South Park's Emotional Warzone Chapter 15: Cool Junior

(Note: With coronavirus running rampant at the time of writing this, and most of Emotional Warzone taking place in 2020, all I can say is, "GOD! Most of this story is going to age so poorly!")

Today is June 26th, 2020. One more week and the Tweaks, Tuckers, Stotches, and Shelley and Junior move back to South Park, and probably for good. For right now, though, we focus on the Tweaks and Shelly and Junior as they begin to plan their move.

Shelly and Junior were going to move in with Shelly and Stan's parents, Sharon and Randy Marsh, while The Tweaks were going to move into a nice house across the street from Sally's childhood home where her parents live. Tweek had heard from her parents how it was up for sale and he thought that moving in there would be a good way for his children, Mimi and Cici, to bond with their maternal grandparents and it would be a good way for Sally to reconnect with them after so long.

As the group planned, made lists on what to pack in which box and what type of schedule they would follow, the phone began to ring.

"I'll get it," Tweek said as he went to the phone and picked it up, "Hello?"

"Yes, Tweek? It's me, Cody." Cody answered. Cody and Shelly have been seeing each other for a month, with Cody willingly making the drive to Pueblo so he and Shelly can hang out every weekend and Shelly and Cody having some decently long phone calls on the weekdays.

"Oh, hey Cody, what's up?" Tweek asked.

"Oh, you know, same-old same-old." Cody replied, "Is Shelly there?"

"Sure, I'll put her on," Tweek said as he headed back to the family room where the rest of his family, Shelly and Junior are, "Shelly, Cody's on the phone," Tweek said as he handed the phone to her.

"Hi, Cody," Shelly said,

"Hey, Mr. Oppenheimer!" Junior said,

"Junior says hi," Shelly said,

"Hey, Junior," Cody said, "Anyway, Shelly, sorry for this coming up on such short notice, but I just called to ask you if you, Junior, and the Tweaks would like to come up to my home tomorrow for a little get together with me, my kids, and my friends and their kids."

"That sounds like fun, let me ask everyone if they want to go," Shelly said as she put her call on hold, "Hey guys, Cody just asked if we want to come over tomorrow for a get together, us, him, and his friends. I know we have the move to think about, but do you guys want to come with?"

"Yeah!" Junior, Cici, and Mimi said. They had not seen Cody, Edgar, or Tori since the McCormick wedding a little over a month ago.

"I'm down," Tweek said before turning to his wife, "What do you think, Sal?"

Sally gave it some thought before shrugging her shoulders, "I guess there's no harm in waiting until Sunday to begin packing." She said, "Sure, let's do it."

Shelly put Cody back on the line, "Cody, we'll be there."

"Terrific," Cody said.

"What time do you want us there?" Shelly asked,

"Is noon okay?" Cody asked.

"Noon sounds great," Shelly said, "See you then,"

"Bye-bye," Cody said as he and Shelly ended the call. With plans to meet Cody and his friends tomorrow afternoon, Shelly, Junior, and the Tweaks went on about their day and settled in at around 9:00 for the kids and 10:00 for the adults.

In the guest bedroom Junior and Shelly are in bed trying to get some sleep. However, the former is wide awake, lost in thought. While Junior was beyond excited to see Cody and his kids Edgar and Tori again, he was also focused on making a good first impression on Cody as they really didn't interact much during the McCormick Wedding. Junior was worried that since he was Cartman's kid, and he was positive that his mother told Cody everything about Cartman through all of their phone calls, Cody would use "the apple not falling far from the tree" logic and jump to conclusions that he was no good.

"There's got to be something I can do to show him that I'm cool," Junior thought to himself, "Maybe if I make his interests my interests. Mr. Oppenheimer is a doctor, maybe on the way to his place I can look up medical information that he might be interested in and impress him when I bring it up. I don't know much about him beyond that, but I'm sure I'll figure more out when I see him tomorrow."

