A/N: This is Sophie's final appearance in Mighty Morphin, but not her final appearance altogether, but that's a surprise for later.

Sophie, Billy and Tommy had told Rocky, Adam and Aisha the situation, and now all six of them were in the Command Center. They had all been explaining the problem to Zordon as soon as they arrived.

"So that's all they said, Zordon." Tommy explained. "We have to hand Kathrine over to Rita and Zedd by the end of the day."

"Or else they'll throw Ninjor into the Sea of Sorrow." Billy finished.

"Where he most assuringly will succumb to the elements there." Zordon deduced.

"And vanish off the face of the Earth?" Sophie guessed.

"I'm afraid so." Zordon confirmed.

"We can't just let that happen to Ninjor!" Aisha said franticly. "He's always been there for us."

"We wouldn't even be Power Rangers right now if it weren't for him." Rocky pointed out.

"But what about Kat?" Adam asked.

"Yeah." Tommy sighed. "I mean, we just can't let them have her."

"This truly is a dilemma unlike any we have countered in the past, Power Rangers." Zordon explained. "I'm afraid it is a choice that will be simply impossible to make."

"Zordon, we need your advice." Adam explained. "What are we suppose to do?"

"That is not for me to determine." Zordon replied. "The wisdom that resides in each of you will bring to light a solution to this problem. This is a decision you must come to by yourselves."

The six Rangers then looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

(The palace)

Rita was holding an hour-glass in her hand.

"Well, hubby-dear, that conniving little kitty is finally going to come in handy." she said, before turning it upside down and then turned to her husband. "Isn't she?"

Lord Zedd grumbled. "Let's hope so. It certainly would be nice if for once one of your little schemes went according to plan." he said.

"What ae you saying?!" Rita demanded.

"What I'm saying is your hairbrained plans have always been useless and more trouble than they're worth." Lord Zedd explained.

"Don't go there, Zedd!" Rita warned.

"And until you prove otherwise I have no faith in your ability to perpetrate any wrong doing on anyone." Lord Zedd added.

"Well, hold onto your scepter, Z-man!" Rita advised. "You're about to witness the end of those Power Mosquitos for good!"

"Don't forget that do-gooder Ninjor, my pet." Lord Zedd reminded.

"How could I?" Rita accused. "I'm saving a special place for him, at the of the sea."

(The hospital)

Kimberly was sitting down near her room's window, looking at the people outside, when Vera and Kat came walking in behind her - Kat having a book clutched against her chest.

"Hi." Kat said.

Kimberly then turned to them both. "Hey, Kat, Vera." she said, before turning to look outside again.

"How you feeling?" Vera asked.

"Fine. Ooh, I want to go outside so bad." Kimberly admitted, turning back to them. "I hate being all cooked up in here."

"I know how you feel." Kat admitted.

"Kat's got something to tell you." Vera explained.

"What?" Kimberly asked.

"Well, you know, I never told you guys this but I was suppose to go to the Pan Global's myself." Kat explained.

"As a Gymnast's?" Kimberly asked, curiously.

"As a diver." Kat corrected. "My coach said I was the best she'd ever seen. I was suppose to bring Australia home their first Gold Medal in years."

"Seriously?" Kimberly asked.

"That's what she told me." Vera said.

"Yeah. Take a look?" Kat asked, handing the book to Kimberly.

"Oh, my gosh." Kimberly said, taking it.

She then opened it, and she and Vera had a look inside.

"Look at you?" Kimberly asked Kat. "Wow."

"That's pretty impressive." Vera admitted.

"So what happened?" Kimberly asked.

"Yeah? What made you drop out?" Vera asked.


Kat was on top of high diving board over a pool dressed in a swimsuit, before looking down at the water.

"I remember like it was yesterday." Kat explained. "It was my last dive of the competition."

She then turned around so her back was to the water.

"A dive I had done perfectly a hundred times in practice. I was coming in first and had the trials locked up." Kat explained.

(Flashback ends)

"And?" Kimberly asked.

"I lost concentration." Kat explained.

"You what?!" Vera asked in shock.

"Mm-mmm." Kat replied. "I don't know whether it was the excitement of knowing I'd won or. whether I'd just got overconfident. For whatever reason, I misjudged and hit my head on the board."

"I bet that hurt?" Vera asked.

