Anime: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Title: Aurora

Genre: Humor; Friendship

Description: Whereas a reincarnated girl with no knowledge of this world was dragged into the mess of Mafia, with a skylark, and Kyoko is not oblivious unlike some people let on. OC-insert/SI!OC

Warning: Rated T for Cuss; OC; Incorrect Grammar and Spellings; Slight OOC; Slight AU; Akira Amano owns the KHR!


Mitsuyo Hamasaki


15 years old (Current age.)

January 1st

Ambitious; Competitive; Vulgar


Playing Volleyball; Reading Novels

Boyish; Short greyish white hair; dark brown eyes; Slim yet lean body; (See cover image.)



n. The first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.

Fuck. The first word I thought when I woke up. I messed up, didn't I?

Is this what Death feels like? I never thought it would be hot or tight. But still, getting killed by some fireworks is kinda... surprising. It started long time ago,



I forgot how it happened. I only remembered how a goddamn fireworks exploded to my face.

But still...

Why did I die? I'm still 22 years old woman, for fuck's sake.

What is the case that pushed me to go in my own death?

Whoop de fucking doo, Should I state my not-so-many-but-still-considered-many regrets?

Ugh. Still, why did this happen? I love my life. My mother and father loved me, I miss them, how they always give me soft smiles and gentle laughter, I love them.

My friends, Monika and Cana. Those girls who will laugh their asses off when I committed a stupid mistake. I won't forget them. They are my spirit animals, I know they will cry this time and not laugh.

Then there's the stars that I always gazed at with Chris.

He's adorable, ya'know. He even protects me always, keeping me warm and cuddled.

And he is a dog.

A German Shepherd dog. He's cute. I will sell my soul just to see him again.

Lucas, my best-est friend, I swear to God Almighty, I will propose to you if I'm still alive and kicking. Dude, I know you love me, you asshat. We're so compatible to each other that I remembered the time where we robbed a bank and gotten away safely, but geez, I'm gone now.

Lastly, FUCK YOU JERICO. You didn't pay your shit-eating debt, you motherfucker. My Chris will bite your bum, Monika and Cana will ruin your life, whilst my parents will haunt your dreams and Lucas will slap your eggplant-shaped face, you shitty oaf. I know they will gonna do it because... who knows writing a Will when you're still alive and healthy will come in handy?

I love you guys, except you Jerico, fuck your filthy hairy ass and I hope you will castrate yourself in accident—

Sigh. No need to mourn over and over again.

Then it's all silence—

"HiiiiiiYAAAAAAAAAHH!" A scream suddenly filled the air. Then there's go silence, flapping its wings to flee.

"EEEEYIIIAAAAAA!" The scream continues. Holy funk. Is that the scream of some unnamed soul in hell? Oh.


Am I in Hell?

Then there's some pop and I can finally see the light and breathe. Oh, so now I'm in Heaven?


"How cute." A masculine voice spoke, is that God?

"She looks terrifying. Is that really my daughter?" A panting feminine voice piped in. Who are you implying to? Wait. Who in the name of Asgard are you?

"I shall name you Mitsuyo, my dear daughter." The masculine voice echoed, ignoring the feminine one. Then I saw a blurred colourful shapes. I tried to answer but it came with unrecognizable wail, the voice chuckled, then spoke, "How cute, I wonder how my sis would react seeing you, My dear Mitsu."

I smiled inwardly, so I'm actually the Mitsuyo, my new name? Not bad, and it's not Spanish like my original name. Noice.

So this is Heaven huh.

"She still 'is' terrifying."

Fuck you.

(Months passed by, I finally let the realization hit me that I'm reincarnated.


All my plans to become the highest ranked Angel went downhill. I can't conquer the world now.)


Hi guys. Another plot pops out with a complete backstory.

I'm going to enjoy this.



Expect the fourth walls to be broken, btw. #NoRegrets

Also the Cuss and Dirty jokes by yours truly, Mitsuyo.