
Hello! It's Eliza here and I told you guys I'd have it out by the weekend! Now, as I stated in the last chapter, this story is inspired by Cardinal Kiril's "The Gauntlet: A Trip Through MEMEmemtos", now, like his story, this...isn't going to be a complete romantic serious affair. This is going to be lighter in tone and funnier. Since I felt my last work was too serious for my taste. This also means..this isn't for everyone. By the next couple of paragraphs, you should know whether or not you'll like this. Now with that out of the way, here's "The Cursed Perverted Thieves of Lust"!

Disclaimer: All characters and basically everything else is owned by Atlus. Nothing is owned by me.

Chapter 1: A Series of Terrible Events?

Akira laid on his futon and stared at the dusty cob-webbed riddled roof as rain poured down outside. Music played calmingly in his ears. The young leader was restless due to the extensive process he and his team had recently gone through. From helping Futaba Sakura with her issues, doing everything inside of her palace within TWO WHOLE DAYS and waiting four more days for Futaba to wake up to deal with Medjed. While it's been nearly a week since Medjed's warning...and they had a goldmine of time, he still felt pressured. This was all due to Futaba deciding to wait until the last moment to be...climactic. Much to the anger and confusion of the fellow members of the Phantom Thieves. While he wanted her to do it now...he couldn't force it on her. Since he knew how she was. Plus he knew she was an accomplished hacker with amazing god tier skills that seemed to be unparalleled.

Still...the young man felt restless..he was sore and intensely tired. Mona pounced onto his chest and stared into the man's gray eyes. "Akira? Are you good?"

"Yeah...you aren't tired either..?" Akira thought that was seemingly amazing.

"No...Thoughts of Lady Ann has kept me energized in some way. It's amazing." Mona started to giggle from his thoughts of the woman he seemingly loved.

Akira scoffed, "Pervert."

"Course you'd think of it like that. As if you don't think of Makoto."

Akira gritted his teeth, "Shut up, cat."

"Struck a nerve have I?"

Akira glared at Mona and quickly turned over, "Just go to sleep man."

Morgana's face gained a sly smile to it, "What? Did I get you...in a mood? Thinking about her thighs? Her face? Smell? Her smile?"

Akira shot from his bed, turning around to Mona. Grabbing him, "S-Shut your damn mouth, Morgana!"

"H-Hey! Let me down!" Akira dropped the feline, Mona hopping away onto the table, "Gu-Guess something solidified huh?"

Akira turned around, facing the window, uttering a single word to Mona. "Nope.."

The feline scoffed, "Huh...sure.."

Akira laid in his bed, holding his phone angrily while Morgana's villainous laugh could be heard in the background. While one hand was gripping the shit out of his phone, another was gripping the steel beam shooting from his pants. The nigh blinding light from the phone made Akira's eyes flinch and throb with pain, but he was ready to endure any pain to just rub one out, anything was better than waiting for his horniness and his hardened dick to evaporate.

His eyes eyed everything on the mini-screen just to find anything to rub one out. The material he was looking for, was in the Phantom Thieves group chat. Scrolling through the many texts and rare photos...finding nothing of note..it seemed Akira's luck was out. Seemingly a first.

That was until he slid once more.

On his last limbs looking for material, he gave it one more large swipe. The photo was everything he had wanted. It contained everything about her perfect self..her beautiful face, her wonderful smile, and her magnificent red eyes.

His phone dropped, and his hands increased their grips on the futon covers and his meat. Deep breaths kept exploding from his mouth and his eyes laid shut for a minute.

After regaining his composure, he sighed as he moved off his futon. Looking at his hand, he muttered, "I...hate myself.."

Morgana walked up from the stairs and saw Akira. "Y-you actually did it? Haha! You weirdo!"

The raven-haired boy's face started to twitch, shooting up, he yelled, "S-Shut the hell...UP Morgana! Don't act like I don't hear you at night beating the ever living shit out of your meat in the corner to Ann, you sick bastard! At least I wait until you leave and do it in a humane place, you just do it in the corner with no fear of me waking up and you fucking NUT on the wall!"

Mona was taken aback, "Wha-Fu-You-"

"God my room fucking SMELLS, I have to clean that corner at least once two weeks! God, everyone has complained about it when we have our meetings! You don't think Ann has noticed how you literally look at her ass in her panther suit every day?!"

Mona, finally gaining his thoughts back, shot back, "You think Makoto hasn't noticed your lovey-dovey glances at her?!"

