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Watch me

"If you destroy the satellite we can go straight for Venom! Be careful, Fox!"
"I'm on it!"

The last hurrah.

I wouldn't call it but that's just me. Fox McLeod of TEAM STAR FOX.
It feels a lot of same. Samey. Similar.

Repetitive. Actions and clause because of them.

Okay guys, I say. Destroy all barriers!

We've been deployed. Semper Fidelis.
"I'll cover you, Fox," Falco says.
"Aim for the energy towers!" Peppy says
"You're not getting away that easy!" Slippy says.
"Your carcass is mine." Slippy says.

Spam the fire button. Turn left. I think the objective is that way.
Try to turn into a good pattern around the circle. Spam barrel rolls and the fire button, especially when the lock on thingy boops.
Boops and beeps and mashing buttons. Screen goes red. Rumble! Whoa!

Careful. We only have one life now.

"Time for a little payback!" Falco says.
"Shoot! He's right behind me!" Falco says.
"These ships are shielded too!" Slippy says.
"I won't let you get away from me!" Peppy says.
"I won't let you get away from me!" Peppy says.
"Time for a little payback!" Falco says.
"They don't give up." Slippy says.

Spam the buttons more. I think I blew some shit up. I probably shouldn't have started drinking as early as I did but the past is like the present. What you make up of it.
I mean.
What you make of it.

Hit the invisible wall to turn me around.
Tired. Driven.
Gotta finish the level.

"Hey Einstein! I'm on your side!" Falco says.
He probably said that because I shot at him. He says that when I shoot at him.

"What's the big idea?!" Peppy says.
Peppy also says that when I shoot at him. Maybe I shouldn't spam so much,

"Hoo! That was too close!" Slippy says.
"Shoot! He's right behind me!" Falco says.

Redirect and press more buttons.

"Hey Einstein! I'm on your side!" Falco says.

Fuck you, buddy.

"Hey!" I say. "The forcefield is disappearing!"
I didn't say that. My body did. Fascinating.

What can I say? This is who I am.

"Your daddy used to help me like that." Peppy says.
"What's taking so long, Fox?!" Peppy says.
"Your daddy used to help me like that, Fox." Peppy says.
"Hoo! That was too close!" Slippy says.
"Gee! I was saved by Fox! How SWELL." Falco says.
"Scratch one bogey." Falco says.
Falco says "Gee! I was saved by-"
"Your daddy done helped me in what way you is sometimes from on backwards!" Peppy says.
"Destroy the satellite core!" Peppy says.
"Looks like we got some company!" Falco says.

"Play time is over, Star Fox!" Wolf says.
"Daddy done squealled like a piggy ree reee reeeeee HAHAHAHAHAHAH." Pigma says.
"I think I'll torture for you awhile." Leon says.
"UNCLE ANDROSS!" Andrew says.
"Annoying bird! I am the great Leon!" Leon says.
"Fox.. Get this guy off me!" Slippy says.
"What's the big idea?!" Peppy says.
"Scratch one bogey!" Falco says.
"Ur dady wan fuk" Pigma says.
"Aim for the energy towers!" Peppy says.
"This is really starting to tick me off!' Slippy says.

Keep holding left but now I'm saving up a green orb and spamming less. I try to only shoot when my ball gets a lock on.
Then I unload.

"Hey! He was mine!" Slippy says.

Sorry. I'm not sorry, really.

"Knock it off, Fox!" Peppy says.
"Destroy the satellite core!" Peppy says.
"Knock it off, Fox!" Peppy says.

The only thing I can see, even from this distance is Wolf's eye.
Just that one he has left.

"Aw, man. I'm gonna have to back off." Falco says.

I am just an icon living.
I am just an icon.

"You'll be seeing your dad soon, Fox." Wolf says.

"Knock it off, Fox!" Peppy says.
"Hey! That was mine!" Slippy says.

Falco doesn't say anything because the bird's been canonically temporarily crippled from flight.