"It did." Kat replied.

"I know how that feels." Kimberly said, referring to when she fell off the balance beam.

She then closed the book and gave it back to Kat.

"They took me to the hospital and when I woke up they told me I'd missed the meat by one point." Kat explained.

"Oh, wow!" Kimberly said sadly. "So did you try again the next year?"

"I was too scared." Kat admitted. "I never went near the water again."

"That explains why you didn't go in the water that day at the lake." Vera admitted.

"Yeah. It still scares me." Kat said.

"And you think that I'm scared to get back on the balance beam, huh?" Kimberly guessed.

"Aren't you?" Kat asked.

"The way Kat's described her fear, you might be Kim." Vera reasoned.

"Look, I just want you to think about it?" Kat asked. "We've got some things I have to do. We'll come see you later."

"Okay. You know what, actually I'm getting outta here today." Kimberly explained. "Thanks for coming by, both of you. It's really nice to have someone to talk too."

"Okay." Kat said softly. "We'll see you later."

"Bye." Kimberly said, as they walked off.

"See you." Vera said.

Kimberly then turned to the window and looked outside.

(Youth Center)

Later that day, Tommy and Rocky both walked into the Youth Center, looking for Kat - as she had told them to meet them there.

"What do you suppose she wants?" Rocky asked.

"I don't know." Tommy said, as Kat walked in behind them. "But the message at the hospital just said she'd meet us here."

"Hi." Kat said, getting their attention.

"Hey, Kathrine." Rocky said.

"Thanks for meeting me, you guys." Kat said. "There's something we really need to talk about. Come with me?"

She then led them both to a table, and then they all sat down at it.

"I've made a decision." she explained.

"About what?" Tommy asked.

"I've decided you guys have no other choice." Kat explained. "You have to trade me for your friend Ninjor."

Rocky and Tommy both frowned at that.

"Kathrine, hello." Rocky said, waving his hand in front of her. "I mean, maybe you didn't hear Rita." He then checked to make sure no one was listening. "Rita and Zedd don't exactly want to throw you a welcome home party."

"I realize that, but after everything I put you guys through I feel it's my responsibility to set things right." Kat explained. "I want you to trade me for your friend."

"We can't do that, Kathrine." Tommy argued. "Forget it."

"But Tommy, I don't see there's any other way." Kat argued.

"There's always another way." Tommy told her. "I think I got it. Call the others?"

"Right." Rocky said.

(The lake)

Sophie and Vera were both walking by the lake, Vera explaining to Sophie what Kat had planned.

"You mean, Kat wants us to trade her for Ninjor?" Sophie questioned.

"That's what she said." Vera confirmed.

"Out of the questioned." Sophie argued. "Rita and Lord Zedd don't keep their promises. We fell for that old trick once before and they nearly took over the world."

"What happened like?" Vera asked.

"They captured all our parents and kept them trapped in one of Rita's dark dimensions." Sophie explained. "Goldar gave us the choice of our Power Coins or our parents, and like idiots we fell for it."

"Why?" Vera asked.

"Once we handled the coins over, Goldar double-crossed us." Sophie explained. "So I have a feeling they won't keep their end of the bargain."

"Oh, I see." Vera sighed.

Sophie's communicator then beeped.

"Go ahead?" she asked, holding it to her lips.

"Teleport to the park." Rocky said. "Tommy has an idea."

"About Kat wanting to give herself up?" Sophie guessed.

"How'd you guess?" Rocky asked.

"Vera just told me." Sophie replied. "I'm on my way." She then turned to Vera. "Vera, get back to the hospital and stay with Kim until she gets out."

"I'm on it." Vera said. "Oh, by the way, did you get those pictures developed?"

"I got most of 'em, but I've still got a few to do." Sophie replied, before teleporting away.

(The park)

A while later, Kat and the six Rangers were walking through the park, Billy holding a device in his hand. Tommy had explained his plan to them all, and even through some didn't like, they decided to go along with it.

"You ready, Billy?" Tommy asked, as they stopped by a tree.

"Absolutely." Billy said.

"Kat, are you sure you're up for this?" Tommy asked Kat.

"Yeah." Kat nodded. "Let's do it."

She and Tommy then walked forward while everyone else hid behind the tree. They then crouched down as Billy put the device on the ground/

"Rita, we're here!" Tommy called.