"Ack—Well at least I don't use my abilities as a car to feel on her ass!"

"...you—Fuck you, Joker."

A smile appeared on Akira's face, he had won another one of the little slander battles that he and Mona usually do. "Another W for me.." Akira started to chuckle as he walked down the stairs to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. "I'm one sick bastard." He lightly chuckled, but his slight smile quickly disappeared... "I hate myself..."

Akira's dreams that night were oddly weird. At first, they started out with Makoto and him finally asking her out. Then some..dude appeared and everything went to hell. An ocean appeared in his mind, and he was being pulled, dropped, thrown, and drowned. To be frank, it didn't get truly strange until he woke up in the Velvet Room.

"Ah! Trickster! It's good to see you again." Igor said, staring at the boy with the intense glare that Akira has begun to know him for. That, and his long, throbbing, possible weapon for a nose he had.

Akira yawned, as he usually does when he awakes in the Velvet Room. He raised himself up off the bed and started walking towards the jail cell bars, with the chains shackled to his limbs dragging behind him.

"Igor...What do I owe you for this nosey visit?"

Igor slightly chuckled from the jab at his nose and took a slight breath in. "Well...You help—"

Igor took a sharp breath in as if being impaled, his eyes bulging even more if that was even possible. The two Twin Wardens shot their heads back towards Igor, shocked at this. "M-Master?!"

A massive gust of wind shot itself completely through the Velvet Room, sending the Twins flying back into the bars of the cells.

Throughout the room, a voice echoed, "Do it, boy...NOW." The gust of wind started to blow even harder, sending Akira flying back into his cell. The second his head hit the wall, Akira woke up in the real world.

Shooting his head up, Akira had erratic pants exploding from his mouth, seemingly uncontrollable. After all, it was understandable. This was the first time something like this ever happened in the Velvet Room.

Akira glanced around the room once again and saw Mona still sleeping on the table. Sighing, "I need to bust a nut again."

Akira ran into the bathroom and washed his hands quickly. Morgana zoomed into the bathroom along with him. "You're fuckin sick Joker."

"...leave me alone."

"But you critiqued me for beating off in the room huh? Because of that, that win from yesterday is revoked."

Akira finished washing his hands and walked out of the bathroom with Mona on his shoulder. Sojiro was brewing coffee with curry cooking in the kitchen. Some of the regulars, like clockwork, were already there. Akira rubbed his eyes as Morgana started to yawn on his shoulder.

"S-Sojiro, how's t-things?" Akira started to stumble over his words, quite literally busting a nut and immediately being active along with still being tired wasn't mixing well for the young lad. Luckily, Sojiro still understood what his attic resident meant.

"I'm fine kid. You going out today or anything?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah...I have no idea. Probably not. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night." Akira eyed Morgana with irritation painting his face. The feline partner in crime put his tongue out. At the same time, Akira felt his phone vibrate. Sojiro was going to say something, but cut himself off as Akira checked his phone.

It was from Makoto.

MAKOTO: Hey Joker!

AKIRA: Hey Makoto, how are you doing?

MAKOTO: I'm fine...just woke up. Anyway; how are Futaba and Boss?

AKIRA: Futaba's sleep and Sojiro's doing his usual routine in Leblanc. They both seem to be in way higher spirits since Futaba had a change of heart. Which is expected and great.

"H-Hey! She didn't ask about me!" Morgana whined in Akira's ear.

"Ha." Akira took a chair and sat in it. Sojiro placed a cup of coffee in front of him.

"Joker...Tell her I said hey!"


"Come on Akira!" Akira's phone started to vibrate again as he sighed. He started typing to reply when Mona whispered in his ear, "Well...guess I'm telling her what you are doing.."

"Dude..." Akira whispered.

"Joker." Mona eyed Akira with eyes of serious intent.

"Mona, I'm not going to—"

AKIRA: Morgana said hey.

Akira eyed Mona with disgust as he took a sip of his coffee, which tasted like perfection.

MAKOTO: I see..! Oh yeah...I wanted to know...Do you wanna help me with some stuff?

A smile appeared on the boy's face and instantly replied with yes.

A kira didn't know what he expected. Alas, walking around Shibuya and carrying things for Makoto isn't what he wasn't expecting. Not that it was bad after all.

Mona was perched on Akira's shoulder, slightly chuckling at Akira being Makoto's busboy.

