Bella Pov

I opened my eyes so I went to sit up only to let out a groan when my head started to hurt then realised I hit my head when Marko pushed me out of the way so I placed my hand on my head only to cry out in pain "hello" I called out as I stood up and walked into the main room in the cave to see Maddie and Star asleep on a bed "Star" I shake her shoulder lightly

She turns around to see who woke her up from her slumber to see me standing there "Bella, what's wrong?" she asked in a tired voice as she rubbed her eyes as she looked at Laddie quickly who was still asleep "I need to go so tell them bye" Star heard so she nodded her head and went back to sleep

I walked out of the cave to see I was no where near the boardwalk but saw motorbikes 'hope they don't mind if I borrow a motorbikes' I thought to myself as I sat down on a random motorbike which happened to be David's motorbike then I drove away in hurry to get back there

Soon I arrived at the boardwalk

I looked around to see if I can see Sam or Micheal but didn't see any of them so I get off the bike but put the keys somewhere safe where no one can take the motorbike then started walking around hope to see Micheal or Sam but still did not see them so I turned my head to my right side only to bump into someone "I'm so sorry" I said as I looked to see a teenager with dark brown hair

He looked to see it was the girl who went with the bloodsuckers but she got a big bruise on her face now "it's fine" he said with a small smile on his face then held out his hand "I'm Alan" he introduced himself in a shy voice because he was not good to meet new people especially girls

I shake his hand with a smile on my face "hey Alan, my name is Bella" I introduced myself then I placed my hand on my head again as I saw three Alan's "I don't feel" I trailed off as my eyes started to blur before I knew it I started to fall to the ground as I blacked out

He catches her before she can hit the ground "Bella, can you hear me" he said in a worried voice but got no reply "shit" he cursed but quickly ran to the comic book shop where he and his brother own "Edgar" he shouted for his brother which made Edgar to come running towards him

Edgar saw an unconscious girl in his brothers arms "what's wrong with her?" He asked in a calm voice as he stared at his brother who carried her into the back room while he was following him "Alan' he called out to him as he saw his brother places her on the spare bed and stared at her only to see she had a bruise on her forehead which made him grab the first aid kit so he can cover the bruise with a big plaster on it

I opened my eyes to see someone leaning over me "where I am?" I asked as I sat up with an unfamiliar boy helping me sit up to see Alan standing next to the door "Alan, what happens?" I stared at him as he walked and stood beside me then I looked around the room to see a lot of comic books "you blacked out" I heard Alan inform me which made me look at him again but saw the time was which is half eleven "I gotta go" I said as I stood up and walked out of the room to see I was in the comic book shop but before I leave the store to see Sam looking at a comic book "Sam" I called out to him as I started walking towards him

Sam turned around when he heard someone called out his name to see me heading towards him "Bella" he said as he walked towards me as well "what happened to your face?" He asked as he saw a plaster on my forehead then turned into a worried look "was it that guy who was following you yesterday" he had to know in case he had to protect his close friend but a sister he didn't have "do I have to beat him up" he joked with a laugh "ok, not me but Micheal would do it for you" he said cause he knows Micheal will do anything to protect his friends

I quickly shook my head because somehow I don't like it if someone hurts him "I tripped and hit my head" I halve told him what happened "let's go to the beach" I said as I grabbed his hand with a smile on my face

I was walking beside Sam who had a grin on his face "what's with the grin?" I asked him in a calm voice as I looked at him who looked around the beach which I just arrived to then I looked as well only to see Micheal on the beach picking up rubbish "Michael's here" I said as I forced Sam to go over there "hey Micheal" I said as I waved at him with a smile on my face

Micheal turns to face me with a smile only to disappear when he saw a plaster on my face "what" he said as he removed the plaster to see a bruise on my face which made he glare at it

I let out a giggle at that "I am fine" I said to them th n walked away with Sam close behind me "do you want to go to the concert later?" I asked him in a calm voice as I looked at the ocean to see people having fun in there and to see people falling off their surf boards "cool" I squeaked out as I saw him nod his head and I laughed as I saw people pushing someone down on the water "let's go" I saw it night time for the concert

Sam was dancing with me then I decided to go to their house and fell asleep on the coach