With that, Junior closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The next day, the Tweaks, Shelly, and Junior ate some breakfast and then hit the road for Boulder where Cody lives. Along the way, Junior was looking up medical information on his phone to impress Cody with. He was currently reading up information about carpal tunnel syndrome.

"Symptoms of carpal tunnel include numbness, tingling, and pain in the thumb, pointer, middle, and ring finger, a burning sensation that travels up the arm, weak hand muscles, and nightly wrist pain." Junior read. "Occupations that are linked to the development of carpal tunnel include construction work, manufacturing, keyboard occupations, and assembly line work. I wonder if playing video games is another possible cause?"

Mimi and Cici took notice on what Junior is reading and decided to talk to him.

"Junior, what are you reading?" Mimi asked.

"Just looking up some medical information that I can use to impress Mr. Oppenheimer when I see him," Junior explained, "I figured that he's a doctor and he and I can bond over medical stuff."

"Junior, Mr. Oppenheimer isn't going care whether or not you share the same interests as him," Cici said.

"Well given the fact that I'm sure he's aware of what my father has done, Cody would jump to conclusions about me," Junior explained, "I intend on using whatever I learn here to impress him and show him that I'm nothing like my father."

"Dude, taking Mr. Oppenheimer's interests isn't going show him that you're a cool dude," Mimi said, "He won't judge you based on interests. If he's going to like you, it's going to be for who you are on the inside."

"Mimi and I can tell that you are nothing like your father if the stories mom and dad tell us are true," Cici said, "I'm sure Mr. Oppenheimer is going to take a shine to you the same way we have."

"I'm still not sure," Junior said, still worrying about how Cartman's bad reputation and the way he hurt his mother will reflect on him as his son. Nevertheless, Junior continued to look up more medical information on his phone and found an interesting video, "Nasal Polyps Removal Surgery," Junior read the title, "That sounds interesting,"

Junior watched the video and got as far as the first two minutes before he felt sick from seeing the surgery process, "Woozy," Junior moaned as he turned off his phone and rested his head against the car window.

"Feeling a little car sick, Junior?" Tweek asked.

"Uh, sure, you can say that." Junior said.

"Don't worry, sweetie," Shelly said, "We're almost there."

About 15 minutes later, they finally arrive at the Oppenheimer residence. Upon arriving, they are greeted at the front door by Cody, Edgar, Tori, and their friends. A man with strawberry blonde hair, a woman with long brunette hair, an Asian-woman with shoulder length black hair, and a tall brunette man. The former two have a son with shaggy strawberry blonde hair while the latter two have a daughter with brunette twintails and a nice brown Stetson hat. Both children appear to be 11 years old. Our heroes step out of their car and meet Cody and company.

"Hey, Cody!" Shelly said as she gave Cody a hug.

"Hello, Shelly, it's been far too long." Cody said.

They released their hug so Cody could introduce his friends. "I'd like for you to meet my friends," He started with the strawberry blonde man, the brunette woman, and their child, "This is the Powers Family: Justin, Bridgette, and their son Sid,"

"Hi," Bridgette said smiling warmly.

"Hey there," Justin said with a nod.

"What's up?," Sid said with a wave

Cody then introduced the black haired woman, brunette man, and their daughter, "And this is the Smith Family: Kurt, Ursula, and their daughter Odette."

"Hey," Ursula said.

"Howdy," Kurt and Odette said, the latter tipping her hat.

"Hey there," Shelly said, "I'm Shelly, this is my son Junior, and this is the Tweak Family: Tweek, Sally, and their daughters Mimi and Cici."

"Great meeting you all," Odette said.

"It's been a while since we've seen each other hasn't it, guys?" Edgar asked.

"It certainly has," Cici said

"Come inside everyone," Cody said, "I've ordered some pizzas and it should be here soon."

Everybody walked inside of Cody's house, and took a good look at the place. It wasn't anything too elegant but the house was certainly big and roomy enough to show that Cody's occupation of a doctor got him and his kids pretty far in life.

"Wow, nice place, Cody." Sally said looking around.

