"Did I just…?"

My eyes could've deceived me? Maybe it was some kind of optical illusion. Or perhaps a spell? This is, after all, a magic school, like, for magical people who tend to use magic on a daily basis.

But what I saw was something unbelievable, even for the magic community I am part of. The same group of witches that mere a year ago witnessed how human emotions could turn a semi-deadly weapon, a missile, of all things, such a primitive artifact, into a self-conscious being of pure hate that threatened to start World War III.

No! This was beyond that. Like, never in my seventeen years been alive have I ever behold such far-fetched event. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating things just a little bit, but never the less, what I may or may not have seen is undoubtedly something uncanny. Perhaps it didn't happen at all and I was just daydreaming, a lot had happened this week, between classes and my hobby.

Shoot! I need to stop referring to it as a 'hobby' I'm better than this, all my closest friends had accepted it as part of me. Now is not the time to go backwards, I'll now embrace my new self and accept my preferences publicly or my name isn't...

"…Barbara? Barbara! Are you there?".

My friend's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Hannah was in front of me waving her right hand at my face.

"Hehe… Sorry Hannah, I was thinking about something I saw earlier in the morning". I answered, giving my friend an ashamed smile and resuming our walk to the dining hall.

"Geez Barbs, I thought I've lost you back there. What did you see? You didn't tell me anything during classes".

"Well...". I hesitated. Should I tell her? Is not like she'd believe me anyway, gosh, I can't even believe it myself. She'll think that I'm crazy. No, this is Hannah I'm talking about, she'll back me up even if I sound like a crazy old hag. "… you see, remember this morning when Sucy made that hideous potion?".

"Oh yeah, ugh!, I wish you wouldn't have bring that up. It barfed right next to me. It gives me the chills just to think about it". She winces while rubbing her sides with both her hands.

"I know, sorry about that… Anyway, just after that I w-". Suddenly a red blur passed between us making us shriek in unison.

"Sorry!". A distant apology was the only think we could hear.

"O'Neill!". Hannah yelled. "Seriously that girl, like, can't she just wa-". Then again, she was interrupted by yet another blur, this time a brunette one.

"Amanda! Get back here!". The rushing girl yelled, passing through and ignoring the girl who just threw to the ground.

"Akko! Watch out you dunce! Oh my, Hannah, are you alright?". I reach out to her hand and help her into her feet.

"I'm fine, thanks Barbs, we are surrounded by peasants, I'm telling you". We both watch with scolding eyes at the beasts entering the dining hall.

Finally arriving at the place, Akko was standing over a defeated Amanda who was grunting something.

"I may be shorter than you Amanda, but I have the strength and determination of Shiny Chariot herself in my body and that's all I need to take you down". She said with starts in her eyes as she hopped off the girls back. "Now, you gotta get me that meal you promised". She helped Amanda rose to her feet and pat the girl's back a couple of times.

"Man… I miss ol' clumsy Akko". She muttered to herself and stretched her body while heading to the counter line.

"Those two won't ever change? Like, grow up already, geez. I'll go get our food, Barbs, wait for me at the table".

I just nod to her with a soft smile as she joined Amanda in the line and started to scold her.

Already on the table were seated Lotte, Sucy, Jasminka, Constanze and Akko who was bragging about her recent victory. Being accustomed to the pair's shenanigans the rest of the students in the hall didn't pay much attention to the little brawl.

"Gosh Akko! What was that all about? You were very rude to Hannah back in the hallway". I stated narrowing my eyes at her. I sat down next to Lotte who was reading our favorite novel and wasn't aware of the events unfolding around her.

"You know our little trouble maker here". Sucy responded instead. "She is like a puppy, if she doesn't get plenty of exercise she won't stay still". She said with a little smirk in her face.

"Hey! I'm not a puppy" Akko pouted. "And for the record, if I were one, I'll be the cutest puppy you could ever imagine". She said sticking out her tongue and making us giggle.

"Anyway, sorry Barbara, I had to get back this letter and win a meal in the process".

I rolled my eyes, of course it had to be food involved in this.

"What's in the letter?". Constanze's stanbot chimed in.

"Not telling ya". Akko respond with a smug smile in her face, putting the letter inside her vest.

