A/N: A request by Thistle-Chan

Shiro and Allura parked their car just outside of the school, it was parents night, that time of year where parents came to check on their kids progress.

"I am not looking forward to this" Shiro muttered as he drummed his fingers on the cars wheel.

"Oh come now Shiro, do you really think that this is going to be that bad?" Allura asked and smiled down her husband as he gave her a deadpan look. "Okay Mr. grumpy lets get this over with and for heaven's sake try to smile" She said as they both got out of the car and made their way to the building.

"How about I take Keith and Lance tonight?" She offered, in the past they had received calls from the school and it had either involved Lance or Keith or both and none of them had ever been good.

"If you wouldn't mind" Shiro sighed in relief.

Allura chuckled and kissed his cheek "See you after class" She joked before heading into the school.

Shiro thought that with Allura dealing with their two little devils he could deal with Hunk and Pidges teachers without any problem…boy was he in for a surprise!

Upon meeting Pidges teacher he could tell that this was going to be uncomfortable.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Scroop" Shiro said with a forced smile on his face, he felt like he was the one in school.

"Mr. Shirogane, welcome" Scroop welcomed, motioning to a desk with a scrawny arm. Shiro quickly complied.

"Katie-" Scroop began before Shiro cut her off.

"Pidge" He corrected.

"Excuse me?" Scroop asked, raising a quizzical brow.

"She prefers to be called Pidge" Shiro said, clearing his throat nervously.

"Pidge…" Scroop corrected herself with an amused look. "…is a very intelligent child though I doubt I need to tell you that in fact I predict she could start college at thirteen at most" Scroop went on with a look of pride on her face which almost instantly vanished before Shiro had a chance to take it in. "That is if she can learn some self-control"

"Self-control?" Shiro asked, he suddenly had a bad feeling in the put of his stomach and could also feel the twinge of a migraine coming on.

"Yes, she's a gifted girl but I'm afraid she has a bad habit of correcting me in front of the whole class and there are times where she has deviated from the class and done her own little… experiments" She said this last part with a sharp scowl.

"W-Well…I-I'm sure she's never done anything that bad…" Shiro chuckled softly, pulling at the neck of his shirt.

"Try telling that to one of her classmates who had purple bleached skin for a month or the one who had leaves growing out of their hair or…" Scroop went on and on while Shiro went further down in his seat, he hoped Allura was having a better time than him.

No such luck.

Allura's left eye twitched as she looked down at the fire-crackers, slingshots, whoopie cushions, cherry bombs, stink bombs, itching powder, silly string and spray paint cans on Mr. Dogons desk. The one question on her mind was "Where in the galaxy did they get these!?"

"I was hoping you could tell me that Mrs. Shirogane" Said Mr. Dogon, arms crossed over his chest.

Allura's cheeks flushed when she realized she had just asked that question out loud. She was starting to see why Shiro was so reluctant to come.

"Mrs. Shirogane…" Dogon sighed. "…I know the expression is "Boys will be boys" but Keith and Lance are undisciplined and unruly, Lance is a notorious prankster and Keith is always picking fights with other students, even ones who are older than him" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You need to be firmer with them"

Allura's ears shot up into pinpoints "Excuse me?" She stood up from her seat and leaned forward, placing a hand on the desk. "I'll have you know we are very firm with them!"

Dogon backed up in his seat, shocked by the white haired woman's outburst.

"Now, now Mrs. Shirogane, lets not get testy I'm merely trying to say-" Dogon continued only to be cut off midsentence.

"Tell me Mr. Dogon, do you know why Lance pulled his last prank or why Keith got into his last fight?" She asked.

"Well…" He thought about this for a moment "I thought that Lance is just trying to get attention and for Keith…well…everyone knows he can have a temper!"

Allura scoffed as if he had just wrongly answered the easiest question in the galaxy.

"Lance pulled a prank on someone who had called me something (That for the sake of common decency I won't repeat) terrible and did you know that the only reason Keith got into that fight was because the big bully had taken something from another child and wouldn't give it back?"

Dogon was speechless.

Allura composed herself before taking her seat again "I'm not saying that they went about the right way of doing it but they are not without there merit!"

Needless to say that Dogon was taken aback by the Altean's slight outburst and seemed more than a little flustered.

"Just…tell them to cool it…" He sighed.

"Of course!" Allura smiled brightly, her demeaner changing instantly.

A little while later Allura was waiting for Shiro by the front door and smiled when she saw her dishevelled husband walk past her, looking like he was about ready for bed.

"Sooooo…how did it go?" Allura asked as she effortlessly caught up with him.

"I don't want to talk about it…" Shiro groaned.

Allura stifled a giggle, at some point she would have to tell Shiro that SHE was the one who handled the teachers not the other way around.

A/N: Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait but I was taking the holidays off, so here's the newest chapter of the year! I hope you all had a great season and you'll be happy to know that I will be continuing with this fanfic ^_^ See you next time!