No one came for them.

"Maybe they chickened out." Kat suggested.

Just as she said that, Rita, Goldar and Rito all showed up in front of them.

"Yoo-hoo!" Rita laughed.

"Obviously you don't know us very well." Goldar said, holding a blue jar in his hand.

"Alright, Goldar let's get this over with." Tommy said.

"Good idea, Tommy!" Rita agreed. "Give up the girl?!"

"First put Ninjor down?!" Tommy demanded.

"You asked for it." Goldar said.

He then dropped the jar onto the grass.

"Oh! Now that had to hurt." Rito commented.

"Now back away?" Tommy asked.

"Not until you gave us what we came for!" Rita snapped.

"Alright." Tommy sighed.

He patted the back of Kat's arm as she walked towards Rita.

"I'm all yours." she said.

"Good!" Rita grinned.

"Now, Billy!" Tommy shouted.

Rocky then got up and ran as Billy activated the device, activating a shield around Kat, and then Tommy picked up the jar.

"Hey!" Rito yelled, before getting shocked by the shield, knocking him down.

"Tommy, over here!" Rocky called.

Tommy then threw the jar to him, and then he caught it in his hands.

"No fair, you cheated!" Rita accused.

Rocky then opened the jar, but found it was empty.

"It's a trick." he said, looking up at Tommy. "Ninjor's not here."

"This is just like the last time we trusted them!" Sophie complained, as she and the others ran towards Tommy and Rocky.

A bunch of Tengas then showed up out of nowhere.

"Ninja Ranger power now!" Tommy shouted, as they pulled their left arms down, and then pushed both their hands forward with their fingers by the thumbs up.

They then all appeared in their ninja outfits, and then Tommy jumped forward, followed by Rocky, Sophie, Billy, Adam and finally Aisha.

Rita, Goldar and Rito then all looked up, and then got angry.

"Charge!" Rita ordered.

The Tengas then charged in at the Rangers, followed by Rito and Goldar.

"Yes!" Rita grinned.

Tommy then tried to kick Goldar, but he blocked it with his shield, then jumped as Goldar tried to hit him, before side handspringing to his right to get behind Goldar. Rocky then blocked a kick from a Tenga, and then ran past it and another one, while Sophie ducked under a third's punch, and then kicked it in the chest. Billy then blocked another's punch before jumping over it, while Adam ran and ducked under Rito's sword, and Aisha side handspringed to her right to avoid it.

Rita laughed as she watched while Kat stood helplessly inside the shield.

"Good! Now find a way to get the girl!" Rita ordered.

A Tenga then turned and saw the device by the tree, while another three battled Rocky.

"Huh?" it muttered, running towards the device. "Ooh, lookie, lookie. What do we have here?"

He then picked up the device, as the ones battling Rocky grabbed him, but then he saw the one with the device.

"Hey!" he shouted, struggling to get free. "Put that down!"

"Okay." the Tenga said.

He then threw the device down to the ground, destroying it and removing the shield away from Kat.

"Ugh!" Kat groaned, as she fell forward by stayed on her feet.

"Kathrine, forcefield's been destroyed!" Billy shouted, trying to reach her as a Tenga blocked his path. "There's nothing to protect you! Look out!"

"What do I do?" Kat asked herself, muttering.

A Tenga then ran towards Kat, but then Sophie grabbed its arm.

"Kat, get outta there!" she shouted, before pulling the Tenga back.

Rito then put his hand on her mouth and gagged her while laughing.

"Alright, sister, you coming with me!" he told her, before wrapping his arms around her. "Come on, come on now!"

Kat groaned as she struggled to get free, as two Tengas ran off and Rocky back handspringed away from another, while Tommy fought Goldar.

"Tommy!" Kat screamed.

Tommy then turned to her and Rito. "Oh, no, Kathrine!" he called, running towards her.

He then jumped just as Rito pulled his right arm away, keeping his left around Kat.

"See ya!" he said, before disappearing, taking Kat with him.

Tommy then landed just as they disappeared, causing to land on his chest when he landed.

"Loose something, White Ranger?" Rita asked, grinning.

She then laughed as Tommy got back up.

"You won't get away with this, Rita." Tommy warned. "I promise you, we'll get both Kathrine and Ninjor back!"

Rita stuck her tongue out at him and then laughed, as the other Rangers ran towards him.