"BUMMER". Was written in Constanze's clipboard.

"Aaaaw, c'mon! After all you did at least we deserve that much". I complained.

"Nnnnah, not happening".

"Is it yummy?". Was the one question that only Jasminka could've ask.

"You could say that, yes". Akko answered giving her a big smile and thumbs up.

"Ooooh!". Jasminka clapped her hands in delight.

That was insulting and unacceptable, Akko wasn't giving us anything, Sucy shrugged and continue eating, Lotte wasn't even in this realm of existence, Constanze just growled and worst of all, Jasminka was still clapping! That's it! "Akko! I dema-".

"Let her be". Amanda interrupted me. "I tried to convince her to tell me for hours and lil' miss stubborn right here won't yield, so if I were you I wouldn't bother anymore". She said as she gets close to the table. "Here, your dirty meal has arrived". She put the tray grudgingly in front of the smaller girl.

"Ooooh, thank you very much miss O'Neill, always a pleasure to do business with ya". Akko said in a mocking tone.

Amanda just rolled her eyes and took a sit. "And cut it out already woman, I told you I'm fine". She said to Hannah who was trying to cure the bruise in here face.

"Ush! Let me help you, your forehead is all red. Diana has been giving me lessons in healing magic and, like, I really could use the practice". She said narrowing her eyes.

"Uuugh, okay fine! Whatever". Amanda finally gave in, muttering something to herself.

"You're welcome" Hannah said grinning. Since when does she car- "Oh, Barbs, sorry, here is our meal".

"Oh, right". I took the trays off her left hand. "Thanks Hannah, and miss Kagari, I'll let this one pass". At least until I can confirm some things.

"I don't think she could hear you over the sound of food being shoved into her mouth" Sucy said as she observes the girl in question devouring her food.

"Yeah… I think you are right…". We continue our dinner in momentary peace. At least for a while.

"So, Barbs, then what happened? You were telling me about what you saw". Hannah whispered seeking to keep this between the two of us.

"Right! Where was I…? Oh! After the incident with the 'potion' the smell was killing me, so I ran, like, really fast to the window looking out for fresh air and it was right there when I saw und-".

"Diana!". Akko shouted "Here! I saved you a seat!".

"Agh! My earballs! Control your voice Kagari". Amanda winced, she was seated across the table and I think that like the rest of us she could hear Akko like she was right next to her.

"Although Amanda's statement is a little odd, she is right Akko, you should moderate your voice and use a pleasant tone in future announcements, by the way, you are very welcome for the seat" Diana said as she approached and took the seat next to Akko.

"Not like anyone else would sit with us or even dare to take that spot" Sucy said almost whispering.

"Haha… sorry~. Here Diana, I got your favorite meal". Akko said handing Diana the second plate on her tray.

There it is again, I can't be wrong.

"That's why you ordered two portions? And what do you mean 'I'? I was the one who got those". Amanda complained, leaning back in her chair with her arms folded behind her head.

Akko just chuckle and stuck out her tongue at Amanda. Geez. How many times do I need to be interru-.

"Oh. In that case you have my gratitude Amanda. You indeed have a good taste". Diana said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Anyway, Hannah, like I was saying". I scooted close to her.

"Yeah…?" She said eagerly.

"When I looked outside the window there wer-".


"Oi! Constanze stop it! I thought you let it go!". Akko yelled as Constanze pointed her modified stanbot at her chest.

"By the nine! Can't you be quite for five minutes?! You brutes. We are trying to gossip around here". Hannah yelled, slamming her hands on the table.

"Hey! Don't talk to Cons-" .

"Shut it". Hannah counter Amanda as she gets closer to her with narrowed eyes. Amanda flinched and nods. "What were you saying Barbs?".


"Oi! Who are calling a 'brute'? Diaaaana, she is being mean".

"You deserved it, now, quiet. Barbs?".

"Eh… I".

"Girls, we are not children anymore, you need to act likewise and set the example to our younger classmates". Diana intervened.

"Right… So, Hannah, I-".

"But Dianaaa, you can't overlook her barbarities all the time".

Seriously. You too Hannah? "I'm trying to sa-".

"But where is the fun in that? Those two always made my day" Now Sucy had to participate. That's it.