"Thanks, Sally," Cody said, "The kids and I decorated ourselves."

"I say, Mr Oppenheimer, being a doctor must be very lucrative." Junior said.

"It is, Junior," Cody said, "But I don't do it for the money, I do it for the sake of helping those in need."

"Very honorable, sir." Junior said, "By the by, did you know a symptom of carpal tunnel is a burning sensation that travels up the arm?"

"Why yes I have," Cody said.

"Did you also know that cranberries is a great home remedy for Urinary Tract Infections," Junior asked, "Or that the aorta is the largest artery in the body and it has four sections and is divided into three layers: the intima, the media, and the adventitia?"

"I have," Cody said, "You seem very interested in my field of work, Junior. It's not every day I meet an 8-year old with an interest in the field of medicine such as yours."

"Oh, you know, looking up facts about the body, diseases and cures, it's just something to do." Junior said acting humble. His mother Shelly thought it was odd how her son picked up an interest in the field of medicine overnight.

Cody turned to his children, "Say kids," he began, "Why don't you show Junior, Odette, Sid, Mimi, and Cici to your game room while the adults stay here and talk."

"Sounds like a plan, dad," Edgar said.

"This way, everyone, follow us," Tori said as she and her brother led the way up the stairs.

They arrived to the game room and the Oppenheimer children's guests were left in amazement by the size of it, but not as much as all of the toys and games they had.

"Holy chimichanga!" Mimi said in awe.

"You can say that again," Junior said.

"Behold, the benefits of having a doctor dad, everyone." Edgar said.

"You could say he spoils us," Tori said. "Unlike most spoiled children though, we're more than willing to spread our wealth."

"That's right," Edgar said, "So, what do you guys want to play first?"

"I don't know, dude, there's so many things to choose from." Mimi said looking around before going to the board game shelf. "No way, you guys have Legend of Zelda Monopoly!"

"Yeah," Edgar said, "Still in mint condition. We never really found an excuse to play it."

"Can we play it now?" Mimi asked,

"I don't see why not." Edgar said

Mimi, Cici, and Edgar gathered around to play Legend of Zelda Monopoly, but Tori, Odette, Sid, and Junior were hesitant to.

"You're all not joining in?" Cici asked.

"I'm not a big Monopoly fan." Junior said. "It takes too long and it's too complex."

"Ah, you're someone who likes a game that you can just pick up and play I see?" Sid asked, "I feel you man, I'm the same way."

"We do have more games, Junior," Tori said, "Go ahead and pick one you like."

"Actually, I'm not really in any kind of mood to play any game if I'm being honest." Junior said.

"Why, what's wrong?" Odette said.

"Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your hospitality, but I have something on my mind that requires your assistance." Junior explained.

"What is it, Junior?" Tori asked wrapping an arm around Junior's shoulder, "You can tell us."

"He's worried your father won't like him since his father is Eric Cartman." Mimi explained.

"We're sure his mom told your father about some of the things he did." Cici chimed in.

"Well we are aware how he cheated on Junior's mom," Edgar said, "And we eavesdropped on our father's phone conversations with Ms. Marsh so we know how he faked being retarded so he could get into the Special Olympics."

"And how he tried to kick start another Holocaust after seeing Passion of the Christ," Tori chimed in.

"And how he fed some kid's parents to him in some chili," Edgar added.


"Okay we get it, my father's a terrible person!" Junior shouted, "I just don't want Mr. Oppenheimer to think the same way about me."

"Why would he ever think negative thoughts about you, dude?" Sid asked.

"You ever heard of the saying, 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree?'" Junior asked the older boy, "If Mr. Oppenheimer has a negative opinion about my father, chances are he has a negative opinion about me. And to be honest, after learning about some of the horrible things my father has done in life after he got drunk one day and entered one of his talkative/filter-less modes…that fear always stuck with me, how people will judge me based on where I came from.

