tauk: Isis

Rod: Malik

Eye: Ryou/Yami Bakura

Ring: Ryou/Yami Bakura

Puzzle: Yugi/Yami

Scale: Unknown (well in that crypt place, but Yugi and Ryou don't know this and this is done from their point of view, mostly)

Wind: Anyways, the Harry Potter things should be correct, but feel free to tell me if they aren't. Also I know I have likely made spelling, punctuation, and other errors, but I want to get this up now, so I haven't gone though this with a fine tooth comb.

Wind: Okay it seems like I can't get italics, so this means it insead: *'Kay?* Yes, I know outside of the story I use it for stuff like Yami Bakura getting hit, but it is one of the better choices, in my opinion.

The bit inside *some* of the stars, are thoughts, the first example is: *And most wizards think that only* they (little note: I put broke off the stars, to emphasize 'they') *have magic. This Muggle invention is just as good as the illusion I'm wearing right now. Maybe even better in some respects; these "holograms" cannot be broken by someone with a charmed magnet.*

You should be able to decipher the words which I want emphasize, from the thoughts. Also, if there *are* italics, then blame this stupid computer. Well... thanks might be better, but oh well.

One more thing, thank you very much for helping me with the early stages of this, you know who you are.

Disclaimer: I do not Harry Potter, nor Yu-Gi-Oh.


Chapter One: Sushi and Storms


Albus Dumbledore watched the holograms battle each other in interest. He was in Domino, Japan for a small break. Though this was mostly a business trip to Tokyo, he was taking a day off to see these holograms. It was some type of tournament, but Dumbledore was to wrapped up in his problems to enjoy it as he had originally planned. The International Confederation of Wizards (ICW) also like Fudge, would not believe Voldemort was back. The ICW was wonderful in times of peace, but when war broke out... Let's just say that Dumbledore would *not* be *at all* surprised, if when they finally did except Voldemort was back, if many of the ICW were found cowering beneath their desks.

He sighed, he was here to relax not agonize. He had failed to convince them that Voldemort was back, and now the world may have to pay the price of that.

Casting about for something to distract him from these dark thoughts, he once more watched the holograms. *And most wizards think that only* they *have magic. This Muggle invention is just as good as the illusion I'm wearing right now. Maybe even better in some respects; these "holograms" cannot be broken by someone with a charmed magnet.* He watched the game for a while and slowly picked up the rules. You used cards to represent the holos or something like that, the object seemed to be to bring your opponent's "life points" down to zero. It also seemed customary to insult your opponent.

After a while Dumbledore smiled, and got up to go back to his hotel. However, his stomach had other ideas. So he made his way over to a small sushi stand; as he ordered his rice and sushi, he reflected on how he had leaned his Japanese. He had not been relishing the search to find someone who knew both English and Japanese, that did not charge an enormous amount of money. He had been quite surprised to find out that Sibyll Trelawney knew Japanese --naturally, with no help from magic-- making her a prefect person to brew the potion. Still it was rather odd, her knowing it. Then again, he supposed, you had to have something other than figure out way to predict death. Pondering why it was Japanese and not oh ... say Latin, Albus ate.

Then a sudden change in lighting made Dumbledore look up. The sky had suddenly turned cloudy and as he gazed upward he saw lighting ark across the sky.

*Awful fast, for a storm to blow in.* Then, the wave of magic hit him. *This is no *natural* storm. This is something...else...*

He slapped down a tip on the table and ran. He could not get a definite trace on the magic, since it was for the most part air-born, and air magic was the hardest to trace; after sometime he a familiar tree and released that he had been running in circles, rather odd shaped lopsided circles, but circles nonetheless.

He stood there, willing his legs to stop feeling as though they were made of jelly. He wondered what to do next. *This magic I felt is powerful. I think that --* Albus didn't finish that thought.

Beneath him the ground shook, and he knew that this too, was no natural thing, like an earthquake. Although this time he only got the befits glimpse of it, he could tell this was very similar to the other magic he had sensed.

There where differences, however, the other bit was no where near as destructive as this one. To Dumbledore, this was not good. *This is something Voldemort would love to get his hands on. I need to find it... If Voldemort got this before me... Unless it is his, and he is just testing it. Then again, this just does not have his feel of planning, for if it where him, he would test it in the most destructive way possible, also this magic feels untamed.*

*But if he has this, and can control it... He would be next to unstoppable.*

Dumbledore knew that trying to track the magic back to its source would be futile; he hailed a taxi. There still might be time for him to for him to figure this out, if he acted quickly enough. Once in the cab he told the driver to get him to WaterView, the hotel he was staying at, in less than fifteen minutes and she would get a substantial tip. The cabbie, seeing the old geezer's distress, agreed. After all there was something in it for her, and it was not often you got a chance like this. The car sped off.


