
Seto Kaiba thought he would never see the day. His wife, Serenity Kaiba nee Wheeler, was in the hospital room giving birth to a baby girl. He couldn't even believe that he had gotten married to someone, let alone the mutt's own sister. But back to the subject. Serenity was squeezing Seto's hand as she screamed, trying to get the baby out. After a few minutes of screaming and nearly breaking Seto's hand, the little baby girl was born into the world.

"It's a girl," the nurse said holding the little one up for the new parents to see. Serenity was nearly in tears seeing the little bundle of joy that was her daughter.

After the nurse cleaned the baby up, she gave her to the mother to hold and breastfeed. "Isn't she beautiful, Seto? Our little girl" Serenity said with a smile. Seto let a smile slip on his face as he looked at the two girls that are precious to him.

"What shall we name her?" Seto asked as he wiped his wife's hair, that stuck to her face, back.

"How about Jaden?"

"Jaden Kaiba. Yeah, that sounds amazing." He kissed her head and then went to go get the people waiting outside the door. "Okay, you dweebs can come in and see her." Yugi, Téa, Joey, Mia, and Mokuba walked in to see the mother and daughter.

"Hey guys" Serenity greeted them, still breastfeeding the little infant.

"Hey sis. Did you an' money bags decide on a name?" Joey asked.

"Yep. Everyone, meet Jaden Kaiba." As she said that, little Jaden opened her eyes to show that she had big, brown eyes, more than likely from her mother's side. Little Jaden pulled away from her mother and squealed at the new arrivals.

"Aw, she's so I hold her?" Téa asked. Serenity nodded and handed the baby to Téa.

"So have you both decided on godparents?" Yugi asked. This time it was Seto who answered.

"Well, since Mokuba and the mutt are her uncles, and with him and Mia married, she is Jaden's aunt. So we decided on you and Téa being her godparents, even though you two aren't in a relationship."

"Really? Wow, must have taken a while to decide on your rival being your daughter's godfather" Joey commented, snickering.

"Thank you for having me be her godfather, Kaiba" Yugi said with a smile. Seto tched and looked away.

"I'm only going to admit this once. I wouldn't want anyone else as my little girl's godfather than you Yugi."

Jaden's giggles brought everyone's attention back to the girl in Téa's arms. Everyone smiled knowing that this little bundle of joy would melt anyone's hearts, even the most evilest thing out there. Seto and everyone else just hoped that she wouldn't have to face any evil. So, on August thirty-first, Jaden Kaiba was born to the world.

"Happy Birthday Jaden!" Everyone exclaimed as they surrounded the now seven year old. She smiled at all of them.

"Thank you, everyone," she told them giggling. Yugi walked over and picked the little girl up and spun her around. She giggled even more and squealed as her uncle took her from her godfather and put her on his shoulders.

"Who's everyone's favorite little girl?" Joey teased Jaden.

"I am! I am! I'm everyone's favorite little girl" Jaden answered with a bright smile. That brought a smile to everyone's faces, including her father's face. Mia walked over to her husband and niece, and took the little girl from him over to the table with the vanilla cake. Her mother and father stood on each side of her as they sang happy birthday to the seven year old. As she blew out the candles, everyone clapped and Mokuba took a picture. As they ate the cake, Téa walked over and put frosting on the little girl's nose. As her godmother did that, Jaden giggled and did the same thing to Téa.

When everyone finished their piece of cake, Serenity grabbed her daughter and walked over to the table of presents in the living room. When Jaden finished opening all her presents, Yugi walked over to her with a golden box.

"Jaden, I'd like to give you this. I hope you love it" Yugi said with a smile. Jaden grabbed the box and opened it to see a deck of Duel Monster cards. She grabbed the deck and looked at the cards. It seemed to be an Elemental HERO themed deck, but as she got to the bottom, there was a Winged Kuriboh and, what surprised everyone in the room, was the copy of Slifer the Sky Dragon. (Backstory on the god cards is that after the originals were lost with the millennium items when Atem went to the afterlife, Pegasus created copies of the cards. He gave Yugi Slifer, Kaiba Obelisk, and kept Ra for safe keeping) Seto looked at his rival with wide eyes.

"Are you actually giving my daughter your god card?" he asked with a surprised tone. Yugi smiled and nodded.

"I believe she will know how to control Slifer. She's a strong girl and she can talk to Duel Spirits. As long as she doesn't abuse the power of the god card, I trust her to take care of it." Everyone looked at the King of Games. They couldn't believe that he had actually given her the god card.

After Jaden had all her presents in her room, or her playroom if it was a toy, everyone said their goodbyes and went home. Seto took the seven year old up to get ready for bed. When she was tucked in and curled up with all her plushies, he left the girls room to help his wife clean up. Life just got more interesting.

"Dad?" Jaden asked as she entered her father's office. The man looked up at the fifteen year old girl.

"What can I do for you, Jaden?" he asked as he went back to his paperwork. He was going through the applications for his Duel School - Duel Academy - and had to finish them by tomorrow. Anyway, his daughter walked up to his desk and held out a piece of paper, which he recognized immediately after seeing the DA logo in the corner. It was an application for Duel Academy. He looked at Jaden with a bewildered expression. "Are you actually wanting to go to Duel Academy?"

"Yes, but look at the name I wrote down." He looked down and saw the name: Jaden Yuki. He looked at her with a confused look.

"Why would you put your middle name instead of your last name?" Jaden sighed and looked seriously at him.

"I don't want me being your daughter to influence my experience at the academy. I also don't want you to rig the thing that I get in Obelisk Blue when I'm a first year and didn't even go to the Duel Prep School. I want to work to get to the top. I hope you understand." She looked down and started to play with her hands. Seto sighed and stood up to walk over to Jaden. He hugged and kissed the top of the teenager's dual brown hair.

"I do understand, and I'm proud that you want to do this all on your own. I support you no matter what." He smiled down at her and she smiled back at him.

"Thank you dad," Jaden said. She hugged her father, and then left to let him get back to work. He watched as his daughter left then got back to work on approving all the good applicants. Of course, he approved of Jaden's before doing the others. Oh, he was so proud of her.