The other six kids gave Junior their full attention as he continued to talk. "Sometimes when I would visit my cousin Lyra back in South Park, I'd remember how some people would just look at me as I walked by. I distinctly remember hearing someone say, 'Look, that's Cartman's boy. Get ready for the second coming of Satan.' I was only five years old when I heard him say that, and I still hear him saying that in my dreams. It's etched into my memory. So ever since that day, I made it a goal to do everything in my power to prove to everyone that I'm not like my father, and I continue to strive to be the farthest thing from my father to this day."

Tori could sense the younger boy ready to cry. Just by looking at him, she could tell that this was the first time Junior had ever poured his soul out to anyone. Tori walked up to Junior and gave him a hug, rubbing his back.

"I'm so sorry, Junior." Tori said, "If it means anything, we don't think that way about you."

"That's right," Edgar chimed in.

"That goes double for Sid and me, Junior." Odette said, "We may have only known you for a few minutes but you seem like a cool hombre."

Junior wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled, "Thanks guys. But I just need your help in getting Mr. Oppenheimer to see me the same way you guys do."

"Whatever you need my guy." Sid said.

"I've been trying to make his interests my interests." Junior explained, "That's why I was spouting so much knowledge on the medical field given that's what he works in. Do you guys know what else he's interested in?"

"Well we have a few suggestions you can try." Edgar said

Edgar, Tori, Odette, and Sid gather around Junior to discuss possible ideas so he can get on Cody's good side.

Sometime later while the children are playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is when they heard Cody call up to them, "Kids, pizza's here, come and get it!"

"Well, in the words of the great hero Spiderman: Pizza Time!" Odette said.

"Woo, pizza time, baby!" Sid shouted, "Let's go get some."

The kids all went downstairs with Junior, Edgar, and Tori trailing behind.

"Okay, Junior, don't forget the things we've told you," Tori said, "Follow them to a T, and you'll be on our dad's good side in no time."

Junior nodded his head as the kids reach the dining room where the pizzas were waiting. Cody had ordered five pies: Three Meat Lovers and Three Plain.

"Take a seat everyone," Cody smiled, "Lunch is officially served."

Everybody took a seat at the table, with Junior sitting between Cody and Shelly, and grabbed a slice of pizza. There was nothing but good times all around, a lot of chatter about things going on in everyone's lives. It was here that the Tweeks, Shelly, and Junior learned more about the Powers and Smith families:

Justin met Bridgette at the local church when he and his family moved to Boulder from Upstate New York in 1995, when both Justin and Bridgette were both 12 years old. The two of them got married in 2006 and had Sid three years later. Justin is very passionate about music, especially when it came to the country genre. As a result, when going for a career he decided to teach guitar lessons to the youths of Boulder on Monday-Friday, and he'd play at the local bars and restaurants on Saturday nights. Justin also mentioned how his and Bridgette's son Sid took a liking to the guitar and how much of a talent he has for it. Bridgette runs a Christian Radio Station in Boulder where she'd play Christian music, tell stories from the Bible, and occasionally bring her husband Justin in to play guitar while she herself sang some Christian songs. The Powers Family are beloved among the community of Boulder and are model citizens.

Kurt and Ursula have been childhood friends since elementary school, and their lives together might as well be a romance movie or novel. They bonded strongly and became such great friends as the years went on that feelings of love started to infect their young hearts by the time high school rolled around. Neither of them wanted to admit it, even when they were dating other people. Then a couple of weeks before Senior Homecoming was when they both confessed their feelings for each other, and they've been together ever since. The couple tied the knot in 2007 and had their daughter Odette two years later. Kurt and Ursula own a successful steakhouse in town and Ursula also has a penchant for sewing, so between the beginning of fall and the end of spring, she makes beautiful sweaters and quilts and sells them online to earn some extra cash.

The Tweeks, Shelly, and Junior were enjoying their time with the Oppenheimers, Powers, and Smith families. They even started to think that this would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Shelly and Cody took occasional breaks between bites of pizza and sips of cola to shoot cute glances and winks at each other. That was when Junior looked over at Tori, who nodded at him. Junior cleared his throat as he was ready to speak.

