Thanks to Pancake and Guardianofpeaceandprotection24 for reviewing Names, ChloeFan for reviewing mindless, socialgirl378 for reviewing I'm Your Favorite, Right, Plagg?, Polly Little for reviewing Puns, and to everyone who followed/favorited!

One of my first ventures into AU territory! Woo hoo! Basically: dark!PercyXAnnabeth from her POV, intended to be set during the first series, but it really doesn't matter when it's set. Enjoy.

You were the sweetest little boy.

Now you're the cruelest demon.

I fell in love with those sea green eyes

just full of mischief and laughter.

Now all I see in those sea green eyes

are hatred, pain, and anger.

I know the times have been tough,

and the pressure's been rough,

and the gods demand to much.

But please, Percy, please

stay here...for me.

I love you more than life itself,

only you're not you...

you're someone else.

This someone lies and steals and fights

and screams and yells and roars.

You say, "I will avenge us all!

The Olympians will be no more!

We will come as we please and go as we like!

No one will try to control my life!"

I understand.

Oh, Percy, I do.

But this someone, this person,

it can't be you.

Our love runs deeper than the ocean

and flies higher than the sky,

but you have chosen your way

and I have chosen mine.

It is my duty to stand by the gods,

and though you've left my side,

promise me, Percy, in the last fight,

it won't be you who ends my life.

Please review! ~Lark :D