"ENOUGH!". I stood up. "HANNAH I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU THAT I SAW DIANA AND AKKO KISSING UNDER A STATUE IN THE COURTYARD! AND… I could see… some tongue…" I whispered that last part as everybody got quiet looking at me. Maybe I said it too loud…

"EEEEH?!". Lotte finally reacted.

"HA HA HA HA". Everyone burst into laugh. Sucy and Constanze curled into their sits, unable to contain their guffaw, Jasminka almost choke with her chip and Amanda fell backwards in her chair, but both continue laughing. Diana and Akko looked at each other and then Akko let out a laugh and smashed her head and fist against the table and Diana just stifled a giggle with her hand. Hannah averted her gaze from me, trying to hide her smirk but the little jolts of her shoulders betrayed her.

Then out of nowhere Lotte rush above the table with an unnatural speed towards Akko and Diana.

"Is that true?! Are you a couple now?! Since when?! Could… CouldyoudressupasBelleandEdgarand playanscenefromthebookforme?!". Lotte asked with glimmering eyes. Do I look like her when I'm fangirling?

"Hahaha, sorry Lotte, but I think Barbara is confused, Diana and I are just buddys, hehe". Akko stated still trying not to laugh.

"That is right Lotte, miss Kagari and I share a platonic relationship. We have never been involved in such an intimate act of appreciation". Diana said as compose as ever.

"Aaaaaw". All the spark left Lotte's face.

"But I… I'm not 'confused', I know what I saw!".

"Oh man… haha". Amanda said as she wipes the tears from her face and sits down again. "I needed that, but seriously, those two? Miss 'Heart of Steel' and Miss 'Mindless'? Haha, sorry, but that's a load of frittata".

"What did you say?". Sucy asked.

"Frittata, an Italian omelet with diced beets and vegetables, you should look it up" Jasminka responded with a smile.

"Oh! Better watch yourself next time Amanda or I'll frittata you". Akko stated pointing her fingers at Amanda.

"'Frittata' is not a verb Akko". Diana retorted.

*BANG* Constanze shot at Akko's face.

"But girls! I'm, like, 100% sure I saw them! Doing… that". I knew this was going to happen. "I'm not blind or crazy, it was them, you believe me, right Hannah?".

"Barbs, sweetie, you know I'll always back you up, but that's a little too…". Hannah started.

"Nuts?" Sucy finished. "Hehe, you know, maybe my potion messed up your head". She grinned with her shark-looking teeth. "It was a little… unstable, after all".

"See Barbs, maybe you did get confused".

"Well… Now that you mention it, I had to rub my eyes, like, to be sure it was them and when I opened them again they were gone…".

"So that settled it then, girls we should return to our respective dorms now and get ready for tomorrow. Curfew is getting closer and I wouldn't like to report any of you. Did you hear me miss Kagari?". Diana said in a bossy manner but with a light smile.

"Yes ma'am!". Akko chuckle.

"Yeah yeah, let's go, Cons, Jasna, we have a loooot to talk about tonight. Don't stray too far from your way miss Atsuko Cavendish~". Amanda chuckle as she and her team left the hall. Constanze holding up her clipboard with a very detailed drawing of Akko and Diana holding hands.

"Oi! Amanda! Don't make me put you on the ground again! Constanze! This is your first warning!". Akko and Sucy followed them.

"Hey Barbara, if it makes you feel any better, we could write something about it, like some kind of fictional story, you know, by the fans". Lotte offered with a warm smile. "Anyway, see you tomorrow".

"Thanks, Lotte, I'll think about it, good night". She waved at me as she joined Sucy's slow pace.

"Seriously, those girls. Hannah, Barbara, you girls go on, I've to report to the professors. I'll join you once I finish my duties".

"Again? Diana you need to take a break, those old hags are exploiting you. It's the third time this week, I thought you said that is was going to be once a week".

"Hannah is right Diana, you are just a student like us, you don't have to do all the work around here".

"I appreciate your concern girls, but I assure you I can handle it. So off you two, I'll see you in about an hour or so". Diana said leaving the hall.

"Well Barbs, let's get going, I need a hot shower, I still can smell Sucy's 'experiment' in my hair, ugh!".