"Oh, no! They got Kathrine!" Rocky moaned.

"Adios you ninja ninnies!" Rita said, as Rito, Goldar and the Tengas gathered around her. "We got what we wanted!"

She then laughed before they all disappeared, leaving the Rangers alone.

"I can't believe they got away!" Tommy moaned. "Rats!"

"This is just like when we gave up our Power Coins all over again!" Sophie moaned, hitting her fists together.

They then threw off their ninja outfits and then Billy picked up the device.

"Man, I can't believe it!" Tommy moaned. "We had them."

"It's my fault, I'm sorry." Billy said. "I should have kept my eye on the device the whole time."

"Billy, there was nothing you could've done." Aisha assured.

"Aisha's right, Billy." Sophie agreed.

Billy sighed while nodding.

(The palace)

Rita walked from behind the throne towards Lord Zedd.

"Ooh! What do you say now, Zeddie-boy?" she asked, laughing.

"Well, I must admit, my dear, your plan really did work this time." Lord Zedd admitted, making her grin. "But what are you going to do with her now you have her?"

"I had a wonderful thought." Rita explained. "Why not bottle her up with Ninjor and send her to the bottle of the Sea of Sorrow as well?"

She then laughed wildly as Lord Zedd looked at her.

"I like it." he grinned, before standing up. "Ah, how deliciously evil! Let's do it!"

Rita then touched his shoulders as he jogged on the spot.

"Not yet." she said, touching his arm. "The tide has to come in first for them to get washed out to sea. By the end of the day, they'll be history!"

"Yes!" Lord Zedd said, as they both laughed.

(Command Center)

All the Rangers - including Kimberly - were now back in the Command Center, along with Vera while Alpha worked on the computer.

"It is good to have you back with us, Kimberly." Zordon said. "We missed you."

"Thank you, Zordon." Kimberly said, blushing. "I just wish it was under better circumstances."

"You mean Kat getting captured?" Sophie guessed.

"Yep." Kimberly replied.

"Hey, Alpha, any luck locating Kathrine?" Tommy asked.

"AY-Yi-Yi, Tommy!" Alpha exclaimed. "I've tried but my sensors can't find her. I don't know what else to do."

"Keep trying, Alpha." Tommy sighed. "She has to be out there somewhere."

"I hope she's not trapped in one of those Dark Dimensions." Sophie admitted. "You know how they are."

"Don't remind me?" Tommy asked.

(The palace)

Kat was locked in a cell in the palace, with Squatt and Baboo outside playing cards. Baboo then laughed as she tried to reach for the key to the cell - which was on Squatt's belt - and he was closer to her.

"Hey, Squatt, you got any three's?" Baboo asked.

"No!" Squatt replied. "Go fish."

Rito then came walking towards them both.

"All right, you two, take a hike!" he ordered, as Kat kept reaching for the key. "I got the next watch."

"Ooh!" Squatt and Baboo both mocked, as they got up - moving the key out of Kat's reach.

"Man, this really stinks!" Rito complained. "Guard duty, and I got a shooting pain in my neck that won't quit! Must be a muscle spasm? Wait a minute, I don't have any muscles. I'm a skeleton!"

He then laughed loudly.

"Whatever." Baboo said, annoyed.

"Get it?" Rito asked. "I'm a skeleton, no muscles?"

Baboo and Squatt didn't reply.

"Ahh! Get outta here!" he shouted.

"Come on, Squatt." Baboo said, as he left.

Rito then groaned as Squatt followed Baboo out of the room.

"I just don't understand." Squatt muttered.

"Excuse me?" Kat asked. "Can you tell me what they're gonna do with me?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Rito assured. "All I can say is 'I hope you can swim'."

"Actually, I hate the water." Kat told him.

"Too bad." Rito scoffed, as he sat down.

He then grumbled as he leaned his back against the wall beside the cell.

"Man!" he moaned, as he shifted places. "This is killing me!"

"Uh...I think I know a way to get rid of the pain." Kat said.

Rito then turned to her. "Huh? You do?" he questioned.

"Yeah." Kat said. "But you'll have to come here.

"Well..." Rito grumbled, putting his sword down. "Alright, but I'm warning you, no funny stuff."

He then moved closer to the cell, and then sat down.

"Turn around?" Kat asked.