Akira started to get irritated after hearing the snickering in his ear, but before he could do anything, Makoto started to speak, "Akira...hmm..okay, so Sae wants.." She started to mumbled off, her mind getting sidetracked at what she needed to get for her sister that she never asked Akira what she needed.

Akira, as usual, found this to be really charming, as opposed to others who may think it's annoying. Akira has started to just purely lock is eyes on her. Admiring every single part of her beautiful self.

"Hey...Joker..you're doing it again." Mona whispered in his ear. Akira's ears didn't pick up on Mona's speech, causing the cat to speak again. "Hey, Joker! You're doing it again!" Again, it was a repeat of before, causing Mona to sigh and not attempt anymore.

Basically, things went on like this for the entire shopping trip. Akira lovingly looking at her, Makoto drifting out into her train of thought, and Mona snickering at Akira.

Akira's feet were starting to feel slightly sore, a sign that he needs new shoes since his feet have been growing ever so slowly. Momentarily, Akira forgot he was even carrying Makoto's bought materials for Sae since they were so light. Yawning, Mona jumped off Akira's shoulder to stretch.

Luckily, they had made it to Makoto's apartment. She pulled out her keys, taking one and placing it inside the lock. Opening it. "Okay Akira, just drop the stuff in the kitchen. It should be to your left."

Akira's heart was racing, he didn't expect this. To step into the love of his life's home. Furthermore, he didn't expect Makoto's..apartment to be so...nice. Maybe that was due to him being so used to sleeping in an attic, and forgetting that his house in the countryside was like this too. Something nice and fulfilling. He got too used to Leblanc that he forgot all about that.

The inside of the apartment was nice, orderly and smelled..of roses. Just like Makoto. Although there was this...other smell. Something like..coffee beans. Then it clicked in his head, that must've been Sae, she was a coffee addict from what Makoto said since she used to frequent Leblanc before...she threatened Sojiro. Something that still made Akira intensely angry every time he thought of it.

That's why this whole thing even started. Adults using their power to abuse and take advantage of people less well off. Makes me sick.

"...Akira? Are you good?" Makoto asked, eyeing him with worry.

Remembering where he was, he looked up, "Oh-Oh yeah, I'm fine. Where in here do you want me to drop this stuff?" She pointed by the kitchen table.

Dropping the stuff off, Akira yawned. He pulled his phone out, seeing it was late and that Sojiro was probably about to close shop. Stretching, Akira started to talk, "..Alright, it's almost time for Sojiro to close shop. I need to go back before he has a stroke. Thanks for taking me out today, Makoto-Senpai. I appreciate it." He turned around to walk out when her voice stopped him.

"A-Are you sure? I feel that I should give you dinner since you've been helping me all day, and we both haven't had anything to eat."

Akira out of instinct and lust nearly said yes, but somehow stopped himself. He didn't wanna stay not to worry Sojiro, and..he didn't wanna say anything stupid around Makoto. Plus his horny little self wouldn't be able to be around Makoto for a long time without rushing to the bathroom every 10 minutes to jerk off.

He shook his head, "Nah it's fine. I'll just swing by Big Bang Burger or eat some of Sojiro's magnificent curry."

"I see..well..thank you Akira." She walked with the raven-haired boy and his cat to her door and waved goodbye as they entered the darkened illuminated streets.

Akira rushed into Big Bang Burger's dingy, barely cleaned bathroom stalls. His breath shaky and coming out in large portions. Morgana looked at Akira with one of disgust. "You...you're getting worse man."

"S-shut up Mona, go beat off to Ann or something." Akira's breath was getting worse, it was taking longer to come out, becoming shakier. He tried his hardest to bring take his pants off as his hands weren't being the stillest they could be. Finally, they slid off, and Akira went to town on his poor..poor piece of meat.

He was gripping it harder than anything he had ever gripped in the past, he was jerking off at the speed of sound, while friction was causing his meat to heat up, Akira didn't give a shit. Vivid memories of what happened today flashed themselves throughout Akira's head. Her beautiful figure, her magnificent smile, hair, eyes, ass, her laugh, and her smell...it all came to Akira, plastering themselves to the lids of his eyes.

Akira's eyes shot open, screaming in pleasure like a Hentai character doing an ahegao face. Boy did he bust a fat nut. In fact, it literally shot onto the stall door.

After a few seconds of panting, he looked down to find Mona behind the toilet wacking it too. Since post-nut clarity hit Akira hard, he looked at himself, his hand, the stall door, and Mona all with disgust. "I fucking hate myself." He uttered.