"Right, I could use a hot shower too, it has been a loooong day" I said making our way to the dorms.

All this 'kiss' thing has been really stressful, although, is weird that Hannah hasn't experimented any kind of hallucination as I did, she was, like, right next to the thing when it exploded. Maybe I need to get better at defensive spells. Even Akko has surpassed us, she is now part of the top 5 of our generation. Since the event with the 'shiny' thingy and the released of the words of who-knows-who she has been getting better nonstop. Geez, I won't let the former dunce of Luna Nova beat us.

I've always enjoyed the autumn sunset, this is, like, my favorite season of the year, I could spend all day watching the foliage dancing with the wind, all the red and brown mixing together, I find it relaxing. But now… here I am, in the library, missing all that because of some dumb assignment and worst of all, I'm by myself. Hannah had to complete her numerology essay with Amanda. Just my luck I guess.

"It's getting late… And I can't figure out this stupid incantation yet. Are those supposed to be 'Nightshades' or 'Deathbells'? Uuuugh". What I'd give for Diana to be here. She could explain this stu-.


"What?". I thought I was alone here. Agh, whatever, I need to finish this.

"So, according to the text, to perform the incantation correctly one must concentrate the right amount of magic into the wand and distribute it evenly in all six containers bef-".

*Thumb* *Giggles*

Seriously. These new students don't know anything about respect nowadays, like, this is a library, some people try to study around here. Geez… now I'm sounding like professor Finnelan.

A shiver ran down my back.

Gosh. The nine forbid, I'm waaaay too young to be like her, what was I thinking? I'm but a blooming tender girl with her finest years still ahead. Soon I'll be an outstanding witch and like Belle, I'll meet my charming couple, we'll travel around the world, just the two of us, together and in the top of the fanciest restaurant we at last be engan… Aaaaaaw! Now I'm blushing! Gosh, put yourself together Barbara.

"Now, where was I?" *Ahem* "All the containers must be filled before the ingredients lose their magic properties. Watering the seed is a good way o prevent it, the caster should…".



"Sto-... someon-... hear us".

"Shh-...'s nobod-... at this-... here".

"For the love of… I need to teach these newbies some manners". As I stood up from my sit I could see the bookshelf bounce a little.

"Pleas-... ana-... you kno-... don't li-... teased".

Wait a minute… It's… It's that Akko? Could this mean…

"You alw-... the cutie-... when you-...".

Diana?!... YES! I knew it! I'm not crazy. I did see them. Yes, yes, YES! Hohoho. I started to hop in emotion. Those two can't fool me. They are pretty good actresses tho... Doesn't matter, now is my time to shine, I'll expose them right here, right now and…



Some books felt down because of my excitement. No no no no. I rushed towards the bookshelf. They must had heard me, stupid me. I hear a rumble.

You can't hide anymore guys, you're right there, just around the corner. I can't wait to see your flustered faces when you have to admit that I was right all along and…

"AHA!... Wha…?". Nobody is here… Like, for real? I heard them… This can't be true! Not again!

"AAAAW" I fell to my knees.

"Miss Parker!".

"Uhm… Y-Yes Mrs. Southeil…?".

"Why are you going about all this scandal, young lady? May I remind you that this is the library". The librarian towered over me with her old piercing white eyes, threatening to suck the soul out of my body.

"And what are you doing on the floor? Compose yourself miss!".

"Y-yes!". I rose to my feet. "B-but Mrs. Southeil, i-it wasn't me! I swear I heard someone else's voice, they were the ones making all that racket. I was about to catch them when you-".

"Silence!" She scolds and with a quick move of here wand she brought a large old book from her desk to our side. "I believe that my position allows me to know a few things, such as who enters and leaves this precinct".


"AND, miss Parker, it says right here that you are the only student present at this moment". She levitates the book right in front my face. "Do you see any other name?".


"Of course not! Maybe my eyes make you think that I'm blind, but I assure you that I'm very capable of seeing". She grabs the book and turns her wand into a magic pen. "Now, this will be your first offense miss Parker and I hope that it will be the last one".

"Y-yes ma'am".

"Very well, now, fix this mess at once. And no magic!". She then turns to leave, but something catches her attention. "Oh, there you are, and you got another one, good girl". She bends over and grabs something from the floor.