"Yeah." Rito said, as he sifted closer to her, so he had his back to her.

Kat then touched his shoulders - looking disgusted as she did - and began to give him a back massage.

"Ah... oh, oh..." Rito moaned in pleasure. "Oh, yeah! Yeah, that feels good. Little higher?"

He then moaned more quietly as Kat keep massaging him.

"Oh! Oh, yeah... right there! Right there, right there. Oh, yeah. Oh, oh, oh!" he moaned.

In the main room, Rita and Lord Zedd were both standing on the balcony.

"The tide is perfect." Rita said.

"Yeah." Lord Zedd agreed.

"I'll just go down and fetch out little pussycat and the deed will be done!" Rita said, before laughing.

Back in the cell room, Kat was still massaging Rito's shoulders.

"Oh, yeah." he moaned. "Oh... oh... that's good. That's prefect!"

He then began to put his head down when Kat spotted a chest nearby glowing pink.

"Oh, what's in the box?" she asked nicely.

Rito then put his head back up. "Huh? Box?" he questioned. "What? Hey, that's none of your business. Oh... oh, that feels good. Oh, that feels good! Yeah!"

"Come on, you can tell me?" Kat asked, beggingly.

"Alright, if you must know, it's the Pink Power Coin. But don't tell anyone I told you or I'll get into a lot of trouble?" Rito asked, as he began to yawn, stretching his arms out.

He then yawned again as he starched his head - with the key in his hand.

"You know how it is. I, uh..." he said, before falling asleep, before he started snoring.

"Uh! Ugh!" Kat groaned disgustingly, as she took the key off him. "Yes!"

She then made her way to the cell door, and put the key into it and then opened it and walked out of it. She then put the key on the floor quietly - to make sure Rito didn't wake up - and then crept over to the chest. She then opened it up and then picked up the Power Coin, just as Rita came walking into the room.

"Well, Kathrine, my dear..." she said, before spotting her. "What are you doing?"

Kat then looked up at her as Rita came towards her with a snarling look.

"Alright, drop it?!" Rita demanded.

"Not a chance, Rita." Kat replied. "I've had enough of your nonsense."

"Oh!" Rita groaned.

(Command Center)

Alpha looked up from the computer suddenly while Vera and the Rangers looked worried.

"I'm getting a reading." he said.

Tommy then walked towards him.

"AY-Yi-Yi! It must be a mistake through?" Alpha questioned.

"What is it, Alpha?" Tommy asked.

"It's the Pink Power Coin!" Alpha exclaimed.

"What?!" Sophie asked in shock, as she, Billy and Kimberly all walked towards him.

"It's in the hands of good again." Alpha explained, as Vera, Aisha, Rocky and Adam joined the others.

"You think it's possible?" Adam asked. "Could Kathrine have it?"

"If it is there's a chance we can get her and the Power Coin back." Billy explained.

"How, Billy?" Tommy asked.

"I just need to reline the teleportation system." Billy explained.

"You can do that?" Vera asked in disbelief.

"Yeah." Billy replied, before walking to another computer.

Kimberly then sighed while closing her eyes. "I hope this works." she whispered to herself.

(The palace)

Kat and Rita were circling around the podium the chest was on.

"I said, hand it over?!" Rita repeated.

They then circled around the podium again.

"And I said, forget it." Kat said.

Rita then growled as they circled around the podium again.

"You want another feather in your cap, is that it?" she asked Kat.

They then circled around the podium again.

"Well, here's a few million for you." Rita said, as two Tengas came out of nowhere behind Kat.

They then both tried to grab her, when she was suddenly teleported away, causing them both to fall to the ground.

"I don't believe this!" Rita yelled. "Ahh! Ugh!" she grunted.

(Command Center)

The Rangers and Vera were gathered around Billy as he worked, while Alpha worked on another computer.

"Cross your fingers everyone." he advised.

Kat was then teleported into the Command Center, and then everyone turned to her. She then looked around as everyone else sighed in relief.

"Oh, I'm alive." Kat breathed, as she continued to look around.

"It worked." Billy said happily. "I can't believe it worked.

"You did it." Kimberly said grinning, clapping her hands.

"I knew you could do it, Billy." Sophie said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "If anyone could, it was you."

"Thanks, Soph." Billy said.

"What is this place?" Kat asked, as she continued to look around. "It's amazing."