"Hey, dude are you okay in there?!" Yelled the raspy voice of a middle-aged man. Akira and Mona looked wide-eyed in fear as a man knocked on their stall. Akira gripped Mona and burst out of the stall using his bag to block his face.

"OH SHIT!" Yelled Akira as he ran out of the establishment with many customers and workers looking at him with confusion. Seems like Akira's never going back to Big Bang Burger.

Akira panted as he slumped down into the seat of the subway. To-Today..just hasn't been a good day...Jesus Christ. From the weird Velvet Room incident, then having to decline that sweet offer from Makoto to jerking off in the stall, today was shaping up to be one that would go down in Akira Kurusu's biggest losses.

He suddenly felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out quickly. He honestly didn't know what to expect..a text from Makoto? If that was what he was expecting..he wouldn't have been even more disappointed.

It was from Ryuji. While he loved his best friend to death, this..just wasn't the time.

RYUJI: Dudeee...I just found the literal..perfect time stop video Akira! ...want the link?"

AKIRA: ...Dude...what is wrong with you? You're sick man! Have some grace!

RYUJI: You're on the subway huh? I'll send it later.

AKIRA: ...

Akira turned his phone off and waited until the train finally got to its destination. With seemingly a blink, the train arrived. Akira walked into Leblanc, seeing Sojiro immediately. The old man had droopy eyelids, making Akira assume it had been a long day today. The teenager lightly chuckled, and walked to the counter, placing his stuff down, and letting Mona go upstairs. Akira lightly walked into the kitchen and started to clean up behind Sojiro. Trying to make the load on the old man be less of a burden. After all, this was his fault for deciding to jerk off in the stalls.

Quickly, Akira was done cleaning up. Gently, he shook Sojiro to wake, "Akira? Kid, I was getting worried." Honestly, Sojiro acting kind and caring for Akira was something he still hadn't grown to get used to. It still was a step up from before, with Sojiro treating him like some stray cat that no one wanted.

"Ah, I'm sorry Sojiro. Makoto and I had a lot to buy for Sae-san's grocery list." Instantly, Akira regretted mentioning Sae.

Sojiro was clearly unhinged since from his encounter with her last time. Subtly, Sojiro gripped his left arm as to stop it from shaking with rage. Something Akira does. His habit perse. Seems that Sojiro was starting to pick up the boy's habits.

"...I'm sorry, Sojiro. I know that you still aren't the best from—" Akira tried to get out his words, but the older man cut him up with a simple sigh.

"You don't have anything to worry about kid. I know it's a slip of the tongue. I'll get over it like I always do." A reassuring smile appeared on Sojiro's face as he jerked his wrist in front of his face to show his watch. "Ah, it's really late...I know Futaba is hungry for something."

The smooth-talking adult grabbed his hat and paced over to the door, with Akira closely following behind. Placing his hat on his head, he walked out the door, turning around to say his goodbye to Akira for the night while turning the "Open" sign to "Closed".

"Ah, well..I'll see you in the morning kid," Sojiro said, smiling.

"You too, Boss."

Just as Sojiro was starting to walk off, he stopped as if he was being pulled back by an invisible wire. "That reminds me..with it being so late after all...I can't help but wonder..were you doing something..with little old Niijima's sister..? Trying to be me, now?"

Akira face became painted in red as he became incredibly flustered. Something Sojiro lived for seeing, as Akira always tries to pretend he's always cool and level-headed. Chuckles flew out of his mouth, he looked at Akira as he managed to get it under control. "Ah, I'm just kidding kid. Goodnight, Kurusu."

Akira sighed, locking the door after Sojiro's departure. Taking moment to breathe, Akira rushed into the bathroom to wash his hands. He couldn't bare the thought of rubbing one out and simply walking around with the residue of his fallen children in his palms. It made him sick to the stomach.

Drying his hands off, albeit with difficulty since Akira's hands were starting to shake horribly since he reached his three limit. Whenever Akira pleasured himself at least three times or more..his right hand couldn't...no..wouldn't stay still. It's the reason why he started to grip his arm more in an attempt to stop it, as opposed to previous times where he did it out of anger.

Walking up into his room, Akira yawned intensely and slowly made his way to his bed. Mona was already nearly sound asleep, but he could never really go to sleep anymore without Akira in the bed with him. While Morgana was an asshole about how much he cared for Akira..they both had a mutual intense friendship with each other.