"Mrs. Southeil…?"

"Don't mind me young miss, it's just my little friend". She turns to me again holding a white fluffy cat with a mouse in its snout, gross… "She must be a student's familiar, but she rather spends quite some time around here, always getting rid of those insufferable rodents, this one is the four this week". She pets the cat's head.

"I see… but ma'am, aren't those mice some other student's familiar?". Not a big fan myself but, like, could it be, right?

"If they are, it doesn't concern me, they should be careful with their partners and quite frankly, they could've chose a better one". She puts the cat on the floor and it leaves elegantly. "Go little one and enjoy your meal, you truly have earn the right to bare fangs, now miss Parker, if that's all, you have some books to arrange". She glares at me one last time before she leaves.

"…Yes mrs. Southeil…".

Geez, I was certain I heard their voices, could I be imagining things? Again? Maybe I'm really getting old like professor Finnelan…

Another shiver runs down my back.

Better get this done before she comes back, I don't want those eyes looking at me again, like, never…

It took me quite some time to arrange all those books and finish my stupid assignment before the librarian kicked me out, like, I was helping her, rude… Anyway, I took my leave straight to my dorm, obviously avoiding those old, soul-sucking, white eyes. Been almost curfew, the halls were practically empty. I was hoping to run into Lotte, we have some major Nightfall issues to discuss, but then again, it is late.

So, it let me with my own issue, those whispers, I couldn't get my mind off it, I'm sure I heard Diana talking to Akko, like, in a very seductive way to be honest. But no one was there, just that little kitty. I must admit, she was adorable, putting aside the dead rat in her snout. I hope it didn't belong to anyone, choosing a rat wouldn't be my first choice, but nevertheless, maybe someone lose a friend, geez… Now I'm getting emotional…

I need Hannah, she always grounds my mind. Oh, speaking of her. She was turning down the hall, she must had just finished her essay with Amanda, whom I assume put a hard time on her. Seriously I don't know how she tolerates that troublemaker, but judging by the smile in her face, it must've been easy.

"Hannah! Hi! Why the big smile? Did Amanda cause you trouble and you putted her in her place?".

"Hey Barbs, of course I put her in her place". She grins. "But not this time, we actually made a lot of progress and I'm just happy that we could get it done". She said with a faint blush in her cheeks.

"At least you had a good day. Mine was, like, SO exhausting" I let out a heavy sigh as we continue to our dorm. I told her about what happened at the library, emphasizing on the whispering part, with no detail spare, until we arrived at our room's door.

"Do you think I'm losing it?".

"Of course not Barbs, don't be so hard on yourself, maybe you're just tired, and that's all. Your assignment is, like, one of the toughest, so take it easy". She gave me a soft smile and a pat on my shoulder.

"Thanks Hannah! I need it that". I take the door knob and open it. "Diana are you here?".

"You can always count on me Barbs. But, about the cat, I really hope that-". *ACHOO*

"Hannah? Are you alright?". I try to get close, but she stops me.

"Barbs-". *achoo* "Did you-". *achoo* "Did you touch the cat?!". *ACHOO*

"Of course not! I know you are allergic Hannah".

"Girls? Is everything all right?". Diana shows up from her side of the room.

"Sorry Diana, I-". *achoo* "I need-". *ACHOO* "I need to go to the bathroom!". She covers another sneeze with her hands and runs out of the room.

"Oh my, do you know what happened to her Barbara?".

"I think she had an allergic attack, but there aren't any cats nearby and I'm sure I didn't touch the cat I found in the library".

"How… odd. Certainly, she must had come in contact with something that triggered her allergies. Outside our room of course". Diana says as she brushes her skirt.

"R-right". But she started to sneeze just as we enter the room.

"Anyway, I must take my leave, I was getting ready before you girls arrived, curfew is about to start and I'm on sentry duty".

"Wait Diana, before you go, could you help me with something?".

"By all means Barbara, what is it?". I hand her a folded letter.

"I found it in the library, mrs. Southeil made me arrange some books and it was laying on the floor, I think it is dragon language".

"Is that so, let me see…". She unfolds the letter and her eyes open widely. "Y-yes, it is dragon language, i-indeed".

