Chapter 12: Packing Up the Minivan

January 24th 2033: The Birth

Claire checked into the hospital at 10 a.m. with Quil, her mother Jo, and her father George, leaving the girls with Leticia. Both Maddox and Harley loved it at the Call house. It was no secret that before she moved on to Taylor, Maddie was head over heels for Freddie, and Leticia, whose children didn't stay children for long, loved having any opportunity to dote on the girls.

Soledad loved it too. Little known fact about Soli: the part-time hard-ass and rocker, was also a part-time professional cuddler and her number one target was Harley Ateara. Harley, the younger of the two girls, had a spunk that Soli gravitated to and whenever her little Lee was in residence she would keep her close. It was because of Soli's interest in Harley that Randy treated her so well. Randy was a nice kid, raised to be polite and mindful which fit well with his naturally cheerful demeanor, but he was especially nice to Harley. Anything that Soli loved, he did too, that of course did not transfer to her many boyfriends, but Randy indulged her interest with the loyalty of an imprint, though at 13, he was far from turning wolf or imprinting at all for that matter.

When Soli picked up the bass guitar, Randy was the first, and, well only person outside her family, to attend the solo concerts she held in their backyard; he clapped the loudest.

When she wanted to experiment with kissing while she was still about the same physical age as Randy, he was all too willing; he has never forgotten his ninth birthday.

When she wanted to learn the art of hair cutting from her mother, Randy was her first paying client; he paid her his entire allowance of $14 dollars for a crooked bowl cut that gave his father Collin Littlesea weeks of entertainment.

When she first started smoking, he would hide them for her in his book bag; he was suspended for two days when his teacher found them, but it was all worth the full body hug she had given him for not ratting her out.

So while Claire and Quil were welcoming baby Addison into the world, Randy faithfully sat by Soli's side as she braided and primped the Harley's hair.

"Should I go or what?" Amber didn't bother with introductions. In the age of smartphones, greetings were all but obsolete. Besides Amber saw Soli as her second soulmate, and Soli should know who it was the second she answered and also exactly what Amber was talking about. That was the comfort of their friendship.

"Claro," Soli rolled her tongue. Randy loved when she spoke Spanish, he even learned a fair bit, enough to know she said 'of course,' though not what or who she was saying it to.

"Really? You don't think it'll be too weird."

"It'll be weird but she's family," Soli continued in English. "Besides you guys haven't made a public appearance since the pack chain spread the big news. Show off your engagement ring and hold your head high before people start moaning and putting in their two cents where it doesn't belong," Soli said scooting farther away from Randy, who had leaned in to listen.

"Emily already is… she's mad at me," Amber sighed, flipping her hand over to examine the ring Solace had bought her just a day before. It was platinum with a two carat square white diamond centerpiece and two triangle black stones on either side.

"Yeah, well, this cuts a little close to home, don't you think? If Sam had fought for Leah then she's be all alone," Soledad said bluntly.

"That's so mean," Amber said quickly watching Solace as he slept. He had been having a hard time retiring from the pack. It wasn't the pack he missed, he had left that patrol lifestyle a long time ago, it was the phasing he missed, and at night to keep from phasing, he would work out for hours until he was so tired he could collapse. Last night he had forgone traditional cardio for the carnal kind; he was still sleeping it off.

"I didn't say that should have happened, then we wouldn't have a Mark, I'm just saying that's probably what bugs her about it," Soledad defended herself, resting her head on Randy's shoulder. He didn't move, staying entirely still as she leaned on him. When they were alone, sometimes she would hold his hand or lean on him, but if he said anything or moved or enjoyed it too much, like a spell it would be broken and she wouldn't do it again for a long time.

"Maybe I shouldn't—"

"Every situation is different, right, Randy?" She asked taking her head off his shoulder and looking into his big grey eyes.

He nodded and when it looked like she wanted more he added, "Yes, always different."

He had no idea what they were talking about, he'd only heard one side of the conversation but he'd agree with anything if it meant a happy Soli. Sometimes with his size, Soledad forgot how young he was, she forgot that she wasn't supposed to have lingering feelings for him, and she wasn't supposed to cuddle or ask his advice.

She stood quickly, shooing Maddox and Harley to the kitchen. While he loved to look at her, especially from the back—well, also especially from the front—Randy frowned from the sudden loss of Soli and he knew she wouldn't do that again for a long while. Maybe he was supposed to say no. Maybe he should have asked what he was saying yes to. Next time he would ask, he promised himself that.