When Dumbledore arrived at his hotel in seven minutes, he gave the driver the tip, the fare, and a bonus. Taking the elevator up Dumlbedore's plan of action was still half formed, but so far it was: get packed and go to Tokyo to have the Ministry of Magic there, have their Improper Use of Magic office check Domino, with their scanners running a *full* scan of the area. Dumbledore made a mental note to tell them to beef up their security, Voldemort might also try to figure out the magic, if it was not his.

While they did the scan, because it would be a while until Dumbledore would have the results, he would go back to England. There, Albus planned to check with his sources.

He hoped that this new wild, untamed magic was not some new devilry of Voldemort's. After that, it was hard to plan the course of action...
In mid-August, Dumbledore got the findings of the scan back.

It had *not* found the cause of the disturbance.

However, what it had found was a small wonder in itself. It had, when it had scanned, uncovered three powerful wizards. It was quite a mystery, the report continued, why these three had not been found earlier

Then in a sperate letter from the Japanese Minster of Magic, she asked that he teach at least one, preferable both. Dumbledore paused at that and went back to the other report. Evidently, one of them was from Egypt. This teen was only in Japan for a while, but it had been long enough that he had been ID. Dumbledore went back to the message. The main reason apparently, was that Japan's two schools of magic were overcrowded. Since he was, indirectly, the reason the two had been found, if he would accept one, preferably two of them at Hogwarts.

Albus thought about that for a moment. *Hmm... I think I should, I have a strong feeling that that those three, not begin recognized earlier, are connected to that magic. It is a good idea to have them here, if nothing else, if this report is true, they could someday revile me, and Japan's schools are overcrowded. If I pull some strings, I think I can also be able to teach the Egyptian one too. To bad that this business with Fudge is not able to wrap up that easy.*

He looked at Fudge's latest letter, with loathing. *This one is going to take some work to wriggle out off.* True to his word, Fudge had begun an inquiry of how Hogwarts was run. So far Dumbledore had managed to keep him form changing anything, but with each passing letter, he had more trouble keeping Fudge from changing the way the school was run. One of his earlier letters called for him to firer Snape, for begin a former Death Eater. This one boiled down to that Hogwarts, in comparison to other European schools, didn't have enough entertaining activates, there Hogsmeade visits were only three a year, and Quidditch.

Dumbledore sighed and began to write a response, now that the matter of the three new wizards was for the most part settled, he could start to figure out who would be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. Many candidates had applied, but not one had been right. He could not spare Lupin, who had taught it about two years ago; he was a werewolf to boot. And with the Minster hounding him like this that would be one of the worst moves he could make.

Then, he remembered the proposal he had made a week ago, in jest. *I can spare that, but barely... Then again, if this goes on much longer, I can ill afford not to...*


In Japan, one spiky haired youth sighed.

"Yami, I give up on this, I cannot concentrate. I just don't see why I'm supposed to do this!"

"Nor do I," The spirit who was sitting on the bed answered, " the importance of reading 'Macbeth' is forever lost upon me, I fear. If you want tragedy, just look at the world around. Life is full of it, and I believe that you do not need to go adding to it."

The boy smiled at the Pharaoh, "It is supposed to be educational. I think that it lost quite a bit in translation. That's one reason why...and this... feeling... I have..." Yugi sighed again, threw the book onto a nearby chair, and sat down the bed.

"You mean that you have it to?" Yami looked at him intensely.

"Yeah, it feels like...like there gonna be a second Battle City or something. I don't know; it could just be me being paranoid." Yugi sighed.

Not if we both have it," The sprit got up a began to pace. "Just about all has been settled, the only thing I can think of is if Tomb Robber takes another try at world domination...Or Pegasus coming back out of hiding, still bent on bringing back his wife. But --fortunately-- neither is likely; and that book won't read itself."

Yugi opened his mouth to begin to protest, but then thought better of it. Instead he replied, "Your right, it will happen when it is time."

Yami smiled. But through out that day, neither could shrug that feeling off; both in their subconscious minds, knew that something earth shattering would soon happen.


Stella: So what didja think? I know it wasn't wondrous, but I hope it was at least good.

Yami Bakura: I bet they thought it was a load of-- *is whacked, again*

Wind: The next chappie should be up with in a week, all I have to do is type it. *sees looks of dismay* I have already down on paper! In fact today, we just used up all the paper in a notebook. This little monster is at 70 pages as is (of course, it will be less once typed).

Stella: PLEASE, review!

Yami Bakura: You are *so* pathetic...*is hit again*