"Really? What does it say Diana?". How strange, Diana never stammers.

*Ahem* "It is an old recipe involving… involving human flesh, yes. I-I must depart now, and I will take this letter to the headmistress, s-she will know how to handle it". She puts the letter in her vest and rapidly strides off to the door. "Be sure to take care of Hannah when she comes back, I'll return at midnight". And that was all before she closes the door leaving me alone.

"That was…unusual" I put my right hand in my chin. "No… that was… suspicious". I narrow my eyes. Diana never acts like that. And if Nightfall has taught me something is that Diana is keeping a secret and I bet it involves a certain brunette witch who was fighting over a letter just like that one just a few days ago. I point my right index finger to door.

"I'll catch you two! You'll see!". I yelled at the door. "You'll see...".

"So basically, I was minding my own business when Rosie came by and said, 'Hi Hannah, how are you?' And I was like 'Ugh, fine… you?' And then she starts rambling about some nonsenses and I was like 'Yeah, sure, whatever' I mean, who does she think she is? Right?".

"Geez Hannah, what's with that girl that you can't withstand? Hehe, like, I've never see you like that with nobody, not even with Akko at first year. Is she really that awful?". I ask her as we enjoy our lunch in the courtyard.

"Like, for real Barbs? Of course, she's up to something, I just know it". She rants vigorously, hehe, if I didn't know her I'll swear she sounds almost jealous. "Anyway, let's forget about her, how are you doing with your little 'investigation'?".

"Aaaw, you make it sound like I'm crazy Hannah". I pout and avert my eyes from her.

"Sorry Barbs, but it really sounds a little…".

"Don't you say it". I stare at her.

"I was going to said 'absurd'. Like, think about it Barbs, you've been following them for what? A week now? And have you found anything?".

"I almost catch them holding hands, like, once". I said looking down to my knees ashamed. "They haven't notice me, but they haven't done anything revealing either".

"See? I think you need to move on from this 'Diakko' thing". She holds my hand and give a firm squeeze.


"Yeah, that's how Amanda calls it. It sounds pretty neat if you ask me". She said with a proud smile and… a longing gaze…?.

"Right… in any case, Diakko or not". It does really sounds pretty neat. "I'm not giving up, even it takes me the whole year to disclose them".

*Sigh* "If you say so, what's your plan today then? Any luck finding that perfect moment?".

"Well, yes, it's the weekend, so Lotte told me that Akko is going to be at Blytonbury and she is going to meet with 'someone' there. She didn't tell her who she's going to see, but of course I know that person is Diana". I said crossing my arms across my chest with a smug smile.

"Diana? But she is going to be-".

"Running some errands for the headmistress? Yes! But she avoided telling us that said errands happen to be at some shaggy store at…". I started wiggling my eyebrow at Hannah.


"Blytonbury! Yes! Oh my, Hannah, you are very perceptive, hehe." I state as I rose to me feet and help her stand up.

"Well, like, you know me". She responds rolling her eyes with a soft smile.

"Ok, so I need to get my stuff now and head to the Leyline to be there on time, would you like to come? I really could use another witness".

"Sorry Barbs, but I need to change my clothes and put on some makeup, I have this important meeting I told you about, remember?". She blushes and curls the end of her ponytail in her index finger and makes some circles with it.

"Oh! Right! I totally forgot about it, sorry Hannah". Really smooth Barbara, geez. "Don't feel embarrassed, you'll do just fine. I'm sure you will impress them, just put on that one dress your mom sent you, it's like, reaaaaally fancy, I'm so jealous". She perks up and looks at me with sparkles in her eyes.

"D-do you think sh- I mean they will be impressed?". She grabs both my hands into hers. "Like, really?".

"Absolutely Hannah! That dress is gorgeous, and it looks fantastic on you, like, obviously they'll be impressed, think about it as your 'Lucky Sharm'". I give her a reassuring nod.

"B-but… I'm really nervous. Don't you think a need something new?". She says with her eyes low.

"No buts! Do you remember what Akko always says?".

"Eh? Akko? Mmh… Doki doki something something...?".

"No! The other thing".

"Uh… Yatta…?".

"No, no, the one from her cards". I start to scratch my head.