"Kathrine, I am Zordon." Zordon said, getting her attention. "The Power Rangers and I wish to welcome you to our strategic Command Center."

Kat then turned to Vera in surprise.

"I got the same welcome when I found out." Vera explained.

Kat then turned to Kimberly. "Oh, Kimberly, I believe this belongs to you." she said, giving her the Power Coin.

"Oh, my gosh." Kimberly breathed, looking at it.

"The Power Coin." Tommy said softly.

"How'd you get it back?" Billy asked.

"Let's just say I was in the right place at the right time." Kat explained.

"Thank you." Kimberly said quietly, as Kat looked at her.

(The palace)

Lord Zedd and Rita were both on the balcony - Rita having just finished telling her husband what happened.

"I knew it!" Lord Zedd growled. "I knew you'd manage to figure out a way to ruin everything!"

"You know what, Zedd!" Rita snapped, as he walked off. "I don't want to hear it from you! You think you're so great? Let's see you do better, big shot?"

(A pool)

Tommy, Kimberly and Vera were all walking towards a pool, looking for Kat.

"Are you positive she said she'll meet you here?" Tommy asked Kimberly.

"Yeah." Kimberly said. "I thought it was weird too, especially after she said she was afraid to go near the water."

"You got me there." Vera agreed.

"Hey, where's Sophie?" Tommy asked.

"Finishing editing those pictures for Jerry Robinson." Vera explained. "Looks like now that Kim and Kat's okay, she finally had time to finish."

"Yeah, I agree." Kimberly said.

Tommy then looked up and saw Kat on top of a big diving board.

"Didn't she tell you two she was afraid of the water?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" Vera asked.

"Well, looks like she changed her mind." Tommy explained, still looking at her.

Vera and Kimberly then looked up and saw Kat themselves.

"Oh, my gosh." Kimberly breathed. "I don't believe she's up there."

"I must be seeing things." Vera said, rubbing her eyes.

"Well, if you are so are we." Tommy told her. "And she's not for long."

Kat then jumped off the diving board and rolled her body forward as she fell towards the water, but then straitened out before she hit it.

"Whoo!" Kimberly cheered, as they all clapped their hands.

"Yeah!" Tommy cheered.

They all then ran towards the ladder as Kat swam toward it.

"Alright, good job, Kathrine." Tommy commented.

"Thanks." Kat said, before climbing out of the pool.

"Wow! Man!" Tommy awed.

"Impressive." Vera admitted.

Kimberly then handed Kat her towel. "Unbelievable." she said. "What made you change your mind?"

"You did Kimberly." Kat said, wrapping the towel around her waist. "I had to do something to show you can overcome your fears."

"Yeah, but..." Kimberly said.

"And now there's something you need to do." Kat explained.

"She's right, Kim." Vera agreed.

Kimberly nodded. "I know."

(The gym)

A few days later, Kimberly was in her gymnastics gear, and was walking towards the balance beam - with Gunther Schmidt watching, and her friends watched from the bench - and then she raised her arms.

"She's doing it." Aisha giggled, talking to Rocky.

Rocky nodded.

Kimberly then pressed her hands on the balance beam and then lifted herself up so she was upside down, and then she stretched her legs apart, and then closed them together again. Everyone kept watching as she separated her legs again and then lowered them onto the balance beam when they were apart, and then turned and sat down on it. She then lifted her arms up and then leaned back and pulled her legs up.

Later, she walked along the balance beam with her arms out, and then stretched her right leg out. She then turned around and jumped forward on the balance beam, and then even later she did a backwards handspring on it. She later then twirled around on it, and then later walked along it in the other direction, and then turned around again when she got to the end. She later ran across the balance beam and then did a side handspringed to her right towards the end of it, and then jumped off it and twirled around before landing on the mat.

She then striated herself up as everyone clapped for her, and then Jerry Robinson took a picture. Kimberly then turned and ran towards Gunther Schmidt and then they hugged each other.

"That was everyone, Miss Kimberly Hart!" said an announcer, as the judges scored her - giving her a 9.95.

(Youth Center)

Everyone was setting the place up to congratulate Kimberly.

"Everyone, she's on the way!" Ernie called.

No one had heard him as they kept on talking and sorting the place out.