"Good! I see the enemy core!" Peppy says.
"This is really starting to tick me off!" Slippy says.
"Oh no!" Slippy says.
"Oh no!" Slippy says.
"Oh no!" Slippy says.
"Your daddy done dang old done a lot for me, son. Just like what you just did." Peppy says.
"Your carcass is mine." Slippy says.
"I won't let you get away from me!" Peppy says.
"Time for a little payback!" Falco says, despite his lack of presence.

"UNCLE ANDROSS!" Andrew says.
"I think I'll torture you awhile." Leon says.
"What the heck!" Wolf says.

Stop spamming barrel roll. I want us both to feel this.
We play chicken. His eyes locked onto mine.
Only, he thinks I'm playing chicken.
But I'm playing for keeps.

The desperate attempt to capture his face forever within the base of my skull is lost on the crash.
The crash is whiplash and misery. I drag his miserable wolfen down with my arwing into the cement. Spit blood on my nuts. Whatever. Motherfucking Star Fox, baby.

I snap an oxygen straw with my back molar, bag hanging out of my mouth like an infant sucking afterbirth.
I slap my helmet on my head and buckle together the safety belt. The safety belt always saves.
I take the crash like a bitchslap to the face.
I barely even flinch.
I wish she drew blood so I could lick my lips and grind my dick against the furniture.

There's not enough fluids on my face to lick off of my face to get hard enough.

My wing tears his wolfen's cockpit in half, wrenching his precious pilot seat free of its confines and giving it to nature in alllllll its glory as sparks rain down upon him as what's left of his ship and singe his fur, stench filling his nostrils, embers burning the skin under his fur.
Metal grinding against concrete devours his screams like god devours tears, or RYAN REYNOLDS devours microwave food with Deadpool on the box.

"UNCLE ANDROSS!" Andrew says.

Fox's communication device gets shoved so far inside his head that his brain can no longer decipher its noises as excruciating pain in the core of his spine anymore.
I screeched as my fucking soul tore itself apart and ate itself through a pile of used syringes to re-life and rubbed this nut in all my own wounds.

"UNCLE ANDROSS!" Andrew says.

My spine is a conduit for the real thralls of your incompetence, Andrew. In ways you'll never understand.
My bellybutton is screaming for me when I notice the voice ghost isn't humping my uvula.

I snot red tadpoles onto my knuckles and wipe them off on my breast, under my jacket.
Some in my armpit.
We are the pain if you called the rain and we'll come coming down on your face like it's no big deal.
Undo the safety belt and free myself from the pit of cock. My novelty has expired.

My god pisses acid blood into my asshole without a god condom. Or even an Unholy Hole Magnetic Barrier.
Vitriol. Venomous argheture.
The hatch hisses open and slides back after the appropriate button pressage expendiature.
Hop out, left leg dug into by what ship parts done broke on the inside. Bleeding all over everything and whatnot.
Limping excitedly towards the crashed Wolfen.

Wolf is still unconscious when Fox reaches his wolfen and tears open the hatch with his bare hands.
His lead lidded eyes wrench themselves open at the spine shattering sound of the metal grinding against metal and the raining of shards of glass down on his face and shit.

Wolf's jaw hangs open like :V as he stares up at Fox with glazed over eyes.
He tries to say something. He had something meaningful to say.

"Okay guys!" Fox says, I mean I say. "Destroy all barriers!"
Fox stomps downward hard into his slack jaw. Cracking some teeth. Knocking others and fragments of others loose downwardly into his throat. Wolf chokes on teeth and coagulated blood later, but not yet. Right now his body just retches and threatens to vomit its way to life.
"Hey! The forcefield is disappearing!" We say.
We are Fox, are we not?
So, we say that. We say it.
"Star Wolf again?" Fox asks leaving Wolf to choke to death on his own body parts or maybe lack of oxygen because fuck that guy he's bad. "Why now?"
But he stops himself just short of the body.

Corpses make me think of something hard.
Er, uh, him. Corpses make him think of something hard.

cornwallace - 2018