"A magic heart... it's your belief…?".

"Yeah! That's the one… I think… whatever, just believe in yourself and all will be fine, ok?". I take her by the shoulders and give her a determined look.

"Ok Barbs! Thank you!". She gives me a tight hug. "We should go now, you have some lovebirds to catch after all".

"Right! Let's go". We then head to our dorm, I have the feeling that this is going to be a great day.

"Alright, it's all set". After I gathered my stuff and helped Hannah put on her dress I headed towards the Leyline to Blytonbury, by this time Akko must be already in her 'meeting' and according to Lotte it's going to be at a small cafe downtown, which is at an open area, fortunately I brought the perfect spy outfit.

"Stylish beret, check. Fashion sunglasses with enhance sight, check. Totally unsuspicious coat, check". I'm so excited! I feel like Belle in Nightfall Vol. 254 when she has to spy on Arthur's date with his so called 'female friend'... that turns out to be a set up to prove that she was in fact jealous… Nevermind, I feel awesome.

"If only Akko could show up already, it's been half an hour". I was sitting across the street in a bench 'reading' a newspaper, totally normal for a young pretty girl like me to that at this time of day. "It's so Akko to be late but I haven't seen Diana either, that is odd".

Although, the cafe is really small, there is only one young man at the sole table outside the place and he has been looking at his watch nonstop… could he be Akko's date? No way, it can't be…

"Wait a minute, he looks... familiar…". I adjust my glasses to make a zoom in. "It's he… A-Andrew? Handsome Andrew?!". He then turns his head right and I can confirm it. "What is he doing here?... Oh! There is Akko". Really? A dorky T-shirt and shorts? Classic Akko…

"Excuse me miss, may I take a sit?". A man's voice asks me.

"Eh? Yeah, sure, like, whatever". I move a little to my left, not bother looking at him.

Akko enters the cafe and heads straight to Andrew. He stands up and politely offers his hand to her, but she instead hugs him. Oh. My. Gosh. Akko don't you have any clue about proper etiquette? Geez. It seems that Andrew had already order some beverage, such a gentleman. But where is Diana? Maybe Hannah was right, and I need to move on from this 'Diakko' thing. She is just here with Andrew, it eludes me how they became friends in the first place, but they do hang out every once in a while, at least according to Avery's gossip. And Diana must really be doing the errands she was ask for.

"Aw, all this for nothing…". I let out a heavy sigh. "Maybe I should just go b-". Wait, they are… they are holding hands?!.

"Miss? Are you alright?". The man asks me.

"Sir, hush! I'm onto something here". I respond still not looking at him.

They are holding hands! They get closer to each other, both with a smile in their faces and a faint blush. Wow, this enhancement spell is pretty cool, I can see everything. They start to laugh, and Akko adjust a strand of her hair behind her ear looking down bashfully. Andrew gets closer to her, he extends his hand and cup Akko's chin making her look at him. Akko closes her eyes.

"Wait! No! No! What are you doing?!". I frantically stand up. "What is happening?!". They are about to… kiss!.

"For the love of Britain… I've had enough". The man says as he stands up next to me and I turn to face him.

"Pardon me… Eeeeeh!?". I yelped. "A-A-Andrew?!". Now I'm sure I lost it, Andrew is standing right next to me with an exasperated face.

"Yes, I'm Andrew Handbridge, a pleasure to see you again miss Parker, excuse me one moment". He gives me a polite nod and calmly walks towards the cafe, where Akko and the other 'Andrew' are already kissing.

I just nod at him and fell to the bench with a confused expression. He slowly approaches them, they seem to be very concentrated in their task at hand and doesn't notice that he is already at their table. He rubs his temples and then bends over them and pokes at their shoulders. They separate and look at him annoyed, Akko is about to say something when she finally realizes who's standing next to them. Both jump scared with shocked faces. Andrew just crosses his arms with an unamused face waiting for them to elaborate. The fake Andrew tries to say something and suddenly he is covered by a puff of smoke and now in his place is standing… Diana!

"AHA! I KNEW IT!". I yelled to them across the street and they slowly turn to face me, both with really red faces. Diana just face palms and Akko rubs the back of her neck with an apologetic smile, Andrew draws their attention once again with a frown in his face. Akko start to wave her hands frantically in front on her and Diana is a mess, trying to say something but just stopping mid word.