"I have an idea," Junior began, "How about we all play a game. Why don't we name our favorite music artists or groups to see how similar our tastes are."

"Okay, sure." Justin said as everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.

"Great," Junior said happily, "Mother, you go first, and then we'll go around the table so that I'll go last."

"Sounds good to me, Junior," Shelly said.

Everyone then talked about their favorite music artist. Shelly and Sally both like New Kids on the Block, Tweek said David Bowie, Cici said Taylor Swift, Mimi, Tori, and Odette like John Legend, Justin liked Johnny Cash, Sid liked The Beatles, Bridgette liked Chris Tomlin, Ursula like Madonna, and Kurt liked Elvis Presley. Finally came Cody's turn.

"So, Mr. Oppenheimer," Junior asked, "Who is your favorite music artist."

"Without a doubt, my favorite musician has to be the boss himself, Bruce Springsteen." Cody answered.

"Really, me too!" Junior replied, much to the shock of almost everyone at the table.

"You're a Springsteen fan too, Junior?" Cody asked quizzically.

"Uh…yeah." Junior replied, hoping that Cody won't see through his lie.

This was only the first step to prove to Cody that Junior was the farthest thing from his biological father, and he did not want his plan to be foiled this early, let alone at all. But, Cody just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Cool."

Junior calmed down a bit after that, but got nervous again when Cody immediately asked, "What song from him do you like?"

Junior wasn't sure how to answer, and he felt a cold sweat coming on. Out of nowhere, Junior suddenly remembered a Springsteen song that his grandfather Randy sang when he was visiting his maternal grandparents.

"Uh…what's that one song that's about running and tramps like me?" Junior asked.

"Born to Run?" Cody asked.

"Yeah that one!" Junior nodded fast, "Awesome song, I can listen to it every day if I could."

"Yeah, it's a great track isn't it!" Cody smiled as he returned to his lunch. Junior wiped sweat from his brow and looked over at Tori and Edgar who nodded and gave a thumbs up respectively.

After lunch, everyone cleaned up the dishes and put the pizzas in the refrigerator. Nobody was ready to go home however. That was when Cody came up with an idea.

"Say, it's quite the beautiful day outside," Cody said, "What do you say we take advantage of this beauteous weather."

"Good idea, Mr. Oppenheimer," Junior concurred, "How about we take part in a sport. What's your favorite, Mr. Oppenheimer."

Cody raised a brow at Junior's question and the level of enthusiasm in his voice when he asked it. Nevertheless, Cody decided to humor the child. "I'd say that my favorite sport is golf. There's something cathartic about hitting that ball and watching it fly through the air. Not to mention it's great exercise."

"I love golf!" Junior exclaimed, causing Edgar to whisper in his ear.

"You're phoning it in just a smidge," Edgar warned Junior.

Junior regained his stoicism and said, "Golfing's cool."

"You like golf?" Cody asked.

"Of course! You know, Tiger Woods, Bubba Watson, Phil Mickelson, greatest men in the history of the sport! And that Arnold Palmer, oh I can't get enough of his drink. Who knew you could get such a cavalcade of flavor by mixing lemonade and iced tea? Genius!" Junior began to get sweaty and continued to lie through his teeth, hoping that he'd impress Cody. That was when Junior came up with another idea.

"Speaking of Tiger Woods and golf, I know a joke," Junior said as he cleared his throat, "What's the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa Claus…Santa stopped at three hoes!"

The joke made the kids laugh, but the adults, especially Shelly seemed appalled.

"What, don't you get it?" Junior asked his mother.

"Not funny, Junior!" Shelly scolded.

"Everybody's a critic." Junior pouted.

Cody, pretending like he didn't hear the joke, just continued to speak, "Well…I'm surprised you like golf so much. And I'd take you all there but the golf course is usually very busy at this hour. So how do you kids feel about bocce ball?"

"I've never played that game before," Mimi said, "How do you play?"

"Come outside with me and I'll show you." Cody motioned for everyone to follow him outside.

