Thanks for choosing to read my story! Not much to say in the beginning. Only the first part is in first person, the rest of the story will not be, I promise. I know some people super hate first person, and I can get kind of annoyed by it sometimes too, but the scene felt best with it so.. That's what I went with.
More notes at the end.
You're alright now.
I feel a gentle hand on my head, running their fingers through my hair soothingly. I sigh, leaning into the touch.
You were so brave. I'm so proud of you.
My body feels soft, light, as if I were floating on air. It's warm, like laying in the sun. I feel at peace, as if I had never felt pain before.
You fought so well, but it's time to go now.
"Is it? I don't wanna go." My voice whispers.
I'm sorry.
My breathe hitches, and I feel a tear run down my cheek. "I'm scared."
They take my hand.
I'll walk with you, okay?
Towards the light, they begin walking, leading me slowly to a new beginning.
I stop at the threshold. "I don't want to forget." I whisper. "I don't want to let go. Even if it hurts, these are my precious memories..."
They don't say anything for a while, and it unsettles me.
"Please," I beg, my voice breaking.
There's more silence for a moment, before soft lips brush my forehead.
You'll be okay, I promise.
I step beyond the line, and a child begins to cry.
"Happy new year, Rin, Yukio!"
Shiro ruffles their hair, earning a groan from Yukio and a laugh from Rin. "Stop that, dad," Yukio lightly pushes his father's hand away and smoothes out his hair. "I'm ten, not five..."
There's some more light hearted teasing that follows in the background as Rin adjusts his checkered scarf, making sure it was presentable— It was a treasured thing to that person, after all— even if it's not the same one.
Once they exit the monastery, Rin takes Yukio's hand and swings it back and forth as they make their way to the shrine for the first shrine visit of the year— It's still December 31st, but in a few hours it will be the new year.
Snow begins to fall as they walk, and Rin looks upwards at the sky with a smile.
This probably isn't how you imagined it when you made that wish, right? He wonders. But I think it's fine.
"Look, Yukio, it's snowing!" Rin turns from the sky to beam at his brother, who blinks, then laughs.
"Nii-san, you always get so excited about snow..." Yukio shakes his head.
Rin shoulder-bumps Yukio lightly. "But wouldn't it be fun to build a huge snowfort in the winter?" He asks. "We never get that much snow, not like in Canada or something."
"Canada?" Shiro raises an eyebrow with a laugh.
"I wanna wish for it to snow a whole lot next year!" Rin declares, throwing his hands up, taking Yukio's up with his.
"If you say your wish out loud, it's not gonna come true." Yukio tells him, earning a shocked look from his older brother. Yukio and Shiro laugh.
"Don't laugh!" Rin shouts. "It's gonna come true, I swear!"
They continue to chat lightly as they walk, until they reach the shrine. Rin drops Yukio's hand and races up the steps, passing a few other shrine-goers as he does. When he makes it to the top, he checks the time on his watch.
There's still time, the day isn't over yet.
Maybe it's strange to celebrate the birthday of a dead person, but Rin thinks it's important.
"Rin, don't run off ahead!" He hears his dad call behind him, but he ignores it in favor of sneaking off behind the stalls and scrambling up a tall tree.
From atop the branch, he has a beautiful view of their neighborhood. It's the best present he can give them before the day ends.
Rin is not that person, but he holds their memories, and he holds them dearly. It's thanks to them that he knows so much— Everything they know, every lesson they've learned, it's all been passed down to him. All he can do in return is live as best he can.
"Happy birthday," he whispers, and hold his fist out to the view of the neighborhood. "Let's do our best this year too."
"Nii-san!" Rin hears his brother call, and he looks down to see Yukio looking up at him with worry. "Get down from there, it's dangerous!"
"Yukio!" Rin smiles. "You should see this view, it's beautiful!" He says, and pats the spot on the branch next to him. "Come on!"
Yukio's eyes widen, and they dart around a bit before returning to Rin. "I can't do that, Nii-san!"
"Of course you can!" Rin replies. "You're not weak, Yukio! I know that more than anyone, you know? See, just grab onto that branch there, then pull yourself up and grab onto this one! I'll even be here to pull you up!" He points to each branch as he explains.
Yukio hesitates at the base of the tree for several seconds, then sighs and begins to climb. Rin offers Yukio his hand, and is delighted when his brother takes it and allows himself to be pulled up. He knows Yukio hates to accept help, so every moment he does is a small victory for Rin.
It's something we definitely need to work on before it spirals into a bigger problem, he notes. The person before him knew this too. It's a goal that Rin always keeps in mind— to support his little brother no matter what, to always encourage him.
Yukio settles onto the branch beside him, clinging onto the tree as he looks over the view, eyes wide with awe as he takes it in.
"Pretty..." He whispers.
"Right?!" Rin beams. "And the snow makes it look all sparkly!"
The clock strikes twelve.
"Happy new year, Yukio,"
"Happy new year, Rin,"
No matter what, Rin would do his best to protect the people dear to him.
That's a promise.
Hi welcome to my excuse to rewrite AoEx where nothing bad ever happens Ever.
Ok, well, bad things happen but Rin tries really hard to make sure they don't fhjsdbhfbahdwbh
A self-insert reincarnation story, but not quite. Rin is still Rin, but the memories of the self-insert influence and change the way he thinks, the way he acts, and thus changes the story. The self-insert will not likely play a large role themself, or at least not until far later into the story.
I'm normally the type to write an actual self insert story— not really a reincarnation one but, still one where I'm actually a character, but it didn't feel right for AoEx. I mean, I could still write one on the side but I just want Rin to love and support his brother so BAD THINGS DON'T HAPPEN TO HIM LMAO...
To clarify, his previous life did know of and read Ao no Exorcist (up to ch. 100 at the start of this story), and Rin does know of the story thanks to having their memories. This'll come more into play as the story goes on, with Rin trying desperately to use these memories to his advantage long before the story actually starts, albeit still being a fucking dumbass (lol), but the first chapter is just the start so...
And just to get this out of the way, I do want to make Rin to be really loud about how he loves and supports Yukio but I SWEAR to GOD if one person mistakes said love for romantic love I WILL come to your house and kill you with my own two hands. In This House We Hate Incest And Support Loving Families. I don't want any of that nasty "Rin x Yukio" crap. Stay out of my house -_-... That being said, I'm not sure who, if anyone, I'll be pairing Rin with. For sure though, there will be Shiemi x Izumo. I love those girls and they love each other. They Are Sweet...
Anyway this A/N was longer than intended but I just made this acc and has BANNED me from posting for 12 hours so I had nothing better to do but vomit words into this A/N lmao, but (cr1tikal voice) this is the end of this A/N, remember to like the A/N, comment the A/N, and subscribe if you wanna see more A/N's like this one.
But forreal thanks for reading and please leave a review if you would be so kind (heart emoji)