Mona raised one eyelid slowly to look at Akira, taking notice of his shaking arm. "It's starting again, huh?"

"...yeah." Akira took his boots, pants, and shirt off, his nearly naked body sending waves of heat through his body from the summer heat. The heat seemed to elevate the shaking, in which Akira gripped it with every ounce of strength he had. It was getting worse.

"This is why you..no all of us need to cut beating off out of our lives..." Morgana said, with a seemly sorrow-ridden voice.

"..as if. And replace it with what? Getting our frustrations out with the Metaverse and killing shadows is only going to go so far." Akira chuckled at the next through that appeared in his head, "As if we can get girlfriends. While fapping isn't the most amazing thing, it's better than having nothing to do and realizing I'm just a miserable bastard who'll be lonely for the rest of his life."

Akira stared at Morgana, as the two started to take on a regretful face. Morgana understood where Akira was coming from. There's no way he'd be able to get with Lady Ann considering he's a cat..and maybe..he wasn't human at all. Every once in a while, the horrible thought would come..creeping its head in his thoughts. Bring down every single hope and dream he had for the future into debris and dust. Bring hatred upon himself. It was a horrible cycle of self-loathing that all the male Phantom Thieves were going through.

And that's where masturbating came into their lives. Helping them bare with their individual and utterly destructive problems.

Akira sighed and looked at Mona again. "Look I didn't mean—"

"No, it's fine, Joker. That's what beating off is sustained up all this far. Just that...I keep thinking we can do better is all."

Akira lowered his eyes, shaking his head in agreement. He was going to open his mouth to continue the conversation about their looming problems, but that's when Akira's phone started to ring.

It was that Time-Stop link from earlier. "The Time-Stop vid. You wanna watch?" He said, an attempt to chill down the mood, a way to forget the deeply routed mentality around beating off. To just go back to just enjoying it as it's meant to be. A form of entertainment and pleasure.

Mona chuckled, Akira truly was a horny teenager. "Sure."

Akira got into his bed with his pet cat, watching the video and eventually sleeping.


The voice vibrated deep inside of Akira. In fact, it was the thing that steered him to wake. His eyes drooped open, with seeming anything have the force to close them again, forcing him to sleep.

Morgana was sleeping on his stomach, his presence causing pressure on Akira's stomach. Akira gently moved his fellow attic resident off his belly and onto the bed, placing a pillow under his head.

Akira stood up, stretching and yawning as the wind from the window tickled his body, made his boxers feel like paper mache.

Akira took a second to look around his room, considering what to do. First thing, make some infiltration tools. The young lad needed something to get the ominous warning off his mind since I kept echoing through his head. In fact, he was so riddled by this, he forgot to get dressed.

Luckily for Akira, the act of making infiltration tools enthralled him so much he actually forgot about the passage of time. Before he knew it, he made 17 lockpicks, 5 GOHO-Ms and even exercised for a minute. With his proficiency and health feeling league better than they ever had before, Akira stood from his chair, once again yawning and stretching.

Akira could tell that Leblanc had been open for a while, since the smell of Curry and coffee beans had infected every single facet of the building, making Akira's nostrils once again fall victim to its amazing smell. Something he never minded. This also told him that he was right, at least 3 to 4 hours had passed since he woke up.

Akira kept doing stretching routines to make sure his body was getting out of shape, which instantly brought to his mind that the Phantom Thieves need to get back into action. They've been lax since Futaba, in fact, they hadn't gone into Mementos at all. This inactivity could prove to be negative in their future endeavors with other palaces.

While Akira was laid back, he considered everything. Especially about the betterment of the Phantom Thieves. He was their trusted leader after all.

A little smile appeared on Akira's face as he turned around and just took a second to look outside the window of his room. It's something he had barely been able to do since he started to take his Phantom Thief activities serious. However, the little moments where he could do it, sent him flying back into the past. Back when he was a child onlooking the waves on the beach rock against the sandy shores. There was no sounds of cars honking at each other for hours on end, seemingly endless traffic, large looting buildings as if they were bars on jail cells. It was just Akira, the ocean, and the sea-salt-ridden breeze. It didn't compare, but it helped calm his nerves.

The thoughts of his home harkened back to last night when he was taking note of Makoto's house. Which furthermore led him to think of his crush. As expected, a growing started to appear. A sigh came from Akira's mouth to express the irritating nature of boners.