Once outside in the backyard, Cody emerged from a shed with a bag. In it were eight balls, four red and four blue, and one smaller yellow ball. Cody took the smaller yellow ball and threw it a decent distance away from the group.

"Okay, here's how you play bocce ball." Cody began, "Two teams of four must throw one of these bigger balls towards the smaller ball that I threw out there. The team to have one of their balls closest to the yellow ball wins a point. First team to three points wins. It's a really simple game, but a fun one nonetheless. So, is everybody ready?"

"Aw yeah, dad, we're ready to rock!" Edgar shouted.

"Bring it on." Kurt said with a smile

"Alright," Cody said, "First match-up will be kids vs. adults. It'll be Bridgette, Kurt, Shelly, and myself on the adult team, and Odette, Edgar, Cici, and Junior on the kid team. Sounds good?"

"Yes, Cody," Shelly said

"I'm ready!" Bridgette nodded.

"Let's play ball!" Odette shouted.

Adults went first and Bridgette tossed her teams ball pretty close to the yellow ball.

Odette went next and her ball just fell short of Bridgette's.

Kurt threw his ball, but he overshot it and it landed in a tree. Kurt rubbed the back of his head and blushed out of embarrassment but his wife Ursula gave him a kiss and told him it was a good try.

Edgar went next and his ball landed closer to the yellow ball than Bridgette's, putting the kids' team in the lead.

Shelly went next and her ball landed between Bridgette and Edgar's. The kids' team is still in the lead.

Cici went next but her ball landed right behind Bridgette's.

Cody was last on the adult's team and when his ball landed, it knocked Edgar's ball out of the way putting Cody and his team in the lead.

And then came Junior.

"Alright, Junior, you're turn buddy," Odette said.

"Yeah, don't make us kids look bad!" Mimi said only to be silenced by Sally.

Junior grabbed his ball and took careful aim. Junior pretended to take a long time with his turn so that if it went successfully, he could tell Cody another lie that will hopefully put him in his good graces.

At long last, Junior threw his arm back and threw his ball. To everyone's surprise, the ball landed right next to the small yellow ball, securing the kids' team's victory!

"Hot dog, we won!" Odette shouted as she waved her hat in the air.

"Marvelous," Cici said

Cody looked over at Junior and shook his hand for a game well played, "I've got to say, Junior, that was quite an impressive throw."

On that note, Junior put his next lie into action.

"Thanks, Mr. Oppenheimer," Junior said, "It's good to know that all the hours I put into reading Sports Illustrated magazines went to a good cause."

"You read, Sports Illustrated?" Cody asked with yet another raised brow.

"Yeah, one of the issues I read told me how to make the perfect bocce throw." Junior continued to lie.

"Which issue was that?" Cody asked, "I don't remember reading an issue with bocce ball."

"I-It was one of the older issues," Junior said, "You probably don't remember it."

"Wow," Cody said, seemingly believing everything Junior has been saying, "An eight year old who's into medicine, Springsteen, golf, and Sports Illustrated magazines."

"Yeah, quite the anomaly," Junior said.

Shelly just continued to watch her son make up these lies, "What's gotten into him lately?" She wondered.

"Quite the anomaly indeed," Cody said, concurring with Junior, "It could also be classified as something else, Junior."

"What's that, Mr. Oppenheimer?" Asked Junior.

"A load of malarkey," Cody answered, causing Junior's face to drop. The lies didn't work.

"Crap, he knows." Junior thought, feeling his heart beat increase. Edgar, Tori, Odette, and Sid frown also in response to seeing their plan to help Junior end in failure.

"Okay, Mr. Oppenheimer, you got me," Junior said, his head hanging in sorrow and defeat.

"Junior, why did you make all of that up?" Shelly asked, "I raised you to be an honest and upstanding young man."

"I just wanted to get on Mr. Oppenheimer's good side so he sees that I'm a good guy and not like my father." Junior answered.

"It's true, miss," Sid said nodding his head.

"Junior, what makes you think I'd think you're like your father?" Cody asked.

