Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma

Lost Cure, Found Love:

A Tale of Ranma

"I am so sick of this!" It had just started raining, as it usually did when Ranma was outside. Akane had seen Ranma get mad when this happened, but today it was different, he seemed really upset.

"Oh come on Ranma. You'd think you'd be used to it by now."

"I don't want to be used to it! I just want it to go away! I want to be a real man Akane!" Akane looked up at Ranma. He was walking on the fence, like he always did after school. (AN: I always call Ranma a 'he', even if he's in his girl form, I hope I don't confuse anyone).

"Well Ranma, I kinda like you like this. I mean, if you were a full guy, then I couldn't torture you with just a tiny glass of water, could I?" Akane looked up and smiled at Ranma and Ranma looked down and smiled back.

What Akane didn't know was that she tortured Ranma everyday. By no fault of her own, mind you. Ranma just felt really bad whenever he looked at Akane. She could have someone so much better then him. Ranma knew that Akane wouldn't get a chance with someone better. His own jealousy kept her from so many other boys that she may have been interested in, and their fathers would make them marry which would ruin Akane's social life forever. Who would ever want to be with a sex-changing freak anyway?

What Ranma didn't know was that Akane really did like him the way he was. She liked him no matter what. Even if he was a girl at the time, he was still Ranma, and he would always be Ranma no matter what. She knew that Ranma didn't think so though. Akane knew that Ranma felt like a different person when he was a girl, and technically he was right, but no matter what he looked like, he was still Ranma. Akane always thought that Ranma deserved someone better then her. Someone who could better understand what he was going through. Even though she had "the curse" Akane knew that Shampoo was out of the question, Ranma wouldn't marry her if his life depended on it. Kodachi wasn't even close to being in the running. Ranma would never do that to himself. That leaves Ranma's one and only choice, Ukyo. She was perfect for Ranma in every way. She could cook and she was Ranma's best friend. She also had the whole phase where she just wanted to be a boy, and so she knows what it is like to be confused for the other sex. It wasn't fair to keep Ranma away from someone that he really wanted to be with and that was so perfect for him. Poor Ranma, he was going to have to marry someone he hated just because of honor. Honor should never outweigh happiness, try to be happy Ranma.

It had been two days since Ranma and Akane had their little talk after school in the rain. There was no school today and they were both just sitting around the house bored. At least they were until they heard a familiar voice from outside.

"Where am I now!"

"Oh no, not him. He's the last person I want to see today." Akane got up and went to the door so she could get Ryoga and lead him in the house.

"Come on Ranma, he's your friend. At least try to be nice." Akane went outside and Ranma followed.

Ryoga was standing right outside the Tendo gates, in fact, Akane almost hit him when she opened the gates.

"Oh Ryoga, I'm sorry. How are you? Have you gone anywhere interesting lately?" Ranma was standing on the wall above Ryoga and was waiting for his chance to start with the P-Chan jokes.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" Akane was shocked to say the least, but not as shocked as Ranma, he fell off the wall.

"Ryoga? Of course we've met. I'm Akane, remember?" Ryoga took a close look at the girl in front of him, she looked kind of familiar but he couldn't place her.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember you." Just then Ranma came around the fence to ask Ryoga what the heck he was talking about, but before Ranma could say anything, Ryoga attacked.

"Ranma Saotome, I'll kill you!" Ryoga ran past Akane and began to attack Ranma.

After 5 minutes of fighting, Ranma had knocked Ryoga out cold. Akane made Ranma take Ryoga in the house and Akane was treating him. She was really upset that Ryoga didn't recognize her. She had considered Ryoga a really close friend, and now he says that he doesn't even know her name.

"I hope Ryoga's going to be ok."

"I hope he isn't."

"Ranma! You were really hard on him and something is obviously wrong with him.

"Why, just because he doesn't remember you? Maybe his bad sense of direction is spreading to his memory. What I want to know is why he was fighting so badly."

"That's what I was talking about Ranma." Akane had a large bowl filled with ice water so she could dab Ryoga's forehead. Ranma was sitting behind Akane and Akane was sitting next to Ryoga. Akane turned around to ask Ranma a question.

"Ranma, do you think he hates me?" For the second time today, Ranma was shocked.

"Who? Ryoga? Believe me Akane, he doesn't hate you."

"Well, why else would he pretend not to know me?"

"I don't think he was pretending. Why do you care so much? Do you like him?"

"Grow up Ranma!" Akane turned around and knocked the bowl full of ice water onto Ryoga. The water splashed right in Ryoga's lap. Ranma's eyes grew wide. Ryoga was going to change and Akane would be pissed. The only problem was…Ryoga wasn't changing.