
Forged by loss, regret and an ever encroaching darkness- she was created. Though what created her may also be her downfall. The path is for her to choose.

Somewhere in the streets of Volterra..

They could feel it in the crisp morning air; something dark and looming. But, Alice had seen nothing. No warning, no vision that would cause panic. So in truth the fact that they were all on edge made little sense. The weight of the unknown was so thick among them that even Jasper could do nothing to ease the family of vampires as they drove to Volturi Manor. This was routine after all. Every 4 years or so when the weather permitted, Aro would invite them down and ask them to join his guard.

Persistent, Carlisle mused in his head. Persistent as always yet this particular invitation seemed to reek of desperation.

Edward could hear the thoughts of his father of course but he made no comment. Mundane things such as a trip to Italy to politely decline Aro's pleas broke up the monotony of his life. Leaving Bella was something he felt he had to do, so he chose to spend precious little time regretting the step. Instead, he busied himself with the systematic things that could fill the space in his head. The trip seemed tediously long because in all truth it had been. It seemed that the Cullen's had all taken after Edward. Although it was normal in their world to do things with speed and ease, they found that it left too much time for thinking. Too much time for morning the loss of their sister. So they did things at a human speed, even when out of sight.

The gates of Volterra opened wide for them, and the small car moved through deliberately. Driving down into the parking embankment, they were greeted by Demetri. Who looked positively ill.

"Hello, Cullens. Rosalie," He said, with a nervous grin. He was met with an icy stare that radiated "pathetic." Always quick to recover, Demetri led them into the manner and down the hall toward Aro's quarters. Emmett was the first to speak.

"Umm, where is everyone? " Everyone else's thoughts seemed to mirror that very same question but Demetri pressed onward unfazed.

"I'm not sure to what you're referring." Aloof.

"You're guard is normally crawling throughout this corridor but now it seems empty-" Esme began.

"Ah, that. Aro will uh...inform you of the things that have transpired." He kept his eyes down as they reached the door. He ushered them inside and then stepped out. Aro, in all his grandiosity was clothed in a long luxurious robe of silks and various gold fabrics with his arm dramatically thrown across his face as he sulked behind his desk.

"Aro?" Carlisle pressed quietly as if not to frighten him.

"Please tell me you've reconsidered." He stated without raising his head. "Please tell me you've reconsidered joining us. It's imperative that you say yes."

"Dude, no. What is goin on around here anyway?" Emmett bellowed. Rosalie smirked at his bluntness. His immature nature often lifted the darkness that seemed to be thick in the air around them.

Aro stood, solemn.

"No doubt you noticed the lack of the guard on your way. You see, there have been...disappearances." His teeth clenched. "A threat...a great evil has been unleashed on us and you may be the only way to save us. To save us all."

"Aro," Carlisle began firmly. "I don't know the threat that you're speaking of but I refuse to put my family into danger for the sake of-" He was cut short by the sound of shattering glass as two figures crashed through the window and landed before the Cullen's. A woman with long dark hair had her high heeled boot resting firmly on a terrified looking Cauis. She purred into his face with her back facing the stunned family and then effortlessly lifted him by the neck, cocking her head to the side menacingly. "Oh. Sweet, sweet, Caius."

Her voice moved like black silk. It was smooth, and dark with a sickening sweetness that dripped from every word she uttered. Shaking off the shock and confusion, the remaining vampires in the room crouched defensively.

"JANE! HEIDI!" Aro bellowed. No one entered.

"They aren't coming." She said, as if she knew something everyone in the room did not. And she did. Cauis was still being held in the air by his throat until she seemed to grow tired of her little play thing and casually tossed him across the room. Without his head. Esme shrieked.

"Seems he's gone and lost his head."

Carlisle was losing his patience by the second. He pressed forward and gripped the attacker by the shoulders, restraining her and effectively revealing a familiar, albeit different face to a very shocked audience. Carlisle's grip on Bella had not loosened but his eyes inevitably softened.

Edward had gone cold.

"How is this even possible?" Jasper questioned starring directly at Alice. The curiously calm Alice didn't answer Jasper. She instead turned her focus to Carlisle.

"Let her go. Trust me." Carlisle hesitated. Edward was still silent. Rosalie and Emmett were gawking. Esme seemed to be on the verge of hysterics.

"You should listen to the pixie." Bella grinned. But he hadn't heeded the warning.

"NO. Someone is gong to explain-" He began as Bella vanished from his arms only to appear directly in front of Aro.

"So this was the plan, eh? Bringing them here. Thinking they could save you?" She knew the answers to each thing she asked, it was all for show. Aro on the other hand seemed at peace with his tactical strategy.

"All I did was invite my dear friends as I always have. The fact that you seem to have some sort of history with them means very little to me." he lied. The two were foes of a different kind. The history between them was long and blood ridden. It was a game that intrigued Bella. And in a suspicious way it intrigued Aro. But only when he seemed to be winning.

"I'll tell you what. You catch me, and I'll go. Vanish into oblivion. But until you catch me- that little guard of yours will disappear even quicker than before." She menaced, tilting her head slightly in the Cullen's direction.

"Oh. And I do hope you join the guard. I would take great pleasure in ripping the limbs from each of you for my fire pit. It does get quite chilly at night and a girl likes to keep warm."