However before he wanted to have a one on one Mike Tyson level beat down with his meat, he..for some reason heard the voice of Makoto and Ann. It sounded like they were below and saying hello to Sojiro...

Wait...Don't tell me—Oh shit.

Suddenly turning around, which when he thought about it more wasn't the best idea, he was the members of the Phantom Thieves in his room. Embarrassment shot through everyone, most powerfully Akira as Futaba, Ann, and most importantly Makoto looked at his bulge with both curiosity, disgust, and confusion.

Akira screeched in shame as he shot underneath his covers, to get away from everyone's look of shame. Quickly, the Phantom Thieves members scurried out of the attic, leaving Akira on his lonesome for a while.

"Ow...Akira what the hell are you jumping around for like a kid...?" Mona yowled in pain, and he laid on the floor.

"...she saw..." He struggled to spit out, he said hiding underneath his covers, his shame and embarrassment shooting through his voice.

"Who? Makoto? Pff as if, are you sure you didn't just wake up from a vivid dream?" Morgana chuckled, Akira was probably just having another one of his wet dreams but woke up too quickly.

"...I'm not—just go down stairs Mona."

Morgana sighed, pouncing off the futon onto the ground. Walking down the stairs to the surprise that was the female members of the Phantom Thieves, in the corner by the backdoor, hidden from sight, with the newest, semi, member: Futaba Sakura. His eyes widened. At the moment, he was thinking of two things: Akira really has the worse best luck I've seen in a long time, Jesus it's ridiculous. Wait..why was Futaba even here? Waiit...

Before Morgana could fully finish his thought, Makoto opened her mouth, her face painted with red. "D-Did Akira just wake up...? Did the both of you just wake up? Because we, mainly I, set up this Mementos meeting up...has Akira looked at his phone?"

Morgana opened his mouth to replied, but stopped as he saw in the background Lady Ann holding and comforting Futaba. Who was shaking and jerking horribly, muttering under her breath, "-gh...the Master Sword had full hearts..."

Morgana cringed a bit, as Akira wouldn't be able to live with himself since he effectively took away Futaba and Makoto's innocence. The latter most prominently leading him to hate himself even more than he already does.

Mona cleared his throat, and stared at Makoto, gearing up his reply, "I just woke up...I can only assume Akira had been up longer since Sojiro wouldn't have sent you up here without knowing Akira was awake. Especially with Futaba."

Footsteps started to pound from above them, as Akira shyly walked down the stairs, finally being fully dressed... His face coated with red. He couldn't will himself to look at Makoto or Futaba. Mentally, he sighed. August is officially the shittiest month I've been through since becoming a Phantom Thief.

"Y-You...can come up now.." He said, his voice barely being audible. Although it took a second, the group walked up his stairs. Mona trailed behind since he wanted to talk to Akira about something.

"Akira..you need to check your phone more. Apparently, I guess they planned this last night? Or eariler this morning..."

Not wanting to be labeled a weirdo for talking to his cat in the public, Akira poked his head into the attic, saying "Look, I'm sorry, but I'll be right back."

Quickly walking outside the cafe using the back door, Akira dropped Mona onto the pavement, "Look you know I put my phone on Do Not Disturb especially after Palaces! God, I thought they all knew that! Why didn't they just—ugh..guess it's good to know they've been thinking the same thing as me. We do need to get back into the groove of things and let Futaba get used to the Metaverse." He said, placing a hand on his chin like he usually does.

Mona piped up, "Actually, I know you'll love this, it was your crush who brought it up. So do with that what you will."

Joker smiled and pulled out his phone to look at it. He gazed at the PT group chat and saw a long string of messages with Makoto, and Futaba walking about the plans for today. Which were to just introduce Futaba to every element of being a Phantom Thief and training experience. Just as Akira thought.

Akira remarked one thing though and shared the thought with Mona. "If they're here...where's...Ryuji and Yusuke...?"



AKIRA: Dude...

YUSUKE: Likewise. An..artistic flare hit me hard this morning.

AKIRA: I hate you all. Wait...I was the only one who didn't know about the meeting today? Shit. But that's beside the point! Where are you guys?! I need help defusing the tension...

The two boys sent their locations to the group chat and Akira sighed heavily with disgust..and most importantly regret as he looked at Ryuji's location...Big Bang Burger.

