TITLE: False Appearances.

AUTHOR: Cathie McMath.

EMAIL: penrithpanther_03@yahoo.com.au


CONTENT: A few swear words, a little betrayal, a touch of violence.. things that make a good fic!

SUMMARY: When everything they say are lies, and nothing is as it seems.. Jeff, Trish, Lita + many more.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own or have any affiliation with anything or anyone from the WWE.

DISTRIBUTION: Just email me first and let me know if you want it.

FEEDBACK: Reviews make me very happy. 'Nuff said. ^_^

The small blonde woman walked through the arena hallway, a bright smile gracing her lips. Approaching the locker room door, Trish Stratus ran a hand through her golden locks, her smile still shining brightly as she thought about the object of her happiness.

Just a few minutes earlier, she and Jeff Hardy had beaten Victoria and Steven Richards in an intergender tag-team match. That alone was something to smile about - Trish couldn't stand the former (ah, she loved saying that!) Women's Champion or her psychotic boyfriend - that wasn't the reason she was grinning from ear to ear. What had her so happy was what happened in the ring after the match was over.

Trish pushed the women's locker room door open, and stepped through the doorway. She froze in her tracks when she caught sight of the woman who sat on the couch against the far wall of the room. It had been a while since she'd last seen the redhead, and she certainly didn't expect her to turn up tonight. The blonde diva ran her gaze over Lita, studying her. Lita hadn't seen Trish yet, and instead had her attention focused intently on the television monitor in front of her.

Her eyes were fixed to the screen, taking on an almost glassy look. Her brow was furrowed slightly, and her lips pressed together tightly. Trish frowned, wondering what held the redheaded diva's attention so fiercely, and what was causing that heavy look on her face, when she heard the commentary playing from the television screen.

"Can we see another replay of that, JR?" Squealed King's voice excitedly. My God, that man had an annoying voice. It just grated on Trish's nerves like -- "Whoa! Look at that kiss! You think there was tongue involved there, JR?"

"Well, I certainly think that young Trish Stratus and Jeff Hardy are fond of each other, judging by that display of affection, King."

Trish felt a warm wave sweep over her entire body. The two RAW announcers were talking about the kiss she had just shared with Jeff. Her lips tingled at the memory. That kiss had been so intense, and passionate.. it was a complete culmination of everything that the two of them had been leading up to in the past month or so. It was extraordinary.

The frown returned to Trish's face. But if that was what Lita was watching, then why did she have that look on her face? That look of disbelief and pain and --

Oh shit.

The canadian diva felt like kicking herself right then and there. She couldn't believe that she had just forgotten! How incredibly stupid and insensitive of her! Poor Lita.. no wonder she had that expression on her face. After witnessing that kiss without any warning from herself or Jeff..

Trish let out an exasperated sigh at her own stupidity. Lita's head snapped up from the television, and immediately focused on Trish, standing in the doorway. Lita's frown fell from her face quickly, all the pain and betrayal that lined her features a second earlier melted away, and was replaced by a beaming grin. The redhead stood up from her seat on the couch, and walked towards her friend.

"Trish! Congratulations, girl. I'm so happ --"

"Oh, Li. I'm so sorry." The blonde stepped towards Lita, her arms outstretched.

Lita accepted the hug, and upon pulling away looked at Trish, her brow raised quizzically. "Sorry about what, Trish?"

The small woman glanced at Lita, sympathy in her eyes. "You know..."

Lita shook her head. "No, Trish, I don't know."

The Women's Champion hesitated, before continuing. "You seeing that. Jeff and I really should've talked to you beforehand about it and --"

"Wait a minute. You mean you're sorry about me seeing..." Lita gestured towards the tv screen with her thumb. "... that kiss between you and Jeff?"

Trish nodded, eyes wide.

"Trish! I'm happy for the both of you!" The redhead smirked slightly. "And you guys look great together. I'm not sure who has the better fashion sense though..."

Trish ignored her friend's humour, the look of sympathy still present in her brown eyes. "Li, it's okay to admit it."

"Admit what?"

"That it was kinda hard for you to see that. To see what's been going on between Jeff and myself lately."

Lita shook her head defiantly. "I don't know what you're talking about, Trish."

The blonde walked over towards the couch Lita had been sitting on earlier, and sat down, gesturing for the redhead to join her. Once Lita had sat down beside her, Trish continued. "Lita, I know that it hasn't been that long since you and Jeff broke up." Trish noticed how Lita's demeanour changed immediately at that comment. She squared her shoulders, clenched her jaw, and her eyes darkened. Trish continued, placing a hand on Lita's thigh. "How long has it been, exactly?"

Lita blinked a few times, and took in a breath before replying. "Around two months." She paused. "Two months and one week yesterday."

"And you two were together for an awfully long time. Something around six months, wasn't it?"

"Ten." Lita corrected, her eyes glazing over in a distanced manner.

"Ten months.. and you've only been apart for two." Trish nodded, taking in the information herself. "Li, I'm sure you must still feel something for him. That's why I can understand why watching the two of us --"

Lita interrupted Trish, her voice hard and calm. "You know what? Thanks for your concern Trish, but I'm a big girl. I can look after myself. And you know what else?" Lita stood up from the couch quickly, glaring down at Trish. "I am fine with you two being together. More than fine, I'm HAPPY for you!" She looked over at the monitor. "I am quite over Jeff Hardy."

Trish stood up as well, eyeing the redheaded diva, her voice raising. "Oh, really?"

"Yes, really!"

There was a small silence between the two women, and Lita rubbed her forehead, turning away from Trish. Lita couldn't believe they were having this conversation. Did Trish think she needed her pity? That she was so completely heartbroken by the youngest Hardy brother, that she needed her apology?

Trish's voice interrupted Lita's thoughts. Her tone was quiet and subdued as she spoke. "Look, Lita.. I only want to ask for your permission."

"My permission?" Lita scoffed, twirling around to face Trish once more. "You don't need my permission, Trish! I don't OWN Jeff!"

"No, you don't. But I'm your friend, Lita. And I don't want to see you hurting, or in pain. That's why I want to get your blessing before anything further happens between Jeff and I."

Lita sighed, looking down at the floor. ""I don't have any feelings for Jeff anymore, Trish. None other than friendship anyway. I'm fine with you and Jeff. I really hope you two are happy together. You both deserve to be happy." Never looking up, Lita turned around, and walked out the door, into the arena hallway.

Trish sighed loudly as she fell back onto the couch, holding her head in her hands. Pushing her golden hair back over her head, she shook her head slightly to herself. That conversation definitely could've gone alot better. But it was over with. She had told Lita how she felt, and asked for her permission to be with Jeff. And Lita had given it.

But Trish couldn't help but feel that Lita's permission would've meant so much more if she had actually looked her in the eyes.