"Hey, you guys!" Ernie yelled loudly, getting everyone's attention. "Everyone hide, she's on the way!"

Everyone then hid themselves either behind the table or the counter - Skull hiding under the table, and then Bulk did the same - only his legs both stuck out.

Kimberly then came walking into the room and looked around. She turned without seeing Bulk's legs sticking out from under the table as she walked further into the room, and then had her back to the table.

"Surprise!" everyone shouted, getting up from their hiding places

"Surprise." Bulk said, as Kimberly turned around.

Sophie then came running up and hugged her tightly, and then let go so Aisha could do the same, and then they parted.

"Alright." Tommy said, as he and Kimberly hugged each other. "Wat to go, Kim."

"Thanks." Kimberly said, as they parted. "Thank you guys so much."

She then took Kat's hands as Gunther walked towards the group.

"Thank you Kathrine, for everything." she said. "It was amazing what you did for me."

"I did it for both of us." Kat told her.

They then hugged each other tightly.

"Congratulations." Kat said, as they parted.

"Thanks." Kimberly said.

"I have an announcement!" Gunther announced, before turning to Kimberly. "Kimberly."

"Yeah?" Kimberly asked.

"You are by far the finest athlete I have ever coached." Gunther explained. "It is my sincerious wish that you will consider moving to my facility in Florida to begin training full time to compete in the Pan Global Games?"

Kimberly looked shocked by what he was offering.

"Together Kimberly, we can bring the Gold home to the Untied States." Gunther explained.

As Kimberly was taking this all in, Jerry Robinson walked in, and then motioned for Sophie to come towards him.

"What is it?" she asked, unaware that Adam and Rocky were both listening.

"Sophie, your work is some of the best I've seen in years." Jerry told her. "I would like you to come to New York with me and work part-time on my newspaper staff, and then full-time after you've graduated?"

"I, uh..." Sophie muttering, looking nervous.

"I'll be leaving in about a week." Jerry told her. "I'll be waiting for your reply."

He then walked off leaving Sophie in the same spot as Kimberly, but then saw Vera looking at her, and then the two of them walked towards the lockers.

(Command Center)

A few days later, the seven Rangers were all in the Command Center - Sophie and Kimberly not wearing their Ranger colors. Adam and Rocky had told the others about Sophie's offer, leaving her even more nervous than before.

"Rangers, as I speak to you now my thoughts and feelings are divided." Zordon explained. "Kimberly, you have been a proud warrior and have defended our planet valiantly. And Sophie, you have been a great warrior and leader in keeping the team together during tough times, and have never backed down when called into action. Yet the opportunely that lies before you both is much too difficult for you to ignore."

Both of the girls then sighed.

"Zordon, you don't have to worry." Kimberly assured. "I thought about it. I'm not gonna go to Florida."

"And I can't go to New York, at least not now." Sophie said.

"Kim, are you sure?" Tommy asked.

"And are you sure as well, Soph?" Adam asked.

"Do you both realize what you're giving up?" Billy asked.

"You both might not get another chance." Rocky argued.

"We do." Kimberly said. "This has been a dream my whole entire life."

"And I've dreamed of this for as long as I can remember." Sophie said.

"But when we became Power Rangers we made some promises." Kimberly explained. "And one of them was to stand by you guys."

"Kim, you also promised to be true to yourself." Tommy argued, sighing. "And so did you, Soph."

"And you can't just throw away your dreams." Aisha added.

"Tommy and Aisha is right, you two." Zordon agreed. "These are experiences that will prove invaluable not only to yourselves but to us. Someday when you both return, you will both be even more effective Power Rangers."

Sophie and Kimberly both sighed, knowing they couldn't talk their friends out of this.

"I really want to go." Kimberly admitted, smiling. "Only if it's okay with you guys?"

"Same here." Sophie added. "I'll go but only if you're okay with it."

"Look, I don't want to lose you, Kim." Tommy admitted. "But I can't just sit back and watch you give this up. That wouldn't be fair."

"And you've always dreamed of being a professional photographer for years, Soph." Billy said. "You can't just give it up for our sake."

"We'll always be here for you both." Adam explained.

"Thanks." Kimberly said, softly.

"Thank you." Sophie cried softly.

"Even through you're both not with us, you will both always be Power Rangers in our eyes." Zordon explained.

"Zordon, what are we gonna do without a Orange and Pink Ranger?" Tommy asked.