Mona, who sneakily apparened on Akira's shoulder, looked at his boss in collective fear. The two in unison yelled one simple word...:


Telling the rest of the members to wait, Akira ran with full force to the train traveling to Shibuya. His nerves were shooting throughout his entire body, forcing him to stand up, shaking him with anticipation. He needed his boys, for they were the only thing that would help defuse this entire shitty situation he caused.

Busting into Big Bang Burger and blocking his face with his bag, he walked into the restrooms. "Ryuji!" Akira starting searching the stalls as he heard a loud roar from the stall at the very end. "Jesus Christ!" Akira and Mona both yelled.

Waiting outside the restrooms, Ryuji strolled out, the blonde haired boy seemingly restored. A big toothy smile was beemed onto his face. "Yo. Let's go, Akira.."

"I hate you, you know that?" He said, walking out behind Ryuji, still blocking his face using his bag. Suddenly, it became a repeat of last night as Akira heard the same man from last night screaming.

"Get those two disgusting men!"

"Shit! Ryuji run!" Akira started to run as Ryuji struggled to run, his meat still sensitive from the nut. Luckily, he still was able too.

Unpredictably, came Yusuke running along side them too. Also struggling to continue running. "Hello! So, Akira what are we running from?"

"Uh..a possible food manager who caught both me and Ryuji nutting in his stalls."

"Woah, Joker you nutted in his stalls? Is that why you were on the subway late last night?"

"...Shut up Ryuji." Unbeknownst to Akira, Mona had poked his head from the bag and nodded yes toward Ryuji and Yusuke. The two unleashing chuckles.

Reaching the underground mall, Akira and likewise, the rest of the men, started to pant up a storm.

"I...I uh...oh god...guys...I can't any further. Jesus we really over ran...can't we get into Mementos from fucking anywhere..? Just tell the girls to come..."

"Ryuji...you..are actually right for a change.." Morgana complimented

Akira quickly took his phone out and texted the girls what they needed to do as Ryuji started to MetaNav. Luckily, nobody was really in the area for some odd reason, something Akira took note of.

The MetaNav started to turn everyone's phones a ghoulish purple color, with little blobs of dark reds and purples appearing and growing with ease, engulfing the members of the Phantom Thieves and the entire world. Engulfing everyone's eyesights with oppressive darkness, until it was all ripped away, and Mementos appeared in all its glory. The distorted version of Tokyo's subway system, dispite it's oppressiveness and insane pressure in terms of breathing, it always helped with the issues of the Phantom Thieves when they needed to let things out.

Suddenly, a gust of wind appeared in Mementos as the women dropped out from a similar blob from earlier.

Quickly, Ann walked herself up to all three boys and slapped them all in unison.

"AH!" The trio yelled, Morgana borrowed himself further into Akira's bag to avoid getting hit also.

"What is wrong with the four of you!? Making us ladies wait! And you!" Ann lifted a finger towards Akira, "You...you're despicable."

Shame shot through Akira's soul, and nearly choaked on his words, "I-I didn't know!"

"Check your phone next time! Pervert!"

Ann inched her finger closer to Akira's face, the latter brought up his hands in order to defend himself. His eyes started to focus away from Ann, and at Makoto. She hadn't said anything this whole encounter, and didn't look Akira in his eyes either.

Quickly, he turned around and cleaned his voice in order to attempt to bring order back. "Okay, now..we're all here for two reasons. That is Futaba herself since she just might be a new member of the Phantom Thieves, we cant just sit back and let her only experience with the Metaverse be with her palace until we find another palace to infiltrate. Two, we haven't done anything related to the Metaverse since clearing her palace and giving her a change of heart. This is bad and it's time to negate this."

Akira looked at everyone, and they all nodded back in agreement. He tried not looking at Makoto, his eyes leading him to Futaba. He looked at her for reassurance, in which she swallowed her spit, and nodded.

Akira turned around his coat-tail flipping ever so stylishly behind him. Gazing into the ever so expanding depths of Mementos, he uttered, "The Phantom Thieves are back in action."

Oddly, there weren't many shadows in Mementos. This, alas, was reported by Futaba using her Persona. This would prove to be incredibly useful in future palaces and encounters.

"Woah...Joker! Your little coat-flap thing is so cool!" Futaba started to gush as she started to play with it as Akira sat in the passenger seat.

For the first time in a while, Makoto finally spoke. Alas, it wasn't towards him, but it was still reassuring to hear her voice. "I have to agree with Futaba. It looks difficult to run and walk around with, but Akira makes it look stylish and easy."