"Ever heard of the saying, 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree'?" Junior asked, "After my mother told you all of the atrocities my father has committed, I was afraid you'd think I was just like him. I thought maybe if I shared your likes and interests you'd see that I was a cool dude."

Everything started to make sense to Cody as he gave the boy a hug.

"Oh, Junior," Cody said, "I don't care if you share the same interests as I do."

Cody released the hug and looked Junior straight in the eye before he continued to talk, "Stuff like that isn't what makes or breaks a relationship for me. What really matters is what's in your heart, and I can tell from all that your mother has told me, you have nothing but goodness in there. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't think you're like your father. You're a wonderful boy who I hope to learn more about as time goes on."

Junior smiled warmly, knowing that Cody liked him the whole time and he gave the man another hug, "Thank you, Mr. Oppenheimer," he said, "I hope I learn more about you too. And I hope you continue to date my mother and love her for all the right reasons."

"Believe me, champ, I will," Cody said as Junior released the hug. Cody turned back to face everyone else, "So who's ready for another round of bocce?"

"Bring it, Cody!" Ursula said giving a smug look.

"Let's go!" Tweek said.

"Okay then, let's rock!" Cody said as everyone continued their game.

Later in the day when the sun began to set, everyone headed for home, leaving Cody, Tori, and Edgar by themselves. They decided to have some of the leftover pizza while watching some T.V. During the commercials is when they decided to talk about the events of the day.

"Today was so much fun," Tori said.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Cody said smiling at his daughter, "And even though I didn't care if Junior shared the similar interests as I do, I found it really touching how you two, Sid, and Odette helped him out. You two are good kids."

"Well we have a good father to thank for that," Edgar said.

In that moment, Cody couldn't have been a prouder father, knowing that his children were willing to lend someone a helping hand. He truly viewed Edgar and Tori as some of, if not, his absolute greatest achievements.

"Thank you, children," Cody said, "Although there is something that's been on my mind for a while."

"What's that, pop?" Edgar asked.

"You remember the date I had with Ms. Marsh, right?" Cody asked, "When we went to that Japanese karaoke bar?"

"What about it?" Tori asked.

"I've been brushing up on some Japanese ever since then so I can sing a Japanese love song, sort of a follow-up to our date." Cody answered.

"Aww, how sweet," Tori said.

"Only problem, I found out that the owner of the karaoke bar left on vacation and won't be back until August." Cody said.

"So, why don't you wait until he comes back?" Edgar asked.

"It has to be done soon," Cody said, "I must show Shelly my heart. A lot can happen between now and August that could result in us separating. I don't want that to happen."

"Okay, daddy, we understand," Tori said, "But if that karaoke bar is closed, how are you going to sing that song for Ms. Marsh?"

As if on cue, a commercial came on that said…

"…Come down to South Park Town Square for the 37th Annual Fourth of July Sing-Off. Winner gets a $1,000 cash prize! Only the best will win. Come meet judges, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, and Chris Evans. If you think you've got what it takes, then enter the Fourth of July Sing-Off this Fourth of July at South Park Town Square."

"Bingo!" Cody said with a wide grin. "Kids, call up the Powers and the Smiths, if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right."

"Aye, Aye, captain!" Edgar said as he grabbed the phone.

Cody knew that the sing-off would be the ultimate way to impress Shelly, and it'll be made all the more better knowing his friends and children will be right there supporting him…and providing musical accompaniment.


(Cue Don't Think Twice by Hikaru Utada (Once again, characters and events that have yet to appear/happen will be mentioned here))

(How did I live in a kingdom of thieves? And people who say things they don't really mean?)

(It's a sunny day and Wendy and Stan are dancing together outside and right next to them are Kyle and Bebe, who are also dancing. Suddenly, the sunny skies turn stormy and Wendy is ripped away from Stan, and Kyle is ripped away from Bebe, both couples trying in vein to reach out to one another. Wendy and Kyle go up into the sky, can the ground gives weight for Stan and Bebe to fall down)

(You're only everything I ever dreamed. Ever dreamed of, ever dreamed of)

(As Stan and Bebe fall, they are enveloped by a red colored paint type substance. Behind the paint is a shadowy figure. It smiles evilly. This figure is one of Jacques Brodeur)

(You must be kidding me, did you really think I could say no?)