"This is... This is really funny, hahaha". I can't hear anything they are saying, but this certainly worth the wait. I've never seen Diana so embarrassed and red and Akko… it's just Akko being her, no surprises there.

"I think it's time for me to have a little talk with the 'lovely' couple, hehe". I hopped slowly to the café with a great feel of accomplishment. "Oh my, hello girls, what happens to be the fuzz?". I rest my elbow on top the cafe's fence as I take off my sunglasses.

"B-Barbara! This isn't what it looks like!". Akko starts.

"O-of course it isn't, this is just…". Diana continues.

"This is just what exactly, Diana? Please do share". Andrew inquires rather coldly.

Oh! I get it! "It's this about the bet?". I said, covering my mouth gracefully with my hand.

"Bet?!" The three of them say in unison.

"Of course, you remember the bet, don't you? Where the first to get a kiss from the handsome Andrew Handbridge wins a cauldron full of mystery candies".

"W-what? That's preposterous, there is no such a-". Diana says.

"Really?!". Akko beams up. "Did you know about the bet Diana? Why didn't you tell me?".

"Akko, of course there is no such bet!". Diana states frustrated.

"Is that so miss Parker?". Andrew says as he rubs the bridge of his nose.

"Well, yes, like, everyone at Luna Nova knows about it, but look at the time". I glance at my non-existent watch. "I need to go now, but I'm sure Diana and Akko will fill you with details, right girls?".

"W-wait Barb-".

"Don't lea-".

"Ok, see you later guys, bye!". And just like that I left them and head down the street. I take a quick peek back at them and see Andrew scolding them, hehe. I let out a long sigh.

"I feel like a took a huge burden off my back". I look up to the sky. "I knew I was right. YES!". I jump with joy. "But what about all that charade involving Andrew? And how could've he recognize me with my perfect spy outfit…? Well nevermind, what's important is that I finally catch them, I can't wait to tell…". I walk by a fancy restaurant with a French theme and in one of the tables is...

"Hannah? She didn't tell me that her meeting was at a restaurant". I get closer to window. "W-who is the guy with her? Wait, i-is that… Amanda?! Why is she wearing a tux? Oh my gosh, they are getting closer… they are…". I fell to me knees.

"Did I just…?"


Hello guys! So, this is my very first fic! Actually, it's the most I've written, EVER. If you guys guess I'm no writer, this took me about two months to complete. Don't judge me! The game came out last month and I had to talk to everyone. Every. Single. Character. So. Many. Times. (Totally worth it).

Anyway… This is it! Please, fell free to criticize, I'm open to any kind of opinion you guys may have, whether it is hard to follow or out of character or total crap, or maybe it's good, anything! I just want you guys to enjoy it and have a good laugh.

Also, I would to thank these guys for sharing their stories with the community, they have inspired me, and they had brought me a lot of joy these past months:

omaomae, Silver Supa, momoxtoshiro, whokilledlaurapalmer, AllTheCliches, symbiotic, Reynabot, andybluee, Cyberano, AevumAve, ABelievingHeart, Fiction-L-lauriet, Soulcoffee, LupitaAzucena, Webdog177, Antigo, FeliciaRei, Bleach010915, ByDust, IAmTheUltimateGleek, MediocreWriter, trickysituation, Dinora, KiwiKagari, Bakufan15, Cxtch, tititenis, Kiponite, Celes Luna, LotteYansonNF, Homuakuma, RealmOMFG, RukiaJr-chan, xxBurningxx, tinydaydream, Esder.

Special thanks to ImaginaryEngineer who was the one that brought me into this fandom and my very first favorite author. And ItWasYourTest who gave me the push I needed to start this story. Really guys, thank you so much.

Ok, I know, I'm extending it too much, kind of a big deal for me alright? (Geez!). Anywho, if any of you guys or any other reader enjoyed this, I'll be very very happy.

Fun fact – There is an event in the game involving Rosie and a certain fan club which leads to another hilarious event that I couldn't believe was in the game, look it up!

Alright, alright! I'm finished! Thanks for reading!