"Will you come with me then?" Amber asked slipping, softly out of bed and tip-toeing to the closet.

"Yeah, Mama is bringing the girls over in an hour, Quil said they'd be good for visiting by then," Soli said as Randy moved towards her. He was going to hug her, she knew it—every time she got too comfortable and did something stupid like touch his arm or hold his hand, he would take it to mean something it couldn't and he would hug her. Today it was from behind, he pulled her in by the waist and she didn't struggle letting his arms wrap entirely around.

If she closed her eyes, inhaling his sweet untainted scent, she could imagine he was a man, her soulmate even—a rich socialite who would sweep her away from this dump and show her the world her mother always talked about. But he wasn't—he wasn't her soulmate and he wasn't a man, just a silly boy, something she had to remind herself more and more of as he hit puberty and his smell became more appealing.

Addison Fynn Ateara was born in the mid-afternoon hours, a week past his due date through medically induced labor. It was quick, though not painless, and he came into the world with a powerful wail heard all down the corridor. Like all the children before and all the children after, the pack came in droves to greet the little man but this time the baby wasn't the only attraction. Solace and Amber standing hand in hand in the waiting room was just as big of a sight to see.

Before the imprint, people tried their best to not stare, to treat it like a normal run of the mill romance, but now all bets were off. David could barely stop himself from doing double takes looking comically between Solace who held onto Amber and Maddox, who sat at the other end of the waiting area. She was dressed in her best: a robin's egg blue with white details that Leticia bought for her. Maddox didn't like to wait and she impatiently kicked her little legs, throwing not so subtle looks in Solace's direction, he pretended he didn't notice but everyone else did.

She was curious about him, like most five-year olds would be. He hadn't been here long but everyone seemed to think something different of him. Her Daddy liked Solace and her Mommy didn't. Her Auntie Amber loved him though, so he couldn't be bad then, could he? He was cute, cuter than Taylor but when she told her Mommy that, she got sad and cried a little so she made sure not to repeat it. He was nice too, he had gotten her cute shoes in her favorite color that said her name right on it and once, when she fell, he rushed to her like her Daddy did to make sure she was okay. Maddox liked him, about as much as any five-year old could like a stranger but since everyone else seemed to be glaring at him she kept that to herself.

Maddox and Harley were the first to be let in and when the nurse said three at a time she ran back to her Amber, grabbing her hand and pulling her from Solace's side. They entered the room together, greeting Addison hand in hand as they had with Harley.

June 29th 2033: The Wedding

Claire didn't protest Amber and Solace's wedding once; she went along with it like a big sister should. Claire used her artistic eye to create stunning centerpieces for the tables and to draw out intricate designs for the set up of the barn they would be married in. It was way outside of La Push, the main building in a small dairy family barn cum church, cum boutique, cum empty space Solace found while driving throughout the state. It was a little run down but when Amber saw the place she had to have it and Solace was in the habit of getting her everything she wanted. He bought the land from the county, it hadn't been in use for over a decade and there weren't exactly one day rentals.

Claire and Leah planned her bachelorette night and convinced every wolf girl to attend. They also accompanied her to all the bridal shops in Seattle, until a stop at 103rd Avenue proved to be a winner with a vintage Vera Wang dress. It was beautiful, long and flowing with a simple silver and blue flower design at the bodice. The dress went well with the veil, the only thing Solace's mother contributed to the ceremony. She had passed years before but Solace kept the veil that she stored in her closet behind boxes of church memorabilia and moth-bitten clothes.

It was a simple veil, slightly yellowed until Amber had it dry cleaned, twice. The long veil had been worn by his grandmother in the 1960s, and it was the only request he made for the ceremony. Money was not at an issue, he had said it more than once and he proved it not only by buying the barn but with the engagement ring he presented her with. The ring was his extravagant way of showing his love.

As a child he didn't really have much in the way of money, but as an adult he had been more than fortunate, first with his eBay hardware business, then with the hardware store that sold for millions, then later as the head of strategy and defense at Volterra. He was housed there, provided with food and luxuries he never enjoyed before, all while being paid a handsome wage. He wasn't the type to think about rings and marriage but as a child she would plan their wedding all the time and now that it was real he didn't want to disappoint.

With baby Addison in the picture, Amber came around more often. She had settled the uncomfortable feeling of jealousy over Maddox and was accepted back into the fold of the Ateara family alongside Solace. Quil and Claire had talked and talked and talked the situation in circles and this is what they came up with: if an imprinter doesn't embrace their imprint, they cannot and should not be forced.