(Stan's daughter Lyra, and Bebe's son Felix are running through a grassy plain and two balls of light fall from the sky. The light balls reveal themselves as Wendy and Kyle, who hold their hands out to their children)

(I want you for a lifetime. So if you're gonna think twice, baby. I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know)

(Cartman is standing in front of a statue of a heart. He pulls out a gun and shoots it, causing it to break. Shelly then appears and collapses to the ground, heartbroken)

(Everything is just right. But if you're gonna think twice, baby. I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know)

(Sometime later, Cody Oppenheimer finds the broken pieces of the heart and puts them back together)

(I really don't get what everyone else believes. So why do I say things I don't really mean, really mean.)

(Late at night, Lola and Kenny are in bed. But while Lola is sleeping, Kenny is looking up more information about the crystals he heard about in war)

(I'm only crying 'cause I never dreamed. It'd take this long, it'd take this long)

(Kenny thinks about General Rakish with the big purple crystal floating over him. Suddenly, eight more smaller crystals circle around the big purple one: A red one, a blue one, a green one, a gold one, a pink one, an orange one, a white one, and a black one)

(I want you for a lifetime. So if you're gonna think twice, baby. I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know.)

(General Rakish turns into another villain, Carlos Murciélago. The crystals are still floating over him, and the background changes to the grassy plain from before. The main adults and children are watching in horror at the sight before them)

(Everything is just right. But if you're gonna think twice, baby. I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know)

(Carlos summons a demon warship from out of nowhere and easily takes out the adults and younger children, much to the older children's horror)

(Don't think twice, don't think twice. Don't think twice, baby, don't think twice)

(The children are crying and look like they're going to lose hope when an astral projection of Sir Justice appears. The sight of the unknown hero inspires the children to not give up and put the villain down. The children and Sir Justice charge at Carlos and the warship)

(If you want to take it to an even higher level. All you gotta do is say the word, you know I'll follow. If you wanna take it to an even higher level. I don't, I don't bite)

(Outside of the dream, Isabella Broflovski is looking at a picture of Kyle. Behind him Stan places a hand on her shoulder, which Isabella brushes off and walks away)

(If you want to make it happen, nothing's impossible. All you gotta do is say the word, the walls will crumble. If you want to make it happen, nothing's impossible)

(Shelly gets up from her heartbreak and finds Cody holding a hand out to pick her up. Shelly grabs Cody's hand and we cut to the next scene)

(I want you for a lifetime. So if you're gonna think twice, baby. I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know)

(Stan and Jacques are fighting for Bebe's affections)

(Everything is just right. But if you're gonna think twice, baby. I don't wanna know, baby, I don't wanna know)

(Felix and Lyra are in a dark area, the look behind them to find a older, dying boy in a hospital bed. This boy is named Byron. Lyra and Felix try and run to the hospital bed to see him, but once again, the ground gives weight and the two kids fall into darkness)

(Kiss me once, kiss me twice, kiss me three times. Cross the line)

(Stan and Bebe are alone on a hill somewhere admiring the sunset. The two of them look into each other's eyes before making a move to kiss each other)

(Don't think twice, don't think twice. Don't think twice, baby, don't think twice)

(Cut to night time on that same hill where the Marshes, Broflovskis, Donovans, Tweaks, Tuckers, Cartmans, Stotches, McCormicks, and Oppenheimers are looking up at a full moon. Some of the kids are asleep, but those who are awake are enjoying the company and the beauty of the night sky)

(I hope this is the last hiatus I take for a looooooooooooong time. The COVID pandemic kind of got me down and I got a little lazy. Sorry this chapter took so long. But anyway, next time is the long awaited sing-off chapter! Later!)