A little chuckle slid from his mouth and was going to explain how he was able to do this when suddenly, Makoto smashed her foot down onto the breaks, sending everyone nearly flying outside of the windshield.

Ryuji was the first to recover, "Y-Yo! Makoto! What happened?! Why'd you push the breaks so goddamned hard!?"

"What the hell..is that...?" Akira and Makoto nearly perfectly said at the same time. Inside one of the large empty rooms they had come to be used to, held a large blocky building in the center, seeming made of this black jagged and rocky material. At its center was a door with a symbol of a hand doing the gesture for "Okay".

That was one of the things that instantly took the attention of Akira, but soon Futaba started talking. "Guys...that building has ZERO shadows at all. Seemingly there seems to be nothing in that building at all.

"...Do you guys wanna leave?" Ryuji voiced up.

Everyone looked at one another, considering it. All thoughts were quickly kicked out as Morgana's voice boomed, "We're not leaving! You never know! There might be something important about this later!"

Akira looked at his fellow partners again, "Do you guys agree?"

"..Sure." Everyone eventually voiced up.

Once approaching the door, it automatically opened, letting the group step inside. The inside was the same as the outside. With the black rocky material shaping out everything. If Akira wanted to liken it to anything, it most reminded him of Kamoshida's palace when they started inching their way to the treasure.

To his left and his right, Akira noticed staircases leading both down and up on his respective sides. Seeing this as his chance, Akira took his boys and took the stairs up, "We're going to investigate these floors! You guys have the lower ones!"

With little resistance, the girls agreed and walked down the staircase.

Akira couldn't shake this feeling that something wa watching them, but that wasn't what was concerning his mind at all. What was concerning his mind, was Makoto not talking to him.

"Guys...we uh...we got a problem." Akira muttered.

"With what? If it's the jerking off shit again, I already got it from Mona, I don't need it from you too Akira." Groaned Ryuji as he lazily inspected the floor they were on. "There's nothing here at all...god Futaba was right."

"You're dead on about that Ryuji, but that wasn't what I bringing up. What I'm talking about is this...this thing that happened earlier that lead me to find you guys." Sweat was starting to dribble from Akira's head. It wasn't from nervousness surprisingly..it was from..heat?

Suddenly, a massive scorching fireball shot itself at neck-break speeds towards Akira and the gang. He yelled at the top of his lungs, "EVERYONE MOVE! YUSUKE!"

Akira grabbed Morgana by the neck and pushed Ryuji down as Yusuke called Goemon, causing a massive ice shield to form. Melting within contact of the fireball. The two elements disappearing as quickly as they came.

A ringing white noise screeching sound pierced all of their eardrums and made them collapse to the floor. From a shadow from the ceiling, a man landed in front of them. Or well..A thing. The American Rapper Soujia Boy landed to the ground. With one instantly recognizable song blasting in the background. Crank That. Something Akira hadn't heard in a while. Although he kept hearing earrape versions of the song recently.

Akira pushed himself off of the ground, "Who-Who the hell are you?!"

The being didn't reply back.

Balling his fist, Akira yelled, "Everyone! Give him what we got!" Akira screamed for Arséne as the red-ridden persona shot a blast of blood-red at the man, same with everyone else. Their respective elements did remotely nothing as they mixed together in an attempt to attack the man. They just bent around him, not touching at all.

He simply sighed, and placed one foot forward, dispelling the collective blast the boys were doing, and sending them back against the wall with nearly fatal speeds.

Hitting the walls caused a nasty cracking sound within all the boys, something that instantly caused the boys to go limp. They smacked against the ground, blood trickling down from the point of impact and their lips. Akira's mask was cracked from the impact and covering parts of his vision as he tried to move with his hands. He could barely see the man and where he was considering that his vision was obscured by both his own blood and mask.

A shadow appeared in front of him. Barely comprehending what was going on, Akira gripped his dagger and attempted at trying to stab the man in his calf, but somehow the blade disappeared from Akira's grip and found itself burrowed deep within his shoulder.

The man wrapped his hand around Akira's neck. Opening his mouth, he uttered his first words. Making Akira and the other's minds go blank.

"Ay, y'all muhfuckas needa let ya nuts hang and don't be bitches. Do what's in ya hearts. If not something will be taken from you. Each week..or day when you don't do this, some punishment will be forced upon you."

A toothy grin flashed on his face. His hands suddenly clenching as Akira's vision started to go dark. That smile was the last thing he ever saw before everything went completely dark.