Amber was happy and if they loved her then they should be to. Maddox was in the unique position that she did not know and would never know about her imprint, so they were going to keep Amber close for as long as possible, because once she married Solace, she would be gone, and it was doubtful she'd come back.

Amber's graduation came and went and with her wedding so close around the corner, it was kind of overshadowed. She chose to make it small, the ceremony performed by an ancient Catholic priest that knew Solace's mom well, Solace, his best man Phil, Amber and her maid of honor Soledad. Everyone came, imprinted or not, supportive or horrified.

The Ateara's sat in the row behind the rest of the Cameron's. Ethan had returned by Solace's request, much to the surprise of the entire pack. He came alone, though from the fresh scent of familiar vamp on him, Quil noted there were enforcements nearby: Carlisle and Jasper. He was dressed in a suit that clearly read money and he sat between Taylor and his mother in the front, far away from the Uleys and the Lahotes.

Amber waited for her cue in the back so she couldn't see him, but she knew from the rented sports car manned by a stunning vampire that he was there. Claire and Quil both embraced Ethan warmly, introducing the lost wolf to their family.

"He's cute!" Maddie whispered, a five year old whisper that you didn't have to be a wolf to hear. Ethan's profile lit up warmly as he smiled, his brother and mother on either side of him equally enthused.

"He's taken," Claire whispered with a wink to Ethan who had his head tilted in a way that he could see the two from the corner of his eye.

"Why are they all taken?" Maddie huffed, crossing her little arms in front of her. It took the smile off of everyone around them.

Soledad and Phil walked down the aisle together arm in arm, it made Randy who sat at the end of the aisle inexplicably jealous, his blood boiled, his temperature rising uncomfortably. Solace soon followed, Maddox straining her little neck to see around her father. She sat between Harley and her dad, her mother on Harley's left cradling her sleeping infant brother. He was a quiet baby, a first in the Ateara household, both of their girls were rather vocal. Quil leaned down and kissed the top of her head and when he looked at Claire sadly watching on he kissed her again.

The music started before Amber appeared it was soft and subtle in the background drowned out by the sound of scraping chairs and the shifting of the guests as they stood to mark her entrance.

"So beautiful," Maddox squealed hopping a bit and standing on her seat to get a better look as Jared walked her down the aisle. He was tearing, his eyes completely focused on her as they walked towards Solace. She was stunning glowing in the way she always did when Solace looked at her, though he was not the only one looking at her now. Jared let her go a tad reluctantly, pulling back her veil to kiss her on both cheeks before he stepped back, Ethan moving down to make room for him.

The priest began, and Maddox turned to Claire, leaning across Harley to whisper. "What does gathered mean?" She asked in earnest.

"It means to come together, like a meeting," Claire whispered, eyeing Quil, he grabbed little Maddie's hand and called her attention to the ceremony. Harley, bored and uncomfortable in her new dress, began to fidget about twenty minutes into the long ceremony. She tossed and turned in her seat, until Anna came in for the save passing her a lollipop from her bag.

"Thanks," Claire breathed, placing her arm around the back of Harley's chair as she sucked on her new cherry flavored tootsie pop.

"What does asunder mean?" Maddox asked, looking up to Quil for answers.

"It means to break, to tear apart," Quil whispered indulgently.

Amber and Solace prepared their own vows, they were short, romantic and heart wrenching for Claire, who couldn't shake the feeling that this whole thing was wrong. When they kissed their first kiss as husband and wife, the crowd applauded dutifully and everyone, lovers and naysayers alike congratulated them, giving them hugs and kisses before heading to the reception.

Ethan stayed only for one dance which he savored with his sister who cried softly on his shoulder until the song was over. He slipped out the back with Carlisle and Jasper who both embraced Solace before they left, leaving a pile of gifts from the Cullens and the other vampires in Volterra. As they left, trying to subtlety fade into the background, a new wolf was born; Randy Littlesea the youngest werewolf in pack history burst out of his suit, tackling Phil as he attempted to dance with Soli.

Harley screamed, climbing up her father in horror and that was their cue to leave. The Ateara's said their final congrats as a family, giving a last round of hugs before the packed up their minivan and called it a night.


A/N: The second half of this story was really the jumping off point three other fics:

The Wonderful World of Cupcake and her Wolf (a fluff piece about Kim's daughter Annabelle and her Brady)

My absolute favorite fic 100 Years of Solitude... Okay Maybe Just 5 (which is Soledad Call and Randy Littlesea's story.)

Across the Universe (Ethan Cameron and Elena Black's story)

I will be posting them all in that order