"Rita and Zedd are probably thinking of ways to get revenge right now." Aisha explained.

"I am sure that you are correct, Aisha." Zordon agreed.

"Zordon, there are people out there who can take our places." Kimberly explained.

"People who we think would make amazing Power Rangers." Sophie finished.

"Alpha?" Kimberly asked.

"AY-Yi-Yi! This is so emotional!" Alpha cried.

He then pressed some buttons on the computer, and then Vera and Kat both teleported into the room.

"Hi, everyone." Kat said.

"Hey, guys." Vera said.

"We hope it's okay, Zordon?" Kimberly asked. "We asked Alpha, Vera and Kat to be ready just in case you guys got us to change our minds."

"We discussed it while you were all busy to make sure no one knew." Sophie explained.

"Sophie, Kimberly, once again you have both demonstrated wisdom beyond your years." Zordon told them.

"Thanks, Zordon." Kimberly said, while Sophie smiling.

"Vera, Kathrine, I agree with Sophie and Kimberly." Zordon explained. "Kathrine, your selfless bravery under extraordinary circumstances gives me every confidence that you will be a fine attention to our team."

Kat then smiled.

"Vera, you have shown absolute loyalty in helping out the Rangers and keeping their identities secret during these last few weeks and never once questioned an order they gave you." Zordon explained. "I can foresee you will make a fine addition to the team as well."

Kat and Vera then both turned to Kimberly and Sophie.

"I promise Kimberly, from the bottom of my heart that I will do everything I can to carry on as you would." Kat said.

"I know you will Kathrine." Kimberly said.

"Sophie, I promise you that I will do the best I can to carry on your legacy." Vera promised.

"I know, Vera." Sophie said.

Kimberly then hugged Kat as Sophie hugged Vera, and then they parted, before Kimberly took out her Power Coin. She then put it in Kat's hand and then they held each other's close.

"The Power's all yours now." Kimberly explained.

Sophie then took out hers, and gave it to Vera.

"I couldn't think of anyone more worthy than you Vera to process this." Sophie said, as they held each other's hands.

Vera and Kat then smiled, and then Aisha did as well.

"But Zordon, is Zedd and Rita's spell over Kat really gone?" Adam asked.

"Unfortunately, they're may be some residual effects from Rita's magic." Zordon explained. "A spell that powerful does not disappear right away."

Vera then touched Kat's shoulder.

"Well, as long as I'm on the right team, that's all that matters, right?" Kat questioned.

"That is the attitude that will make you a true Power Ranger, Kathrine." Zordon said.

"And it might be able to help us out in the future." Vera added.

"Spoken like a true Power Ranger, Vera." Sophie told her successor.

"Sophie is right, Vera." Zordon agreed. "In the future, you both must listen to your fellow Rangers as they guide you in the use of your new powers. They will teach you both well."

Kat and Vera both smiled.

"Kathrine, you will command the Pink Shark Cycle will procession and care." Zordon explained. "While Vera, you will command the Orange Shark Cycle in the same manner.

They then all turned as the Pink Shark Cycle appeared behind them, and then the Orange Shark Cycle then joined it.

"And someday Kathrine, power willing you will control the Pink Crane Zord with grace and intelligence, but for now, you will pilot the White Shogun Zord alongside Tommy" Zordn explained.

Kat then turned to Tommy smiling.

"Vera, someday you will control the Orange Eagle Zord with agility and wisdom, but for now you will control the Orange Shogun Zord to aid the others in battle." Zordon explained. "Sophie, Kimberly, thanks to you both, your legacy's are in good hands. I cannot thank you both enough for everything you have both done as Power Rangers."

"I don't know what to say." Kimberly said.

"Me neither." Sophie admitted. "I'm speechless for once."

"You guys are the most amazing friends I have ever had." Kimberly said, looking at the others. "Most of all, I'm gonna just miss us being together.

"It's the same with me." Sophie said, tears in her eyes. "I'll miss you."

"I love you guys." Kimberly cried.

"Same here." Sophie cried. "Once more for old times sake?"

"You bet." Rocky said.

Kimberly then held her hand out, then Sophie put hers on top, followed by Billy, Tommy, Aisha, Adam, Kat, and then finally Vera.

"Power Rangers!" they all shouted, jumping up.